Perfect Together (23 page)

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Authors: Carly Phillips

BOOK: Perfect Together
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The ice, a stark contrast to her heated flesh, melted on contact, leaving droplets of water in its wake, and she arched into the cooling sensations. Sam added texture to his ministrations, brushing his thumbs over her already distended nipples, awakening her nerve endings that begged for a harder touch, but he didn’t linger in any one spot.

Instead he retrieved another cube from the Lucite bucket and worked his way down her stomach, her muscles rippling and clenching at the icy trail he created. He outlined the top of her bikini bottom, sliding the ice along her lower abdomen, keeping his fingers in the mix, stroking her aroused flesh everywhere—except where she needed it most. Every touch, every brush of his callused fingertips might as well have been directly on her sex, because the tiny bud throbbed
and ached as if he were physically touching her, and she arched her hips, seeking deeper contact.

Sam pressed his lips to her stomach, lapping at the droplets of water and kissing her skin. She moaned at the intimate touch, unable to hold back the sounds of pleasure.

Forcing her heavy eyelids open, she caught sight of his golden-brown hair, his face lost to her, buried against her.

“Sam,” she said, his name escaping, the word more a plea.

“Right here.” Which sounded like a promise, and moisture dampened her bottoms even more.

He hooked his fingers into the sides of her bikini and slowly slid the bathing suit down and off her legs.

Bared in broad daylight beneath the afternoon sun, she ought to be embarrassed, but she knew they were alone. And with his green-gold gaze darkened with desire, she didn’t care about anything except the pulsing needs of her body and his.

“So damn sexy,” he said, lowering his head to her body once more.

Only this time he slid his tongue directly over her damp sex and began to work her in earnest. No more teasing, his tongue slid over her outer folds, giving each one thorough, loving treatment, before sliding his tongue briefly over her clit.

Her hips jerked and she gripped his head, centering herself, unable to hold still as the beautiful sensations built inside her. “Sam, God. Don’t stop.”

One long swipe of his tongue was her answer.

Then he grasped her thighs and slid his tongue inside her. She pulled at his hair, thrusting her hips against his eager mouth. He gripped her legs tighter, playing her body faster, flicking his tongue back and forth over her clit, then
easing off long enough for her to catch her breath, only to start up again.

He brought her close and pulled back, close and pulled back, until she writhed beneath him, a frantic mess of need, every nerve ending in her body screaming for the release he deliberately denied her.

Then suddenly, he nipped at her clit and then pressed his tongue down hard and flat against her and she shattered, her body imploding in the most mind-blowing orgasm that seemed to go on and on, until she could swear she saw bright, colorful stars behind her eyes.

She’d barely come back to herself when a shadow loomed over her. Sam stood before her. He’d shed his swim trunks and his big, beautiful body stood poised at her entrance.

He glanced down at her and groaned. “The damned lounge chair is too low. I need to fuck you and I can’t do it on that flimsy thing.” Before she could blink, he lifted her up and into his arms.

“Then get us inside,” she said in a husky voice she didn’t recognize.

He nodded and headed into the house, her still-throbbing heat rubbing almost painfully against his hard erection as he carried her to their guest bedroom.

She pressed her lips against his and wrapped her legs around his waist. “I could get used to being carried around naked by you,” she said, nuzzling her face into the sweat-slickened skin of his neck, reveling in his masculine scent and heat.

He stiffened at her words, but before she could react, he had her flat on her back, pulled her to the edge of the bed, and thrust home. He was big, thick, and she needed him
inside her more than she’d realized. Her body tightened around him, pulling him in deeper.

She opened her eyes just as he slid out and thrust back inside. She felt him everywhere, and she moaned her approval. “More,” she said, arching her hips.

“You sure?”

She nodded.

He closed his eyes and took her harder, pounding into her with renewed determination. The muscles corded in his neck, his jaw set tight, and she marveled that she made him lose control this way. The very thought had her body reacting, and she welcomed the insistent pleasure that began building all over again.

