Read PORN STARS... More Than Just Moans Online

Authors: Matthew Fabiola;L. Ramsey Joseph

PORN STARS... More Than Just Moans (75 page)

BOOK: PORN STARS... More Than Just Moans
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“Help me? Please no one can help me now. Besides why would you want to do me any favors? Never mind I know what you want, you want to rub it in my face every chance you get, right?”

“It’s not like that at all, I know we didn’t care for each other in the past, but I want to help you for real. I promise you I’ll never throw it in your face. As a matter of fact if you let me, I’ll take you to a nice hotel, clean you up, feed you, and I’ll never bring it up or speak about it again.”

“So you’re not going to tell everyone at Fantasy Pictures you saw me out here like this?”

“I won’t tell a soul.”

He started to cry, and at first I couldn’t understand what he was saying. Finally he spoke up. “I do need help, I want help, but it’s too late.”

“It’s never too late, come on, trust me.”

I had no idea what I was doing nor did I know how I was going to help him, but someone had too and I guess Fate would have it that I was that someone. The first thing I wanted was to get a room because he needed a shower bad, and he needed to soak in the tub for a while because he was funky. Normally I ride with the air condition on full blast, but I had to put all of the windows down or it would’ve been unbearable. He noticed and apologized over and over so I told him to relax and not to worry about it so he’d feel a little bit more comfortable. I was just happy my seats were leather so I could wipe them down later. As we were driving I looked over and he was shaking. I knew he wasn’t cold, as hot as it was outside so I assumed he was nervous.

“Relax, Domingo it’s going to be okay.”

“It’s not that man. I need a fix. I haven’t used since last night so I’m starting to feel sick. Please help me.”

I didn’t understand. I was trying to help him.

“Tell me what you need. Are you hungry? Do you need some medicine?”

“Do you have a hundred dollars? I’ll pay you back when I can.”

I knew he wouldn’t be able to pay me back but since I was prepared to give him all of the money I had on me it wasn’t a problem at all.

“Thanks Krave, I owe you one. Can you do me another me favor?”

“Sure just tell me what you need.”

“Make a right at the next light.”

We drove for a while as he gave me the directions. I knew shortly afterwards where we were heading once I saw the kind of neighborhood we were in. We finally pulled up to an apartment complex with mad people hanging outside. I’m not going to lie I was scared and thought I made a mistake taking him there.

“I’ll be right back.”

At first I thought he was going to run off and leave me sitting there inside my truck while I got stared down by men and women. Some looked like they were trying to check me out while others were mean mugging. After about ten minutes I decided I was going to drive around the block, come back, and if he wasn’t outside waiting I was going to leave. As I took the truck out of park he came running out of the building with a big ass smile on his face. He knew he’d be high soon so that made everything better in his eyes. I was disappointed because here I was trying to help him and all he wanted to do was get high.

“How can I help you if you just brought what I think you brought?” I asked as he got inside the truck.

“Man, you don’t understand I have to have this. I’m going to try and let you help me but I can’t just stop cold turkey. You feel me?”

“Okay, just tell me how to get back to L.A.”

He showed me the way and finally we were back to a familiar city. I found the closest and nicest hotel because I was starving and I was tired of driving. I asked Domingo to wait in the car while I went inside to get us a room. I asked for the best room available and handed the young Latino girl my credit card and I.D.

“Here you go, suite A is on the 22

I started to walk back to the truck when she asked.

“Do you need any help with your bags, Mr. Rodriguez?”

“No thanks, I got it.”

As I approached the truck I caught Domingo about to put a needle in his arm so I banged on the truck door and screamed, “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?”

He jumped so hard to the right that he bumped his head on the window and dropped the needle on the floor. He looked at me all bug eyed.

“Man, you scared the shit outta me. I thought you were the police.”

I almost laughed but instead I said, “Well that’s what you get for not waiting until we were in the room. Now put that shit away and help me carry some of this stuff inside.”

As we walked pass the front desk the Latino girl who was smiling at me just moments before was now looking at me sideways as if she was disgusted I brought a homeless man inside the hotel. Once we were in the suite I wanted to order room service right away but I wasn’t eating until Domingo showered.

“Hold up before you get comfortable and do your thing, let’s clean you up.”

He looked a little disappointed and put his stuff down but agreed so I turned the shower on, and had the soap and shampoo ready for him. I turned around and he was already naked. Even though he lost all of his muscle mass he still had a nice slim athletic body. His huge dick on the soft still hung nicely, it took me back to the first time we met.

“Well, Jamar, we liked the pictures you sent in. If your test shoot is just as good I’ll have a contract ready for you that I’m sure you’ll be pleased with by the end of the day. Stick around for a little while and watch some of the other scenes that are being filmed so you can get a feel for it. I’ll let you know when we are ready for you,” Mr. Cappello said as he walked around his expensive looking desk to shake my hand.

