Phil Parham

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Authors: The Amazing Fitness Adventure for Your Kids

BOOK: Phil Parham
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What Others Are Saying about
The 90-Day Fitness Challenge
, also by Phil and Amy Parham

“The 90-Day Fitness Challenge
is a wonderful compilation of the principles, anecdotes, and information that not only helped to change the lives of my friends, Phil and Amy Parham, but can serve to change the lives of its readers as well. From their DREAM principle to the daily mini-challenges and tips, along with the combination of faith principles, inspirational quotes, and noteworthy statistics, Phil and Amy provide guidance for anyone looking to get on the path to a healthy lifestyle.”

, winner, Season 4 of
NBC's The Biggest Loser

“The 90-Day Fitness Challenge
is a great read for those desiring to lose weight and keep God at the center. Having watched Phil and Amy work out at Dl, I believe their testimony will motivate and inspire people to desire to better themselves. I have been around the fitness industry a long time and have a strong passion for overall wellness. It is awesome to experience Phil and Amy sharing a similar passion!”

, president and CEO,
Dl Sports Training and Therapy

“Phil and Amy Parham prove there are no quick fixes, but in
The 90-Day Fitness Challenge,
they show how in a brief period of time you can lay the foundation for a lifetime of healthy habits.”


“Phil and Amy Parham inspired me on
The Biggest Loser,
and they will inspire you to reach your goals. This book covers aspects of health that so many others leave out. I was excited to get to the next chapter!”

, winner, Season 8 of
NBC's The Biggest Loser

“The first book that I've ever read that clearly spells out the right steps to take to gain a healthy lifestyle. Phil and Amy Parham have taken the guesswork out of the equation. Apply these principles and in 90 days your DREAM will be a reality.”

, morning radio DJ and multisport athlete

“It takes a special kind of courage to face your personal demons, and an even greater courage to accept that many of them exist as a result of your bad choices. The ultimate courage is to right those wrongs. Phil and Amy Parham have done just that, and their book will inspire many of us to do the same.”

, morning radio host, “Ellis and Bradley Morning Show”

“Being on
The Biggest Loser
was one of the most significant times in my Christian life. God designed and desires us to be spiritually and physically healthy, and the impact on our lives is huge. Phil and Amy Parham are the only ones to have put into writing what so many former contestants now know—that weight loss, pursuing health, and becoming the person God intended us to be is not just an exercise program, but a faith journey as well. As a pastor and weight-loss group leader, I love that
The 90-Day Fitness Challenge
is a complete program, tying together amazing teaching and resources on changing to a healthy lifestyle while honoring and involving our Creator. This is THE book to get for individuals or groups looking to change their lives for the long term!”

. M
Season 3 of
NBC's The Biggest Loser

“Phil and Amy Parham's
The 90-Day Fitness Challenge
is more than your typical diet book. They don't just
you how to achieve long-lasting change in your life; they
you how to do it. Their story is inspiring, and their enthusiasm for good health and fitness is contagious. If you're looking for a practical program that can help you transform your life through realizing the critical connection between the physical and the spiritual, then
The 90-Day Fitness Challenge
may be exactly what you're looking for.”

first runner-up and biggest female loser,
Season 4 of
NBC's The Biggest Loser;
Fat Chance: Losing the Weight, Gaining My Worth

“If you've tried every diet out there and are finally open to adopting a new way of life that gives you a real chance for success, look no further than Phil and Amy Parham's
The 90-Day Fitness Challenge.
Chock-full of motivation, sound advice, and doable actions that will set you up for a lifetime of success, it's a must-have guide for health and happiness!”

host of
Healthy Decadence
(FitTV) and
author of the
New York Times
Biggest Loser

“Amy and Phil Parham will help you understand that nutrition and fitness is a lifetime journey…not a sprint.”

. R
host of
Rx Nutrition
DVDs and author of
Forever Fit

for Your Kids



All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are from the Holy Bible, New International Version
. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide.

Verses marked
are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version, copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Verses marked
are from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, IL 60189 USA. All rights reserved.

