PORN STARS... More Than Just Moans (9 page)

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Authors: Matthew Fabiola;L. Ramsey Joseph

BOOK: PORN STARS... More Than Just Moans
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I don’t know if it was her accent or the cold crazy stare that she gave me, but I got the chills. I knew that she meant what she said and I planned on staying out of her way.

“Come here Jazzy. This is what you came here for. Sign this contract and become a star.”

I took the pen from Breeze and without a second thought, I signed on the dotted line. He handed me my check and hugged me tightly.

“Welcome to Fantasy Pictures. May all your dreams come true.”


As I drove home, I wondered if Breeze knew that he had now become part of my many dreams. I wanted stardom, money, happiness, and now, I wanted Breeze. And if all of my dreams come true, I would have all of those things within a year. The next day I woke up and went straight to the bank. After depositing my check, I paid off all of my unpaid bills; dropped six months of future rent to my landlord and put a down payment on a new Lexus. I prayed that things would only go up from here, and they did, for a while.



Chapter 4

“Breeze, this is Tyree, Tyree…Breeze.”


The next morning I woke up earlier than I normally would have. I think it was because I was anxious. I had that feeling you get on the first day of school, except that time it felt like I already had uncompleted homework which was trying to figure out how the hell I was going to tell Tyree he’s actually auditioning for porn. I remember feeling scared that he would feel deceived. I kept thinking what if he cussed me out, and hated me afterwards? I decided to go for a run to clear my head, because I knew there wasn’t anything I could do except wait and see what happened. When I got back Ebony was up and cooking breakfast.

“Good morning Sunshine! You’re up early!” she stated.

“Good morning! I had a rough night, and couldn’t sleep.”

“Are you hungry? There’s enough for the both of us.”

“Sure, but I’m going to jump in the shower first.”

I took a quick shower before joining Ebony at the dining room table. She made some delicious blueberry pancakes, scrambled eggs, and crispy bacon, all of my favorites.

“Thanks for cooking breakfast.”

“No problem babe. I don’t get to cook for you that often. You’re so lucky because you normally get to sleep in. I have to wake up early as fuck to go work in that boring ass dental office.”

“I know, right.”

“So tell me what’s on your mind boy? Why couldn’t you sleep last night?”

“You remember that guy you warned me about at Shadows?”

“Yeah, the lame broke one that you wasted your time giving your number to. What about him?”

She didn’t have to point out that he was broke, but at least she remembered him.

“I’m picking him up today, and hopefully convincing him to sign with Fantasy Pictures.”

“Shut the hell up Jamar. It is too damn early to be fucking with me.”

“I’m not messing with you, I’m serious.”

“You mean to tell me that motherfucka is gay? Is he on the down low, or something? Damn, nowadays you can’t tell who is gay. I learn a lot living with you.”

“Well, not exactly, I mean I’m not sure.”

“What do you mean you’re not sure? Please don’t tell me he doesn’t know where you’re taking him, because I’m a fall out of this chair.”

“He knows I’m taking him to an interview, but he thinks he’s getting hired as a model.”

Ebony started laughing so hard that she had to get up, run around the living room, and then regain her composure before coming back to the table. All I could do was smile and laugh at her crazy ass.

“Damn, I wish I didn’t have to work today so I could go with you. I want to be there to see this. You know he’s going to kick your ass, right? Jamar, you can’t just set him up like that.”

“Whatever! We’ll be fighting on the set then, because I like him and all but I’m not letting him whip my ass; unless he’s hitting it from the back.”

“Boy, you are stupid.” She laughed, and then stopped. “On the real though he better not start some shit. If he does, call me and I’ll leave work and we’ll jump that ass. I got my knife in the car.”

“Girl, you are so crazy. Trust me it’s not that deep. If he’s not interested then that’s all he has to say. It’s not like I’m forcing him to do something he doesn’t want to do.”

“YET!” Ebony shouted as she entered the kitchen.

I just smiled, and continued to eat my food. After I ate, I cleaned up, washed dishes, walked Ebony to the door as she left for work, checked my e-mail, and then watched some television. Around ten, I rinsed off again, and prepared myself to be penetrated so I was fresh and clean in case I was successful with Tyree. Finally, it was time to get dressed. I always like to look good no matter where I’m going, so that day I wore some nice fitted light blue denim jeans, a fresh white tee, with a black buttoned up shirt, with a cute pair of casual shoes all made by Versace. I knew I looked hot, but then again I’ve always looked good. I look like a younger version of my father, except I’m taller. I’m 6’0, with a slim muscular body, sexy brown eyes, with a smooth chocolate complexion, and I always keep my hair cut close.

