Read Pleasure Bay Online

Authors: Maddie Taylor,Melody Parks

Pleasure Bay (24 page)

BOOK: Pleasure Bay
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He then strode away, leaving a stunned, gape-mouthed Sydney in his wake.

“All comers, baby.” Jaxon laughingly repeated.

“Um, Master Gunnar is really scary, Jax.”

“Master Thor.”

“Seriously? I thought you were joking.”

“No, Vance called him that as a joke and the subs picked up on it. Now it’s stuck, although he’s far from pleased. It suits him.”

“I can’t believe how much you teased him. He wears a whip on his belt.”

“Only submissives quiver in the face of Thor’s hammer.”

“What?” Surely, he didn’t mean…

“His whip, naughty girl, not what you were thinking.”

“Oh,” she said, flushing with heat. “He named his whip? Now I know you’re joking.”

“Nope, but the nickname came from Dimitri. The myth says that Thor’s hammer would not fail and it would never miss, and he could strike hard whatever was before him without fear of retribution. All of which D felt was appropriate for Master Thor.” Jax reached over and patted her cheek. “It stuck and is now island legend.”

“But a whip, Jaxon, um… ouch!”

“To each his own, remember? Master Thor is an expert with his bullwhip. He really doesn’t miss and in the two years I’ve known him, has never failed to please the sub he had beneath his whip. Too bad he’s on duty or you could experience it for yourself.”

Sydney squeaked, “Um… If he even looks at me with that whip I’ll be screaming ‘fashionista,’ so I think I’ll pass, sir. I can’t believe I was going to be matched with him. I would have swum back to Jamaica.”

Jax chuckled. “That’s what Mariah said before she approved our pairing. But I meant you could
him apply his whip, baby, not experience it firsthand.”


Giving her shoulders a squeeze, he moved her along. “C’mon. I see someone eyeing our bench.”

She shuffled along behind him, blinking her eyes in amazement. If Mr. Spock had beamed her up to the Enterprise at that exact moment, she couldn’t have been more surprised.

As they entered the roped area, Jax dropped her hand. He walked to a padded sawhorse and removed a reserved sign. He also pulled out a black monogrammed duffel bag that had been stashed under the bench. Plunking it down on the table behind him, he unzipped it and peeked inside as if inventorying the contents. After a moment of preparation, he looked at her and held out his hand.

“Come here, Sydney.”

Trance-like, she walked toward him, her eyes glued to the gleaming wood and leather bench behind him.

“Deep breaths,” he urged, waiting until she inhaled and blew out long and slow a few times. “Before you mount up, I want you to keep an open mind. Can you do that for me?”

“I’ll try, although my poor brain is spinning from all that I’ve seen so far.”

“I can imagine how overwhelming it is.” His lips against her forehead were gentle and reassuring. “And now I’m going to ask you for more.”

“More, sir?”

“Yes, my good girl, more. You are doing so well, I am going to ask you to set aside your limit list in order to expand your experience tonight.”

“I don’t know about that, Jax… I mean, sir.”

“You trust me, yes?”

“I do.”

“Then give yourself over to me for this evening, for the dungeon only. I have a few surprises in my bag that I think you will enjoy and I want you to experience every one of them.”

“No whips, right? Not like that awful one Master Thor carried.”

“No whips, baby. Gunnar is a sadist and only a masochist would enjoy his style of play.”

“No pain, then?”

“Only the erotic kind, which you have already experienced and admittedly enjoyed this weekend. Are you game?”

She searched his beautiful brown eyes for an answer. What she saw there was anticipation, yes, but also something else, a warmth and consideration that she had seen throughout the day. With far less deliberation than was prudent, she nodded, deciding to do as he’d asked and trust him, give over control to him and in turn her submission.

“Give me the words, so I know what you’re agreeing to, Sydney. I want to be absolutely sure.”

“I surrender to you, sir. I want you to expand my horizons, please.”

His hand slipped around her neck and he pulled her in for a blistering hot kiss. “I’ll see that you experience everything to its fullest tonight.” He released her and patted the horse, all business all of a sudden, as he gave his orders. “Now, mount up: face down up on top, knees on the pegs, hands up here.”

As she climbed up, or rather mounted as he’d called it, he produced a set of cuffs—four in all—from his bag. Crouching before her, he encircled one wrist with the fur-lined leather before moving to the other.

“I’m scared, Jaxon.”

“Scared-panicked, or scared-excited?”

