Playing the Field (Hot-Lanta Series) (31 page)

BOOK: Playing the Field (Hot-Lanta Series)
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Patty gathered up all the courage she could find. “I know this is a stressful time for you right now but I have to do this now before I lose the courage.”

Jane held up her hand, “Please don’t tell me you’re leaving me.”

Stunned Patty said, “Oh my God, I could never do that. I love it too much here. I wanted to talk to you about a possible raise. I feel like I’ve pulled my weight around here plus some. I never miss a day of work and I’ve come up with ideas to make our daily operation…”

Patty didn’t get to finish because Jane interrupted her. “Patty, you don’t need to explain to me what you do around here. I was going to wait until after the wedding but you beat me to the punch. I already have a raise in the works for you. I was talking to Brady the other day and realized how much I rely on you and your excellent organizational skills, I could not survive without you so I decided to give you a ten percent increase in your salary. If that is alright with you?”

Patty was shocked. Purely and truly shocked. She could not believe what Jane was saying.

“Are you serious? Of course that is ok with me. Oh my God, thank you Jane. Thank you so much.”

              “Don’t thank me, you deserve it, girl. Thank you for your time and commitment to the company. You have really helped JB Events thrive. Now just do me one thing.”


“Don’t shut Marc off. He cares about you more than you even know. Give him a chance. The boys come home tomorrow night. I would hate to see you two feuding at the wedding.”

Smiling Patty said, “I didn’t know you were the boss of my personal life as well.”

“Get used to it. Now get out of here and get to work.” Jane said with a smirk.

Patty scooted out of Jane’s office, returning to her own desk, grinning like a fool. Lucy came in at some point while Patty was in Jane’s office and she looked positively dreadful. What was going on with her?

Patty checked her phone to see if there were any text messages
from Marc and there was absolutely nothing. Perfect! Just perfect now if only she could decipher why there was still an empty feeling in her stomach that would be great.




              When Lucy walked into the office she noticed Patty and Jane were having a private conversation. She wondered what that was about. She hoped Patty wasn’t leaving. She knew Patty was being pushed to her limits with helping so much with Jane’s wedding as well as picking up any slack Jane was lacking since she was busy with her own wedding. Lucy just hoped it didn’t drive Patty to her breaking point.

Lucy tried to help out as much as possible but lately she had been so tired. She felt like she could barely keep her eyes open. Maybe the late night sex-capades she was having with Connor were part of the reason. Ever since they announced their love for each other they were practically inseparable, except for when they absolutely had to go to work. Even then they were constantly texting each other or sending e-mails back and forth.

Things with Connor were going to well, it made her nervous. Nothing like this ever happened to her, let alone this fast. She was just waiting for something to come along and screw it up, like some kind of love child he didn’t know about, or maybe an ex who was desperately ill and needed him for support. Or maybe a tidal wave would attack the coast and swallow him whole, or a tornado of some sort. The weather was freaky these days; she wouldn’t put it past Mother Nature.

Connor was the perfect man, so attentive, loving and truly cherished her for who she was. He loved her when she was the nerd at the little café, reading her book, in her frumpy clothes and glasses. She had never been the type of girl that guys stop in the middle of the street to get another look at, but with Connor, he treated her like she was. Like she was by far the prettiest woman on the earth.

She sighed with content as she looked at the wallpaper on her computer of them together. How did she get so lucky? That was when Patty came back from the meeting she had with Jane looking extremely happy. That was a good sign. At least she wasn’t leaving.

A screen popped up on her computer. Connor was chatting with her online.


Connor: Hey my love, I miss you already


              Lucy smiled from ear to ear. She felt like a giddy little school girl but didn’t care. She was looking forward to bringing him to Jane’s wedding, dressing up with him and dancing with him until the late hours of the night.


Lucy: Hello there, I miss you too. I wish we didn’t have to go to work.


Connor: Someday we won’t have to worry about it. I have plenty of money in the bank. We can just run away and own our own island. We can name it something like Luck of the Carrot.


Lucy: LOL, Luck of the Carrot it is. What will we do on this island? Sell coconuts to locals?


Connor: I don’t plan on interacting with anyone else on our island besides you. The whole reason of owning your own island is so you are not disturbed by other people.


Lucy: I see and what would we be doing that people would disturb us?


Connor: Oh I’m pretty sure you know what we would be doing. The same thing we’ve been doing every night for Lord knows how long. I hope you’re ok with that.


Lucy: I think I could manage. Last night was incredible. I don’t know what you did different but I felt like I was on a different planet.


Connor: Ha, that is for me to know and for you to never find out.


Lucy: Oh I see how it’s going to be, two can play at this game.


Connor: Give me the best you got, love. Hey I won’t be able to come over tonight. I have to fly to New York for a meeting. I will be back tomorrow late afternoon though. Would you like to meet me at my house?


