Pleasure Bay (9 page)

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Authors: Maddie Taylor,Melody Parks

BOOK: Pleasure Bay
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“Are you worried?”

“I shouldn’t be, but I always get a niggling sense of unease over these abduction scenes.” He shook his head, as if brushing his worries away. “Adam can be trusted. I’d stake my reputation on it.”

Mariah thought that ultimately he was. The abduction scene was resting almost entirely in Adam’s hands, experienced ones granted, but Dimitri took ownership of everything that happened on the island. “I think I’ll go have my chat with Jennifer now and set the boss’s concerns to rest.”

As she began to move away, he caught her upper arm, holding her back. “Any uncertainties at all and we shut it down, Mariah. Remember that.”

“Of course, Dimitri,” she said, rolling her eyes at his fretting, like an old mother hen over her chicks. “This isn’t my first rodeo.”

He frowned at her flippant remark. Okay, so she’d pushed a bit. He had a right to be concerned; all sorts of things could go wrong this weekend. However, he had hired a team of consummate professionals who had everything under control. They’d be vigilant, and as always, the weekend would go off without a hitch.

Ordinarily, she would have reminded him of that fact, setting his mind at ease, but she was still a bit put out with him for that kiss earlier. Therefore, she decided to let him self-soothe for a change.

“Offhand remarks are misplaced in this case, my dear.” His tone was unwavering. She’d evidently pushed a big bad dom button with the rodeo remark. “I’ll expect a full report about the evaluation. You will find me here as soon as you are done, are we clear?”

Oops! He was a friend, but he was also her boss and didn’t ever hold back the least part of his commanding nature, even when he was being gentle and considerate with her. She recognized that tone; it told her she’d tried him enough.

“Yes, sir, I’ll find you as soon as we’re finished.”

Mariah felt his eyes burning into her back as she walked across the patio to find Jennifer. Those dark orbs seemed to sear through her clothes, setting her nerve endings aflame. Was she a fool for resisting him so? Suppressing that thought, she tucked it away in a far corner of her brain. She couldn’t risk her job, which she loved, or her relationship with Dimitri, who admittedly, she also loved. What would become of it all, if they tried and failed? The latter, she felt was a certainty. Shaking off the unpleasant thoughts, she got to work.

Collecting Jennifer, she escorted her inside the mansion to a small salon where they could chat in private. Her goal was to determine that no past trauma, abuse, either emotional or physical, or other issues would cloud her judgment in an intense scene and create stress on a fragile psyche.

Less than an hour later, she watched Jen, island map in hand, as she went in search of her assigned bungalow. Dimitri had nothing to worry about with Jennifer Reed. She was a well-grounded young woman who’d had a happy childhood. No mommy issues. No abuse, neglect, or mistreatment of any kind. She’d been a good student with lots of friends. The only relationship issue was a breakup in her past. The abrupt end of her exciting D/s relationship had left her wanting more. Like Mariah, she was guarding her heart from being hurt by another failed relationship, but that was normal. Unlike Mariah, she seemed fearless and bold, knowing exactly what she wanted and going for it. Ironic that Mariah was determining Jen’s mental fitness to scene, when her own was so questionable.

The sun had dipped below the horizon and twilight had set in when she returned to Dimitri in the near empty lounge. Almost all of the guests had left to begin their weekend fantasies. Sidling up beside him, he sought her answer silently, the quirk of his brow his soundless question.

“She’s good to go.”

“You’re certain?”

“Yes, Dimitri.” She bristled at his question. If he didn’t trust her opinion, she shouldn’t be here. In a pissy mood, she decided she’d better wrap things up before she landed herself in hot water with the boss man. He was the one who was setting her off, after all. Even after cautioning herself, she still put her foot in it with her next mouthy statement.

“I can spot a victim of abuse at fifty paces with my eyes closed. Lord knows I’ve seen one often enough in my mirror each morning and that’s with my eyes wide open. Since everyone has been paired off now, I think I’ll call it a night.”

