Pleasure Bay (13 page)

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Authors: Maddie Taylor,Melody Parks

BOOK: Pleasure Bay
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“Yes, sir,” she squeaked. His finger left her aching bud and he released the hand behind her back.

“Use this to sit on,” he said, holding her wrap out to her. She watched him put his finger in his mouth, tasting her wetness. That gesture, so erotic and suggestive made her belly clench and her juices flowed onto her inner thighs. He had to know what he was doing to her.

He pointed to the raft with an unwavering hand, and she obediently stepped inside. After she settled herself, he slid the raft into the water. “That little taste of you was like heroin on my tongue. Now I have a craving for it,” he murmured, getting in the raft. “There won’t be an inch of you I haven’t tasted by morning.”

She blushed at his words as he maneuvered around her to the front of the raft. He took a rope from the side and started to pull them in the direction of the yacht. If Pleasure Bay planned all this as part of her fantasy, she was impressed. The man far eclipsed all of her expectations.

Within minutes, they reached the yacht and he was tying the craft to the ladder. “Ladies first,” he smiled, gesturing to the metal rungs.

She started climbing. While she did, she felt his breath against her leg as he followed. Once they both reached the top and stood on the deck, he took her arm and pulled her to him swiftly, wrapping her up tightly.

“You are all mine now, princess.” A dazzling smile curved his lips and Jen saw his eyes darken. His face was angling toward her. He was going to kiss her, she was sure.

When their lips met, she felt a fire ignite from within. Was it because it had been over two years since she had kissed a man’s lips? Or was it this man in particular? He surely knew how to kiss, with firm determined lips and just the right amount of playful tongue that had her ready to drop to her knees and beg him to take her, right there on the deck.

Jen returned his kiss with a fever of her own. Her hands pressed into the rigid muscles of his back, feeling, exploring, and clutching. His own hands found her warm bottom cheeks, squeezed and then pulled her up against him tightly, letting her feel that he was just as ready for her as she was for him. Her pussy clenched at the thought of his hard rod plunging into her and she moaned loudly into his mouth.

“You want this every bit as much as I do, don’t you?” He broke from the kiss.

Jen opened her eyes. The silvery light of the full moon made his gray eyes gleam as he looked at her. The desire she saw in them made her clench. “Yes, sir,” she breathed. His cock twitched, rising against her, causing the heat between her thighs to blossom.

“I planned to take you out to sea so that no one would hear your screams, but I’m not sure I can wait that long.” He began moving his hands down her slim thighs as he spoke, wrapping his fingers around them just before the bend of her knee. As he lifted her, he encouraged her to wrap her legs around his waist, which she did, all too willingly.

“Hold on,” he whispered next to her ear and started walking.

His words vibrating against her ear caused a slow tingle to crawl down her spine. His masculine scent surrounded her and with each step he took, his cock surged against her cunt. She squeezed her legs tighter around him, enjoying the feeling—and even more so when she heard a tiny groan from his throat, after which he nipped her neck, as if warning her not to do that again.

He took her down a level, kissing and nibbling her neck as they passed through what appeared to be his living room with a plush, state-of-the-art home theater with high-back reclining chairs wide enough to seat two cozily, covered in a soft microfiber. She could imagine snuggling up against him in one of those chairs while they watched a movie on the massive wall mounted flat screen.

Going down yet another level, he carried her along a narrow passageway until he stopped in front of a sleek black sliding door. Maneuvering her weight so that he could support her with one hand, he reached up to a keypad and punched in the code that opened the door. When he flicked on the lights as they entered, Jen was flabbergasted. Her eyes widened as her jaw dropped open. This had to be his stateroom or captain’s quarters, or whatever it was called on a yacht. It was the most elaborate and erotic-looking bedroom she’d ever laid eyes on.

To her left, three large oval windows encompassed most of the wall. They would provide a spectacular view while they lay snuggling, wrapped in each other’s arms. The wall behind the bed was mirrored glass. Jen could see the entire room reflected in it. The furnishings, luxurious reddish-hued wood creations, were either cherry or mahogany if she were to guess. Two tall armoires stood in opposite corners along one wall. An expensive burgundy couch sat a few feet from the bed, with an etched glass table in front of it, a small pile of magazines and books stacked neatly at one end. There was a passageway not far past the windows, which Jen assumed led to the bathroom.

