Read Pleasure Bay Online

Authors: Maddie Taylor,Melody Parks

Pleasure Bay (26 page)

BOOK: Pleasure Bay
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“What did we agree on at dinner, darling?” She stood in front of him, her heels bringing her eye level with his 6′1″ frame. The bright blue of her eyes sparkled as she slowly glided her thumb along his lower lip, waiting patiently for his answer.

“That I would trust you tonight.”

“That’s right,” she said, pressing a hand to his chest, dragging it down slowly to the top of his jeans. “If things become too much, you have your safeword.” She slipped a finger into his jeans and rubbed it across the head of his cock. “Do you remember it?”

“Alligator, teacher,” he answered quickly, his hips jerking involuntarily as she stroked over him one more time and withdrew.

“You are so sexy when you blush, baby. Let’s go.” He followed her, eyes down, glued to her long legs in her silky stockings. She took them through a large metal door and into a long corridor.

“I think you will be very comfortable in Dimitri’s fantasy suites. I’ve arranged a special one for us tonight.” She took his hand again and they started walking. Large curtainless windows allowed him to see in each room as they passed, although he didn’t get a good look into many of them due to Katie’s long-legged quick stride. One of them was clearly set up for kinky bondage. Instead of a bed like in the first few, there was a strange-looking metal table with chains hanging from the ceiling. On the wall, a multitude of implements hung on hooks, their purpose he could only imagine. He was glad the room was empty because he shuddered to think what some of those torture devices were actually used for.

“Why all the windows with no curtains?” he asked as she stopped in front of a door, although he was almost sure of the answer. Apparently, the BDSM-inclined liked to watch. Shane looked in the window to see the room was relatively bare. A beautiful mahogany desk sat in one corner and a smaller one much like you’d expect to find in any schoolroom across America sat directly in front of it. It wasn’t hard to figure out which one was meant for him—the pupil. She wasn’t kidding when she said they were going to play teacher and student. Damn!

“You’ll see,” she said, pressing a code into the keypad that unlocked the door. “The door is never locked from the inside, but is always locked from the outside. Security features.” When they stepped into the room, lights came on automatically. “Tap the button on the floor by the wall,” she said, pointing to a silver knob on the floor directly below the window. “Some people like an audience, others don’t.”

When he stepped on it, the window turned opaque. “No shit—smart windows! I had a guy request these once, for his house in the Keys.” He turned with a grin to Katie, who was now sitting on her desk with her legs crossed, gesturing for him to take a seat at the student desk. Was she crazy? She knew he was never going to fit in that tiny thing. “Sorry, teach,” he laughed. “No matter how hard I try, I’m not going to be able to squeeze myself into that desk.”

“Then you will have to kneel while I read your report card, won’t you?” Her suddenly stern voice said she meant business.
Let the games begin,
he thought, as his cock instantly stood at attention. The smile faded from his face as she picked up a wide wooden ruler, tapping it in her hand while he complied. Then she reached for the white envelope next to her. She toyed with it while he watched, gliding a finely polished nail over the top edge. “How do you think you’ve done?”

“I don’t know, teacher, but I hope you’ve been pleased with my performance so far.” He watched as she slowly ripped open one edge and pulled out a yellow sheet of paper.

She studied it for a moment and then brought it to her lap. “You are a good student, Shane, but it appears you have a few areas that need improving. You earned a perfect score in performance, but obedience and trust aren’t quite where they should be. Tsk, tsk… Both are very important areas of study for a submissive.” Shaking her head, she gave an exaggerated sigh. “These poor marks must be addressed immediately, don’t you agree?” Pointing with the ruler to the side of her desk, she said authoritatively, “I want you right here, right now, young man.”

Obediently, he got up and stood where she directed. Katie slid off the desk, ruler in hand and stood in front of him. “Let’s see how obedient you can be for me.” Her eyes never left his as she unzipped his pants and freed his aching cock; her fingers never so much as touched the tip. “Face the desk—hands here and here.” She tapped the far corners of the desk for emphasis as she spoke. He’d have to stretch across the entire desktop to reach them, leaving his bare ass and his other parts vulnerable. Shane hesitated.

“Assume the position, darling.”

