Pleasure Bay (11 page)

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Authors: Maddie Taylor,Melody Parks

BOOK: Pleasure Bay
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An instant later, an alarmed yelp of surprise left her mouth. Her eyes widened, having been caught in a flagrant act of defiance. Adam found it difficult to suppress a chuckle, as the flustered girl’s hands couldn’t seem to make up their mind whether to cover her mouth or her breasts.

“You know why they put the ‘No Swimming’ sign here, don’t you?” he asked, tamping down his amusement as he observed the deep blush spanning across her cheeks while she covered her bountiful breasts.

“I-I’m sorry,” she stuttered, moving into the middle of the pond where the water was deep enough to cover her shoulders. “It’s so beautiful. I just couldn’t resist being a part of it just for a moment. Please don’t report me.”

Her pleading brown eyes captured what was left of the fading light, giving them the amber hue of a fine cognac. Her lower lip quivered as beads of water from her wet hair streaked down her rosy cheeks. She looked so adorable; he almost didn’t have the heart to lie to her.

“You should be more concerned about the piranha. They normally feed just before dusk.”

Her arms immediately came flailing out of the water. “What?” she shrieked.

“Oh, yes,” Adam said, unable to hide his burst of laughter at the sight of her scrambling to get out of the water. He offered a hand when she got close to the edge, but she refused, clamping a hand over her sex and concealing what she could of her breasts with her arm. The water glistening on her skin from the sporadic rays of light coming through the canopy above made her the most beautiful sight he’d ever seen. The frightened look in those light brown eyes, her accelerated breathing, and the way her long slender legs were trembling created a stirring excitement low in his belly. As if she sensed what he was thinking, she crouched, trying to shield as much of her nakedness from him as possible.

“Can I have my clothes now, please?”

He noticed a bit of sarcasm in her tone, and tried not to smirk. “No, I don’t think so. I’m enjoying the view.”

“There aren’t really any piranhas in there, are there?” she asked flatly, the look on her face telling him she knew she’d been tricked.

“Nope,” he said smugly, “but you did disobey the sign.” He gestured to the posted warning, not breaking the eye contact between them.

“So what. Tell on me then.” Her eyes narrowed a fraction and her lips tensed. “I’d like my clothes now, please.”

“I thought maybe we’d have some fun first.” He noticed her expressive eyes, quickly change from surprise to confusion before she looked away.

“You weren’t on the plane, or at the party,” she said quietly, focusing on the grass in front of her for a moment. “Are you my fantasy man?” she asked, her eyes crawling up his body until their eyes met again.

“Would you like me to be?”


* * *


Jennifer studied the man before her for a moment longer. Strong, muscular legs disappeared under his cargo shorts, and she noticed a bulging pocket that she suspected to contain her clothes. His large manly hands, long, broad fingers and paddle-like palms all seemed perfect for spanking. The deep open V of his collar revealed a smattering of rich dark hair between two tight pectorals. She could only imagine the tight abs that lay concealed behind the ocean blue fabric. Meeting his steel gray eyes, she tried to decipher if this dark-haired hunk with the shadow of prickly scruff along his firm jaw was indeed the man chosen for her. If he was, how had he known where to find her? Her instructions said her fantasy would begin when she arrived at her bungalow. And if he wasn’t… who the hell was he and what was he doing here?

“I’m supposed to be meeting someone.”
I wouldn’t mind it being you.

“Looks like he’s late,” the man said, reaching into the bulging pocket of his shorts. “Maybe you should get your suit back on before he gets here.” His lips curled into a devious smile as he pulled out the aqua-plum top of her bikini, letting it dangle from his fingers.

She studied his eyes for a moment, trying to read him. The wind blew and a piece of his onyx black hair fell loose across his forehead, adding to his charming good looks. She wasn’t sure what to make of this guy. He didn’t appear threatening. Yet he was clearly enjoying the fact he was holding her only means of covering hostage. If he wasn’t her fantasy guy, why was he toying with her?

“Toss it here,” she said.

“Come and get it,” he teased, wiggling her top.

“Who are you?” she asked defensively.

“Just a visitor to the island, like you.”