As he took her hard, she was lost, and knew the last of her walls had crumbled. She’d always known she could fall hard for him even as she’d agreed to nothing serious between them. And as he played her body so well, bringing her over the edge once more, she took that final tumble into love.

Sam opened his eyes and watched Nicole’s face, taking in the soft expression as she came hard, again, for him.

“God, Sam, I’m still coming.” Awe and passion etched her words, his willing partner in every way.

He held on by a thread but wanted her to finish, to milk every last bit of her pleasure around his cock before he let go.

She arched, her body clamping around him, her inner walls rippling. With her gorgeous face open and honest as pleasure consumed her, his body tightened and her final cry triggered his release and he poured himself into her, pounding over and over until he was done, spent, gone.

He collapsed on top of her, breathing heavily, until he felt her fingers sift through his hair. His heart beat hard in
his chest and he knew it wasn’t just a physical response to phenomenal sex. Although it had been that.

The usual fear of commitment and ultimate rejection threatened to set in, and he fought it back. For right now, what they shared was solid. Not to mention how much she needed him to stand by her throughout this mess with Tyler’s father and his business.

He couldn’t predict the future but if nothing else, he could damn well enjoy the present.

A while later, they'd shared a shower, which had been
a repeat of their earlier coupling, this time standing up in the small stall. Afterward, Nicole said she had a phone call to make, and he’d left her alone, giving her privacy, promising to find them something to eat.

Sam shook his head, unable to remember the last time he’d been with a woman, stayed to shower, planned to eat with her, then headed back to bed. If he wasn’t careful, he was afraid he’d be calling what he and Nicole shared a relationship.


He turned his focus to the fridge in the kitchen. Sara loved to cook and she always had extra meals in the fridge. Sure enough, he found lasagna with a note to him to heat up whatever they wanted. It was easy enough to preheat the oven before heading back to let Nicole know they’d be eating in about forty minutes.

He walked down the hallway, pausing outside the bedroom door at the sound of Nicole’s voice.

“Yes, it’s Nicole Farnsworth. I’ve been on hold to talk to my sister, Victoria?” A pause, then, “No, it’s not our regularly
scheduled time, but it’s our birthday—I mean, we’re twins. So I wanted to call and—”

Silence followed, while Nicole listened to the other person on the phone. “Yes, I’ll hold for her doctor,” Nicole said.

Sam leaned against the wall, surprised by what he’d heard. The whole day had passed and he hadn’t known it was her birthday. Her phone hadn’t rung. Nobody had called to wish her well. He ran his hand through his hair, remembering what she’d told him about her parents. How they rarely remembered she was around unless they needed something from her.

A painful knot formed in his chest as he thought of his parents and siblings, and the birthdays he’d had, both growing up and as an adult. Nicole’s utter isolation gave him a completely new appreciation of family. Of the love and caring he’d always taken for granted. He’d had no way of knowing, understood she wouldn’t be upset with him, but he doubted a belated
Happy birthday
would take the sting out of the day and wondered what he could do to make it up to her.

“Hi, Dr. Templeton. What’s going on?” Nicole asked.

More silence, during which Sam wondered what was happening with her sister.

“I thought . . . I mean, last time we spoke Victoria said she was getting better. That you were talking about giving her a day pass, to see—” Nicole’s voice brought Sam out of his introspection, followed by that damning quiet as she listened again, Sam thought.

“I see.” Voice lowered, Nicole’s pain and disappointment filtered through to Sam. “Sure. Okay, yes. Thank you for explaining everything to me yourself. Good-bye.”

A loud sob followed, and Sam pushed open the door without knocking.

spun around at the sound of his entrance and immediately wiped her eyes with her hands.

“Don’t pretend nothing’s wrong.”

She visibly stilled. “I’m fine.”

He shook his head and stepped closer. “No, you’re not. I heard your end of the call. Whatever’s wrong with your sister, you don’t have to hide it from me.”


“But I’m here for you. End of discussion.” He slid his arm around her waist and pulled her against him. Ignoring how his body lit up at contact wasn’t easy, but she needed more than sex to make her feel better now. “Talk to me.”

