PORN STARS... More Than Just Moans (19 page)

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Authors: Matthew Fabiola;L. Ramsey Joseph

BOOK: PORN STARS... More Than Just Moans
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“Are you gonna answer that?” Lust asked as I continued to push END on my phone every time it rang.

“Are you gonna pass that or what? You’re such a hoovah.”

We both knew that I was ignoring his question but he didn’t mind. He just took another puff and handed me what I asked for. I turned off my phone and asked him questions between my inhaling.

“So, did you come to LA just to work?”

“Yeah, I got a call three days ago from Breeze and he told me that he got a new girl named Jezebel that would rock my world. I wanted to say no at first because I really didn’t need the paper, but he wouldn’t let up. By the end of our conversation he had me curious.”

“Three days ago, that’s when you found out about me?”

I knew that motherfucker Breeze was running game when he told me that his dad had just set things up.

“Yeah, and I’m happy that I came out. You are quite intriguing.”

This time it was my house phone that rang until it went to the voicemail.

“Your turn,” I said, handing him back the feel good weed. I put my smoothly waxed legs up on his lap and waited for his hands to bless them.

“Someone really wants to talk to you,” he said, knowing exactly who that someone was.

“Maybe they smell that skunk you have between your lips.”

He laughed and finally rested his free hand on my thigh. It was as warm as his soul seemed to be.

“So how old are you, L?”

Since he hadn’t told me his name, I had decided to shorten the one that I knew.

“I’m an old 25 years of age, baby, I must seem like a grandpa to your young ass.”

“Boy, please, I’ve dated guys that were older than you, so that makes you just right.”

“Okay, Goldie Locks, come and get a shotgun.”

I smiled as I straddled him and took in the smoke the old school way. I hadn’t gotten a shotgun since high school. I exhaled what seemed to be a mile long puff of smoke, and from that moment on, I was fucked up. I sat on his lap trying to get my thoughts together as he watched me. He reached up, and pushed my hair behind my ears, and held the blunt up to my mouth so that I could take a pull.

“Are you trying to get me fucked up on purpose?”

He didn’t answer me vocally, but he did answer me with his mouth. When his lips touched mine, I leaned into them. They were cold from the drink that he sipped and warm from the heat that burned between us. Then the fucking house phone rang, making him pull away.

“I really think that you should get that.”

I wanted to say hell no but the look on his face left me with no other option. I walked to my bedroom and pushed the door leaving it cracked. I sat on the bed and waited for the phone to ring again, and sure enough no sooner did it stop, it started again.

“Who the fuck is this ringing my phone this early in the morning?”

“Where the fuck have you been, Jazzy? I’ve been calling your ass for a while now, and I know that you turned off your cell phone.”

“Look, I stopped and got something to eat after I left the warehouse and my phone lost charge. And why are you calling me anyways, shouldn’t you be spending time with Tanya?”

“You haven’t thought of Tanya all day yet you choose now to bring her up, don’t play these fucking games with me Jazzy.”

“Look, Breeze, it’s been a long day and I really don’t want to this right now.”

“We need to do this when I wanna do it and that’s the bottom line. I’m not one of those small time dudes you’re used to fucking with. And to tell you the truth, that’s why I’m still hanging in there with your ass. I realize that you’re not used to a man of my caliber so I’m gonna help you out. First off, you’re gonna have to learn how to stay in your place.”

I laughed so hard that my sides hurt. He was really popping off at the mouth as if he was Big Willie.

“Do me a favor, Breeze, call me if I gotta a job; other than that, don’t dial my number at all.”

I was done. I reached behind my bed, and unplugged my phone, and did the same to the one in the kitchen.

“Did you get that all sorted out?”

“Oh, that, it was nothing, I just had to ask them to please put me on their do not call list.”

We both laughed hard at that one. Hell, he was calling as if he were a telemarketer.

“What’s the deal with you and Breeze?”

I was somewhat shocked that he just came right out and asked but I appreciated the no bullshit approach. As I rolled our next blunt, I went over my whole story from my father and mother, a little about my journey with Breeze. And even after only receiving the short version of my life story, he seemed blown away.

“So now he thinks that you’re his, huh?” Lust asked in that famous ‘I got a deep pull of smoke down my throat and I don’t want to let it out yet’ voice.

“It doesn’t matter what he thinks I am L, it’s all about what I think of myself and who I choose to give myself to. No one can have you unless you hand yourself over to them.”

“Damn, Jazz, you just said a mouth full, baby.”

Instead of my feet, I laid my head in his lap. It was as if we had waited a lifetime just for that moment to talk. And as the sun came up, it found us stretched out on my couch, his hands roaming my hair, and us baring our souls like we had never done before.




Chapter 8



Tyree’s first film was an instant success, and he was so popular after it was released. Fantasy Pictures received so many calls, emails, and inquiries from fans, and producers asking questions about him. Most of them wanted to know his contact information, his age, where he was from, and what other movies could they expect to see him in. If he wasn’t conceited before he damn sure was now.

