Price of Desire (7 page)

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Authors: Lavinia Kent

BOOK: Price of Desire
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His finger traced her lips, leaving burning trails behind
He caressed her mouth, her cheek, the tender spot at the base of her neck, before his fingers tangled in her hair drawing her face towards his own, his hot breath whispering across her fevered flesh
At the first touch of his firm lips against hers, something melted deep within her
The inhibitions and qualms dissipated as if they had never been.

His lips trailed over hers again and again, building up a rhythm that sang in her blood
She found herself meeting him pressure for pressure, warmth for warmth, breath for breath
When his tongue first darted out to caress her mouth she drew back, startled, but in the next instant she parted her lips to his, instinct moving where knowledge could not.

The kiss was hard
and fierce, beyond anything she’d known
Lips ground against teeth and tongue as fire grew and burned.

She felt his hands move down her chest, each brush of flesh on warm flesh sending further flaming arrows deep into the blaze that danced in her belly
His fingers brushed along the top of her gown, slipping beneath the sweat-dampened edge to tickle at burning flesh
Her breast swelled and tightened and ached with a fullness that took her breath away
The buttons of her gown loosened under his
expert touch and a cool breeze
that only fanned the flames, swept over her heated flesh, sending shivers sweeping down her body

His lips freed from hers then, and began to trail further hot, burning kisses along her jaw line, igniting a pleasure she had never known, before whispering down her neck and across her flushed and heaving chest

He paused, still for a moment, and her lashes lifted to look at him
He raised his eyes up to hers and they shone black with desire
His gaze lowered and she watched as he caressed her fevered skin with his eyes, his stare as deeply felt as his physical touch
Her body was alive with sensation and she knew nothing, wanted nothing but his continued touch.

He tore his gaze from her body and met her eyes again
Then, eyes locked, he slowly lowered his mouth and flicked her swollen nipple with the tip of his tongue
Her body jerked at the magnitude of the feelings that rippled through her
He licked and laved again, and again, as her eyes sank closed and her head fell back, the headiness of the sensations sending her reeling.

By the time he finally lowered his head and suckled deeply she was lost, all sense, all propriety, all decency consumed
There was nothing but him, his hot, moist mouth devouring her, the strong, masculine feel of his hands as he gathered her skirts and cupped her bottom
She could imagine no past, no future
This moment was all that existed.

“Someone’s coming.”

She missed his words the first time, only catching their meaning as those expert fingers smoothed her skirts and fixed her bodice
She lay beneath him, still quivering, as he straightened his own clothing and rose to standing.

His hands caught her own hands tight and pulled her up beside him
Her legs held, much to her surprise, and she stood there, dazed as the approaching whistle finally caught her attention.

“It’s Will.

She didn’t know where she found the voice to speak.

“Your husband?”

It took a moment for his words to penetrate and then she turned towards him, her cheeks burning with embarrassment at his question
Her senses returned
She would have like to protest her virtue, to ask how he could think such a thing of her
But, he was correct in thought if not actuality
She did have a husband.

“No, just the lad who was giving me a hand with the bushes
He went home to take his meal.”

“Ummm, it’s not a problem, then, that your dress is muddied and your lips look unmistakably kissed
Perhaps a lad will mistake that deep flush of passion that still glows upon your skin.”

Her hand rose to her lips and paused
She could not be seen like this
She could not do that to John
No matter that he had encouraged her, urged her not to let his own incapacities hamper her own desires, this was not what he had meant
She could not bring to him the disgrace that would come from having his wife found rolling with a soldier in the mud.

She knelt beside the forgotten bramble and pulled it forward into her lap, spreading further dirt across her skirts.

“You must go
If he doesn’t see you, it will never occur to him.”

“If he’s like most lads it will definitely occur to him
Besides, isn’t it too late
Surely it will be more suspicious if he sees me fleeing.”

“No, go back up the ridge, once you’re in the woods he’ll not notice
You can even turn and come back this way
He’ll think you just arrived.”

“Does it matter so much?

His voice was harder than before.