She was surprised he let her walk away, until she spotted one last remaining couple at a corner table near the stairs. Dimitri wouldn’t leave until the last guest had gone. As the host, he felt that was his duty. Nodding to them as she passed, she hoped they hadn’t heard her and D’s latest exchange; arguing hosts were not good for business. She practically ran down the stairs, hoping no one had noticed her tears. She loved this job, but it was torture as well. She wondered more and more frequently lately—especially as her need and her love for Dimitri grew—how much more could she endure.

Chapter Four



Shane was making careful observation of his surroundings as they approached their secluded weekend cabana. ‘Sandalwood Bramble’ was the name of their cottage. “Quite an intricate design,” he said, more to himself than to Katie as he walked around the side of the cottage to examine the large beams and the big bay window facing the water. “It seems Pleasure Bay spares no expense. The shingles are made of sandalwood. Gives off a lovely scent, doesn’t it.”

“Shane, are you still nervous, or do you check out every place you stay so thoroughly?” Katie asked, standing on the bamboo porch.

“Sorry. It’s a habit, I guess. I’m in construction so I’m always checking out the competition. It’s good to stay ahead of the game.” They had agreed on the walk that his fantasy would start as soon as they entered their cabin. That once they both stepped foot inside, she was in full control and all she required of him was obedience. But the truth was, now that they were here, he

“Take a few deep breaths and calm your nerves, I’ll be waiting for you inside.” With that said, she was gone.

Get it together, Moore… the woman of your dreams is inside waiting expectantly and you’re out here making excuses and being bashful as usual
. He reminded himself this was his weekend to let go, to explore a side of life that until now he had only fantasized about. It was his weekend to give into temptation, even if it was just this once. He needed to know what it felt like when he gave someone else control.

Doing exactly as she suggested, he pulled in a few deep breaths and went to the door. When he walked inside, his heart nearly stopped. Katie was standing next to an armoire—breathtakingly nude. She was at ease in her skin, as if walking around naked was second nature. Of course, with a body like that she had no reason to be shy. She stood with a hand on one of the doors, holding it open. In her other, she held a pair of his faded blue jeans.

“I hope you don’t mind. I didn’t snoop through your bag. I took the first pair of jeans I found. You did mention wanting to get more comfortable.”

Shane’s heart rate increased steadily as he looked at the amazing figure of the woman across the room. Nothing else mattered except Katie standing there nude with an elegantly placed arm on that door. Her gown pooled at her ankles, forgotten, and all that remained were the shiny black high heels on her feet. His eyes roved her sensual body, pausing on her breasts—two soft pillowy mounds that called to him. All he could think of was pressing his face between their softness. And the succulent nipples, like ripe berries, they tempted his lips and tongue for a taste. He had to clear his throat before any sound would come out; even then, he had no idea what to say. “Uh… um.”

“We did agree on the walk here that the fun would begin once we got to the cottage, didn’t we?”

God, he could come just listening to the rich tone of her authoritative voice. “Yes, but I thought…”

“Did you forget how you were told to address me once we got here?” She slipped her hand from the wooden door and put it on her hip. His eyes followed her red-tipped fingers, before slowly crawling down one long, sleek leg and gliding up the other. Her stance revealed her bare pussy lips, the lightest shade of pink. His cock lurched at the thought of tasting her, knowing she’d be sweetly addictive.

“No, mistress,” he said, feeling like his own voice was strangling him.

“Very good. We agree that as of now, I’m the one in control. I want you to strip. Right there. Once you are naked you will come over here and put on your jeans while I select my outfit.”

The gloss on her lips glistened as he watched her speak. It was as if they were moving in slow motion and he could see every intricate detail. It was really happening. The beauty from his fantasies was real, standing a mere eight feet away. He suddenly had an urge to drop to his knees and crawl to her.

“Shane, are you okay?” There was a slight cock of her head to accompany her words.

“Yes, mistress.” His eyes snapped to hers; the blue, so vibrant they lit up her entire face.

“Do you remember my one requirement for this evening?” She took a slow and determined step toward him.

Oh god, he was botching things already. “Yes, ma’am… I mean mistress.” His fingers quickly went to the buttons of his white shirt.

“What is it? I want to be sure you understand.” The tone in her voice was as sexy as the look in her eyes as she followed his fingers down each button. Her hips swayed as she took another slow purposeful step, drawing his eyes to all of her sensual curves.

