Passion By Control (Passion Series Book 2) (44 page)

BOOK: Passion By Control (Passion Series Book 2)
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“Take a photo it’ll last you longer.” I said teasingly and his eyes lifted to meet mine in the mirror.

“Little witch.” He said, as he smoothed one hand over my ass before digging his fingers into my hip. With his other hand holding his cock steady, he lunged forward, plunging deep into me with one well aimed thrust. He paused for a moment, bending towards me, his eyes meeting mine in the mirror. “Now I’m going to show you how two vampires fuck.” He growled; his words caused a burst of excitement through me that was so intense, my fangs lowered and a sound somewhere between a growl and a groan worked its way up from my throat.

“Bring it on.” I whispered. He grinned at my words, his fangs very white under the bathroom lights. His hands lifted to my shoulders, caressing me, kneading my skin as he continued to watch me through the mirror, not moving, his cock still so hard, filling me, stretching me, making me wish he’d just start moving.

Slowly his palms moved down my back, his eyes following the path of his hands until he reached my hips. I’d barely registered that his fingers dug in hard, holding me firmly before he thrust. He didn’t just thrust though. This was no gentle entering. He slammed in so hard, our bodies made a loud crunching sound as we hit; bone and flesh meeting in a violent clashing.

I gasped, bracing myself on the edge of the vanity, my head back, eyes still on Fabian through the mirror. His pale eyes met mine his lips pulled back in a feral display of animal brutality, as he began to thrust. Each thrust resulted in the very audible connection of our bodies, each drive of his hips spearing that huge cock of his into me. This was nothing like what we’d shared when I’d been human. This was violent, harsh, rough and savage in its intensity. We fucked like barbarians, wildly, untamed, uncivilised. It was inhuman, but then we weren’t human, not any more.

With every thrust, I cried out, at the sheer animalistic coming together of our bodies. It was overwhelming, it was rough, it was fucking incredible. Sex with Fabian as a human had been mind-blowing. Sex with Fabian as a vampire was phenomenal. If it was always going to be like this, then I wanted to fuck forever.

One particularly forceful thrust was enough to have me teetering on the edge of a climax to end all climaxes. If the sheer magnitude of emotions and sensations coursing through me now was any indication of what was to come, I wasn’t sure I could survive it. For the first time ever, I was almost afraid to come.

Suddenly, urgently I needed to feed. I wanted to sink my fangs into Fabian but he was fucking me so hard, his hands holding my hips steady and I had nothing to bite into. With a desperate cry, I ripped one of his hands from my hip and bit down on him, hearing his guttural groan as I started feeding off him.

As I drank, he fucked me, driving so hard into me; I was being beaten up against the vanity. I could hear it creaking under the rough treatment of us fucking against it and I feared we would break it if we kept up the punishing pace of our bodies slamming into it, over and over again.

Finally, the build-up of tension and escalating sensations within me pushed me over the edge. I tore my fangs from Fabian’s arm, my head falling back as I screamed. Pleasure unlike anything I’d ever experienced, exploded through me. It was a never ending sensory overload. It was spine tingling, sensational, exhilarating, it seemed to tear me apart, in an endless ripple of pleasure that flowed through me, to my very extremities. I couldn’t see, I couldn’t hear, I could feel nothing momentarily but the pleasure, as my orgasm held me in its powerful grip.

Finally the room came back into focus; I could feel again, I heard the frantic grunts spilling from Fabian as he chased his own release and I let my head fall forward again, needing to see him, to watch him come. I wanted to witness my beautiful vampire coming apart, knowing that it was only me that could bring him pleasure of this magnitude. That it was only me he cared about enough, to truly let go. It was me, my body, me, his witch, who had him completely in the grip of his desperate need to come, and he was desperate, I could see it etched into every one of his breathtakingly beautiful features.

Suddenly Fabian let out a howl, the sound becoming a bellow and I watched his face twist as if he was in agony. He fell forward over my back, his fangs finding my shoulder and I hissed with a mix of pleasure and pain when he buried them into me. As he drank, I felt him blow inside me, his hips still moving, powering that cock of his into me.

