Price of Desire (9 page)

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Authors: Lavinia Kent

BOOK: Price of Desire
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“Can’t abide the creatures, always screaming at ungodly hours
I’ve a maid to wake me, don’t need a bird
They do make a nice plume, though
I had the most wonderful bonnet when I was a girl, four plumes straight up behind
Lovely thing
it was.

She looked expectantly at Rose.

“Let me just show you the way to your room, Lady Smythe-Burke
I’ll make sure you’re settled in properly.

Rose gasped as she hurried to catch Lady Smythe-Burke
who was still heading down the wrong hall.

Rose had just caught her and was endeavoring to turn her in the right direction, back towards the stairs, when a door at the end of the hall swung open and a familiar silhouette stepped out, the harsh planes of his face outlined in the morning light.

Blast that man
He’d kept her from sleeping most of the night
She’d taken a breakfast tray in her room to avoid him, and still the minute she dropped her guard . .

Huntington, I didn’t invite you.

Lady Smyth
-Burke barked the words.

Wulf bowed his head in courtesy
“My dear Lady Smyth
-Burke, I was not aware you were my hostess
Forgive my rudeness.”

“What’s he doing here
I didn’t put him on the list
He may fill out his jacket nicely, but he doesn’t meet your criteria
Not at all.

Mrs. Smyth-Burke turned to Rose.

Rose was still forming a reply when Wulf spoke again
His tone
every bit as flat as the previous evening
“I am afraid I am more of a forgotten duty than a guest, my lady
I am here on a matter of personal business
Unfortunately, my arrival has put Lady Burberry out of sorts.”

“Not at all, M
What sort of hostess would I be if I couldn’t handle one more . . . guest, unexpected or not
And as you took such pains to explain to me last night, you were expected.

Rose tried not to bite out the words
She would remain as cool as he
She flushed under his steady gaze
as it swept her, leaving a trail of shivers in its wake.

“Will you be joining the party then, M
Are you here because of the
It will make the numbers uneven, but who would complain about one more gentleman?

Lady Smyth
-Burke eyed them both with speculation.

“I had not planned to, but if invited it would of course be unchivalrous to refuse
And I am afraid I don’t know of any

He met Lady Smythe-Burke’s gaze and then the two of them turned to focus on Rose.

She swallowed once before answering, her stomach knotting
How had this come about
“I also am unaware of any wager, but of course your presence is desired
I am sure you’ll add much to my humble party.”

“As long as I am . . . desired, I would be most pleased to join you and your other guests.

His eyes, as bold as hands, swept over her again, and she knew her flush had deepened
Only when he looked at her this way, as if he would lick her like an ice, did his eyes flash with life
Was that why she
like this to him, as if flames licked up from her very toes
No other man had this effect
, melting
her to the core

His pupils darkened as he continued, “Although I fear I didn’t come with proper wardrobe for any formal occasion.”

“We’re in the country
I am sure that none of my guests will be sticklers for formality.

Why did he keep staring at her
If only he would look away she’d have the chance to regain some of her composure.

“I can vouch for that
” Lady Smythe-Burke hooted
“If I say you’re acceptable, then you’re acceptable
The only one who might object would be Sir Barton
and that puppy won’t dare
disagree with me.”

Rose wasn’t sure how she felt having one of her prospective suitors described as a puppy
Sir Barton was on the far side of forty and surely not a puppy
If he was still so unformed and eager
then he was not what she sought

“If you’re sure, then I will of course join you
But, now I must attend the business that brings me here
I believe Mr. Mitter is already in the library
If you’ll excuse me, ladies.

A great breath escaped Rose as Wulf turned and continued down the hall
she had not realized
had grown
tense relaxed.

Huntington, indeed,” Lady Smythe-Burke s
“He does promise to be an interesting addition
didn’t mention he was in the neighborhood
They were inseparable as boys
Wasn’t sure at first what you were thinking inviting him
He’s hardly manageable
Not at all the sort of man who’d leave a woman to her own devices
But, I see your plan now.”

“You do?

Rose took the older woman’s arm and turned her back down the hall towards the stair, in the direction of the promised blue room
She counted each breath as she pretended composure.

Nothing brings a man to the point faster than a little competition
Surprised I hadn’t thought of it myself
Only problem with manageable men is they need to be managed
I am so pleased you’ve taken that into consideration
With M
Huntington here to raise a few hackles I am sure you’ll have several proposals before the fortnight’s out
There is the wager, after all

my lady
, it was not my intention to raise any hackles
Huntington is only here in response to a bequest in my husband’s will
I had not planned on hi
being part of the party.
And I still don’t know about this
you keep

“Good story
Stick to it
Don’t want the competition to be too obvious
Might scare the lads away.”

They reached Mrs. Smythe-Burke’s room and Rose took her leave
She suppressed the desire to sigh with relief
This was not going at all as planned
She was supposed to be facing the process of choosing a husband with care and reason, not spinning like a child’s top out of control
What had happened to her well-
ordered life?

She gave one last glance around the hall to make sure
was in order for the arriving guests
and then darted up the nursery stair
She normally spent full mornings with Anna
Today, she would have to squeeze in a few moments before the next carriage pulled up.


Wulf gazed around the library with a sense of disbelief
Books lay piled this way and that, some spread open, their spines pressed wide
This was not at all the well-ordered room he had encountered on his previous visit
It looked like a young child had run rampant
causing destruction at will.

“Frightful, simply frightful
If Mr. Blaine had explained the situation I would have found another position.

Mr. Mitter spoke from his spot in the corner
He stood still, his hands fluttering over a pile of books
“There is simply no order to them
How could any gentlem
n treat his treasures in such a fashion
It’s unbearable.”

“I don’t believe Lord Admiral Burberry would ever have allowed such disorder
He was a most scholarly man
Rather, I expect Lady Burberry allowed, perhaps even caused, this disorder to develop.”

“Yes, I am sure you are right, M
That is the most likely explanation
The feminine mind is, I fear, not suited to order
I was wondering why a man of your stature would come on such a task.

Wulf moved to the desk
He’d sat
it once, waiting to join Burberry in his study
He shook off the thought
He could not let the memories of the past affect him now
“A man o
f my stature
I am not sure what you mean

“You were at Waterloo
A hero to the core, I am sure
And then with your uncle the earl’s legacy a man of means, as well.”

“My legacy.

Wulf curled his fingers into a fist
He should have expected this.

“Yes, the estate, Holly House
Mr. Blaine explained that you had been left quite a handsome property.”

“I have not accepted it
It should remain with the remainder of my uncle’s properties, in trust for his son.”

“I don’t see why
His son, his heir is well provided for
The earldom is vast
would never notice the difference.

“That does not matter
It would still be the honorable recourse.”

Your uncle wished you
to have the property
Think of
all you could do if you accep
The freedom you would enjoy

Wulf’s mind filled a vision of the house, of the comfort and safety it had provided
If he accepted it could he recapture the wonder and hope that had
once filled him
Could he make a home
It was too late
“I once did my uncle a great disservice and then I refused to make amends
He should not have left me anything.”

“But apparently he deemed otherwise
urely you could not have done anything that –“

My past is just that, mine
Forgive me if I am rude, but I do not wish to discuss this further
We have much work to do.

drummed his
fingers on the well-
polished surface of the desk
It was oddly dust free considering
the shambles
in which they had found
the rest of the room
He picked up a fine edition of Shakespeare’s sonnets and
it on the shelf

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