Read Pleasure Bay Online

Authors: Maddie Taylor,Melody Parks

Pleasure Bay (23 page)

BOOK: Pleasure Bay
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“Pirate and wench,” he grinned. “I like that. An appropriate role-play for our location, but plain old dominant and submissive will suffice tonight.”

Sydney clung to Jaxon’s arm like a lifeline as she walked to the mansion in her 4 ½-inch stilettos. Arriving amongst the other leather- and black-clad guests, she was surprised when he led her up the main staircase. They continued upward, passing through a second level and third level before carefully navigating a spiral staircase and emerging on the topmost floor, the fourth. Standing in a room with glass walls, they were surrounded by near black. Like a postcard, the glow of the full moon in the starlit sky reflected off the black water in the bay. She could only imagine the sweeping views from the dungeon by day.

Dungeon, wasn’t that an ironic name for such a place?

“Aren’t dungeons usually underground?” she asked him. This was more like a penthouse, a kinky penthouse playroom of pleasure and pain to be exact, and a much more apropos appellation than a dungeon.

“Can you blame Dimitri from veering from the norm when the Caribbean is at his doorstep and no one else is around for miles?”

“That’s a good thing. Imagine a low-flying plane or a boat nearby,” she said with a giggle. “They’d sure get an eyeful.”

“They would if we didn’t have smart windows.”


“D has spared no expense and installed Electrochromic smart windows. With the click of a remote, they go from clear to opaque, and a whole range in between.”

“But we can see out now.”

“Yeah, I guess right now, the lucky pilot would get his eyeful.”

A shrill cry from behind had her twisting in a whirl. Jaxon’s arm tightened reflexively as she lost her balance in her heels.

“Easy, baby.”

Immediately, she recognized the redheaded Jennifer from the plane and the welcome party. She was on the floor and locked into some kind of, well, Sydney could only call it a torture device. Initially, concerned that she was being hurt in some way, she changed her mind when her groans made it clear that her cry hadn’t been one of pain, but of ecstasy. If the look on her face told the tale, she loved every minute of the handsome dark-haired dom’s attention as he worked her over. Using the utmost skill, he applied what appeared to be a vibrator of some sort between her thighs.

“What is that thing called? It looks positively evil.”

Jax chuckled. “More like medieval; it’s a pillory. Like the stocks used in the middle ages, this one allows for feet, hands and head to be restrained. It’s also adjustable to nearly any height. Long ago they were made of iron and didn’t offer the padding you see on this one.”

Sydney watched in amazement as the man moved behind Jennifer with a long black paddle in his hand. He struck her with it and the resounding ‘crack’ made Sydney jump several inches, clutching Jax’s arm for support.

“It’s a slapper. A type of paddle that has more sound effect than bite. Watch her next swat; she barely flinches when Adam makes contact.”

It was true. The dom had given her several more loud thwacks and Jennifer was moaning instead of screaming. Before long, she was begging him to let her come. He apparently denied her, but whispered something in her ear afterward that made her smile and nod eagerly.

Mesmerized, Sydney continued to watch as sexy Adam moved in front of Jen. With his cock in hand, he rubbed the smooth head along her lips before plunging inside. He proceeded to use her for his pleasure, holding her head with both hands as he worked himself into a near frenzy, occasionally pulling back to allow her a breath of air and to swallow before plunging deep inside again. When he pulled away after a few more minutes, Sydney noticed two thin tracks of black mascara running down Jen’s cheeks; her mouth and chin were shiny and slick with saliva.

Unable to look away from the intense physical scene, Sydney watched as Adam adjusted the torture device on her pussy. Obviously, he’d cranked it up to high gear because she noticed Jen had shut her eyes and was begging him most fervently for release. Again he denied her and Sydney, who’d been also been denied in the grotto, but not to this extent, started to feel sorry for her.

“Why is he being so mean? It’s clear she needs release and he keeps telling her no.”

“By building her up and denying her, the release, when he does allow it, will be much stronger and more intense. Orgasm denial is a commonly used tool in power exchange, baby. Just wait, in a few minutes he’ll give her what she needs and everyone in the dungeon will know it.” Jax put an arm around her and she leaned into him while they watched.