Instead of taking her to the bed like she assumed he would, he carried her over to one of the armoires, set her down, and opened it. His voice was low and husky in her ear as he ordered, “Pick three.” She could sense his careful observation as he gauged her reaction. She looked at his assortment of BDSM toys: floggers, crops, handcuffs, a spreader bar, blindfolds, rope, and that was just the half of it. Hanging on the open door were nipple clamps of various shapes and sizes, ball gags, straps, and a few strange-looking objects she had never even seen before, but one of them looked scary.

“What is that?” she asked, pointing to the metal thing with sharp pointed spikes. It reminded her of a tool her grandmother used for tilling her garden, only miniaturized.

“If you don’t know, don’t pick it.”

As she took the tool down from its hook, she caught the look of surprise in his raised eyebrow and a devious smiled played about his lips.

She was picking out a crop when she heard his shirt hit the floor. She couldn’t resist peeking while she decided on her last item. His chest was toned and firm, not bulging with muscles, but what was there was solid. The hair on his chest—the exact amount to suit her taste—was T-shaped, the vertical line between his pecs more narrow as it trailed down to his ripped abs. Jen had a strong urge to run her fingers through it as she licked his masculine nipples. Oh yes, he was yummy without a shirt.

“You have about three seconds before I pick the last item for you, princess.” He put a gentle hand into her hair, turning her ogling eyeballs back to his toys and started counting.

When he reached ‘two,’ she hurried, grabbing a black leather paddle.

“Hmm… the Wartenberg wheel, even though I advised you not to. Are you sure that’s what you want?” He took her selections from her and led her over to the foot of the bed.

“Yes, sir.”

“Tsk, tsk, tsk… what a shame, because defiance has consequences. So, we won’t be indulging your curiosity this evening.” He twirled the silver implement between his fingers, adding, “But if you’re good, before this weekend ends, you’ll know and understand exactly what this little device is used for.” After laying each of the items on the bed, he turned to her with a rakish smile and guided her hands to the tall posts, curling them around the gleaming wood. “Keep them right there, just like that. Do you understand?”

She could hear the commanding undertones in his voice—so dominant and controlled. She felt his authority in the way he moved and touched her body with the utmost confidence.

“Yes, sir,” she replied, seeing herself nodding in the mirror, her hair shrouding her face.

He stood next to her, putting a finger under her chin so that she looked directly at their reflection, her body naked, his tan and sexy, clad only in a pair of shorts.

“I’m going to position your hips and feet. If you move, or take your hands from the posts, I will bring out the cuffs and the spreader bar. Understand?”

Distracted, she nodded. Never having watched herself during a scene before, she was captivated by what she saw in the mirror. His eyes holding hers expressed unmistakably his hunger for her. A look that said he was about to devour her… any way he liked.

He walked around behind her; placing his hand on her hips, he pulled her back a couple of steps so that she was partially bent over. A position that would supply him with perfect access to her bottom. He guided her feet with one of his own until they were about shoulder width apart.

“The first thing I’m going to do is give you a spanking for lying to me by the falls. You were not really expecting anyone and we both know it. I want to warn you, this will hurt. If you think you are strong enough to take your first punishment like a good girl, I will not get the cuffs. But, if you move your hands at all after I start, I will add ten of my best with the leather paddle you so helpfully picked out for me.”

The warm tips of his fingers caressed her back while he spoke. His words were gentle and his tone warm, but she could see the warning in his eyes. Her butt had been bared to a fair amount of doms in the past and she had come to learn that no two were alike when it came to what was a hard blow and what was a love tap. Better to be safe than sorry.

“What do you think, princess? Shall I get them now, or wait until you disobey me?”

“Get them now, sir.”

“Smart girl,” he said, bending to her ear and stroking her hair.

After securing her wrists to the posts and checking that her feet were positioned where he wanted, he picked up the crop and trailed its leather tip down her arm. Gliding it up along her shoulder and under her hair, he moved it all over one shoulder.

“Mm… there’s that pretty face.” He leaned over and gave her a soft kiss on her cheek. “As much as I hate to spoil the fun, this is where I am required to make sure you know and will use your safeword if things become too much for you.”