I was so nervous but excited at the same time. Two weeks ago I was at home wishing I could do this and now I was moments away from having sex in front of an audience. I walked around the warehouse and checked out some of the scenes being filmed feeling confident I had what it took to be a porn star.

“Follow me.”

Mr. Cappello led the way back down the warehouse. A lesbian scene was just finishing up on stage 1as we approached stage 2.

“Domingo should be here in minute, he was in the locker taking a shower and getting ready while we were discussing your future here. I think you'll like him, he's mixed with black and Spanish. All of the other men here and even those who didn't make the cut all thought he was attractive when they got tested out by him.”

I didn't reply, I just smiled and nodded my head because I was too nervous and anxious. All I could think was dick don't fail me now because I only got one chance to impress this man. I waited and waited patiently while this dude took forever. Mr. Cappello on the other hand was impatient.


As the sound guy ran to get him, Domingo ran into warehouse.

“I'm sorry, sir, it took me longer to get ready than I expected.”

As soon as I noticed him I thought he was fine, sexy, all that and then some. He had long cornrows going straight back, a smooth butter pecan complexion, fat dick sucking lips also known as DSL lips, and muscles for days. I would've bet money that he worked out six or seven days a week.

“Are you serious? This young buck is supposed to top me?” he asked as he laughed and shook his head as if he was disappointed and expected someone else.

“That’s the plan.” Mr. Cappello responded.

There was no script or instructions besides simply make out and have sex so Mr. Cappello could see how I performed in front of the cameras. It was very intimidating the first time I had to strip and stand there naked in front of five other men, including Domingo. I just closed my eyes and kissed him pretending he was a lover going away who I would never kiss again. Since I was going to be the top I knew I couldn’t show off how good I was at being a bottom so I figured I’d at least show them I was orally talented. Everything was going okay until I sucked and sucked giving him my best and he wasn’t getting fully hard. I had to wonder if he was just too big, before doubting my skills. I did however get him back for embarrassing me earlier.

“Are you serious? Does this old head need some Cialis or Viagra?”

Mr. Cappello laughed and told us to switch.

“Oh, you got jokes I see. Well for your information I already filmed two scenes today so I’m drained and exhausted.”

I didn’t want to hear his excuses. I just smiled and sat back like I was the man and pointed at my piece which was hard as a rock, letting him know to get on it. The rest of the scene went great because I fucked him like he stole something from me and had to pay for it. I might’ve been young but I showed him and everyone else who was watching that I knew how to lay some pipe. Mr. Cappello knew I’d make him millions so he wasted no time and convinced me to sign his contract right away, but it didn’t take much convincing since it was something I desired and craved, hence my porn name.

“The water should be nice and warm, here’s a towel and washcloth. If you need anything else just call me.”

“Krave, I’m broke, homeless, and addicted to drugs. I’m not retarded. I know how to take a shower,” he said in a joking tone.

“I know man I’m just trying to show you I care. I want to do everything I can for you. Anyway take your time and get yourself fresh and clean, and when you get out I’ll call room service and order us something good for dinner.”

While he was showering I went through the bags and took out the outfits, socks, and briefs I brought for Tyree. Since Tyree and Domingo were about the same size now I knew Domingo needed them more than Tyree did. Speaking of Tyree, he kept calling my cell phone over and over. I finally picked up because I had a feeling I knew why he was calling me.

“Hey baby,” I answered as if I was excited to hear from him.

“Jamar, please tell me you have my check card. It’s not in my wallet and I can’t find it anywhere.”

I knew it. I also knew I wouldn’t be able to sneak it back in his wallet when I got home liked I planned on doing.

“Why would I have your check card? Maybe you left it at a store or gas station.”

“Damn, I was gonna be pissed if you took it, but I would’ve been relieved to know you had it.”

“Nope, I got my own money. Plus, I would never take anything of yours without asking baby. Do you think someone broke into your locker while you were filming scenes in Santa Barbara?”

“No, because I don’t leave my wallet in my locker, I leave it locked up in my truck. I’ll tell you one thing though if I find out who took it I’m gonna fuck them up.”

“Calm down Tyree. Look, I’m staying over Jazzy’s tonight. I’ll call the bank for you now and report your card stolen and have them send you a new one. Tomorrow when I get home I’ll check your account online to see if your card was used and where.”

I lied because I knew he wasn’t into computers and didn’t know how to look up his account, and I also knew he would appreciate the fact that I wanted to help so I loved it.

“Thanks boo, you’re the best. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

Knowing he was planning on leaving me soon and those were his words, I suddenly felt less guilty and I wished I had brought more stuff. We said our good nights, and then I turned my cell phone off. After forty minutes I heard the water stop so I picked up the clothes I brought for Tyree and walked over to the bathroom and knocked on the door.

“Domingo, open up, I have some clothes for you.”

He opened up in just a towel and didn’t look half bad. You could still see the drops of water in his hair and his skin looked nice and smooth. He must’ve been in there scrubbing away.

BOOK: PORN STARS... More Than Just Moans
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