Payce's Passions (13 page)

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Authors: Piper Kay

BOOK: Payce's Passions
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“I’ve had that piercing for about three years now, you like?” he asks.

“Mmmm…hmmm.” I can’t even make myself speak real words right now.

My eyes roll up in my head as the metal balls from his frenulum piercing rub back and forth over the head of my dick. He thrusts against me and I press harder against him, he tightens his grip around us. Pumping our dicks back and forth against each other into his hand, I can’t contain myself and surrender to the heat and passion of the moment.

“God you’re about to make me come all over you,” I say and lower myself to his mouth, lapping at his pouty lips, as I pump against him.

“Mmmm…” he growls and I suck him into my mouth, and his hand squeezes around us.

I stretch my legs out against his, supporting my weight with my arms, and thrust harder and harder against him. As he moans, his body quivers beneath me and that’s all it takes.

My arms begin to shake from holding my body weight on them and with several hard pushes he moans out, releasing. I’m coming instantly hearing him.

“Brax, oh fuck, Brax. Yesss,” I yell his name, as tremors surge through my body. I erupt with one last thrust against him.

I can’t catch my breath or support my body anymore. I collapse against him, feeling the wetness between us and I don’t even care. My head drops on his chest, I’m heaving against him.

“Holy fuck,” I gasp.

He’s panting and I can feel his heart pounding against mine, then laughter rumbles through his chest. I lean up and look down at him.

“Not the most appropriate time to be laughing, is it? What’s so damn funny?” I ask.

“That was perfect.” He laughs out loud again and I grin at him, his laugh is contagious. “Just fucking perfect, Payce.”

“What?” I’m laughing too, but no clue why yet. “Tell me.”

“I told you I’d have you yelling my name, didn’t I?”

I roll off of him and onto my back almost ready to pout like a school girl. Brax did exactly what he said he would. Now that’s a man, someone who says they’re going to do something and they do it. He made me lose total control with him, and I couldn’t have stopped it even if I tried. Nothing has ever felt that damn good before. “Yeah, you told me.”
. I can’t think of anything clever to say as a comeback, so it’s the best I got to answer him.

“It’s okay, baby.” He leans over to me, still laughing and nibbles at my lips. “Come on, don’t pout now.” His body starts to shake from laughing now. Brax is truly enjoying this.

“I’m not fucking pouting, Brax.” I wrap my arms around him and pull him down to me, he’s still got a case of the damn giggles.

Brax slows his breathing, and finally stops. Geez, as much as I want to be angry, or frustrated, or whatever the hell I’m supposed to even be feeling right now for completely losing control, I just can’t. He was right, so fucking right and I have to give him that.

He leans up and kisses my lips again. “I’ve missed you, man.”

“Mmmm…hmmm.” He’s not getting anything more from me right now, other than short quick responses until I can figure out how to save my fucking ego.

“That’s all I get? No I missed you too or anything? Mmmm…hmmm?” A huge shit-eating grin spreads across his face. “Awe, did big bad Payce lose himself for a minute?” he burst out laughing again and pulls back. “I enjoyed it.”

I feel a smirk form across my face. “Good. Now let it go, man, okay?” I perch up on my elbows.

Brax crawls back on his hands and knees, and sits up. “I’m sorry.” He bends to me, giving a quick peck as he talks. “I was just playing with you.” He raises an eyebrow to me and smiles.

He’s really enjoying this. I grin back because he’s too fucking cute, and a little too confident for his own damn good. I lean up, and pull him against my mouth. “I’m not mad at you.”

“Good.” He jumps up. “I’ll get us a towel to clean up.”

I lock my hands behind my head and watch his sexy ass strut to the end of the hallway. He turns to face me.

“Hey, Payce?” He’s still wearing that victorious shit-eating grin.


“Who’s your fucking daddy?” He burst out laughing and darts around the corner.

“Cocky asshole, you’re paying for that one, man, big time.” I jump up, laughing, and chase after him.

Fucking smartass! He’s never going to let me live it down. God, I’ve missed him too. He’s still paying for that cheap shot though.


Chapter Thirteen



Even though I’m laughing on the inside, I try to calm and contain myself before the control freak in Payce makes him wig out and start pulling away. It’s very obvious he’s used to running the show and being in control. I don’t want him to feel too uncomfortable, but the partial top inside of me loves what just happened.

Payce enters the room, still grinning from ear to ear. I guess he’s more okay with it than I thought, at least this one time. I slap my hand on the top of the bed for him to sit down. With the warm washrag, I sponge over his chest and stomach. It feels good to be near him again, to finally see where things can go for us.

He looks up, his eyes meet mine, and he arches his brow. I can tell he’s not used to someone taking care of him. Knowing him, his hard headed ass probably never gave anyone the chance. He reaches out to my thighs, gliding his hands up and down me, his stare is fucking intense as hell right now.

Our chemistry is just as strong as it ever was. The spark between us is electrifying, it’s incredible how everything instinctively comes back, like we never missed a day. Payce gnaws at the inside of his lip, still staring into my eyes. I’d almost forgotten how expressive and seductive he can be.

“What’s going on in that head of yours? I can see it all over you.” I smirk at him.

Payce doesn’t say a word, but his hand inches up and around my waist, resting against the small of my back. Caresses from his thumb cause chill bumps to spread all over me. He’s tender and affectionate, which is not in his character, so I’m not sure what to make of it.

Payce has never been gentle, I didn’t know he had it in him. He’s always had a roughness about him, that made him comes off as a bad boy, a trouble maker. Seeing this soft and compassionate side of him is a first, it makes him seem vulnerable. It sort of tugs at my heart. Payce tilts his head to the side and pulls me down to him. I bend over, cupping him in my palms, and give him a kiss, before backing away from him.

