Passion By Control (Passion Series Book 2) (45 page)

BOOK: Passion By Control (Passion Series Book 2)
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Suddenly Fabian froze, his sobbing quieting. “Wait, Sirene, our son is not dead. Listen, you can hear his heart beating. It’s faint, but he’s alive still.”

I lifted my head, barely able to see him for the tears blinding me. “What? Are you sure? For fuck sakes, please, if that’s the case we have to do something?”

Fabian’s expression filled with sorrow and a look of resignation which frightened me. “My beauty, I’m so sorry but we can’t turn him. He’s a baby. He will always, for all eternity be a baby if we make him vampire. It’s one of the rules of being vampire, we don’t turn children. Don’t you see? As a vampire baby, he would never grow, never be able to do anything himself. We would have to feed him blood bottles for eternity. It’s not fair to him, to us, to condemn him to an eternal life like that. I’m so sorry.” His voice cracked and I watched fresh tears track a path down his cheeks.

“Don’t tell me that, I don’t want to hear that. Don’t make it sound so final. We have to do something.” I cried. “He can’t die, please, he can’t die. There must be something we can do. As much as it pains me to say it I don’t want him to be frozen for eternity as an infant either. We would be bound to keep him safe forever and it’s not fair to him. He needs to experience life, to become an adult, he needs to live, he needs...” My voice trailed off as an idea began to formulate in my head. It was crazy, wild and potentially dangerous; it sure as hell might not work, but it was worth a try because the alternative was to watch the life slip right out of our son’s body, to see him lost to us forever.

“What is it Sirene? I see something in your eyes. What are you thinking?”

“I’m going to try using witchcraft on him. It’s a crazy idea, even I can see that, but I can’t think of an alternative. It may not work, but at this stage I have to try or we’re….we’re…we’re going to lose our son.” I finished, another flood of tears filling my eyes. “We have to move from here, to a more private place. I can’t afford to have anything interrupt this.”

“Come give me Adrian.” Fabian reached over and gently took our son’s unconscious body from me.

Quickly we moved to the far corner of the car park, into a dark area well away from the lighting and on a patch of soft grass, he gently laid our son down. His clothes were dark with blood now and I knew we were running out of time.

I screwed up my forehead, wracking my brain for inspiration, for some ideas on what to do to save our son. “Fast forward the clock for our son, take him from an infant and make him a man. Let the time for the rest of us stand still, let this time alteration only affect Adrian.” I chanted, cringing at my incantation, waiting to see if anything happened, waiting to see if it would work and save our son.

As soon as the words left my lips; a white light, so bright it was blinding surrounded Adrian’s body. It formed a circle around him, getting brighter and brighter, so bright Fabian and I were forced to shield our eyes. The light began to spin around him rising up; forming what looked like a vortex, getting faster and faster.

“Fuck!” I heard Fabian cry out as he stared at the phenomenon before us. As we watched, we could see into the centre of it and it was like watching a movie on fast forward.

“Holy fuck, look at him.” Fabian cried again and we both watched; me in nervous anticipation as to whether this spell was going to work or not. Where Adrian lay, we could see him changing, growing, his body lengthening, even his hair getting longer. It was happening so rapidly until his growing body tore through the clothing he’d had on as a baby, leaving him naked. Finally it stopped, the light dying from around him and both Fabian and I got to see our son, now a grown man lying where only moments before his six month old body had been.

When everything around Adrian had stilled and the darkness had closed over us again, we stepped forward and stared down at him. The first thing that struck me was how beautiful he was. He was beyond beautiful and that was not just the biased thoughts of a doting, loving mother. Adrian was stunning, magnificent, absolute fucking perfection.

“Look at him.” I breathed, staring at him in awe. “He’s so beautiful, so perfect.”

Fabian’s expression mirrored my love and awe before he turned to me. “We need to change him now. He’s still in danger of dying, but at least now we can turn him and he will have the opportunity to have a good life as vampire.”

