Private Affair (The Private Series) (17 page)

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Authors: Danielle Torella

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BOOK: Private Affair (The Private Series)
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She rips her own shirt off and tosses it to the floor. I release her perky perfect breasts from her thin gray cotton bra. Even though they are on the smaller size they still look heavy when she is horny. I take one in my mouth and tweak the other with my fingers. Her hips start to move and she whimpers. I know she is already wet for me, it doesn’t take much. She unbuttons her skinny jeans, I stand to let her get out of them and I take that moment to get out of my shorts. I flip her around so she is on her back on the bed. She has her legs open, waiting for me. I move between them and I grab her legs and toss them up my chest so her ankles rest on my shoulders. I line myself up and I drive into her, making her yell out.

“You like that?” I ask between my gritted teeth.

She pants and nods.

“Tell me how much you like it,” I can’t help but get even more turned on when she tells me how and what she likes.

Tess licks her lips and looks me in the eyes, which are burning. “I like it when you take me hard and fast. I like your dick driving into me. It drives me wild. I feel like my mind is going to snap and I might lose it, because I love it so fucking much.”

I’ll take it.

I pull out slow and she is begging me with her eyes to bring her to climax. I slam into her hard and fast.

“Yes!” She screams, “Like that … faster!”

And I do. I take her hard and fast, like I won’t get to do this ever again. I want to remember ever spot of her inside and out.

She is starting to move her hips in a circular motion, just taking all that she can too. She changes directions and I growl. “Come with me Tess.”

Breathlessly she tells me, “I … I’m…”

“Now!” I grit, not being able to hold it in any longer and she obeys. I lower her legs and she wraps them around my waist and I lean over her, mouth on hers, tongues exploring, searching each other mouths as we ride out this climax together.

I turn and lay next to her, she moves and rests her head on my chest and wraps a leg over my own. Heavy breaths which we steady together as one. I wrap her in my arms and I nuzzle my nose into her pink hair. I inhale. My eyes start to water. I hold back the tears, the last thing she needs right now is to see me cry about her leaving, because if she sees that she won’t go.

We lay like this wordlessly for some time. I glance over at the clock, “It’s time to get going.”

Her head pops up with a smile then the smile disappears. “I don’t want to leave you.”

I use my knuckle to raise her chin so she looks at me, “It will all be okay. We will talk on the phone and I will visit. Just promise me one thing?”


“Every time you have a cup of coffee think of me.” I smirk.

She slaps my chest and climbs on top of me, “I already do.”





We pull into the lot where I am going to be joining Tony on this tour and meeting my temporary partner Jennifer. I don’t know much about her, but Ms. Fuller seems convinced that we will get along. “Do you know Jennifer?” I ask Ben.

He kills the engine, “Yeah, she started at
before me. She is a few years older and a great writer. She is friendly and has no problem saying it like it is.”

“I like that in people,” I smile, then a thought crosses my mind and I quickly push it aside, but Ben sees right through me. He must know my looks by now. Damn it.

“Hey, I know that look…” He says. Yep, I was right. “You’re wondering if I … and no, I haven’t. She is a cool woman and all, but no definitely not.”

I smile and nod. “Okay, good or this would have been one awkward trip.”

I feel bad for assuming or having those thoughts pass through my head, but after everything, it’s going to take some time to just let go.

I look out the window and see the RV, which is huge in my eyes, I don’t know what Ms. Fuller was talking about,
midsize RV
… yeah right. “Wow, this is really happening huh?”


Ben leans across the seat and kisses me hard. I think the windows are starting to steam over. When we pull away I can’t help but giggle. I put my hand on the door handle, “Now or never right?”

“Right.” He replies.

I fling open the door and walk around to the trunk with Ben as he pulls out my two bags. I’m not a fussy girl. I stick to my basics, always have. We start our way over to the RV, which is massive and all black. It’s not the most up to date, but it’s sleek and epic. There’s a stubby older male loading bags and gear to the under part of the RV, okay it’s a tour bus who are they kidding?

“Hello, you must be Tess, I am Roger the driver.” He introduces himself and we shake hands.

“Nice to meet you and yes I am Tess.”

“Tess!” I hear my name being called from the doors of the bus and I see Tony jump off the last step. What the heck?

He looks like he has packed on muscle or something. He isn’t the skinny white boy like he was a few weeks back. His shoulders a little broader and neck is a little thicker. “Tony?” I ask, just to be sure.

He laughs and comes over to Ben and I. “Hey Ben, how’s it going?” Tony asks casually.

“Considering your taking my girl from me for a month?” Ben snips.

I nudge him in the ribs with my elbow and give him a look telling him to play nice.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t think when I said that…” Tony apologizes.

“It’s fine. Can I talk to you for a moment though?” Ben leans into Tony.

Tony puts his hand on Ben’s shoulder and they step aside. I try to hear what Ben is saying, but I can’t really tell. I can only assume he is threatening to kill him if he lays a hand on me or hurts me in any way.