Having secured both of her wrists, his hand came up to stroke the flyaway tendrils from her face, and his eyes searched her face with keen awareness. Despite the insanity of her position, his touch was gentle and it reassured her.

“Scared-excited, sir.”

“Good. That I can work with.” Leaning in, he captured her mouth in another heated kiss, his tongue seeking entry, which she offered up willingly. When he pulled away, he grinned at her wickedly. “Relax, sweet baby. This is going to be fun.”

Another kiss to her forehead and he moved away. The next thing she knew, her panties were slipped over her bottom and whisked down and off her legs.

“You’re soaking wet.” She couldn’t see him, but she felt his lips on her bare cheek and she heard him inhale. “You smell like sweet nectar. I’ve gotta have a taste, just a tiny self-indulgent treat before we begin.”

His tongue drove inside her, gliding right up inside her heated center, swirling and lapping with abandon. Without him touching her clit, she went from zero to sixty in no time flat and groaned with pleasure. After he brought her so quickly to the edge, she whimpered in disappointment when he pulled away.

“Such sweetness,” he whispered softly, “the like of which I’ve never tasted.”

She wasn’t sure she was meant to hear that, but was so glad she had. A warm glow swept through her as she eagerly waited for more of his brand of sexual torment.

He didn’t make her wait, applying ankle cuffs and securing her completely to the bench. Twisting her neck, she watched him go back to his bag and remove several more items, which he slipped into his pockets. All that remained in his big hand when he approached was a long-handled, black, leather-covered paddle. She inhaled, the breath catching in her throat.

“Eyes front, Sydney. I don’t want to blindfold you, not yet. You’re not ready for that, so no more peeking.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Respectfully said, very nice. I think you learned something in the grotto this afternoon.”

“Yeah, traveler’s palm might be beautiful, but it stings like a bitch.”

Again, his laughter rang out through the dungeon, turning several heads in their direction. From her restricted vantage point, she noticed several club members had approached in anticipation of a scene with a new submissive.

“You’re drawing unwanted attention, sir.”

“Me? Hardly… I am merely the dom. You are the main attraction, beautiful.” He crouched near her head with a sexy grin. Holding something up where she could see, he asked, “Know what these are for?”

A long silver chain dangled from his fingers, on each end was a black rubber tipped clip—nipple clamps. “I do, sir. They look scary.”

“These are very mild. I want you to know that I have tried out everything in that bag, even the nasty cane you are afraid of.”

“You wore clamps on your nipples?”

“Yep, I found them tolerable and am certain you will too.”

“Why would you do that, sir?”

“Try out the toys? The man who mentored me as a dominant believed that a dom shouldn’t ask anything of a sub that he hasn’t experienced for himself. It instills an understanding of the pain of each device, but also builds an empathy for what your submissive is feeling emotionally as well as physically.”

“So you’ve been strapped to a spanking bench too?”

“I can see that is very titillating for you, baby, but I’m going to table this discussion for another time. You wouldn’t be stalling, would you?”

“No, sir. You said stalling was a spankable offense.”

“I did say that. What a good sub for remembering.” His words of praise were accompanied by a soft kiss, and his affection pleased Sydney immensely. “Safewords are always in play at Pleasure Bay, most importantly in the dungeon. Fashionista will get my personal attention. Red and yellow will get mine and
else’s. Got me?”

“I’ve got you, sir.”

Nodding, he reached beneath the bench and cupped her full breast. She squirmed, trying to see what he was doing. Angling her head didn’t help.

“There is a mirror at eleven o’clock.”

He’d known exactly what she was thinking. Her eyes found the eleven o’clock position and breathed heavily at the erotic sight she found. The handsome pirate knelt before his redheaded captive, his large hands caressing her dangling breasts.

“I thought you said no peeking.”

“The way I have it angled, you only have a limited view. You’ll see only what I allow you to see, sub.”

A small pinch of her nipple and the first clamp was in place. Then he moved to the other breast. The chain connected her nipples ran below the top crossbar, effectively chaining her to the horse by her breasts. Dear heavens, if she were to raise up, those clamps would pull and bite.

“You can’t go anywhere with your wrists cuffed anyway, baby, so don’t try it.” His thumb stroked down her cheek and over her lips.

“How do you know exactly what I’m thinking?”

“You have a very expressive face.” He reached in his pocket and pulled out a shiny silver object attached by a cord to a remote. “How about this, ever seen a vibrating egg?”

