Price of Desire (6 page)

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Authors: Lavinia Kent

BOOK: Price of Desire
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Still, whatever his own part in the play, he had lost the little that remained of his innocence on that day, when he learnt the fullness of her betrayal.

She walked with steady tread to the cabinet and filled a glass
Laying it on the table by the unlit fire, she turned, her eyes lowered
The candle softened her features, highlighting their simple perfection
He swallowed and spun away
He would not be deceived again
She’d already made the warmth of his welcome clear.

“I will check on Matson and then retire
I wish you the best for the night.

Her gaze moved to the footman arranging the trunk in the corner
He could sense the sharp words she did not say
“I assume you can make your selections from the library quickly and spare us further difficulties
I should be clear that we have nothing to speak of beyond your selections
I hope I am understood.”

His cheeks spread in a knowing smile
She glanced up and he let his eyes rake over her, stopping at hips and bosom, before rising to settle on her lips
His unwilling hands still longed to touch – even with all he knew
She shuddered, stiffened and turned towards the door
He felt the sting of her rebuff
The only weapons at his disposal were words, words that he let surround her like a practiced caress.

“I wouldn’t be too sure of that, my lady
Besides, I don’t like to do anything too quickly
I like to take my time and make sure I don’t miss anything
The most wonderful treasures can be found in this fashion
Don’t you agree?”

Her feet froze at the door
“No, Major Huntington
You may have the advantage of superior military knowledge, but I believe nonetheless that, with an orderly plan of attack, speed is a virtue.”

He frowned
“Once, I believe, I made you think you otherwise.”

She didn’t answer, but scurried from the room.

“And Lady Burberry,” he called, as she sped towards the stair
“You wouldn’t have anything to hide that my treasure hunt might reveal, would you
Something of mine you’ve avoided mentioning
I always make sure to claim what is mine.”

He couldn’t be sure whether she’d heard him or not.


The nerve of the man, bursting into her home uninvited
Well, perhaps not quite uninvited, but still he could have given some warning
Rose had no doubt that he had planned and enjoyed her anger and confusion
He clearly delighted in causing her pain.

Every cold, heartless word had stabbed at her.

Where was articulate and warm man, so full of life, that she’d encountered all those years past
Even the angry, but emotional soldier who’d stormed at her during her husband’s memorial would have
been preferable to this frozen
iceberg of a man.

His words had been ready and full of sting, but his tone – his tone had lacked all edge of fire
The very lifelessness of his voice twisted each verbal dagger deeper.

She curled her stocking-covered toes into the carpet
At least, he hadn’t noticed her feet
She’d felt vulnerable enough standing there shoeless as he commented on her impropriety
It had been bad enough that the floors were cold – one more ice-blooded comment
from him and she’d have . . .

She could not afford to give him such power no matter how her body – and her mind

reacted to his presence
At future meetings she would have to remember that they were, in fact, little more than strangers
She would show him how a true lady acted
She’d not share another drop of emotion.

She rang for a maid to loosen her gown and without further ado settled herself for bed
She would give no further thought to that man, that devil come to torment her
She fluffed up her pillows, closed her eyes and prepared for sleep with the same calm with which she approached slumber most evenings
She would not be unsettled.

Blasted, bloody man
Blasted, gorgeous man
She could still feel the heat from his body as he’d towered over her, her eyes level with his well-muscled chest, the still familiar scent of his body wafting towards her, surrounding her
She opened her eyes and recited all the curses John had so lovingly taught her
She tried to concentrate on that, to remember the laughter in John’s eyes every time some particularly dastardly term passed her lips
But those dratted emerald eyes kept replacing John’s quiet brown ones, setting off shots of flame in her belly, making her heart race
Despite all the pain he’d caused her, Wulf had been her secret dream for five long years.

And now he was in John’s room
Oh, not the true master chamber, next to her own, but the small sitting room near the library that John had taken over when his illness made movement difficult
He’d so enjoyed being surrounded by his papers in the early morning hours before the rest of the house awoke
She closed her eyes and tried again to concentrate on her husband, on the intense concentration she’d find on his face as she slipped down the inner servants’ stair to check on him
The inner stair that ran down from her unoccupied dressin
g room connecting her to . . .


Biting her lip, hard, she stretched and reached over to feel along the edge of the small bedside table
Her fingers paused as she touched the carved sandalwood box Burberry had brought back on one of his trips
She eased the box open
Her hand slipped in and slid past the battered edge of a worn letter, the silky glide of a tattered bit of green ribbon
Deliberately she clasped her fingers around the cold iron key to the stair
Matson was, as always, efficient
She brought the key to her face and rubbed the chilled metal against her lips, wishing it would cool them.