I am too occupied with trying to read lips and epically failing, when I am startled out of my skin and jump back, when I see a young woman with long black hair with blue streaks strewn through it. I throw my hand to my chest and gasp.

“Hi! I’m Jennifer, you must be Tess!” She tosses her hand out at me. Her eyes are wide and bright, dark eyeliner and red lips. She is very pretty, a total pinup! Then I see why she is so peppy, she has coffee!

I take her hand, “Yeah, hi, it’s nice to finally meet you,” I greet my new partner for the next four weeks.

“Yeah, sorry we couldn’t meet before this, I was just on tour with another band and I just got back three days ago and well … I needed some sleep.” She takes a long sip from her paper coffee cup.

I nervously look back at Ben and Tony. They are still talking, I must be obvious because Jennifer tries to regain my attention, “Boy drama?” She asks.

I turn back and shyly smile, I feel like I am being rude. “Yeah, sorry. My fiancé there is a little over protective.”

She nods as if telling me she totally gets it, “He just cares and wants to make sure you’re going be okay. Do you blame him?”

“No, I suppose not,” I admit. He is only looking out for me, it’s not like he will be a five minute drive from me. We are going to be apart for a month and across the damn continent for that matter, I don’t think it really synced in until now.

She steps in closer to my side and nods in the guy’s direction, “So Tony … You know him? I heard he asked for you by name. What’s with that? I have been on many tours and never met a musician to special request a writer let alone a photographer.”

“We met at the tattoo shop he works at, he gave me my first tattoo and ran into one another a few times and became friends.” I try to explain as simply as possible. The two men start their way back towards me and Jennifer.

“Hey Jenn,” Ben greets her, I forget that they know one another through work.

“Sup Ben? Don’t worry I will take care of your girl here,” Jennifer attempts to assure him and she puts an arm around my shoulder.

Ben grunts, “You better, I am holding you and Towers here accountable if one tiny thing happens to her. Got it?” He looks to Jennifer and Tony.

I feel my cheeks heat with embarrassment and slight anger, “Ben! Knock it off! I am going to be just fine. We talked about this. So stop making threats.”

“What makes you think I am threatening anyone? Am I threatening you Jenn?” He asks her and she shakes her head. “Towers? Did I threaten you?” Tony shrugs and laughs.

Tony picks up some gear to load into the bus and I see that he has been working out. His once tiny structure is bulked up and defined. And I see that he hasn’t sprung for any larger clothing either, so his older already threads are tighter. “Nah, just had a man to man. No big deal Tess.”

“Load em’ up!” Roger announces, popping his head out of the bus doors.

My heart drops and I instantly tear up. Ben takes me by the waist and pulls me to the side. “Hey, you know this isn’t going to be goodbye, I want you to call me as soon as you get to the first stop okay? And I will see you in a week. You got this Punky. I love you.”

I tuck my face into his chest and let out a light sob. I try to compose myself, but leaving Ben for no personal reason this time seems crazy. Before it was because we didn’t communicate and there was guilt and pain. This time, well I am leaving on my own free will. It’s a bitter sweet feeling. Dream job but leaving my other half. “I love you too. And I will call you and we can FaceTime later right?”

Ben leans down and cups my face, closes his eyes and inhales. I can see him struggling with keeping himself composed. When his eyes open they are glossy with unshed tears, “I am always a call and click away.”

I nod and close my own eyes. He puts his lips to mine in a soft comforting kiss. A perfect moment and then the world disappears and all I can do is memorize this kiss. The feel. The taste. The way his hands are on my hips then the small of my back and his fingertips tracing up my spine. I reach up and scratch his stubble with my fingers and the kiss deepens. I get my foot pop kiss. Just as I am about to pull away I hear Jennifer cat call from the bus. I look over and see her hanging out of an open window.

I cover my blushing face and I take in a deep breath, one more quick kiss, “I love you.” I turn to face the bus and he whispers in my ear that he loves me too. I let go of his hand that I didn’t realize I was holding and make a bee line to the silver doors of the small bus. I take the first step and look back at Ben. He puts his hand to his mouth, kisses it and waves it at me. I do the same and mouth ‘I Love you’ and I board the bus.



We are on our way out of the lot and I don’t look out the window as we leave. If I look I will snap and yell for Roger to stop, I just sling my bag over my shoulder and look down my new living quarters for the next month.

It’s a mix match of dark and light tones. There are dark wood paneled walls, with accent lighting making it shine. There are dark cream colored leather sofas facing one another with a couple pillows and a throw blanket. Then there’s a table nook that reminds me of a restaurant booth. I see Tony come up from the back of the bus, he has his head down and looks up to see me and Jennifer behind me. She leans into my ear from behind, “Fuck me he is gorgeous…”

I can’t help but snort and she playfully pushes my shoulder. “What’s so funny?” Tony asks as he reaches the front of the bus.

I tuck my hair behind my ears and smile, “Oh, nothing.” What the hell was that about?

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