Pull Me Closer (Suits in Pursuit) (3 page)

BOOK: Pull Me Closer (Suits in Pursuit)
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his appraisal, his eyes slid down her naked legs. “That’s interesting. How do you earn your clients’ trust?” he asked.

“Like any relationship,
it takes equal partnership and commitment to build trust. I learn everything I can about their business, understand their audience and find out what they need, want and expect, and then I deliver. I want them feeling satisfied with the experience and results. They’ll come back for more.”

He liked that. “How much new revenue did the client bring in after the campaign launched?” He watched as the answer touched her eyes, and then words formed on her lips like fresh morning dew on a leaf.

“Three months after the campaign launched, their revenues doubled. What you
really want to know is how much the agency profited, right?”

his hand to his chin, he stroked the base of the smile that she coaxed. He liked her a lot. “I do.”

account brings in about two million dollars a year for three years, incremental revenue for the agency.”

She pulled out her laptop to
show samples of her work.

stood and walked from behind his desk. “I can see your work better this way.” Taking a seat next to her, he pulled the chair closer to her, enjoying her closeness and sweet floral scent that teased his nostrils. “Let’s see what you’ve got, Miss Mulls.”

Although a little tense, h
e marveled at Kerrigan’s professionalism and the ease with which she conducted herself. He knew he could be an intense man.

lips curved upward into a smile.

You may not like the creative execution and neither did my boss at the time, but he trusted me to make the call, and I didn’t back off. I knew the client and audience well, and I had confidence that my strategy would get results,” she said.

e intimidated some of the most seasoned account reps who worked for him. They refused to challenge him, offer a rebuttal or share an original thought, and they cowered in his presence. She had the gusto to stand up for what she believed right.
He admired her confidence.

her laptop so he could get a better view of the ads, his arm brushed against hers.
“I don’t want you to have any misgivings about this position. Tell me why you want to leave your current job. Why do you want to work for me?”

nterested in her in many more ways than one, he was confident that he could lure her into a date, but he wanted to know if she could handle the junior-level job.

wiggled in her seat again. “Well, I’m relocating to the city, and your agency has an outstanding reputation. I think my experience will be a complement to your team. Personally, I need a change and a new start. I’ve traveled my entire career. I want stability, and frankly I’m ready for the next chapter in my life to begin.”

He studied her in silence, and
then slowly, methodically flashed his deadliest smile. “Change is good. I hope your next chapter brings you everything you want.”

too,” she said, her timid gaze reaching his leer.

“Do you have any questions for me?”

“Yes, one. What are you looking for?”

raised his brow, and then regurgitated her earlier words, surprised by her question. “Someone who can give me what I need and want, and make me come back for more,” he said, deepening his voice to a baritone pitch and watching her response.

nodded. “I think I can do that,” she said straight-faced without the slightest hint of tease, either having missed or choosing to ignore the duality of his answer. She possessed an innocent quality that he found alluring.

“I’m counting on
you to,” he said.

He studied her face
again, sure that his heavy gaze made her uncomfortable, but he couldn’t keep his eyes away.
Intelligent. Beautiful.
Blood rushed to his groin and his pulse raced. With his temperature rising, he tugged at the constrictive collar around his neck.

Her eyes followed his hands as he unfastened the
second button on his shirt. “You’re talented. Since you’re sitting in my office, obviously you’re the leading candidate. Marie is ready to make an offer.”
I’m ready to make a different offer altogether.
“What are your salary requirements?”

“I’m willing to negotiate.
Last year, I made one hundred and thirty thousand dollars. I expect at least that.”

In a move rare for a shrewd
executive like himself, he felt the need to protect her, to take care of her. “Kerrigan, you took the bait. In a negotiation, never throw out the figure first. If I didn’t have the best intentions, I could easily take advantage of you.” Her courage to create the new life she wanted fueled his admiration. “What would you say if I offered you a salary of one hundred and seventy thousand dollars, plus commission?”

Her eyebrows shot up. S
he didn’t say anything immediately, thinking over his offer. “I would say yes; however, I have one stipulation.”

He stiffened, clenched his jaw tight and narrowed his icy gaze on her. His offer had been more than
generous. She was going to find out her mistake if she thought he would negotiate.
Just like all the rest.
“And what is your stipulation, Miss Mulls?”

“I do
n’t need a salary that large. I’d like my commission to be deducted from my paycheck and donated to a charity of your choosing.”

