PORN STARS... More Than Just Moans (8 page)

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Authors: Matthew Fabiola;L. Ramsey Joseph

BOOK: PORN STARS... More Than Just Moans
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“Maybe it was the thought of banging out a hot young Puerto Rican girl.”

The alcohol had started to take effect on me and I was ready to say and do anything.

“I’ve had my fair share of rice and beans Jazzy. It goes beyond that.”

I let out a chuckle. His rice and beans statement although a bit racist, was a bit funny.

“Come here Jezebel.”

“Aren’t I close enough?” I asked teasingly. He pulled me on top of him, making me straddle him. I instantly felt his hard on. I watched him as he looked me over, making sure not to miss a thing.

“You look like a doll,” he said more to himself then to me. He caressed my face and let his hand glide down to my shoulders. I could tell that he was fixated on my golden brown hue.

“It’s as if your skin is glowing.”

His hands were now running up and down my arms. It was so soothing that in my tipsy and somewhat still high state, I just wanted to rest in his arms and fall asleep to that same feeling.

“You know, my mother used my golden brown skin to belittle me. She hated the fact that I didn’t inherit her clear pale skin. When she drank, she would stand in the door of my bedroom and stay there for at least an hour. She would scream and tell me that I was the same color as the mud pies she made in Puerto Rico as a child. She would say that I was just a piece of shit like my father. She even gave me a nickname; it was Poopie. She called me that until the day I left her house.”

I bared my soul to him as I buried my head in his chest. I was ashamed of my past but felt safe telling him all about it. It was the first time that I ever spoke about it at all.

“How could someone put you down for something so beautiful? Your skin is almost like gold. It's so tan, so shiny, so perfect. And your hair, I love that it’s so full, so curly.”

I wrapped my arms around his neck and squeezed tight. No man had ever gone over my looks with such a fine tooth comb. I wanted to hear more, I wanted him to tell me everything that he had noticed and liked about me. He gently pushed me off his chest and looked at my face. I closed my eyes and took in his every word.

“Everything about you is right. From your small frame to you bubble butt.”

I smiled at that one.

“Open your eyes Jazzy. They are what first caught my attention.”

I looked at him, trying to find the lies in his words. I have heard a lot in my nineteen years on this earth, and I was never told that my eyes are what a man noticed when he first met me. He must have seen the disbelief in them and had to smile.”

“I know that it sounds like bullshit, but it’s true. When I saw you, all I could see were your eyes. They were secretive, mischievous, and lonely. They were also soft, needy, and well, beautiful. I even had to take a second look when I saw your lashes. I don’t want to tell you how much money the girls spend on trying to get lashes like yours.”

That man blew my mind right then and there. I was already hooked on his dick, but when he told me that he had even noticed my lashes, I know it’s silly to say but I fell in love. My daddy was the only other man that ever said anything about them.

I wanted to cry. I wanted to stay right there in his arms and lay my soul on the line. I wanted him to know all of me and love me. I wanted him to tell me that I didn’t have to become a porn star. He was supposed to tell me that he loved and wanted to take care of me. But I didn’t hear those words that night. I just felt his lips on top of mines. I felt his right hand grip my breast and the other gripping my ass.

“You wanna try something new?” Breeze asked me between our kissing, I shook my head yes and kissed him again. He held on to each one of my legs and stood up with them around his waist. He walked me to the even colder, almost all steel kitchen and laid me on the counter.

“Stay right there Jazzy, I’m about to make you both hot and cold baby.”

He walked to the glass door freezer and took out a hand full of ice. He tossed them the round shaped cubes on the counter beside me and slide his cold hand down my chest. I got the shivers from both his cold hand and his touch.

“Can I take off all of your clothes?”

“Of course you can, but you won’t have much to take off, I don’t have on any panties.”

It wasn’t intentional. When he called me, I was just sprawled out on my bed, puffing on my weed. When I sprang into action, the only thing I did was put lotion and perfume on. I slipped on a pair of short shorts and a tiny top, not even thinking of an under garment.

“You nasty little bitch, you came here ready to fuck, didn’t you?”

“To tell you the truth, I’ve been thinking about what you did to me all day long. I woke up wet from even dreaming about it.”

By the time his hand had reached between my legs, they were shaking. He slipped his middle finger inside of me while rubbing my clit at the same time. I watched him pick an ice cube and put it in his mouth before letting my eyes roll back in my head. I felt both coldness and the warmth of his mouth on my nipples. The melted water dripped upwards, downwards, and all around. I loved everything he was doing to me but I wanted more. I wanted some of that famous head. I wanted that big hard dick rammed inside of me. I wanted to cum on it while he told me how good it felt. When he finally hit my clit, it was heaven all over again. The same feelings took over my body, including new ones. The feeling of his warm tongue and the freezing ice made for an interesting explosion. I watched his head bob up and down as he fucked me with his tongue and wondered how many of the women at his company have had this pleasure. Was I really something special or was I just new? Did he see something different in me or was the fresh meat too hard to pass up? I was about to promise myself to ask him those questions but something made me lose my train of thought. My body instantly got stiff. I couldn’t move nor breathe. The feeling was too strong to do either. What the fuck was he doing? This was new, too new, and too weird for me. I always thought that this was too nasty. I never, ever, wanted to have this done to me. How could he bring himself to do this? A million thoughts ran through my mind. But stopping him was not one of them. I felt his tongue glide across my asshole and my mind was blown. I squirmed so much that I damn near fell off of the counter.