Verses marked
are from The Amplified Bible, Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

Cover design by Dugan Design Group, Bloomington, Minnesota

Cover photo
Martin Barraud / OJO Images / Getty Images

Published in association with Fedd & Company, Inc. Literary Agency

Readers are advised to consult with their physician or other medical practitioner before implementing the suggestions that follow. This book is not intended to take the place of sound professional medical advice or to treat specific maladies. Neither the author nor the publisher assumes any liability for possible adverse consequences as a result of the information contained herein.

The Biggest Loser
is not associated with this book or any of the views or information contained in this book.


Copyright © 2011 by Phil and Amy
Parham Published by Harvest House Publishers
Eugene, Oregon 97402

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Parham, Phil, 1966-
The Amazing Fitness Adventure for your Kids / Phil and Amy Parham.
      p. cm.
ISBN 978-0-7369-3921-8 (pbk.)
ISBN 978-0-7369-4189-1 (eBook)
1. Physical fitness for children. 2. Children—Health and hygiene. I. Parham, Amy, 1967-

II. Title. III. Title: Ninety-day fitness challenge for your kids.

RJ133.P37 2011


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No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, digital, photocopy, recording, or any other—except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without the prior permission of the publisher.

Printed in the United States of America

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What Others Are Saying about The 90-Day Fitness Challenge, also by Phil and Amy Parham



Part 1: Back to the Basics

Chapter 1: Dream Big!

Chapter 2: Face the Facts

Chapter 3: Your Kids Are Watching You

Chapter 4: Nutrition Sense for Your Family

Chapter 5: Activate Your Kids

Chapter 6: Finding Balance

Chapter 7: Getting Started

Part 2: Your Daily Fitness Challenge

Dream Big!—
Days 1-10

Face the Facts—
Days 11-20

Your Kids Are Watching You—
Days 21-30

Nutrition Sense for Your Family—
Days 31-40

Activate Your Kids—
Days 41-50

Finding Balance—
Days 51-60

Strong Mind = Strong Body—
Days 61-70

Best Practices—
Days 71-80

Make a Difference—


Appendix A: Shopping List

Appendix B: Top 10 List of Kids' Favorite Foods (Made Healthy)


Enjoy These Other Harvest House Books by Phil and Amy Parham

About the Authors

From Amy

Above all, we thank our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Without Him we wouldn't be able to live this beautiful dream called life.

This book is dedicated to our three boys, Austin, Pearson, and Rhett. They are each so unique and special in their own ways, and we are honored and blessed to have been chosen to be their parents. No matter what mountains I climb or what goals I reach, my greatest accomplishment will be if I raised them to be the men that God created them to be.

From Phil

This is our third book! I almost cannot believe we have accomplished so much in such a short time. I need to tell my beautiful wife, Amy, once again how much I love and appreciate her. She is a gift from God to me. She took this project on her back and ran with it. I also want my kids to know I love them and pray they live the future of their dreams. This book is also dedicated to the children all over our great nation. We wish them a limitless, meaningful, and healthy life.

Amy and I both want to acknowledge AJ, Esther, Jim, Dina, Monique, and all the wonderful people in our Harvest House family. Without you we couldn't be who we are. We love and appreciate you all.

Amy's Story

Six years ago, I was lying on my couch, gazing through an opening in the ceiling that led to the attic. My eyes slowly became fixated on a wooden beam. I began to wonder: What would it feel like if I hung myself? Could the beam support my weight? How would I do it? My downward spiral into a deep depression had reached the bottom. I felt completely hopeless and began to contemplate a permanent way out. How in the world did I allow myself to get to this point?

Other books

She is My Sister by Joannie Kay
Twisted Affair Vol. 5 by M. S. Parker
The Trouble with Poetry by Billy Collins
The Deportees by Roddy Doyle
The Five Pearls by Barry James Hickey
Dragons Live Forever by D'Elen McClain
The Taking of Libbie, SD by David Housewright
My Seductive Highlander by Maeve Greyson