Jen craned her head around, a grin spanning her face. “I knew you were my wicked abductor the moment you admitted there were no piranha in the pond.”

He took her chin between his finger and thumb, brushing his lips to hers. “I think you were having second thoughts when you realized I was taking you away from the island.” He kissed her again, more deeply this time. The hand cupping the back of her neck pulled her closer to his demanding lips and tongue. God, the man knew how to use his tongue. They both needed a deep breath of air when he pulled from her lips. “Tell me what you would have said back on the beach if you had really lost your nerve, princess.”

“Clowns, sir.” Her voice was getting raspy. The slow burning arousal that he’d been building since the falls was making her nipples hard and her pussy ache.

“Excellent. Are you ready to begin?”

A delightful shiver danced down her back at his question. “Yes, sir.”

“Mmmm…” he hummed approvingly as his palm dipped into the small of her back and down over the warm globes of her ass. Standing at her side with his back to the mirror, he began rubbing and pinching her cheeks. “Soft, yet pliable—very nice.” Moving a leg between her thighs to steady her, he delivered one crisp swat to each cheek. He paused for a moment, then smoothing a hand over her flesh and wrapping an arm around her waist, he went to work. His hand wasn’t testing the waters anymore. Sharp smacks and underhand slaps collided with her tingling cheeks.

Fixated on their reflection, she started to pant, curling her toes into the thick carpet. Her face was reddened and a light sheen of sweat was developing on her forehead. Quiet whimpers and soft cries echoed in her ears as her body began to dance. She could never have imagined that watching herself under a dom’s control would heighten her arousal the way it was right now, with her clit almost throbbing in time with his swats.

He seemed to enjoy the three-slap rhythm he had going on, banging out a resounding beat as if he were John Bonham and her ass was his drum. An artist of the first order, he gave a sharp slap to the middle, a good solid smack to the fleshy part above the thigh and followed it up with an underhand sweep to the sit-spot.

She didn’t know how many of these sets landed on each cheek, but she was finding it hard not to move her feet. Her soft whimpers were building into loud moans. Her rear end was on fire and she was thankful he’d given her the option of the cuffs as she strained against them.

“Please… I’m sorry. I’m sorry I lied to you,” she at last howled, begging for mercy. Her hips were twisting, trying to avoid his dreaded underhand swat. She didn’t know just how many more she could handle.

“Let’s be sure of it,” he growled, continuing his cadence.

Her heart was thumping wildly and her body, in a natural urge toward self-preservation, lurched forward into his firm thigh each time she anticipated the nasty underhand. He repositioned his leg so that when she surged forward to avoid the swat her pussy would ride along his thigh. In fact, he seemed to encourage her by lifting his thigh to meet her moist lips. Just when she thought she couldn’t take another slap, he stopped.

Adam was panting nearly as hard as she was. “You’re soaked, princess. Your juices are running down my leg.” As if to prove it further, he slipped two fingers into her liquefied core, stroking deep until she clenched with a needy moan.

“Hell, yes!” he groaned, pulling his fingers out slowly. He righted himself, turning to meet her gaze in the mirror. Holding his glistening fingers aloft, he held her gaze as he slowly licked them clean. “As incredible as you taste, I’m going to explode if I don’t get my cock in that tight wet pussy of yours in the next five seconds.”

“Yes,” she moaned, her mind drunk with pleasure by their image. “Please, sir.”

Even as she spoke, he was reaching into one of his pockets to pull out a foiled wrapper. He put it between his teeth and quickly unbuttoned his shorts. Kicking them free, he ripped and discarded the empty wrapper as her eyes homed in on his cock. Damn—dominant, good looking, great body and well endowed—if this wasn’t satisfaction guaranteed, she didn’t know what was.

When he was done, he stood behind her, caressing her fiery cheeks. “Mmmm… so sexy. You took my spanking very well.”

“Thank you, sir,” she rasped, looking at him in the mirror. His eyes focused on her burning bottom as he spread her cheeks open. She heard a low, throaty growl as he tipped his hips forward, nestling his cock between her swollen lips. “Ah… yes,” she begged, arching her back so that her ass would rise.

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