Price of Desire (23 page)

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Authors: Lavinia Kent

BOOK: Price of Desire
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Could a middle-aged woman still flounce
Rose had always believed that was reserved for the very young, but that was the only way to describe Lady Clarington’s departure.

“It truly is duty that keeps me
That governs.”

The simple statement seemed to cause him great aggravation
He looked ready to jump out of his skin
It made no sense
Was he afraid she’d pursue him, seek to lure him to her bed
Surely he realized that another frenzied coupling was a mistake for both of them
She tore her eyes away from the well-muscled shoulder outlined by his tight evening coat.

“I never doubted it
But, now, if you will forgive me, I must tend to my invited guests
I saw you speaking to Mr. Giddens earlier
I have not yet had the chance to further my acquaintance with him.”

She had to get away
Every second in his presence ate away at her resolve to be sensible
She was an intelligent woman
She would not be governed by the flames of lust that sprang up whenever their gazes met.

She was a woman in control.

She turned and fled.


He let her get away
He had planned it differently, approaching with the full intention of taking her by the arm and leading her out to the terrace
Once they were alone he had planned to sweep her into his arms, kiss her into submission

and make his offer

Instead he had been forced to fence with Lady Clarington, and then, just when he’d succeeded in removing her from the scene, his prey had fled.

It should not be so difficult
The hard part of a marriage proposal should be making the decision, not cornering the lady.


What was he doing making an offer to a lady
He’d sworn never to marry before letting himself be trapped in this web.

But he was, trapped.

He had no choice
Either he married her, or he gave his daughter away
That was unthinkable.

He would just have to plan his attack differently

Maybe he would knock on her door again, join her in her chamber
Then he could follow his strategy – kiss her, cloud her judgment, and propose.

He’d outmaneuver her and leave her little choice
If he was trapped, he’d make sure that she was, too.

He turned and stalked from the room
If it turned out to be more than kisses – well, that could only work to his advantage.













Rose paced back and forth in her room
Her skin prickled, too hot for her body, and she doubted the cause was the unexpectedly warm spring night

It was him
It was all his fault
If he hadn’t knocked on her door last night, made those unreasonable demands about Anna, forced her to confront her own desires, she wouldn’t be like this
She’d be asleep.

She needed something to occupy her mind
That was it
e needed a task, something simple to distract her.

She’d promised Anna she’d find John’s maps so they could look at the sea monsters together and remember the happy times
Maybe, by reminding her daughter of the closeness she’d shared with John, Rose could remind her that having a father could be a wonderful thing

She needed to restore Anna’s complete faith in her
It bit deep that Anna thought she hadn’t always been there when needed
Somehow she had to show Anna that her mother would always be there
Keeping a promise was a good way to start.


the maps were in John’s downstairs chamber
The room Wulf now occupied
If she snuck down and gathered them he’d never know
She wouldn’t risk the main hallway
Her glance darted to her dressing room and the servant’s stair to his room below, a stair she’d used too often in those last days before John’s death

She swallowed, her fists knotting the thin fabric of her gown.

She should wait until morning and collect them then
Once he’d left she could just let herself in and grab them
That was what she should do.


the day promised to be full and her sole chance to spend time with Anna might be early, before the house had fully awoken
She’d go now and hope he was off playing billiards or drinking port.

With great resolve she marched to the stair and started down
She would just take the maps and leave
She’d not allow an opening for any further . . . mischief.

She paused at the bottom and pressed her ear against the door listening
Only silence
She turned the latch and crept through.

She had the briefest glimpse of white linen and black robe, before she was yanked forward against his rock hard chest.

She grabbed his hair and pulled his face down
He held back
She pulled harder
His hard lips met hers in a consuming kiss
He tasted of whiskey, sharp and tangy




She wasn’t sure who did what to whom, but the result was explosive
She sucked hard at his tongue, drawing it into her mouth, as his lips ground against her, bruising her with endless pleasure

Maybe now she could find whatever had been missing the previous evening, gain that intangible satisfaction she dreamed of for years.