“Have you seen how much fan mail I’m receiving? I never knew so many men would want me. Damn I’m fine.”

I didn’t hear the end of it for months, hell I still haven’t heard the end of it. He always finds a way to bring up “I’m the best”, and “I got so many fans that I can’t even reply to all of them” every chance he gets. Yes, of course I’m a little jealous, because I thought I was going to have the top spot. At the same time, I’m happy for him, because I love him. Besides, I have plenty of fans as well, but I’m sick of reading, “Konceited deserves a better top”, or “Krave, you’re so lucky you get to fuck, and party with Konceited.” No, Konceited is lucky I found his broke ass and helped to make him the star that he is today.

Tyree was the one who insisted on us becoming escorts, so I often wonder if I would’ve got involved in that lifestyle if I never met him. Don’t get me wrong I enjoy it because it’s usually quick, and we make a lot more money. Black Dialect, a well-known east coast rapper, was actually the main reason I decided to do it. He found our email addresses on Fantasy Picture’s website, and sent us each an email stating he would pay us each fifteen thousand dollars in cash, and fly us out first class if we stayed the weekend with him in his suite, at the Hilton in Philly. He also said he would supply us with food, alcohol, weed, and cocaine if we wanted it. We both received smaller offers at gay clubs in the past. Tyree always wanted to accept them, but I always took it as a joke, and would laugh it off. This particular time the offer was the highest, and too good to pass up. Black didn’t say his name, or give away who he was. He finished the email with “call me if you’re down and serious”, and left his cell phone number. After I checked with Tyree, and he kept saying, “Hell yeah, let’s do it” I dialed the number. I didn’t know who to ask for so when he picked up I asked, “Are you expecting a call from Krave and Konceited?”

I could tell he was excited as he explained who he was. I became ecstatic once I realized it was really Black and that it wasn’t a setup; well, it wasn’t supposed to be. I put him on speakerphone so Tyree could hear what we were saying, and then I gave Black our real names so he could book our flights. He called me back the following day with all of the information that we needed, such as the hotel address, suite number, and flight info. I was disappointed he wasn’t picking us up, sending a car or limo for us, but I understood once he said he didn’t want anyone to know about this. He couldn’t risk being seen picking us up, sending a driver, or anyone period recognizing us, and telling the media that he sent for us. He was so anxious to see us that he didn’t give us much time to plan. We only had two days to pack, and prepare for our trip. Luckily, it was the first weekend we had off from filming, and doing club appearances, except I found out we had to do a scene with Domingo when we got back home. I was pissed since Breeze knew Domingo and I didn’t care for each other. I couldn’t dwell on it though, and had to deal with that once I returned from Philly.

Flying first class was nice and comfortable. We watched movies, played cards, and had a few drinks. I felt tipsy by the time we arrived at Philadelphia International Airport. After we picked up our suitcases from the baggage claim, I followed Tyree as he staggered outside so we could catch a cab. Black mentioned the Hilton was close to the airport, but damn I didn’t realize it was only a two minute drive. I gave the cab driver a 20 dollar bill, and told him to keep the change. We walked into the hotel, and I started to get a little nervous. I was hoping Tyree wasn’t too drunk, because I didn’t want him to embarrass me. As we approached Black’s suite I could feel the sweat on my forehead, so I used a cocktail napkin that I had in my pocket to wipe my forehead. I knocked on the door, and waited patiently until Black answered. He was smiling from ear to ear when he opened the door.

“What’s up, come on in. I’m glad you guys made it.”

“So it really is you,” I said, and then smiled.

“I told you it was me, and that I wasn’t playing.”

“I see, and I must say you look even better in person.”

“Thanks, Krave, you’re looking good yourself.”

I was enjoying the compliment, still smiling at him, and couldn’t think of anything else to say so I asked him how he was feeling.

“I’m good, well actually I’m a little nervous now that your fine ass is here.”

“Aww, don’t be nervous, I’m—.”

Tyree cut me off.

“Speaking of fine, where’s your boy, Tay’von, or should I say Mr. Too Fine? That’s one rapper I wouldn’t mind fucking,” Tyree slurred.

Black started laughing while I was looking at Tyree like he was crazy.

“Sorry, but Tay ain’t gay. Trust me if I couldn’t get it, you definitely wouldn’t be able to get that ass. You’re just going to have to settle for this rapper right here,” Black said, as he seductively looked Tyree up and down.

“Oh, don’t worry I’m gonna get that ass, too, trust,” Tyree said, as he shook his head up and down as if he was confirming his last statement.

“I’m looking forward to it,” Black said slowly as he lustfully looked Tyree in the eyes.

“I already know,” Tyree replied as he stared back.

“Well, um, should we --” I hesitated because I lost my train of thought.

“How about we get settled in, while you roll up some blunts Black,” I said as I stepped in between the two of them. They were staring at each other a little too hard, and I found myself getting jealous, but I shook that off. Well, more like smoked it off.

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