Jen took a moment to study him better. He was entirely too calm-cool-and-collected to be some weirdo just looking for a game of keep away. Suddenly, she remembered Vance, the big charming security guard who was going to be keeping an eye on her. Trying to be discreet, she looked around, focusing on areas where someone his size might be hiding.

Several trails opened along the rugged slopes surrounding the waterfall. This allowed excellent views of the falls and vantage points from nearly every angle. She’d never be able to pick him out with all the thick trees, not to mention the sun had set and the light was fading. Surely, he’d been watching when she deviated from her schedule—walking right past her trail. She felt confident that with as much fuss as Dimitri had made about keeping her safe, Vance was definitely out there somewhere.

“What are you looking for?” he asked.

Doing her best to hide a smirk, she turned her full attention to the sexy man who stood nearby, almost close enough to reach out and touch. “My boyfriend, the late one.” Jen stood up, watching the man’s eyes carefully, as she cupped her sex with both hands—leaving her breasts exposed. She thought he was going to zone in on her tits, but he followed the movements of her hands as she clasped them over her pussy.

“Aren’t you worried what he might think when he finds you naked—with another man?” He stopped dangling her top, and drew his hand to his chin. His slow deliberate movements and the look in his eyes was one she knew well. He was setting her up for something.

This had to be her guy; if he wasn’t, security would have been here by now. Boldly, she took a step forward, watching his reactions.

“I’m not worried at all. I think he can hold you off until security gets here.” She continued toward him with slow steps as she spoke. An arm’s length away, she turned her head quickly, looking down the path as if she’d heard or seen something. When he angled his head to see what she was looking at, she made a grab for her top.

She gasped when he countered her snappy grab as if expecting it. Faster than she could blink an eye, he grabbed her wrist and whisked her arm up behind her back. While capturing her other hand, he pulled her close against his chest.

“Hey!” Knowing it was useless, Jennifer struggled with him nonetheless, twisting her shoulders and kicking ineffectually at his legs. “Let. Me. Go!”

“Oh no, my little siren,” he said, pinning her hands behind her back with one hand. “Only one thing could make me do that.”

She paused for a moment. Did he mean her safeword? It had to be him. Or was it? Before she could reason it all out, she felt what could only be her swimsuit top being wrapped around her wrists.

“You’re feisty. I like that. But you’re also mouthy and entirely too brazen and sassy for your own good.”

She struggled to pry her wrists apart while he was tying her, only to feel the strings tighten more—a lot more. “Ow… that hurts!”

“Then stop struggling,” he said, the tone of his voice deepening.

“What do you want with me?” she sputtered, trying to turn enough to see him. He wouldn’t let her, now that her wrists were bound—tightly—his large hands clamped onto her arms with a firm grip. She felt every one of his fingertips as they pressed into her soft skin.

“To teach you some manners, little miss grab happy.” He spoke his words softly next to her ear. “And maybe wash your mouth out with soap for lying.” She felt his face against her hair, inhaling with a slow draw of breath. “I’m going to use the pretty wrap you use to cover your sexy hips to tie your ankles together. The more you struggle and kick, the more force I will have to use. Which do you want? The easy way, where you stand still like a good girl? Or the hard way, where I sit on you while you struggle and I complete my task regardless? Before you answer, you should know that choosing the latter will come at a price in the very near future.”

Jen’s insides were burning with desire as he spoke. His firm hands were making the skin on her arms tingle, and his low commanding voice, so close to her ear, sent shivers down her neck… to her back… and ultimately blossomed between her thighs. Tying her feet meant that he intended to carry her off, but to where? Would he take her back to her cabana and punish her for veering from the plan? Maybe he’d take her deeper into the thick of the trees where he would tie her up and use her to his utter satisfaction. It didn’t matter. As of right now, this hot, sexy man was in control and that is what she craved, what she needed, what had been missing in her life ever since…

“What’s it going to be, little girl?” he asked, slipping a hand from her arm to her breast, tracing the tip with a slow and determined finger.

Her nipple peaked under his slow ministrations, making the other ache for the same attention. “I’ll… I’ll be good.”

“I’ll be good, sir,” he prompted, moving his fingers to her other nipple, tracing it as he had the first and pinching it gently, inducing a moan.