Her dom moved behind her again, but this time instead of a paddle, he held a bottle of lube, which he used liberally as he worked it into Jen’s rear hole. It left Sydney wondering if that’s how erotic it looked when Jax had done the same to her earlier that day. Only Adam did something Jax hadn’t—he took her ass. Slow at first, but then driving harder, all the while telling her not to come, promising a real punishment would follow if she dared disobey him.

Jennifer’s face was nearly as red as her hair and her eyes were shut tight. With her fists gripped into white-knuckled balls, she struggled for control. Adam reached forward, fisting a handful of her long auburn locks, pulling her head back. If it hurt, Jennifer’s face didn’t reflect it, quite the opposite in fact and finally, he gave her permission. In the next instant, the pair succumbed to a simultaneous, powerful release. It was rough, carnal, and erotic, and Sydney found herself wildly aroused by the scene.

Entranced, she watched the couple, intrigued by their dynamic. Adam was gentle and caring as he helped her up. When he scooped her into his arms and gallantly carried her away, Jen was curled against his chest as if there was no other place on earth she’d rather be. Sydney gawked after them until Jax tugged her away.

“That was… uh…”


“Yeah, it was scary at first, but he didn’t really hurt her, did he? And they both really seemed to enjoy it.”

“You appeared to enjoy watching.”

Her face flamed and she looked away.

“That’s fine. There’s a voyeur in all of us in the lifestyle. Come on; let’s see what else you like to watch.”

He then proceeded to give her a tour of the dungeon, explaining the equipment and the different type of activities going on. First stop was a bondage table where a hot wax scene was playing out. Sydney flinched as each drop of the hot wax hit the submissive’s skin. Although the sub hissed with each splash of wax, she appeared to enjoy it.

“It’s not as bad as all that. They’re using a special wax that burns at a low temperature.”

He showed her a St. Andrew’s cross, not unusual, but the next piece of equipment, a spider’s web, was. Currently, a woman was restrained to the chain webbing in the freestanding frame and was being flogged quite thoroughly by a sweat-drenched man. By the look of her reddened skin, they’d been at it for a while.

“Stubborn subbie,” the hard-working dom said. He approached and inserted a well-lubed silver vibrator into her pussy. The submissive squealed as he flipped the switch on his wireless remote control.

“Now then, we’ll do this until you come. When you do, I want you to scream so loud that the entire dungeon knows that you’ve had a mind-blowing orgasm.”

He then resumed the sensual but intense flogging. After several minutes, she whimpered as he thumbed the remote. When he continued with the multi-strand whip, he arched the falls up between her spread legs. The new angle and velocity, combined with the vibrator, seemed to do the trick because her shrill scream of completion rent the air, rising above the rhythmic bass beat and the sounds of erotic play.

The pleased dom dropped his flogger on the mat and rushed to his submissive, murmuring words of praise. As he spoke, he scooped out the silver vibe from her pussy and replaced it with a hard upward thrust of his cock. A few strokes later, another uninhibited scream erupted from the sub’s lips. The members standing nearby began to applaud.

Sydney looked around in surprise, then leaned up to ask Jax quietly, “Do they clap for every orgasm, sir?”

“Just the hard-earned ones. Josie has a hard time letting go in public, I believe this is the first time that she’s reached climax in the dungeon. Russell has been working with her on this for a while and is obviously pleased with her progress.” He smiled as the dom’s roar of completion commingled with his sub’s cries of release.


“Yeah, baby, that about sums it up.”

The next scene left Sydney slack-jawed. A restrained male submissive was kneeling in front of what Jaxon called a queening chair. His head was bent over his dom’s spread thighs, whose fingers were wound firmly in his hair as he moved his head roughly up and down. The sub was obviously busy servicing his dom, and quite enthusiastically by the sounds of both of their moans.

Sydney recognized the sub as the businessman from the plane, the one she had pleasantly chatted with about flowers and plants native to the island as they’d walked from the dock the first night. Never would she have imagined she’d see him, without his pressed suit and tie, without his starched collar, or with his hair tousled from his lover’s hands. And never in a million years would she have pictured him in this position—naked and giving a blowjob to another man. Holy crimoly!

Jaxon’s words, “All comers, baby” turned into an affectionate laugh as her face flamed with embarrassment. Attuned to her responses already, he quickly led her away. Pausing to watch a forty-something woman being flogged by her fifty-something dom, she realized there were a lot of new faces here tonight. The room was crowded with many more than had arrived on the plane with her on Friday.

