Price of Desire (24 page)

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Authors: Lavinia Kent

BOOK: Price of Desire
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Still, maybe it was better this way
She had indicated her own desire, shown that she would not even pretend indifference in the privacy of their chambers

His grin spread.

Maybe she’d planned this, sought to entrap him in to marriage, never realizing she was the one caught in her own web
Should he let her play it out, see where her maneuvers would take them
It might be fun to let her reveal the next step in manipulations, let her think she was the one managing the affair.

He would begin in the manner he intended to continue
She was a lady
He would put her firmly in her place now, let her know he allowed no resistance
She was his and it was time she realized that
He had survived the bloodiest of battles – he would force her to his will, be clear he was the master.

He turned on his side, facing her, wiping all expression from his face
He would let her know he acted only from duty and honor

He inhaled deeply and prepared to say the words that would set his future, ensure his commitment
He prepared for his belly to clench in protest, his mind to shirk from what he knew he must do.

Rose opened her eyes and gifted him with a full sleepy smile
Her eyes shone softly in the candle light, and for a moment he thought he saw tenderness and care flash across her features
Then with a start, she opened her eyes full and jerked
to sitting
She just sat there
staring at him, confusion spread across her face.

Maybe she hadn’t planned it after all
No, that was nonsense
She’d come to him, she was merely a better actress than he’d remembered
He must remember she was a lady
She’d never admit to physical desire and longings.

She opened her mouth to speak, then stopped and thought again
He took advantage of the pause
It was now or never
He’d show her who was the master here.

“I’ll talk to the vicar tomorrow
The banns can be called Sunday and we’ll be married in three or four week’s time
I trust that meets with your approval.”

There, it was done
That had been easy
He sprang from the bed and made for the wash basin.

A crystal bud vase flew from the bedside table to crash into the wall beside him.


Rose stared in amazement as the vase shattered against the wall
She could not remember, in her entire life, acting in such a manner
She wasn’t even quite sure why she’d done it
He was clearly insane, but was that any reason for her to act like a child, and a petulant one at that

She was calm and controlled
She always thought before taking any action
She was never impetuous.

Which of course explained why she was sitting nearly naked in Wulf’s bed having just tried to behead him with a bud vase.

“You are crazy.

Wulf’s word’s echoed her earlier thoughts about him
He stalked towards the bed, his previously smug expression wiped clean
His eyes flashed for battle.

“I am crazy
I am not the one who just proposed
Well, actually, you didn’t propose, you ordered.”

“Is that the problem
Did I do it wrong?

His voice rang cold
“I didn’t realize you were the bended knee type
It seems a little much for a second wedding, espec
ially when we’ve already . . .
but if it’s what you want.”

He knelt down at the edge of the bed
She was tempted to brain him
What was the man thinking
Luckily this time she managed to gain control of emotions before bringing a candlestick down across his skull.

“Why would you think I’d want to marry you
What possible reason could you have for thinking that we’d suit?”

His eyes roved from her over the mussed sheets and back again.

She drew a deep breath

“That’s not a good reason and you know it
I didn’t hear you propose the last time or for that matter four years ago.”

His eyes clouded and his expression became more difficult to read
He didn’t say anything, but just kept staring up at her.

“Why on earth would you propose now?

She let her question hang.

“I overheard you say you were looking for a husband, a father for Anna.

He rose to his feet until he towered above her as she reclined on the bed, his demeanor allowing no resistance
“I tell you this now, my lady, you will not give my child to another man
She is mine, no matter what you say and I will not be denied.”


She let the stark word answer
She would not show any weakness now
He was a warrior born and bred and he would charge through any vulnerability.



“I was not aware I was giving you a choice,” he sai
“The child is mine, and, e
the lady is mine as well
We will be married as soon as the banns can be read.”

With the most dignity she could manage, Rose
pulled her skirts down
and slipped from the bed
“I think it is you who does not understand,
I would not marry you if you were the last man on earth
You are everything I seek to avoid in a husband.”

not everything.

His gaze moved over the rumpled bed again.

“That counts for nothing
It is singularly unimportant in marriage.”

“You would think that
I remember well just how important it must have been in your marriage
Did you tie him in knots too, refusing his rights because they were singularly unimportant?”

“You shouldn’t talk about what you know nothing of.”

“I would say I knew plenty about it . . . Lady Burberry.

He made the name an insult

Tugging her bodice higher
, Rose strolled to the window
She stared out at the stars, wishing for an inner calm
“No, you know nothing
All you know is that I seem prone to madness when in your vicinity.”

“I know that your husband evidently couldn’t satisfy you
Wasn’t he man enough for you?”

She turned away from the window to face him.

“Listen, and listen well
John Burberry was as good and great a man that ever lived and I won’t hear you say differently
He was all the man I would ever want.”

“That’s not . . .
” he bit off whatever he had been going to say
She watched as his jaw tensed and released, and then some of the fight went out of him
“I cannot argue with you
Lord Admiral Burberry was a great man and I do not mean to
I have never heard a negative word about him, and my own experience fulfilled all I heard.”

“It is me you have question with
Me, you find to blame.”

“I did not say that.”

“You did not speak the words, but
you said it.”

“I would never speak so to a . . . lady – no matter what the truth.”

“You say ‘lady’ as if it were a curse.”

He moved from behind the bed and for the first time she was reminded of his nakedness
She closed her eyes and turned back to the window
A cloud had moved across the sky and all was black
She pressed her forehead against the cool pane and tried to shut out the godlike perfection of his body

“I apologize if you took my meaning so
I meant no offense.”

“Yes, you did.”

She could feel the heat of his body as he moved to stand behind her
The musky odor of their joining still clung to him.

“Yes, I did
I was angry at your refusal to see reason, to understand there is no other option.”

“There is always an option
I will not marry you.”

“She is my child.”

If only the coolness of the windowpane could cool her heart

“We have been through this too many times already
Burberry claimed her
She is his.”

“I don’t care about legality
She is mine.”

Her heart beat faster as he moved closer
“Why did you have to come
Why could you not just let things be?”

She felt him still at her question
His heavy breath stirred the hair at the back of her neck, but he did not come closer.

“My reasons are my own
They do not concern you.”

“Then just go
Leave my home.

She hoped she didn’t sound as desperate as she felt.

“Now that I have seen her, talked to her, I cannot
Don’t you understand
She is mine, part of me
From the moment I looked into those eyes so like my own
I have been lost
I am powerless to leave her.”

“But, you must
There is no place for you here.”

“Do not push me
I will claim her publicly if I must
Let everybody know the truth of her birth
I may hold Burberry in the greatest respect, but I will not let that keep me from my daughter.”

He was playing for keeps, but so was she
She turned back to him
Her eyes felt like an endless ocean

“What will that get you
You claim to care for her, but your love will brand her a bastard
Is that how you show your caring
Once you speak the words they can never be taken back
Even if you should persuade me to marry, and you never will, she will still bare the stigma forever
Even our marriage would not remove the stain
She will be treated as a bastard
Is that what you mean?”

He turned from her and stalked back to the bed
He leaned against the post
She could see the tension play against his shoulders and the rippling muscles of his back
His head bowed forward.


She could barely hear the word
“That is not what I want
I would never do anything to harm her
You know that is not what I meant.”

“I do hear you and I even believe you, but that does not change the reality
Emotion may twist in my gut, but I cannot marry you.”

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