Over our years away from each other, I’ve grown into a person who is secure and confident in my manhood. I also learned how to read and react to people, and right now, everything about Payce screams control. I only recognize it in him because we grew up together, but there is no doubt in my mind, he’s still fighting and holding on to a lot of insecurities. Payce always needed to be the strong one, so I’ll hand over the control reigns to him…for now.

He reaches for me, grabbing my face and pulling me to him. He eases his tongue between my lips. Slowly, he glosses over the top of my tongue, then slips underneath, and ends it with a long pucker. He takes a deep breath and smiles.

One thing that hasn’t changed with Payce is the suckish way he tries to hide feelings or to protect something, like he’s trying to do right now. He can probably pull that off with everyone, except me, I’ve known him too long. It’s all in his eyes, they’ve always been a dead giveaway. His trust issues run as deep as mine do and my guess is that he’s trying to figure out where I fit on that scale.

Payce moves his head, his cheek rubs against mine before he brushes slowly across my lips, his warm breath washes over me. He glides his pucker back to my cheek, then peppers my face in tender kisses. The man is so fucking swoony it’s scary, but it’s the mixed signals he’s firing off that have me concerned. He’s switching back and forth, like caution lights. He’s got one hell of a battle going on inside him right now.

I spread my legs and straddle over his lap. The warmth radiates from his naked body and washes over me, as need and desire rush in. I have to show him that it’s okay to open up, but how?

He hugs me, drawing me tighter, and rests his forehead against mine. His eyelids flutter slightly, damn it’s seductive. He locks me with his hypnotic gaze and without having to say a word, he’s got me.

I run my fingertips under his hairline then trickle them down his back, causing his breath to catch. He inhales a deep, long breath and blows out slowly, finally surrendering. He folds into my arms, resting his head against my chest. With both arms, I snug him in tight to me, never wanting to let him go. I have to reassure him, I need him to know that no matter what he’s been through or has buried deep down inside himself, it’s over. Everything is going to be fine now.

I’ve held him so long that my body weight has to be killing his legs.


Before I can say anything else, he grabs me at my hips and guides me off of him. Standing up with me, he puts his hands on my sides turning me to the bed, before easing me down. He stretches out beside me and leans over my upper body. His foot slides underneath mine and he presses in tight against me.

Payce moves the hair off of my forehead, then strokes his palm against my cheek. He glances at my lips, then lightly traces over them, before puckering against me.  He leans back about an inch from my face, his eyes close and he licks over his bottom lip before biting into it. His brows furrow into a frown and I know that’s it. He’s fighting that internal thing again, he lets out a deep sigh. Something’s not right.

“I’m sorry, Brax.” He lowers to kiss me, then raises back up, blinking.
Payce pulls away from me.

No! I can’t lose him again, not after just finding him. My heart begins to beat faster, skipping an occasional beat, then my mind jumps into overdrive, with thoughts racing in and out of my head.

Panic attack in true Brax mode. Play by play.

Welcome to Panic Attack Speedway. We’re here for the finals in our hot shot, one lap round. The drivers pull up to the start line, motors vrooming and the crowd cheers in anticipation. ~rah, rah~ Gentlemen, start your engines. The green flag is up, the crowd goes ballistic…and we’re off.  Brax is in the lead, look at him go, he’s jumping straight into one conclusion followed by another, about nearly anything and everything that Payce could have ever been sorry for. Brax approaches the first curve, halfway through the turn, it dons on him…Payce’s past of course, that has to be it, except that it was never Payce’s fault that they all stayed in trouble as kids. Braxton is forced to toss that thought right out the window and speed forward. As Brax approaches the second curve, his tires squeal, as he brakes hard, remembering that without Payce he’d probably have died three or four times. Brax puts pedal to the metal and is able to slam that thought to the back of his brain, but it’s a tight race and he zooms ahead. Almost breaking the sound barrier, he hurries to catch up with the other racing thoughts that are flying by him, what about when Payce left? Although being arrested that day probably wasn’t on Payce’s priority hit list of things to do to that day, he still didn’t ever look for Brax after he was released either. What was the reason for that? Brax slides around the third curve lining up for the final stretch to the finish line. He’s slamming it hard, humming right past the other thoughts when he feels a rear end crash. Brax has been hit, totally smacked by that one thought that could bring him to his knees, costing him the whole race. What if Payce is leaving now, but apologizing in advance. And with that…BAM. A loud backfire cracks through the stadium and a cloud of dark smoke fills the car. Braxton is done, he never even gets to the finish line before it’s over. Braxton is out of the race. The crowd boos in disappointment. Brax tosses his hat down and prepares to pitch a schoolgirl hissy fit.

“You’re leaving again, aren’t you?” I tighten my eyes shut and dread the answer.

How fucking stupid am I to think it would be different this time. It’s my own damn fault for not feeling out the situation before throwing my hands in the air and assuming it would all be fine. Payce is the only one that ever broke my heart, I’ve never let anyone else in to try that one since. Now he pops back up, and like an idiot, I’ve taken on the intellectual capabilities of a fucking rock. I abandoned all caution and internal warnings to the wind without a second thought. 
How could I be this stupid?

Payce pulls away from me completely and I dive into silent prayers. I keep repeating it over and over in my head, willing it to be heard.

The crowd gets silent, waiting to see if he stomps his feet and puts his hands on his hips.

I take a deep breath and open my eyes.

Payce is laying on his side, legs stretched out and his head propped up on one hand looking at me. I take a deep gulp, but I can’t find my voice to say anything, I’m just relieved that he’s still here.

He touches my stomach, running his fingers through the hair at my navel, a grin peeks from the corner of his lips. He strokes my cheek with the back of his knuckles.

“I’m not leaving, Brax.” He closes his eyes.

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