PORN STARS... More Than Just Moans (13 page)

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Authors: Matthew Fabiola;L. Ramsey Joseph

BOOK: PORN STARS... More Than Just Moans
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I didn’t say no. His voice begged me to be open-minded and to see the world through his eyes. I came to the conclusion that maybe my vision had been clouded for long enough.




“Your number is 9785. All we need now is a picture and you are free to go in.”

I stood in front of a red wall and waited for my photo to be taken. I felt like I was in one of those weird French movies that I loved to watch. The ones where the main character is a member of a sex club that only the underground freaks knew and loved. It was dark and smoky with mostly all good looking people. There seemed to be a lot of foreign rich people of every color and that was just the entrance where you received your number, if you were lucky. From what I gathered, you had to know someone or be able to pay a lot of money just to get past the first checkpoint. After that, you went to what was called a viewing room. There the money that you just paid or the person who was a member that you knew meant nothing. There were two people who determined if you got in and they scared me. They sat in chairs that looked like thrones and just gawked at you. They spoke so low that I was only standing about a foot away from them and still couldn’t hear a word.

“Let’s go,” Breeze said, as he took my hand and pulled me toward a heavy, metal door. It had two big black men who looked like they ate the undesirables for dinner.

“How do you know that it is okay for me to go in?” I didn’t want to go anywhere near the entrance to hell unless I knew that the devil gave me permission.

“The green light above their heads gives the okay, that’s where my dad got the idea for the make-up room.”

I let Breeze lead me through the doors without a fight. It had just hit me that this place ran deep through his bloodline.

“Your dad comes here, too?” I asked in disbelief.

“He co-owns it with Vivianna and Carmine.”

“Who are they?”

“Don’t you mean what?” he asked this with laughter, but I left it alone. They both scared the shit out of me and that’s all I needed to know. I didn’t even ask if he was joking or not.

Stepping into the Devil’s Den was like entering another world. The furniture was black and the walls were the color of blood. The lights were dim and the likes of Maxwell, Sweet Back, Sade, and The Brand New Heavies spilled out of the speakers, filling the air with an aura of sex, and it seemed to be in every corner that I looked.

“People come here to be free, to do the things that they are too scared to do out there,” Breeze said pointing at the doors that we just walked through.

“How can they do those things with a club full of people?”

“You’re gonna be doing them in a warehouse full of people and you’ll be getting paid for it, and that’s the only difference. They are doing it because they enjoy it, because it feeds whatever sexual appetite that hungers them. You will be fucking for a check, but hopeful you will get to where these people have already gone.”

He had me there and to tell the truth, watching all of the club goers go at it turned me on.

Once seated, Breeze ordered an apple martini with a twist for me and a bottle of Patron for him and me, if I wanted some.

“I didn’t know that you could twist an apple martini.”

“Everything comes with a twist in here Jazzy.”

I enjoyed him kissing and nibbling on my neck before something took my attention away from it.

“What’s in there?”

There was a door that was painted a brighter red than the walls. I watched a woman who seemed to be the most beautiful creature that I had ever seen walk in with a man flowing behind her. The man in the suit seemed to be in the same trance that I was in. She was like the diamonds that Breeze had given me earlier that day. She seemed to sparkle and shine even in the all-black outfit that she had on.

“That room is called The Immortal Palace. I never go in there, it’s a little too out there, even for me.”

I was stunned. I didn’t think that nothing was too over the top for the porn prince. When the waiter came back with our drinks, my mind was still on the member’s only room, but I didn’t mention it again. If it was too much for Breeze, then I know that it was going to be way too much for me.

“Cheers to a whole new world. May you learn to welcome it as well as flourish in it.”

The apple martini was the best that I had ever had, and before I was even done, I had another waiting for me.

“The service here is wonderful.”

“Yeah, my dad’s motto is that neither a glass nor an ass should run dry in here.”

As we shared a laugh, a euphoric feeling came over me. My body tingled and my head felt cloudy. I downed another cold drink hoping that it would cool my heated insides.

“Something the matter, does your head hurt?”

After my forth drink, my head was in my hands as I tried to control the spinning.

“No, I just think that I drank too much, too soon. I’ll be okay in a minute.”

“Can’t handle your alcohol huh?” Breeze asked as he slid closer to me.

“Let daddy take care of you,” he spoke as if I were a three year old child.

“Please, Breeze, I can hang with the best of them. I just wanted you to come a little closer, that’s all.”

I leaned into him and tasted the strong alcohol on his lips, and I wanted more. I straddled him and kissed him as if he were the speed bump that I so desperately needed.

“Slow down, Jazzy, we just got here, save a little for later,” Breeze said as he handed me the fresh drink that the waitress had brought over.

“I love this song; it’s almost as if it’s taking over my body.”

“It’s Sweetback, it’s called
Voodoo Breath

I guzzled down my drink and stood up. The song’s name was so befitting that it made me feel as if someone had put a voodoo spell on me. I was no longer in charge of my body. It wanted to dance without my brain stopping it. I stood up and let the man’s voice that sang the song take over my body.