“Calm down Jazzy. It will feel better if you just relax.”

And how in the fuck was I supposed to do that? His tongue was going from my pussy and back to my ass again and he wanted me to relax? I couldn’t. Even with it feeling good, it still tickled.

“I’ve got something for your ass.”

When he said that, I hoped that he didn’t mean it literally.

“I know what you want. You’re just like all of the other little bitches that get a taste of Breeze. You want this dick don’t you? Yeah that’s what you want.”

He made my body beg for his meat. I tried to push my pussy into it but all he did was rub it on my clit.

“Yeah, get that pussy real nice and wet for me Jazzy. Let that pussy show me how bad you want it.”

My body shook violently as I came closer and closer to cumming.

“No not yet, you greedy little bitch. You have to work for your prize.”

I had enough of his games. I wasn’t in the business of begging for shit.

I sat up and looked down at his rock hard, juicy manhood. It was tan just like the rest of him with hardly any hair. He was a well groomed god and I wanted to worship at his feet. I slide off of the counter and grabbed a handful of his dick. I could barely wrap my hands around it as I used it for leverage to get on my knees.

“Do you know what you’re doing Jazzy? I’m not in the mood for no wack ass head.”

When I looked up, he had a full smile on his face. He thought that he was being funny but I took it as a challenge. This wasn’t the first time that I was going to go to work on a man’s dick, but it was going to be the first time that I was going to put my all into it and like it.

“Well, get ready baby, this is going to be a rare ride for the both of us.”

I wrapped my lips around his shaft, and felt the head of his magical wand forcing its way down my throat. I wanted to gag but I fought it and held it in. I worked that piece of meat like nobody’s business. I worked from his stomach to the head and back down again. I made my lips and mouth turn into a vacuum that was trying to suck the life out of him. I watched as his eyes closed and his knees damn near buckled. He put his hands behind him and held on to the counter for dear life. I made loud sleeping noises as I sucked the head and worked the rest of him with my hand.

“God damn, Jazzy, wait a second, hold up, stop.”

I ignored his pleads as I shoved all of him in my mouth and reached down and massaged his balls.

“I said stop it, shit.”

Breeze pushed me away with force making me fall back. He caught his breath before apologizing for his actions.

“It’s just that I didn’t want to blow my load without getting in that pussy Jazzy.”

I smiled. At least I knew that I had gotten to him.

“Come here and let me make it up to you.”

He stood me up and leaned me against the very same counter that he was holding onto. I lowered my back and spread my legs so that he could get in good. I could feel his hand between my legs rubbing on my sweet spot.

“That’s right baby, I see you listened. You’re nice and wet for daddy.”

“Well, stop playing around and fuck me.”

He slid into me with the same force that my words had. I let out a loud moan for it was both good and painful at the same time. He drove me as if I was the car of his dreams. He held onto my waist and put all of himself inside of me with each stroke, and I didn’t deny him entry.

“Yes, baby, get it; get all of it. Fuck me right, Breeze, make me cum.”

“Hold on tight, Jazzy, I’m going to put your legs up.”

I was ready for it all, so I did as I was told. This man lifted me up and made me wrap my legs around his waist backward. There was nothing between us but dick and pussy, and within five minutes, we were both on our way to cumming.

“Jazzy, baby, I’m about to cum. Cum with me baby; cum with me.”

He leaned on my back as we performed the Cum Goddess dance.


We were so caught up in the moment that we never saw Tanya standing in the door way. We looked over to where the voice was coming from but could not stop our performance. It was as if her presence added fuel to the fire. We went at it faster and moaned out even louder. It was like watching Animal Kingdom, there was no stopping us.


As she spoke, we both released the passion that had built up inside of us. We came while never taking our eyes off of her. By the time she charged us with a knife she had taken out of the drawer, we were both ready.

“Calm the fuck down Tanya. You weren’t supposed to be here,” Breeze said as he disarmed the crazy bitch. I just wanted to find my clothes and get out of there. I had a good time but I wasn’t trying to end up on the eleven o’clock news.


“Umm, I’m gonna go. We can do the contract thing another time, like maybe at your office,” I said this with a smile. I knew that I shouldn’t have come to his house and I wanted to let him know that I was right.


“First off, Tanya, we don’t have a team. That business is for my father and me. I can’t pass up a good thing because of your feelings. I am going to sign her and she is going to be a star, trust me, I know.”

Watching these two was like watching both a horror movie and a drama. I wanted to leave but I couldn’t pull myself away.

“Don’t go anywhere Jazzy. You came here to sign your contract and I don’t want you leaving without doing so. I even made out your check already.”

When he spoke, he looked at Tanya. It was as if he challenged her to try to change his mind, but she knew better. She lived with him for long enough to know not to fuck with his money.


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