“Yes, sir, I have one at home just like it.” Crap on a cracker, had she really just said that? She closed her eyes, her face burning with mortification.

“I was glad to see toys were a yes on your list, baby. My toy box is quite full and I tend to get creative.” A brief touch of lips and he moved away with an ordered, “No coming ‘til I say so.”

His hand stroked down her spine until it came to rest on her rounded cheek. He squeezed as if testing the pliability of her butt, right before his hand came down with a resounding smack. He then spent the next ten minutes warming her up with light smacks, stroking and caressing in between until her entire ass was warm and tingling.

A strange creaking sounded before something slick slid between her cheeks. She yelped in surprise at the cold wet sensation.

“It’s just lube to ease my way.”

“For what?”

“Uh-uh, anticipation is half the fun,” he announce as something smooth pressed into her bottom. There was a stretch and a little burn.


Two stinging swats seared her bottom.

“You need to work on calling me sir, sub. I’ve been lenient so far, but will add more at the end of the scene if you keep forgetting.”

“Sorry, sir.” she whispered.

“Apology accepted, Sydney, now bear down so I can get this plug seated.”

As she did, the stretching burn worsened before there was a small pop, as the plug hit home.

“Very nice. This hot pink plug looks so pretty in your ass. Now for the egg and we can start the scene.”

“We haven’t started yet… sir?”

“This is just the set-up.”

The cool metal slid easily into her pussy. She’d be lucky to keep the thing from gushing out, she was so wet. His fingers pressed firmly until the egg was deep inside her channel and then it came to life. Soon after, the butt plug engaged.

“Oh, my god! I won’t be able to keep from coming, Jaxon. Please don’t make me wait.”

A whap and blaze of fire landed on the fullest part of her butt cheek. Along with the burn came a zap to her nerves as the dual vibrators shifted inside her. She cried out as her entire body quivered with sensation.

The whap was repeated.

“You forgot again, baby.”

“Dear heavens, this is too much, sir. I can’t hold on much longer…” The volume of her plea rose with each word until the last came out in a long, drawn-out, keening wail.

“Ten swats with the paddle as penance for forgetting. After the last stroke you may come.”


“A safeword will stop things, Syd, otherwise lie still and be good.”

“No, sir.” Thinking that might be misconstrued, she added, “No safeword, I mean, sir.”

“I understood, baby.”

She felt a brush of air against her skin before the paddle struck, but she had no time to prepare for the evil paddle that rained down on her waiting, vulnerable flesh. She jerked her hands as if she could cover her stinging behind, but the restraints held true and her efforts were useless. Starting on her right cheek, he laid down five blazing swats, covering almost every inch of white skin before switching to the other side and giving it the same. He applied the paddle quickly, causing a constant shift of the internally placed vibes.

“This is number ten, Sydney, afterward you may come.”

He placed the final swat smack dab in the middle of her ass, which put pressure on both vibrators simultaneously. Sensation exploded within her. She exhaled with a long, harsh moan as her entire core—her pussy, ass, and lower belly—convulsed and quivered with her orgasm.

“Beautiful,” Jaxon growled, his tone husky with need. “You’re stunning when you come.” His hands grazed over her bottom, squeezing her round globes. “You’re a nice rosy color and slightly warm to the touch. I think you can take a bit more.”

“Yes, sir.”

“You like it when I spank you. Almost as much as I like coloring this beautiful behind with my hand and my tools. Let’s see what else you like from my bag.”

She heard him rummaging around and was back in an instant. Something soft ran over her hot skin, soothing the ache and calming her frayed nerve endings.

“Mmmm, that feels wonderful, sir.”

“I can tell by the way you’re purring like a cat. We’ll mark this one down as a reward.”

The softness went away and was replaced by a small tap with something smooth and cool. It left her, ever so briefly and returned quickly with two more taps. She relaxed into it, thinking it wasn’t bad at all. Suddenly, a swishing noise preceded a hard
that caused fire to bloom again, and she knew she’d judged too soon. Before the warmth in the first cheek had abated, the tapping began on the other side. With another hard blow, she cried out—one part pleasure and another part pain—as her pussy flooded with wet heat. He repeated the process of several light pats and then a burst of flames. Afterward, the softness returned, gently rubbing the sting away until only the heat remained. Unless you counted the tingling ache, that yet again consumed her core.

BOOK: Pleasure Bay
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