Nicole pushed out of his embrace. “My sister isn’t getting better. She’s fighting the meds, and when she told me she would have permission to come out on leave? That was her being delusional.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be.” She let out a harsh laugh. “It protects your family from having to deal with her any time in the near future.”

She spun away but he caught her arm, halting her emotional retreat. “Hey! Don’t run away from me.”

She turned, her glassy red eyes kicking him in the gut.

“I’ve always dealt with Victoria’s issues and problems myself.”

He nodded. After she’d broken her engagement, she’d been alone. She’d chosen to move to Serendipity. Alone. And now she’d taken this hit from her twin, expecting to be—alone.

His heart broke a little more as he realized how solitary her life had been. He didn’t want her to be alone right now. Not when she had him.

back here.” He extended his arms.

She hesitated a brief second, then launched herself into his embrace. He brought her to the bed and let her cuddle into him, stroking her hair as she cried.

“She’s in a good place,” Sam said of her twin. “You know she’s getting help, not out on her own, where she could possibly hurt herself.”

Nicole hiccupped in an attempt to catch her breath, and she managed a small laugh. “I know that. I do. I guess—” She trailed off, obviously not wanting to explain.

“Come on. Let it out.” His hand cupped the back of her head, urging her to talk to him.

She sighed. “I let myself start to think about the possibility that she’d come out whole and healthy, ready to live her life. And maybe then I’d have someone there for me always. Like sisters are supposed to be. Like family is supposed to be.”

He heard the hurt and disappointment in her voice and ached for her. “I get it. But you’re making solid friends in Serendipity, right?”

She pushed back, turning to face him, propping herself up with one hand. “I am. It’s still new, but I feel comfortable and welcomed.”

“What about your friends at home?” he asked, curious about her past life.

“They’re all caught up in the social scene I grew up in. I kept up appearances when I was working for Tyler’s mother’s campaign because I needed their support, but after I broke off the engagement and moved away . . .” She shrugged. “I didn’t keep in touch with them and vice versa.”

He reached out and rolled her on top of him. She was
wearing an oversized T-shirt that hiked up on her thighs. And though he had on a pair of cargo shorts and a soft T-shirt, he was suddenly hot and felt overly constricted in his clothes.

“You’re brave, do you know that?” he asked, focusing on what was important and what she needed from him now, not his body’s aggressive demands.

“If you consider running away brave.”

He brushed her hair off her face. “I consider walking away from a life that didn’t suit you brave. Same with picking up and starting over in a new place.”

Her eyes warmed at his compliments.

“And holding all your problems inside? That’s pretty—”

“Stupid. Do not say
.” She grinned, and he knew he’d broken through her sadness.

“Since you had your reasons, I suggest we let that one go.”

“Thank you,” she murmured.

“For what?”

“For not letting me get so deep into my own head that I forget all the good things in my life. And Sam?”

“Hmm?” With her body bracketing his, her scent teasing him, her feminine warmth arousing him, he was finding it harder and harder to concentrate.

“You’re one of those good things.” She tugged at his T-shirt and he shifted, helping her yank it over his head.

He tossed the garment onto the floor. She pulled at his shorts next, and those followed the same path. He removed her shirt too and discovered that she was nude beneath it.

“Oh, man,” he muttered, taking her in. Pale breasts stood in contrast to the rest of her now-tanned body, and he groaned at the sight.

reached out and tweaked one nipple, and she responded with a soft moan. His cock twitched at the sexy sound. He maneuvered himself into a sitting position, intending to suck that tempting peak into his mouth, but she scooted down on him instead.

“My turn,” she murmured, and leaned close, swiping the head of his cock with a lick of her tongue.

He swore. Her pleasuring him was not what he’d had in mind when he set out to make her forget her troubles, but from the hazy look in her eyes, she was wholly focused on him and nothing else. So mission accomplished, he thought, falling back against the pillows at the same time she enclosed her mouth over his aching shaft and sucked him deep.

Buried in the moist recesses of her mouth, he felt the suction all the way into his balls before she released him, licked her way back to the tip and started all over again. He just might die if she kept up the rhythm. He’d never gone from zero to sixty so damned fast.

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