“Obedience,” he whispered as she continued to clear the distance between them with a slow, seductive, catlike walk.

He was pulling his zipper down while toeing off his shoes when she stopped a few feet in front of him. “I didn’t quite hear that, darling.”

“Obedience, mistress.” His heart was hammering as he let his pants fall. Heat instantly rushed to his cheeks as she looked at the tent in his boxers.

“Those, too,” she said, lifting those amazing eyes to his. “I’d like to make a full inspection before we start.” A salacious smile formed on her lips. As he slipped his boxers off and stood beside his discarded pile of clothes, she praised him. “Good boy.”

Hearing her call him a ‘good boy’ made his face flame while a delicious wave of arousal caused his cock to throb. She stepped forward and without hesitation took him in her delicate hand.

“Oh, fuck!” Every muscle in his body tensed.

“Quite impressive, Shane. I’m going to have a lot of fun with this.” Her soft hand stroked the underside of his length and paused as she traced the tip with a single finger. His jaw clenched when she slid along the small slit gathering the bead of moisture that had collected at the tip. Satisfied, she removed her hand and took a step back, placing the tip of her finger into her mouth.

He immediately missed the silky warmth of her hand, and couldn’t stop the throaty moan that caught in his throat at the sight of her sucking his pre-cum from her finger before slowly pulling it from her mouth.

“Get these on,” she said, holding out his jeans. “Don’t button or zip them, I don’t think all that’s going to fit anyway.”

“Yes, ma’am… mistress.” He reached for the pants and began pulling them on.

“Ma’am is fine. I like the way it rolls off your tongue. Now follow me.”

He barely noticed how spacious or beautiful the inside of the bungalow was as he followed her, watching the swing of those luscious hips as they swayed back and forth. She led him a few feet from the armoire and stopped with a finger to his chest. “You may kneel while I get my play clothes on.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He obediently dropped to one knee and the other.

“No touching yourself while you watch me dress. Naughty boys get their hands slapped and then cuffed behind their backs.” She smirked as she went to the cabinet. There was that word again, ‘boy.’ It both embarrassed and excited him at the same time.

The first thing she pulled out was a shiny black pair of thigh-high boots. She set them on the floor while she picked out a stylish black corset that zipped up the front. Taking the items, she walked over to the chest at the foot of the four-poster bed and set the boots down. His eyes absorbed her every movement as she wrapped the corset around her torso and zipped it, slowly, while his eyes followed her fingers.

Sitting down on the bench, she slipped her feet into the boots, but left the long zippered flaps open. “Come here.” She motioned to him with the crook of a crimson tip. She didn’t tell him to crawl, but he did, because it put his eyes at the perfect level to admire the creamy skin of her thighs and pussy. “That’s good. Right there,” she said as she stood and placed a foot in front of him.

“Now be a good boy and zip them for me.” The rich tone of her voice was getting slightly deeper and the light scent of her arousal was intoxicating. He reached for the zipper, but she pulled her foot back. “With your teeth, Shane.” She offered her foot again, holding the open flaps of the boots in place for him.

“Yes, ma’am,” he replied softly, leaning down. He took the short nylon loop between his teeth, inhaling her soft womanly scent, as he slowly tugged it up to her thigh. As he reached the top where the zipper ended, he could feel the heat of her pussy before he pulled his head back. God, this slow tease was driving him crazy. He was so close to those soft pink lips. How long would she torture him before letting him taste her and please her with his tongue?

“That’s it, Shane. Such a good boy. Now the other.”

He heard a sensual moan from her luscious lips and felt her hands in his short hair, gripping the sides of his head as he neared the top for a second time, releasing the loop. When he tried to pull his head back, she stopped him, tightening her grip. “Care for a sample?”

He craned his neck back, looking up at her as best he could. The desire he saw in her eyes and the way her lips were parted slightly, sent a sizzling jolt of lightning to his cock. “Yes, mistress,” he answered quickly. “Please.”

“Mmmm… so eager. I like that.” Not letting go of his head, she spread and bent her legs until her pussy was nearly touching his nose. He felt his cock ooze with wetness, as she guided a hand to the back of his neck and tilted her hips. “Tease me,” she whispered hoarsely.

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