With a savage growl, he bit harder and I shrieked, coming again, my fingers curling so hard into the edge of the vanity, I’m surprised I didn’t leave impressions of them in the marble top.

In what felt like an endless flood, he filled me, coming hard, pumping into me until he had finished. He startled me by pulling out of me, turning me and lifting me onto the edge of the vanity. Immediately he stepped between my parted thighs and I could see he had one hand curled around his still rock hard cock. It was glistening, quite soaked from the mix of our cum that coated it.  

“I love you my beauty.” He groaned before sliding smoothly back into me making us both gasp with pleasure.

With his eyes on mine, he kept moving steadily, thrusting into me, building us up again, but gently this time. This was far more relaxed, loving, an almost sweet coupling of our bodies, now that our earlier desperation had been sated. In no time I felt myself tightening around him and I cried out, as I climaxed again. As I came, I heard Fabian moan and felt the flood of him filling me again as he too reached his release.

We stayed like that, still joined, long after he had softened inside me, him holding me, touching me lovingly, reverently. When he finally stepped back, he turned on the taps in the shower and led me in with him, where he cleaned me, washing the blood from my skin and shampooing my hair. He took care of me, treating me like I was delicate, fragile, before finally drying me off and taking me to bed. In a tangle of arms and legs, we gave in to our exhaustion and drifted off to sleep.



Six Months Later


“Do we really have to do this my beauty?” Fabian asked as they walked into the club with Adrian in his arms.

“Yes we do. Everyone wants to see him and I’m only singing a couple of songs. It’s not a full set, so stop being Mr Grumpy.”

His lips twitched with amusement. “Mr Grumpy? I’ll have you know little witch, no one has ever referred to me as Mr Grumpy before.”

She elbowed him lightly. “Then get used to it, it’s my new name for you.” She grinned before reaching out to brush a couple of strands of Adrian’s nearly black hair back from his face.

He grinned at his mother, a toothless grin, watching her from his silvery green eyes. They were an unusual mix of both his and Sirene’s; the blue/grey of his and his mother’s green. Fabian could tell, looking at his son that he was going to be a real heart breaker one day. Of course he was biased given he was his child, but Adrian was beautiful and everyone tended to agree with that.

When they stepped into the bistro area of the club, Terry came forward to hug Sirene and took Adrian off Fabian, swinging him in his arms. Chloe rushed over to hug them and she too insisted on nursing their son.

Once the meet and greet was over, Sirene left them all to go and perform for her much shorter set than normal. Singing these days was more challenging than it used to be. She still loved it, Fabian could see the pleasure on her face that performing brought her but the crowds, the blood that flowed through them all certainly made it a fight for her to control her basic vampire instincts. Still the exposure to the crowds of humans had been good for her in some ways too, although she might not agree with him on that one.  She’d had to learn control if she was to continue with her job and continue to keep their identity a secret.

When her set was over, she joined the others for a while. She took Adrian off Fabian and into her arms for a nurse. He was growing like a weed and seemed to enjoy his life living in a home with several other vampires. He was never short of some sort of attention that was for sure.

They smiled at his baby giggles when everyone came over to shower him with attention, making goo goo noises at him which made him giggle even harder. He wasn’t shy and sure knew how to play to the crowds when the attention was on him.

“He’s got an ego as big as his dad.” Sirene grinned at him.

Fabian chuckled. “There’s nothing wrong with being confident my beauty. He knows how to charm everyone to get what he wants.”

“Yes, just like his father.” She said dryly.

He pulled her against his side, being careful not to wedge Adrian between them. “Do you not like me the way I am my little witch?”

Sirene shook her head and Fabian’s smile froze. “No, I don’t like the way you are. I love the way you are. I love you.” She whispered and he groaned softly, his lips touching hers.

“Damn, can we get out of here yet? I need to take you home and fuck you my beauty.” His voice held a note of frustration.

“Yes please, take me home, take me to bed.” She kissed his jaw and suddenly his jeans were too tight as his cock jammed up hard against the denim.