“He is our son; we should drain him together and give him the blood from both of us together.” I said and he nodded.

I put my hand out to touch my beautiful son’s face and moved down to feel for his pulse. He was breathing, just, the hole still visible in his chest where the bullet had entered him.

We both moved to either side of him and picked up a wrist each, biting into him and drinking from him until his heart missed a beat. Fabian ripped into his wrist while I pulled Adrian’s mouth open and he started feeding his blood to him.

While he did that, I kept a close eye on our son’s throat and finally saw just the tiniest hint of movement to indicate he was swallowing. As he drank, his swallows steadily became stronger and when Fabian had fed as much blood to him as he could without weakening himself too much, I took over and fed Adrian from my own wrist.

Once we were done, there was nothing more that we could do but wait for him to begin the change. I kept staring at him, my head spinning with the events of the last half hour or so.

Our son had been a sweetheart at six months. He’d been beautiful and everyone loved him but nothing could have prepared me for what our son would look like as an adult. He was going to break hearts everywhere. I just hoped he wouldn’t be as big an arse as his father had been with women.

He was tall, even lying flat on the ground I could see that, well over six feet tall. He looked to have a muscular build which was a little surprising given he hadn’t done anything physical with his body, going from baby to adult, but he must have inherited his build from his father. He had broad shoulders and incredibly long hair due of course to his accelerated aging and no hairdresser. It was black like mine, but appeared to have streaks of a lighter colour, like a dark blonde. He had strong features, a well-defined jaw, high cheek bones and incredibly long eyelashes. His eyes had been the unusual mix of my green and Fabian’s blue/grey, pale like his father’s so despite our son now being an adult, it was unlikely after all the changes that his eyes would have changed. I would have to wait until he changed to see them, and how they looked now, in the face of my adult son.

I stared at him, fascinated, overwhelmed at what had happened, overcome with what I’d done. Had I done the right thing? Would Adrian be alright? The spell was risky; anything to do with witchcraft was. It was like playing God in some ways, and I’d now done it twice. Firstly with Fabian when I’d reversed time and now with our son where I’d accelerated time for him. Would we get away with it, or would there be consequences? Only time would tell.

“Listen Sirene; hear his heart? It’s slowing, he’s changing. Our son will be with us soon as vampire. Are you ready for what this is going to mean? We don’t know if he’s going to have the mental capacity of an adult yet but the biggest issue we’re going to have apart from taking him home to meet the others, we’re going to have to figure out what to do about Chloe, Cassandra, your boss, everyone who knows of Adrian. We can hardly turn up with an adult man now and announce he’s our son.” Fabian gave me a rueful smile.

“We could use mind control maybe? Can we alter the minds of everyone who knows of him? It’s not like they will see him all the time, so one by one, we can alter the minds of those who knew of Adrian’s existence. Will that work?” I asked.

Fabian sighed deeply. “That’s what I was thinking too my beauty. We will just have to deal with people one at a time until no one remembers that we have a son.”

We heard Adrian’s heart give one final beat and it was silent. It was now only a matter of time and our son would be awake, the change complete.

Suddenly he opened his eyes and I gasped when I saw them, they were stunning. They were sort of the same as they’d been when he was a baby, but somehow different. They were pale, an unusual shade of blue/grey with flecks of jade green and they seemed to almost glow in the dim lighting.

He looked up at us, his gaze clouded and vague at first and I dropped down, reaching out to him. “Adrian, Adrian, do you know who I am?” I asked him.

Fabian dropped down alongside of me and he too reached out to our son. Adrian’s eyes shifted from myself to Fabian and back to me, a frown drawing his brows together.

“Adrian, are you ok? Baby, please, say something. Do you know who we are?” I asked him again.  