“Yes, please, just go.”

“On one condition.”

New tremors started in her belly, where so lately passion had sprung
This could not happen
She could not have risked her whole existence for one kiss, no matter how overpowering, how unimaginable.

“Yes, anything.”

“I am staying at the inn in the village, The Two-Headed Hog
Meet me there tonight, my sweet.”

“No, I can’t.”

Without moving, his feet became more planted, more unmoving, the whistling grew closer.

“I am known
I can’t be seen there.”

“Then . . .

Rose filled her lungs to capacity
How had she come to this?

“There’s a hay barn, about half a mile further down the road and just past a clump of willows
I’ll meet you there at full dark.”

“As you say, my damsel.

He moved with a speed surprising in such a large man
Before she could fully turn towards him, his stride had taken him back up the rise
He mounted as one born to the saddle, and turned his horse back to the woods.










Chapter Three


Evil, deceitful wome
He should have known better than to trust a single one of them
Wulf poured
most of
another full brandy down his throat
welcoming the deep burn
The fire in the grate glowed dimly
He knew what she was, what she was capable of
Why did a single meeting have him burning
, swelling
with desire?

Since Waterloo he’d held his emotions in check – harnessing the demons that still ravaged his soul
Tonight those reins had loosed
The long afternoon with the broken wheel
left him little reserve
to fight her lure
He could not help but desire her
Unwanted fires burned when she was near
Still, h
e would not let her draw him into her verbal battles, again
Power was in silence
and courtesy
, not squabbles.

Still, s
he was not different than any lady, willing to twist a man to her needs and wants
He would not take all the blame
She had cast her lures well
He took the last gulp from the glass
She was fully as evil as that other, the one he only named in his nightmares, the one who’d cast him out from
he’d known.

filled the glass
The heavy, sweet smell of the brandy wafted upward
His stomach lurched, but he downed the glass
He’d not been in his cups since before the blood and blackness of Waterloo, but if ever there was a night for it, this was it.

He should have refused to come
The solicitor’s secretary, Mitter, could have managed on his own
He’d just returned from the Dardenelles, or some such place
He should be ready to tackle a pile of ancient histories
Wulf had put aside scholarly interest when he’d left Oxford to take up his commission
What he’d once known could be of no help here.

But his stepfather had wanted him to
do this
Lord William would never have understood a decision
to spend days po
ring through musty old tomes
No, his stepfather probably thought he’d done Wulf a favor in sending him to
through Burberry’s library
Lord William would only have thought of the
pleasures of properly surveying
his late friend’s collection
he would never have considered th
other factors
might make
such a task

Wulf knew
e shouldn’t be here
If he’d followed his in
he’d be safe in London, with
good book beside him and a solitary bed to lie in
He’d be debating whether to accept the
his uncle
the Earl of Falmouth
had left him.

Damn, he hadn’t wanted to think about that
He forced his blurred eyes to focus on the far wall.

kept the legacy
from his mind the whole way here.

Holly House
had been his childhood home,
before his father’s death
knew he didn’t deserve such a
– certainly not from his uncl
ut the thought of its promise
and memories
pulled at him
It offered peace and safety, the quiet and security to rebuild his soul
, a home
He’d not called a place home in decades
Still, it was not right that it should be his
He did not
t it after what he’d done
But, how could he refuse?

Maybe that was why he had come
– exposed himself to her one more time
– to put off facing the decision.

Damn her
The room spun.

He slumped on the bed and pulled at his own boots
One good thing about being a soldier, you learned to do for yourself
He’d known officers who’d always needed a hand, but no matter his own rank, he’d always managed on his own
Made life simpler.

A simple life, that was all he wanted, all he’d ever wanted
If he accepted
Holly House
he might even have a chance of finding it.

He tossed the boot beside the bed and yanked at the other.

Damn woman
How was he supposed to sleep
knowing she was in the same house, lying soft and warm with slumber, her eyes heavy with sleep
The memories of their passion surrounded him, pulled at him
How could he ever forget the wonder of that night?

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