Why did he have such an effect on her
Even now, when he slammed h
er with words, while not deigning
to grant inflection to his voice, he drew her as no other man


had, giving rise to these inner flares of anxiety, dread, and desire.


That was what it was and she was not afraid to face it squarely as she lay in her solitary bed
She desired Wulf, wanted him, from the depth of her womanly core
Despite his taunting words and icy stare, he made her feel small, delicate
She remembered well how dainty she felt draped across that hard chest, his sparse hairs tickling her nose, how cared for she’d felt when his arms surrounded her, drawing her tight.

She rolled on her side, staring at the dressing room door, the key still pressed tight to her lips
It was really not surprising
Only with him had she ever loosed herself to passion, therefore
only with him did passion spring unwelcome
He had been her fantasy
It should not be surprising that the reality was so . . . unsettling.

If she’d had more experience, had a more normal marriage with John

not that she objected to the one she’d had

then these unexpected tingles would not be running from the tips of her toes to the budded peaks of her breasts.

Swallowing one deep breath after another she considered the facts
She had been intimate with Major Beowulf Huntington
She had betrayed her marriage vows and she refused to regret it
She had accepted the consequences of her actions and managed to live with them
Only that next day, when she’d known Wulf’s fierce anger at her betrayal, had she felt the singe of remorse
And then she felt the child quicken in her belly

the child that could not be her husband’s

and all regret was buried in the wonder of a miracle

She refused to feel guilt now over what could not be changed.

It was only the knowledge of the coming child that had drawn John back from darkness in those remaining years
From the moment he’d known of her pregnancy, a new vigor had taken him
He had lived years longer than expected
And, John had never questioned her, had expressed only delight in her pregnancy and then her daughter, a daughter sprung of her willingness to accept and follow her desires
She would do anything to keep her daughter safe.

She sat up in bed and drew her knees forward, wrapping her arms around them
She hugged herself tight, as for the first time in years, she deliberately sought out the memories, let herself indulge in her secret dreams.


The sun had been so hot that day, lighting fires under her skin
When she first saw him standing at the crest, felt his eyes stroke her body before rising to meet her own, saw the slow easy smile light his face as their glances caught and held, her fate had been set.

She should have fled in that instant, that moment, that second
She had sensed the danger and embraced it, caught it to her and held it tight, a once-in-a-lifetime chance.

Caring for John had worn her out
She did not begrudge him an iota of her care, her love, but didn’t know how much longer she could manage
She sat beside him most nights, watching his frail limbs writhe and stretch
She bathed him with cool water, and whispered words of comfort, but she no longer knew how many words he comprehended as he turned from her, turned from the pain of life.

She loved him so much, he had given her herself, and now he was leaving her, not suddenly but by slow degrees, as of sands being plucked and weighed in small pinches, a few grains leaking at a time
The doctors said it could be weeks or years
They did not understand why he had suddenly grown so much worse. Could there be anything more painful than watching a loved one fade, become less than himself, until only whispers of the original man remained?

That exhaustion, the inability to face the future without her beloved husband, led her to seek the inexplicable escape offered by those depthless green eyes.

Yes, she should have run the moment those eyes met hers and she smiled, before his low voice rumbled about her
She should have escaped before their fingers brushed, before his arms closed around her
Once she’d felt that hard, masculine torso pressed tight against her, it had been far too late.

In retrospect she’d justified her actions, remembered how John had always encouraged her, told her that his own increasing failings should not inhibit her further growth as a woman
She’d always demurred, laughed at the thought of even considering another man
In truth, she’d never felt temptation, or been overcome by desire for any other man
Swearing endless fidelity to her husband presented no difficulty to a woman who never even dreamt of passion.

And then, emerald lightening flashed, and she burned to the core.

They lay entwined on the ground, the bramble roses finally uprooted before them
His eyes locked with hers and one heavy, masculine hand lifted to brush a smudge from her cheek
The heat from that single, innocent touch flushed her face and sped her breath
Moisture spread against her cheek, and catching his hand between her own, she brought it before her eyes
A thin gash tore across one finger, blood welling from it
Without thought, unmindful of the dirt, she brought it to her lips and kissed it
The salty tang of his blood and the musk of his sweat filled her senses
Her eyes lifted to his again and she watched as his pupils grew large

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