“Teacher, please. I don’t know—”

“Defiance, Shane? That earns you one. Each time you fail to comply with my orders immediately, you will receive a solid swat across your sexy behind. This is a lesson in obedience and trust. You will take what I give you without question and learn that you can trust your teacher to know exactly what you need. Now, assume the position, boy!”

Her words, both stern and commanding, when delivered in that sultry voice were killing him. The skimpy outfit, her sky-high ‘fuck me’ heels, and the way her long, slender fingers were toying with the ruler hastened him to action without another word. The truth was he wanted her to spank him, very much so, but he was also scared to death to let her. The push and pull of desire and anxious fear was proving to be a heady mix. Why had he never had these desires until now? Last week at home, if an image of being spanked had popped into his head, he’d have laughed and called himself crazy. But here, with the sexiest, most fun-loving woman he’d ever met, it didn’t seem that far out of bounds. Thanks to Katie and Pleasure Bay, he found himself experiencing many new things, shocking things that he’d never imagined possible.

From behind him, Katie ordered his eyes on the desk, while she pulled his jeans down to just below his cheeks. “There, now,” she said softly, caressing his tightly clenched ass. “Was that really so hard?”

“No, teacher.” The light tickle of her fingers was gone just when he was starting to enjoy it. His butt muscles tightened further as he waited for the sting of the ruler, but it didn’t come. Instead, he heard her soft reassurance.

“Relax, darlin’, and trust me. No clenching, now. It’ll hurt more if you clench.”


“That’s two.”

Shane bit his tongue to keep another word from rolling out. How could she expect him not to clench? Wasn’t it the body’s natural reaction to prepare or pull away from pain?

She walked around to the side of the desk, placing the ruler in front of him and went to the corner of the room to retrieve a yardstick propped against the wall. He hadn’t even noticed it there. He opened his mouth to say something, but then just as quickly shut it, not wanting to add to what he already had coming. She ran the tip of the stick up one of his arms and lazily ran it down his back as she walked behind him.

Using the yardstick, she inched his pants down until they bunched just above his knees. The hard wooden edge trailed up his inner thigh, lightly grazing along his balls—which made him flinch—before she brought it down his other thigh.

Suddenly, the stick was gone, replaced by the warmth of her hand on his balls, tickling them softly as she cupped and lifted them. He moaned quietly, enjoying her sensual assault as she worked her fingers up his stiff cock to the tip, toward the wetness he knew that she’d find. When she spread the pre-cum all around the head, he thought he would shoot off right in her hand.

“I have something special planned tonight,” she said, removing her tormenting hand, “but you have to be a good boy, or you can’t have it. Understand?”

“Yes, teacher,” he answered, sounding like he had a frog stuck in his throat.

“I’m going to give you your two swats now; if you like them, you may ask for more. If you don’t, we’ll move on. Yes?”


“You forgot something. That’s three.”

As soon as his slip-up registered, the first swat landed dead center on his left cheek. His hips jerked forward out of reflex. “I’m sorry, teacher.”

“Shh… wasn’t nearly what you thought it would be, was it?”

“No, teacher.”

“Good, then no more pulling away.” A crisp slap landed on his other cheek, followed a moment later by one in the same spot as the first. “How’s that feel, Shane?” she asked, rubbing the warm tingling areas she’d just created.

He was filled with emotion, amazed how much he enjoyed the feel of those few smacks, and shocked, if not a bit embarrassed, that he’d allowed her to do it to him at all. In spite of his turmoil, he wanted more; no, he needed it and was prepared to ask for it.

“Baby? You okay?”

“Yes, teacher,” he breathed. “More, please.”

“Mmmm… I knew you’d like it.” Four more solid cracks landed before she increased the strength behind them. With greater intensity, she started spreading them out evenly over each cheek, leaving no spot untouched. The harder slaps caused his balls to vibrate and his cock to bounce. His ass started heating up and oddly, he welcomed it. He couldn’t see all of her from where she stood whacking away at his ass, but he had a nice view of her sexy legs and killer heels as she positioned herself to lay into him from different angles.

“That’s twelve,” she said. “How do you feel?”

Twelve? That was it? It had to be more than that. “Fine, teacher,” he panted. A drop of sweat fell from his forehead, landing on the desk. He hadn’t even realized that it was more than his ass that was feeling the heat.