Breeze sat there and watched as if I were the female spirit, Erzulie Freda. My mother would pray to her to bring my father back home, but he never did come back to us. I didn’t know much about her but I did know that to some she was the goddess of love. She was seductive and loved the finer things in life. And that night, I embodied her. I swayed my hips to the beat of the song and let all of my inhibitions go. I no longer tugged at my rising dress nor did I care that most of the men and women in the room watched me. I invited their prying eyes and preformed for my audience.

“Come dance with me baby.”

I tried to pull Breeze off the small couch but he wouldn’t budge.

“Fine, then I’ll just have to dance on you.”

I gave him a lap dance that any high priced stripper would be proud of. I could feel his breath on my shoulders as his dick hardened.

“You are my voodoo; you do know that, don’t you?”

“Well, maybe I can cast a spell to make you fuck me inside out tonight,” I said as I stood up and faced him. I pushed him back with my high heeled foot and stood up on the couch. I put a foot on each side of him and begun to dance again. I wined my hips lower and lower until I felt his face in between my legs. I moved my hips back and forth to the music, damn near ridding his face, and I didn’t stop until I felt him pull my thong aside. When his wet pointy tongue hit my sweet spot, I leaned into it and sang out loud to the song.

You can loan it but I own it so come and help me sing my song
.” I sang the lyrics at the top of my lungs as his tongue roamed my insides, but as quickly as that new soon to be familiar feeling hit me, it was gone, and to me it was as if everything went silent.

“What the hell are you doing, why did you stop?”

“We have all night, Jazzy, I was just giving you a little something to hold you over,” Breeze said as he helped me down off the couch. To say that I was pissed would be putting it lightly.

“Where’s the fucking bathroom in this place? I guess I gotta go clean up since you left me wet and hanging,” I said, as I stormed off without an answer. I heard Breeze yelling something over the music but I refused to listen. It seemed like I was a game to him. He wanted so badly for me to enter his world but when I did, he still only met me half way.

I walked around the club in search of the bathroom but it seemed like every door that I opened was just another sex den.

“You seem lost.”

“No shit,” I answered before turning around, but when I did, I had to take a deep breath because he had almost taken it away.

“Are you okay?”

“Sure, yeah, yeah, I’m umm, I’m okay.”

Both Mr. Chocolate bar and the alcohol had me mixing up my words.

“Why don’t you let me help you back to your table?”

“What makes you think that I need help? I don’t look like a damsel distress, do I?”

I said this in a very flirtatious voice while leaning into him.

“I wouldn’t say that, it’s just I’ve been watching you. You have walked from one end of the club to the other. You just seem to have no direction and I wanted to help.”

He hit that nail right on its head. I felt lost in all sense of the word, and to think, I just thought that I couldn’t find the bathroom. Mr. Chocolate made me realize that I also couldn’t find myself.

“I’m just looking for the bathroom,” I said with a lying smile.

“I think that you’re looking for more than that aren’t you?”

The way he asked this question threw me off. He seemed to say it in a sexual way but then again, I was looking for so many things.

“The directions to the bathroom will do for now.”

His smile revealed his pearly whites and pointed me to the ladies room. On my way there, I looked back at Breeze to see if he had noticed the exchange, but I’m sure he didn’t. Some white girl had his face buried in her breast. For a split second, I wanted to go yank his ass away and set her straight, but I was thankful that she had distracted him. Plus, I wasn’t Tanya and he wasn’t my man.

In the bathroom, I cleaned off the wetness that Breeze left behind but I was still throbbing down there. I felt like I was starving and although Breeze had a fridge full of food, he refused to feed me. Right then and there, I decided that I was going to get some dick that night. I figured that I would tempt Breeze to the point that he would be begging me to let him have some. I was going to be on some new shit. I entered this lifestyle due to money problems but I might as well get more than money out of it. With a growing thirst, God only knew what or who would quench the desert storm that was brewing inside of me.

“No, leave it down,” Mr. Chocolate said from behind me. I was trying to pin my hair up but decided against it to satisfy his request.

“Damn, I didn’t even hear you come in here. You do know that this is the ladies bathroom don’t you?”

He came up behind me and pushed my hair over my left shoulder, and as our eyes met in mirror, the throbbing intensified between my legs. When he got close enough for me to hear him whisper, he kissed my right shoulder and made me feel his rock hard dick that he deliberately pushed against my ass.

“I’m aware of everything around me, baby, and you caught my eye.”

“So, what do you think that means? That you can sexual harass me in the ladies room?”

“Oh, I came in here to do more than harass you, I promise you that.”

I turned around and faced him. His swagger was that of a royal prince. He stood with strength and assurance. His skin was smooth and as rich as coco. I took a second to look him over. His chocolate complexion seemed to flow through his entire body, and the dreads that swept his shoulders made my nipples hard. His eyes were a natural gray, which I thought was rare for his skin color. He towered over me at a height of 6’3”. He smelled like vanilla ice cream and I wanted a lick of his flavor.

He leaned down and parted my lips with his tongue. I could taste the mint that lingered from the candy that he popped before coming into the bathroom.

“You’re like the thought of summer on a cold ass winter day, you know that?”

“How do you know that I’m not really rain? Better yet, a rain storm that threatens to ruin a sunny day?”

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