Price of Desire (21 page)

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Authors: Lavinia Kent

BOOK: Price of Desire
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Chapter Seven


Rose settled on her wide, plump bed
She let her legs dangle over the edge so her feet swung two feet above the floor
She released a loud sigh and lay back on her elbows, staring up at the wide canopy
She didn’t say anything, just continued to stare upwards.

Finally she heard the rustle of petticoats from below.

“Are you going to tell me why you don’t want a new papa?”

No answer.

“I thought you’d be happy.”

“I am not.”

“So, you are going to talk to me.”


“How can I know what you want, if you won’t tell me?”

“I don’t want a new papa
I like things the way they are.”

“I understand that, but I don’t know why.”

“I . . . do . . . not . . . want . . . one.”

Rose sighed again, but this time softly to herself
“Don’t you think fathers are nice?”


“I am sorry, I can’t hear you.”


“Still can’t hear you.”

There was movement beneath the bed and then, with a wiggle and a squirm, a mop of blond curls appeared.


“That’s a little better.”

Slithering like a snake
Anna, made her way out from under the bed
She edged away and sat with her knees drawn up to her chest, refusing to look at her mother.

Rose slid off the bed until she sat on the floor beside her daughter
She was careful not to touch.

“I want you to be happy, my poppet
I just don’t understand why you don’t want a papa
Was somebody mean to you?”


“Then why don’t you want a father
All of your friends have one.

“I . . . don’t . . . want . . . one.”

Rose had always thought Anna would welcome having someone else to love and care for her
It had been one of Rose’s principal motivations to remarry
She reached out and lightly stroked one of Anna’s loose curls.

“I wish you could tell me why
I only want you to be happy.”

“I am happy now –
very, very happy.”

“Well, you don’t look very happy.”

It was hard to picture a more pitiful sight than Anna, her knees drawn up and forgotten tears still shimmering on her cheek.

“I am so happy
I am a princess
I have to be happy.”

And why do you beli
ve having a papa would make you unhappy?”

“You wouldn’t play with me, then.”

“Why, but of course I would.”

“No, you wouldn’t.”

“Oh, Anna, I will always have time for you.”

Anna kicked at the bed

Rose frowned
“Why do you think I wouldn’t?”

“Because you didn’t before.”

I’ve always made time to play with you!”

“When my Papa was still here
I cried and cried at night and Nanny said you were too busy, that Papa needed you
But, I needed you
You should have come
Papa kept you away
He wouldn’t let you come.”

“Why, Anna, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“I was scared
There were monsters in the room
I called you
You were supposed to come and save me, and you didn’t.”

Rose closed her eyes and struggled with her feelings
She had always instructed Nanny that she should be called if Anna needed her, but those last days before John died had been so chaotic
She’d hardly slept at al
l, and, to be honest
, she couldn’t remember now how much time she’d spent with Anna then
Had Nanny been trying to spare her, to grant her some little moment of peace in the midst of all the pain?

But Anna was only four now, and it had been over a year since John died
How could she remember
How traumatic had her nightmare been, that she remembered it after all this time
Had it only been one night, or had there been many?

She inched closer to her daughter and began to stroke her back
At the first sign of softening she pulled the small girl into her arms
Almost instantly, Anna turned into her chest, burying her face as renewed tears began to flow.

“Shhhh, everything will be fine, my poppet
I won’t let anything hurt you
I didn’t know you needed me, or I would have come.”

“It was because of Papa that you didn’t.”

“No, my love
That’s just not true
Don’t you remember all the times we played together
You’d climb up on Papa’s bed and he’d read you stories
Don’t you remember beautiful Helen, and all the men who fought over her
And the maps
Papa would take out his treasures, his maps, and let you look at them with him
I am sure you must remember that
You liked the sea monsters that swam in the oceans.”

Anna was silent for a moment
With her face pressed into Rose’s bosom, Rose could not read her expression, but the sound of her thoughts was almost tangible.

“I do remember sea monsters
They weren’t like the ones in my dream.”