Lucy: A meeting?! Ugh, stupid jobs. I can’t, I have stuff to do for Jane’s wedding and then we will be spending the night in her suite at the hotel. That means I won’t see you until the wedding.


Connor: Damn, I forgot you will be staying with her. Well I guess I can wait until the wedding. I won’t like it though. Just be prepared to leave early and to be attacked by me. I made a reservation in the hotel so all we have to do is take the elevator up and strip your clothes off.


Lucy: Mr. Cartwright you’re always thinking ahead.


Connor: Another reason to love me.


Lucy: There are so many reasons. I better get to work I have some calls to make.


Connor: Me too. I will call you tonight when I get to New York and settled. I love you.


Lucy: Love you too.


              Lucy could not wait for Jane’s wedding. It was going to be one of the best nights of her life.




              Molly lay on the dining room table in Reid’s hotel suite, drinking a bottle of Jack Daniels, smoking a cigarette and watching intently as Reid finished up licking her. She had never felt so free in her life. She spent the last week with Reid, drinking and fucking. Her two favorite pastimes. Jane tried getting in touch with her several times, as well as Luke’s parents, Patty and unfortunately Austin. She didn’t care to answer them back but with Jane’s rehearsal being tonight she thought she would throw the old girl a bone.

Molly sat up as Reid took a swig from her bottle while she grabbed her phone.

“I need to make a call real quick. Do you mind?”

“Not at all.” He said as he slapped her ass on her way off the table.

“Hold that thought.”

She went through her contacts and called Jane.

“Molly? Is that you?”

“Hey doll, how are you. Almost time for the big day.”

“Are you kidding me right now? Where the hell have you been? I’ve been worried sick, I thought something happened to you?”

“Sorry, I visited a friend in, uh Savanna and lost my phone in the ocean. Silly me. I needed to get away for a little. You know everything with the wedding just brings up bad memories.” Molly grabbed the bottle back from Reid and took another long swig, chasing it with a drag off her cigarette.

“Oh, I understand. I’m sorry this is so hard for you. You’re my best friend and I just want you to be a part of one of the biggest days of my life.”

“I know sweetie that is why I took some time off to freshen up and be all yours the next two days.”

“Oh, that’s sweet. Thank you. You’re coming to the rehearsal right?”

“Wouldn’t miss it. We check into the hotel after that right?”

“Yes, I sent an itinerary to you but I can just print it out again and give it to you when I see you tonight. Don’t forget to be there at six sharp.”

“I will. Oh and Jane, I’m so excited for you.” Molly said almost gagging on her own words.

“Thanks Molly. It really means so much to me. I’ve missed you lately and I totally understand what you’re going through. I’m just glad you will be here tonight and tomorrow. That’s what’s important. See you a little later, wear something sexy, but not bachelorette party kind of sexy.”

“Don’t worry, I retired that dress. See you later.”

Molly hung up the phone and sauntered over to Reid. “Are you going to the wedding alone or do you have a date?”

Reid looked her up and down and said, “Well I was thinking about taking a blonde bombshell I know but I’m almost positive she is going with someone else.”

“That you’re right about, sir. Austin ruins everything but I will be sneaking out with you at some point. I’m not finished with you just yet.”

“When I leave town are you going to continue your relationship with Austin?”

Molly thought about that for a second before she answered. Was she? Not that they really had a relationship, well he thought they did but she had different ideas. She didn’t want a relationship with anybody really. The only relationship she cared about was the one that was ripped away from her two years ago, leaving her with a darling little girl who frankly she could not take care of.

It was gut wrenching just thinking about what her life had turned into; one long blur of drinking, meaningless sex, pills and lying. She was not proud of herself
, but anything was better than facing the pain she harbored deep down in her soul or looking into the face of her daughter that haunted her every damn day.

Lighting up another cigarette she replied, “Who knows, I might fuck around with him a little longer. He is a little too needy for my liking.”

Reid pulled the cigarette from her mouth and took a drag. Studying her he asked, “What’s going on with you, Molly? You were wild in college but still loyal to Jane. It seems like you’re throwing away any relationship you had.”

“No one asked for your psycho-analysis Reid.” Molly spat out. Lounging for her robe, she said, “I need to get going. I have to get some clean clothes and get my crap for the wedding.”

Reid grabbed her arm to stop her frantic movements of gathering her items, which were not much. “Hey, I didn’t mean to upset you. I’m just worried.”

“Well don’t be, remember? No strings attached.”

“Just because we have a no strings attached rule doesn’t mean I don’t care about you.”

Patting his face Moly said, “You’re sweet for caring but I know what I’m doing. I will see you tomorrow.”

Molly grabbed the rest of her items, changed into one of Reid’s dress shirts and left the room she spent many sex filled days in. Her stint of care free life was put on hold for two days. All she needed to do was focus on Jane and then the annoying bride would be out of her hair and Molly could go back to doing what she wanted to do…drown into an abyss.

BOOK: Playing the Field (Hot-Lanta Series)
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