“We have many Saturday arrivals on the first and third weekend of the month when the dungeon is open for our BDSM-inclined members.”

“I wouldn’t have thought there were so many.”

“I think our membership is up to around two hundred now, wouldn’t you say, Jax? Not all are dungeon players, but the majority like to indulge more often than not.”

Sydney looked up at the stunning man who had joined them. With his white blond hair, bulging muscles, and barrel chest, bare except for a leather vest with a bright orange hash of color across the lapel, he resembled a Viking of old. As she perused his muscular frame, her eyes froze on the coiled whip he wore at his waist. She took an involuntary step back into Jaxon.

Ice blue eyes switched from the scene before them and connected with hers. He scanned her body up and down with an appreciative eye.

“So, Jaxon… this is the lovely Sydney who you snatched from under my nose.”

“Gunnar.” Jax nodded in greeting. “That’s what you get for missing the weekly staff meeting.”

Looking to Jax, Sydney stammered. “I don’t understand? What do you mean snatched?”

“Don’t mind him, he’s just grumbling,” he reassured her quietly, before addressing the giant of a man. With him, he was bold and quite direct. “We all agreed you would have scared the crap out of my little novice here, especially with the size of your—” he paused as his eyes swept over the giant dom before he continued succinctly, “—bullwhip. We felt it necessary to intervene. Mariah actually gave you the veto.”

Gunnar’s eyes scanned over a skittish Sydney one more time. “Unfortunate, but true. I eat newbie subs as a mid-morning snack, bones and all.”

“He’s joking,” Jax spoke reassuringly into her ear as she pushed deeper into his arms. “Stop scaring her, Thor. In fact, why don’t you tell Sydney what you do for a living, when you aren’t frightening cute subbie kittens, that is.”

“I grow flowers and make perfume.”

“You’re shitting me!” Sydney blurted out right before her hands flew to her mouth.

Gunnar and Jax stared at her pointblank for a moment, then they both roared with laughter. Heads turned and members frowned; their raucous laughter had disturbed some of the scenes. When they finally regained some semblance of control, Jaxon reproved Sydney gently, “I said the same thing when I found out, although that is no excuse for swearing, baby.”

“You can’t blame her when you had a similar reaction, my friend, although you were not as polite, if I recall.”

“True,” Jax laughingly agreed. To Sydney, he explained, “His family owns one of the largest perfume houses in Europe.”

“We opened a U.S. facility last year,” the Viking corrected, “so I head up our U.S. division now.

She stared at him, unable to believe that this six-foot-eight, 250-pound behemoth, who looked like a pro wrestler on steroids, actually grew delicate flowers and made something as feminine as perfume.

“I get this reaction all the time. Don’t judge this book by its cover, little one, I have a degree in organic chemistry from Oxford, so I’m more than just a pretty face.”

Jax sniffed close to the big dom. “Is that lavender I smell?”

Gunnar jerked, raising his arm to sniff himself. “Shit, I smell like a French whore again, don’t I? My plane was late this afternoon and I came straight from the lab without showering.”

“Very pretty, Master Thor. A word of caution though, I see some male subs and Master Nelson, sniffing in your direction.”

“The hell you say!” He turned and scanned the vicinity, then with a rude gesture said, “Fuck you, Jaxon.”

“Sorry, Thor, but you’re not my type.”

Sydney’s breath locked in her chest. Was he crazy for teasing this huge Viking dom? Gunnar’s face suddenly changed as he processed Jaxon’s smart-ass reply, then he let out a big rolling guffaw of laughter.

“You’ve got a good one here, Sydney Greene; when he’s not flogging your behind, he’ll keep you in stitches. Just make sure to laugh at all his bad jokes too, or he’ll take it out on your ass.” He softened his ominous words with an outrageous wink.

Dumbfounded by the complexity of the big man who grew flowers and smelled of perfume, who carried a huge whip on his belt and Jaxon had called Master Thor, Sydney could only stare in amazement.

Out of nowhere, a mask of anger fell across the Viking dom’s face and he barked at a man at a nearby station. They all turned to see a sub being flogged at the chain station. Gunnar growled to Jax in disgust, “Ethan again, the stupid fool. Can’t he see his sub’s fingers are swelling and turning blue? Excuse me, while I kick some ignorant dom ass.”

BOOK: Pleasure Bay
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