“You used to like to rub them with your fingers
Papa was always scared that the ink would smear, but he never stopped you.”

“He said I was pretty, like Helen.”

“Yes, poppet, Papa always said you were as beautiful as Helen, but he thought it was your temper that would start the war.”

“The prettiest.”

“Yes, you are very pretty.”

“I want to see the monsters.”

“Maybe tomorrow I’ll bring out the maps again
I know just where Papa kept them
I’d enjoy looking at them too
I didn’t think you’d remember so much.”

“Papa loved me.”

“Yes, he did
And you loved him
He always said you were his beautiful miracle.”

I like being a miracle
Miracles are good, aren’t they
They always sound good in church.”

Anna shifted in her mother’s arms and then just lay there, still
Rose knew she should return to her guests, but could not bear the thought of leaving her daughter
Anna had already learned that her mother might not always come
It was not a lesson Rose wanted to reinforce
Even after Anna’s breaths turned steady and the gentlest snort of a snore emerged from the rosebud lips, Rose continued to sit on the floor, cradling her daughter and trying to see the best road out of this mire.


There was nothing for it
He was going to have to marry the woman

the lady
Wulf bridled at the thought, although without quite the fury he would have expected.

He was not going to let his daughter call another man father
Twice now, he had lost the chance to love a child, his child
He would willingly die before he would let it happen again.

Grim determination churned in his gut
He would marry her
There was no other choice
Today, tonight, he would confront her and propose
f she were
so eager for a husband, she’d certainly consider him
He might no longer have a title, or even the expectation of one, but thanks to his uncle’s generosity, he was well set up
Perhaps he would accept Holly House, after all
His mind flashed with the picture of Anna darting out from the high trees and running up the worn brick stairs, running home, to his home.

He would not let one decision influence the other
He would plan this campaign in slow, careful steps.

If Rose was willing to consider that other milksop of a man, Mr. Williams, then surely she’d be grateful for his offer.

Although the true nature of the party was not lost on him, anymore
Sir Barton. Sommerton
There were probably others
She was casting her net wide
Just like a lady, to approach marriage strictly from a business standpoint
He was surprised she hadn’t just opened herself up for bidding
There’d been rumors the previous year in London about some sizable wagers over who would bring the eligible widow back to the altar
And, judging from Lady Smythe-Burke’s comments, the betting continued
He’d just never considered that Rose would enter the game herself.

She’d allowed him
to her bed last night, and this afternoon she was speaking of marriage – to someone else
He paced back and forth across his chamber
This was madness.

Yes, last night had been madness
He couldn’t stop his body from reacting to the thought, to the memory
He could still taste her, smell her, feel her
Only she had ever stirred his body this way
He’d tried to match these fires with others, to no avail
Something about her caused his blood to sing.

And the night had not fully satisfied him – there was still something left, some deep inner part of him, left wanting

He’d make it clear from the start that he was only marrying her because of Anna
They would lead separate lives, except for the child
He pictured Anna, again, running wild and free at Holly House – if he decided to accept it
Well, Rose might insist on coming with the child

That might not be so bad
He’d just have to be clear who was in charge and what he expected
He’d start now
Once they had this marriage agreed, he’d have her send all the other gentlemen on their way
He wasn’t quite sure how she’d handle it, but she was a lady, and they always had a way
Undoubtedly, she’d have them all heading home before they even realized they were leaving.

That was the word she’d used with Lady Smythe-Burke
Ladies knew how to manage
Personally, he would have used the word manipulate
Ladies were like black widow spiders, set in the middle of their webs, spinning traps around them.

She’d fooled him that first time
He sat in the corner wing chair and swung his legs up on the arm
He closed his eyes and let himself remember.

He’d actually considered marriage then, too, on that enchanted morning after
It hadn’t mattered that she was only a vicar’s daughter
He’d been only a soldier, himself
The magic of that night had been so complete that for one brief instant he’d allowed himself to indulge in fantasy.

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