She approached and stood next to him, lifting and turning his head to the side. “I think you liked that a lot, didn’t you?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

She bent to him, kissing his lips lightly, while she reached beneath him and took hold of his cock. He moaned uncontrollably and her lips curled into a smile. “I think a few more slaps and you’ll be primed and ready to fill my hand in just a few strokes.”

Another appreciative groan escaped his lips. A few more spanks combined with what her hand was doing, he’d be a goner. Her prediction would definitely come true if she didn’t stop soon. A moment later, her hand was gone and she stood up.

“Nooo,” he whispered.

“I know you’re close, baby, but I have other plans for the powerful orgasm you are going to have when I finally allow you to come.” She put a hand on the desk to steady herself and slipped her shoes off. “No heels allowed on the expensive furniture,” she murmured as she climbed onto the desk. She positioned herself on her knees just out of his reach as she lifted her scrap of a skirt. “Are you ready to get busy?”

“Dear god, yes. I mean, yes, teacher.” He licked his lips as she moved closer, telling him to back up a bit.

She moved from her kneeling pose up onto the balls of her feet and opened her thighs wide. He closed his eyes just for a brief moment, wanting to imprint her scent so he would never forget it. When he opened them again, her fingers were moving slowly along her inner thighs toward her luscious pink lips. Teasing him unrelentingly, she parted for him, showing off her sweet glistening center. His avid eyes were glued to her pussy as she collected her juices with a quick dip inside before spreading it slowly over her swollen clit.

“Come here, baby.” She took her other hand, wrapping it around the back of his neck and pulled his face into her still parted lips. He felt the heat of her liquefied core and was ready to lick and lap up every last drop, hungry for all she was offering.

“Mmm,” he murmured as her slick juices met his tongue.

“Just the clit with your mouth. Your hands stay where they are.”

“Yes, teacher,” he mumbled, humming with pleasure while his tongue stroked her clit. He felt the vibration of his lips against her slickness, at the same time she sucked in a sharp breath of air.

“That’s it, Shane. Your mouth feels so good. Such a good boy.” Those cooed words turned into an ecstatic groan when he latched onto her tight throbbing bud.

Reflexively, her thighs closed around his face, almost smothering him with her strength, but he didn’t care. As long as his girl was enjoying herself, that’s all that mattered. Her fingers tightened on the back of his neck and he knew she was close. With a groan, she pulled away from him and quickly turned around, facing away from him.

For a moment, he was confused, but when she bent over on her hands and knees, her intent was clear. “You like my surprise, baby?”

Momentarily frozen, he started at it, knowing what it was, even though he’d never really seen a butt plug before. “Uh… Yes, teacher, but I don’t understand.”

“I’ve been wearing it all evening for you. I want that big cock of yours in my ass tonight.” As she spoke those evocative words, she looked back at him over her shoulder. Shane almost lost his bearings as she ordered, “Lose the pants.”

Hands shaking with excitement, he quickly stepped out of his jeans and kicked them away. It was like she had been in his head earlier.

“Work that plug around so the lube gets spread evenly.”

Although nervous as hell, Shane took hold of the jeweled plug. It was the same vibrant, sparkling blue as her eyes—funny how that’s what he noticed. Her loud groan refocused his attention and he pulled back on it and then eased it back in. The sight of the silver plug moving in and out of her tight rear hole was like nothing he had ever seen before.

“Uh… yes, baby, so good. Take it out now and put that big beautiful cock in its place.”

“I’ve never done this before,” he said, scrambling for his jeans to get a condom.

“Don’t worry about the rubber,” she huffed. “We’re both safe or we wouldn’t be allowed to play. I want to feel you inside me, Shane, with nothing between us.” Reaching into the top drawer of the desk, she pulled out a bottle of lube and held it back to him. “Lube up, baby. I’m cooling down and I need you inside of me.”

He took the bottle, squeezed an ample amount into his palm, and then rubbed it all over his aching cock. He couldn’t believe what he was about to do—what she wanted—no, what she’d ordered him to do. Looking at the steel plug as he removed it, he noticed his cock was double the size. “I don’t want to hurt you,” he said, putting the slippery head of his cock against her dark ring. Taking the lead, she pushed back against him and the head of his cock slipped inside.

BOOK: Pleasure Bay
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