“Yes, sir. I’ll be good, sir.” Wetness was gathering quickly between her thighs. It was good to hear those words pass her lips again.

“Good girl,” he whispered against the back of her neck. The heat of his breath and the tone of his voice when he called her a good girl, made her belly quiver. Cupping her breasts with both hands, he pressed his fingers into them as he had her arms.

“Very nice. Now, I want you to stay just like you are.” His lips were moving down the side of her neck, planting soft kisses and nibbles while his hands roamed slowly down the front of her body, until they came to rest in the crease of her thighs. “Do you understand?” His voice was like velvet against her skin.

She shuddered at his hands so close to her sex. She swallowed the moan in her throat and closed her eyes. It was mind-boggling to think she was ready to come apart the moment his hands got near her pussy, but truly, she was and the thought of it made her clench. Having a dom in control again after denying herself for so long was having a powerful impact on her. When she had masturbated to this fantasy, she had always seen herself struggling more… playing it up, resisting until he gave her no choice. Now that it was actually happening, and he was in control, her submissive core was turning to liquid heat and he hadn’t even touched it.

“Do you understand, girl?” he repeated, while brushing a forefinger over her soft swollen lips.

She drew in a sharp breath, shuddering at the sensation. “Yes, sir,” she breathed. A million tingles came from just that one touch of her lips, and her clit throbbed in response. He could take her right here and now and she wouldn’t care. Even knowing the security man was probably watching.

With a sensual kiss to her shoulder, he squatted behind her, his hands caressing her inner thighs and legs until he reached her ankles. “Beautiful,” he said, placing a kiss on one of her bare cheeks. Soon she felt the softness of her sarong being wound and tied around her ankles. When he was done, he carefully guided her to face him, keeping his hands on her hips. He leaned forward, placing a kiss on her smooth mound, and she whimpered.

“Time to take my princess somewhere more private,” he said. As he rose, he picked her up, draping her over his shoulder. As he splayed a steadying hand across her rounded ass, another moan escaped, which he heard, of course. His chuckle along with the jarring motion of his every step triggered a mini-orgasm deep inside her and foreshadowed more to come. Oh, god! Would she, could she survive?

Chapter Six



Moonlight filtered in through the trees as Sydney followed Jaxon along the dimly lit path toward her cabana. Her hand was ensconced firmly in his much larger one, as she trailed along behind him. Now that they were away from the security of the main house, and the comfort of all the observant and watchful eyes, she was beginning to get anxious.

Jax veered off the main path to the right, passing a hand-carved wooden sign that read ‘Traveler’s Palm Cabana.’ All the other trails had been named after some local plant or flower. She’d seen agave, hibiscus, and plantain. She asked him, “What’s traveler’s palm?”

He stopped and pointed out what looked like a bird-of-paradise with palm fronds. “The stalks retain water,” he articulated as they continued. “I’ve been told a weary and thirsty traveler could drink from it in an emergency, thus the name. I think it was originally from Madagascar, or some place with dry plains and deserts.”

Impressed that he would know plant trivia, she hurried to keep up with his long legs, while trying to take everything in at once. As they moved farther away from the more populated areas, she heard waves breaking up ahead. In moments, the dense trees and vegetation opened up to the beach. To her right sat a wood and thatch-roofed hut, cabana maybe was the correct word.

“Your home for the weekend, my lady,” Jaxon affirmed as he led her up the stairs and onto the wide porch. Noticing it wasn’t much to look at from the outside, she looked around and saw the huge expanse of white sand beach and the Caribbean, literally at her doorstep. The appearance of the cabana made not a fig of difference with a front yard like that.

She stared, taking it all in, at a loss for words. Never had she had stayed at a place anywhere this close to the water, not even at a five-star resort. Beside her, he chuckled, “A common reaction, believe me. Shall we go inside?”

“Do we have to? Can’t I just sleep on the beach?”

“Mm… not recommended. Sand seems to migrate to uncomfortable areas. C’mon. I promise you will like the inside just as much.”

“Impossible,” she murmured as she followed him inside, noticing the door had been left unlocked. He flipped on the light and Sydney smiled. It was perfect.

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