By the time I left out the house, and made it to the bar, I was a little late. When I pulled into the parking lot, Tyree was leaning up against the building talking on his cell phone. I parked right in front of him so I could smile and nod. He nodded back and I could tell by the expression on his face that he was impressed.

“Well hello Tyree, it’s nice to see you again,” I said as he got in my SUV.

“Thanks! I appreciate this,” he said as he closed his phone.

“No problem. You didn’t have to get off the phone, you know. Were you on an important call?” I was trying to be nosey, and curious to know who he was talking to.

“No, I was just on the line.”

“The line?” I had no idea what that meant.

“I can’t believe you’ve never heard about it. It’s a chat line where you can talk and meet people. Almost like a chat room, but instead of sending instant messages to people, you send them voice messages.”

“Oh, ok. Did you meet anyone interesting?”

“No, it’s just a bunch of money hungry whores out here.”

I laughed then wondered if he would think I was a whore if he knew what I did for a living.

“That may be true but whores need money too.”

“I guess. This job must pay well since you’re driving around in a Range Rover.”

“Trust me, it does.”

“Well, I wanna be like you when I grow up.”

“You will if you can take it,” I said then quietly chuckled, because I pictured this straight looking guy taking some dick.

“Take what?” he asked liked he was confused.

For a second I thought he got the joke, so I felt nervous.

“The job,” I replied as if it was obvious that was what I meant.

There was this awkward silence for a while, but I think it was just my awkwardness toward the whole situation. I found myself driving slower than I normally do. I guess I was trying to delay the inevitable. It didn’t matter how fast I drove though, we were definitely going to be on time if not early. Tyree finally broke the silence by asking, “So are you from here?” I told him I was from Washington, DC, but I was raised in Silver Spring, MD. It’s easier just to say DC instead of having to go into more details. He wanted to know how I ended up in Los Angeles. I somewhat told the truth, which was I came across this website; I noticed that they were looking for new models, I sent them a few pictures, and then I received an invitation to come out for an interview. After the interview, I loved the offer, and I loved L.A. so I stayed. Okay so I left out the part that it was my favorite porn site, and the more I watched and fantasized about the men on there, I started thinking I had what it took to be like them. At first, I just wanted to see if they liked my pictures, and wondered what they would say about me. After I got the invite, and read online that they paid lots of money I was intrigued. I became obsessed with the thought that now I could be the one that men were watching and fantasizing about.

After we arrived, I didn’t see Breeze’s black Porsche anywhere in the parking lot, so I knew we had some time to spare. I drove around the building and parked, but I left the truck running. I wanted to relax, and at the same time try to loosen Tyree up a little. I reached for my gym bag, which was on the back seat pulling it forward just enough so I could unzip it. I grabbed the lighter and one of my already rolled up blunts out of the side pocket. After I asked and he said, “Go ahead. I don’t mind.” I rolled down the windows, and lit up. After I took a few hits, I reached over to hand it to him.

“I’m good man. I don’t want to smoke, and mess up this opportunity. What if they take pictures? I don’t want to look high and fucked up.”

I took another long pull then replied. “Here just take it. Relax, and don’t worry about looking high. Trust me Breeze won’t mind at all. He would actually encourage it.”

Now he looked at ease. I smiled as he grabbed the blunt from me. I watched him inhale the good green that I was providing. At that moment, I realized he looked even better then I remembered. I sat there imagining myself leaning over, and kissing him but all I could do was look and enjoy the view. After he took a couple of hits, he passed it back to me, and then he leaned back in his seat with his eyes closed. I wanted to get him as high as possible, so I took one good hit each time before passing it back so he’d smoke most of it. After we finished I drove back around to the front of the building, parked, then told him to follow me. By this time Breeze had arrived, and was in his office looking up something on his computer. I knocked on the opened door. Breeze looked up and smiled.

“Can we come in?” I asked.

“Yes, of course Jamar.”

“So Jamar is one of your other names, huh?” Tyree asked.

I had to laugh because I forgot Tyree only knew me as Krave.

“Jamar is my real name. Krave is my stage name.”

“Stage name?” Tyree asked.

I didn’t quite know how to respond without letting the cat out of the bag. I think Breeze could tell by the look on my face, so he took over.

“I see Jamar hasn’t explained everything to you, but don’t worry by the end of today I’m sure you’ll know everything you need to know.”

I thought that sounded a little suspicious as well, and I felt a little rude for not introducing them so I jumped back in the conversation.

“Breeze, this is Tyree, Tyree…Breeze.”

Breeze stood up, and shook Tyree’s hand.

“Thanks for meeting with me, and for giving me this chance,” Tyree said.

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