Finally he turned those strange pale eyes on me and sat up. “Mother?” His voice was surprisingly deep but with a gravelly tone to it as if he hadn’t used it for a long time. His eyes shifted to Fabian. “Father? What happened? Where am I?” He glanced down at himself and it was as if he’d only just noticed he was naked, dropping his hands to cover himself. “Why am I naked? God, I’m so confused. I don’t remember anything and I don’t know why I’m here.”

I slipped my arm around him. “It’s ok Adrian. You father and I will explain everything to you, but first we need to get your out of here. Come with us my son.” I took his arm and straightened. He followed me until he was standing next to Fabian. I stared at the two men, my son and my lover. They were both such beautiful men. Our son was a stunning blend of both of us, and tall, incredibly tall. He was even slightly taller than his father and Fabian was a very tall man.

I led him towards our car and managed to get him inside without anyone seeing us. Fabian and I climbed in too and we drove out of the car park, heading for home. It was going to be interesting explaining this one to the others when we got back, given we’d gone out with our infant son and were coming home with our adult vampire son.

“I need clothes Mother. I can’t sit here naked. Where are we going? I want clothes, give me clothes.” Adrian said and there was a flash of light around him.

Fabian jumped on the brakes and the Rolls Royce skidded to a halt. We both turned to the back seat and our eyes widened at the sight of Adrian sitting there fully dressed.

“Holy shit!” Fabian groaned. “He’s a fucking warlock.”





When they pulled up in the driveway of their home Fabian was the first out of the car. Before he could move around to Sirene’s door, she was out and opening the back door to their son.

Adrian climbed out; his head tipping back to stare up at the large sprawling home before him. The moonlight shone down on him, reflecting off his impressive mane of long black and dirty blonde streaked hair which rippled down his back, stopping just short of his waist.

“Son, you know what we told you in the car, what happened, how you came to be an adult and vampire now but none of the other vampires know what happened yet, so be prepared for them to be somewhat surprised when they see you. Do you need to feed from someone before we take you inside? Are you not hungry?” Fabian asked.

Adrian’s strange pale eyes met his. “No father, I’m fine for now. Can’t I simply drink from you or mother should I feel hungry?”

“My baby, the blood from us will sustain you but not fill you properly.” Sirene said. “Are you sure you wouldn’t prefer to feed before we go inside?”

“Please mother, father, I am fine. I wish to go inside. I suddenly feel quite tired so I would like to sleep if that is alright with you two?”

“Of course it is, my son.” Fabian said. “We shall go inside and you can see the others now then. Come.” He took the lead, but his mind was racing with all that had happened, and that nagging worry that all had gone too well. Their son seemed fine, too fine and too calm, too relaxed given he’d been a six month old baby only a few hours ago. Would everything be fine, or were there to be consequences they hadn’t seen yet? That was the worry.

Together they all walked up the stairs to the house and let themselves inside. Fabian led the way down the lengthy corridor to the living room. When he stepped inside, Damien, Dominick, Allegra and Francesca were seated on various lounges. Francesca looked extremely bored though and she barely made any effort to acknowledge Fabian.

Suddenly her eyes widened and she sat up, interest in her gaze as she looked at something beyond his shoulder and Fabian knew exactly what she was looking at.




Francesca’s eyes widened at the sight of the gorgeous creature that followed her sire into the room. Fuck he was magnificent. As he drew closer she realised he seemed strangely familiar to her, but she was sure she’d remember meeting someone as stunningly beautiful as him. She frowned, confused as to the feeling of familiarity all the same. What was it about him?

She stood, walking towards him and stared up into his face and her stomach tightened, desire surging through her when his strange pale eyes met hers. As she studied him and he watched her, recognition hit her and she gasped. “Holy fucking hell!” She whispered.




Damien pulled himself upright at his sister’s gasp and curiosity got him off the lounge at the sight of Francesca staring open mouthed at the stranger before them. Who the hell was he? Father never brought anyone home unless it was a woman to fuck and since he’d fallen in love with Sirene, no women had come to the house unless they were ones he or Lucian brought around.

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