They were locked together in passion, but she wanted more
Her hands pushed his robe aside, ducked under soft linen, seeking the silk of his chest
The sparse smattering of curls delighted her senses, and pulling away from his kiss she buried her face in his uncovered flesh

The sheer solidity of him surrounded her, increased her sense of vulnerability, of femininity
His arms came around her, pressing her tight against him,
it was hard to breath
The heat from his body filled her, burned her
She bit softly at a tangle of curls, letting her teeth rasp against his tender skin.

He drew a heavy breath, then setting his hands beneath her hips lifted her, until their mouths met again
She wrapped her legs about his thighs, opening her most intimate places to his hardness
He devoured her, filled her, completed her
How could so much satisfaction come from a kiss?

Her mind spun as she felt herself lifted and carried towards the bed
It was hard to think of anything besides the fire of his kiss, the burn of his chest against her breasts, the firm bulge caught between her thighs sending ripples of pleasure through her.

She fell onto the bed, her legs still caught around him as he stood at the edge of the bed
She expected him to move her over, to lie down beside her, her body already mourned that brief break in contact.

Instead he stood looking down at her, his gaze searing her with fire
He pulled down her bodice, freeing her breasts
The first shock of cool air caused a shiver to run through her as her nipples peaked under the onslaught of his eyes
He hadn’t even touched her and her breast swelled and yearned
She moaned, needing his touch, his mouth
She stirred and shifted, attempting to thrust herself against him
Why didn’t he move
She needed him now.

Then his hands prowled, not over her breasts as she expected, but up her legs, past quiver
ing calves and thighs to . . . s
he just about jumped from the bed at his first touch
The intensity of the feeling driving all other thought from her mind.

“God, you’re so soft and ready
So made for me.

He sighed the words as his fingers moved again, delving probing, sending her on the rode to heaven.

Then he was in her.

She hadn’t known such a thing was possible, that he could still be standing when . . . it was so good, such unimaginable pleasure

Then his hands found her breasts, raising the stakes yet again
His eyes never left hers as he began to move, so slowly, so dreadfully slowly.

She tried to push herself against him, to quicken the pace, but he caught her hips in his hands and held them still, pressing her into the mattress.

His eyes mirrored hers
she felt his heat, his passion, his wanting – but still he held something back
He looked down upon her with such raw desire she was encased, surrounded – yet left wanting. She could see each sensation that rippled through his body as he thrust within her
His eyes were large and dark, his nostrils flared with passion as he fought for control
She would not grant him that detachment
This time she would have what she wanted – all of it.

She tightened herself within, seeking to grab the reins from his hands to send them both careening down that sharp cliff to the inevitable shattering, but he fought her off – refused to grant her victory
He held her pinned, his to pleasure, his to own.

But she refused to be mastered
His hands locked on her hips leaving her hands free, and they snuck down between them, to the place of their joining
It took only the barest whisper of touch across his silken flesh to send him careening.

She saw him lose the battle
His eyes clenched and then grew wide as he dropped the reins and they both ran free.

There was no master, no mistress, no control, as the fires grew and exploded between them.

She felt his release, heard his cry, as her own rose to join
The shook and shuddered and gasped together as ecstasy took them and held them and then abated.


He could feel her heartbeat pulsing around him
That was the first thought that entered Wulf’s mind as sanity returned
It seemed such a simple thing, but it caught him unawares
Her heart surrounded him, completed him.

Where had that thought come from
He had no interest in her heart, only her body and her daughter
That was the whole reason behind this
Yes, that was the reason.

He pulled himself from her, and settling her fully on the bed
and laid
beside her
Her eyes were still closed, her body soft from the thoroughness of their loving
He let himself grin with satisfaction

He’d felt the war for control between them, and if he had not won, neither had she
His body quickened again as he considered the possibilities for another skirmish

First, though, he had matters to take care of
She’d surprised him, by coming to him
He’d been ready to go to her, to kiss her to compliance and then spring his plan upon her
He’d brook no resistance
He fought to win.

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