“Say goodbye to whoever you have to and let’s get the hell out of here.” He said, dropping a hand on her shoulders and steering her towards her boss and the others.

Once they’d done the socially acceptable thing of saying goodbye, Sirene propped Adrian up on her right hip and they headed out the main doors of the club that led to the car park.




Adrian was cooing happily on my hip as we headed for Fabian’s car and we’d probably made it about halfway across the large car park for the club, when a gunshot rang out. It was no ordinary gunshot. It was a gunshot with a silencer, but with our more enhanced hearing which was typical of being vampire, we still heard the sound. I dropped to the ground in reaction, seeing Fabian come down with me and we both turned to one another in shock.

My eyes scanned him, looking for blood or something to indicate that he’d been hit, but nothing. Despite me not feeling like I’d been hit, I still glanced down and when I did, I screamed, the loud terrified, horrified, distraught scream of a mother who feared for the life of her child.

Adrian wasn’t moving. He was slumped against my body and as I watched, frozen, unable to move, I saw a patch of red spreading out across his chest. So much red and spreading so fast.

“FABIAN!” I shrieked. “It’s Adrian.” Tears began to roll down my face and I couldn’t even react when Fabian reached out with shaking fingers and touched them to our son’s neck.

“No, no, NO!” He roared and my stomach bottomed out. For Fabian to react like that it must be the worst, Adrian had to be dead. Our beautiful miracle boy was gone.

“NO!” My head went back and a cry of sheer agony was torn from my lips as my arms tightened around our son and I began to rock him, loud, tortured sobs ripped from me. “Why…who…why?” I cried and then my eyes caught movement in the trees across the other side of the car park. “Reveal.” I called, waiting to see who it was, my focus on the bright light that lit up Adrian’s shooter and accomplice. They immediately cowered, as if to avoid the light, but there was no escape for them, they couldn’t hide from my witchcraft. “Bring them to me.” I commanded, watching as they were suddenly picked up as if by unseen forces and dropped in front of us. The moment their feet touched the ground again, they turned to run, but they didn’t have a hope in hell. “Bind them” I snapped out the two words, my voice like ice with the fury that surged through me, when I saw the individuals now standing before us, restrained by invisible bindings. “You.” I spat the word at them like I’d just tasted something bad. “You nearly killed me, and now you’ve killed my son? You have no idea what I am, what I can do to you, but you will. You will die for this.” My voice shook with my rage, my devastation, my complete and utter heartache. The fury was rising in me quickly though and I was filled with an all-consuming need for revenge. They were going to pay for what they’d done to our son, for taking Adrian’s life.

“Sirene, these are the men who attacked you?” Fabian asked and I nodded. He leapt up and lunged at them. “Why? Why you fucking assholes? What did she do to you? Bastards for what you did to her and you dare to come back? You...killed…our…son, you are dead.” He roared.

“Fabian, leave them. I’m dealing with them.” I told him and raised my free hand, the one that wasn’t cradling my son’s lifeless body. “Take their bodies, turn to dust, they will pay for this they must.” I screamed as the light sparked out from my fingertips and hit them. They froze, beginning to glow; the glow becoming brighter and brighter until they were totally enveloped by a brilliant white light. They started to scream and the brighter the light became the more they screamed. I watched them for a moment, enjoying their agony, but before their shrieks could alert anyone to their plight, I blew across the palm of my hand. As soon as I did that, there was a loud bang, not unlike the noise made by a party popper. The two men seemed to hang there before us for a moment, encased in the glaring white light, until suddenly they disintegrated. Millions of tiny white shards of light catapulted out in all directions, those white shards fading to nothing more than what looked like white power, until finally they blew away in the trace of a breeze, and were gone.

The moment they were gone, I lost all strength, collapsing over our son’s body, cradling him close to me as the strong, sweet smell of his blood rose up between our bodies. As I held him tightly, tears streaming down my face, blinding me, overwhelming me, I felt Fabian’s arms close around myself and Adrian and he too wept, the sound of his heart broken tears, tearing loud, equally gut wrenching sobs from me.

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