His eyes stretched wide, and the tense muscles in his face softened. He
never liked to be wrong, but this time had been the exception.
“That’s an unusual, but considerate counter. We’ve got a deal.” Getting a glimpse of her character more than intrigued him. No woman had ever turned down his money, let alone encouraged him to donate to a charitable organization.

Light danced in her eyes as the ends of her lips curled
upward. “Great! When do I start?” Enthusiasm lit up her entire face, making her eyes sparkle.

He melted.
A woman who was as stunning inside as her outside was a novelty to him.

He leaned in closer, watching her
big round eyes and surveying her movements. “Good. Take a week to settle in, and then start the following Monday. How does that sound?”

Kerrigan planted her eyes on her laptop.
“That sounds great. I’ll have time to find an apartment and get unpacked.”

A knock at the door interrupted
their conversation. Whipping around in his chair, he scowled as he watched Brenda tramp in and intrude uninvited.

“Mr. Christensen. Misty Scott is holding on the
line for you.” Clamping his teeth, he balled his fists. “She’s calling about your meeting today. Shall I put her through?” Brenda asked her voice irritated.

Glad that Brenda had
n’t referred to his meeting as a date, his hands loosened. “Please cancel my meeting with um, Miss Scott. I’ll follow-up with her later.” Brenda nodded, and with heavy steps clobbering the floor, she slipped through the large doors.

He turned back to Kerrigan, who had put away
her laptop. Desperate for more time with her, Axel decided to extend the most unconventional, borderline unprofessional offer he had ever made. Facing her, he placed his imposing hand on her chair’s armrest. “I’d love to show you the city sometime. I could even help you with your apartment hunt if you want.”

His invitation
crossed the line, but there was something about her so refreshing and stimulating that he wanted to spend more time getting to know her. Her cheeks flashed a hint of crimson. “Mr. Christensen, that’s a generous offer, but my good friend Ashley is helping me. She works in the Marketing department. I’ve narrowed down my search to three apartments and only need to pick one and move in.”

a single eyebrow, he jerked his head back. The hard, cold slap of rejection gave his ego whiplash. “All right then,” he muttered through clenched teeth as he tugged at his collar again. At a loss for words, he stared at her. This was a first. Women didn’t reject Axel Christensen.

He leaned in until his knee met hers, black William
Fioravanti slacks brushing against soft brown skin as smooth as spun silk. “Welcome aboard, Kerrigan. You and I will get to spend lots of time together on many projects. I’m looking forward to working with you.” Her refusal would spur him on to try other tactics and soon he would have access to her every day.

away in retreat from his proximity, a smile touched her lips again. Transfixed, he couldn’t take his eyes off her mouth. “I’m looking forward to working with you too.” Her lips moved, like an invitation to be kissed. “I’m excited about this opportunity. Thank you, Mr. Christensen.”

didn’t want to let her go, but he had no good reason to hold her captive in his office.

He stood, and Kerrigan joined him.
“Brenda will help you complete the necessary paperwork. If you have any questions, call me direct.” He reached into his jacket, pulled out and handed her a business card. “Kerrigan, meeting you, has been a true pleasure. I’ll see you again in a couple of weeks.” Looking down, his eyes roamed from her breasts to her shapely calves, caressing her curvy lines again and then he extended his hand.

When his fingers wrapped around her
hand for a second time, the same charge of electricity bolted through his body. He held her hand in his firm grip much longer than he should have. She didn’t pull away. His eyes locked on hers searching for a shared understanding of their attraction. The warm rosy glow that kissed her cheeks gave him confirmation.

the spell, she withdrew her hand. “Thank you.” Spinning on her heel, she walked away and disappeared through the large oversized oak doors. He certainly hadn’t been ready for Kerrigan Mulls. The chase began from that moment.

soon as she left, Axel made two phone calls. The first call was to Marie.

“Marie, I’ve j
ust hired Kerrigan Mulls. She’ll start in two weeks. I want her to attend the weekly account managers meeting. I also plan to set up one-on-one meetings with her. She has an impressive background. I’ll be working with her on some special projects.”

second call made was to his father. The phone rang and as soon as his father answered, words poured out of Axel’s mouth. “Have you ever met someone that you felt an immediate connection to? I’ve met the most extraordinary woman.”

“Oh. Who is she?”

“Her name is Kerrigan Mulls. I hired her for the junior account rep position. She’s gorgeous, intelligent, kind—the total package.” Restless, Axel twisted in his seat, still amped up on testosterone and adrenaline. “There is something about her.”

I’m glad to hear the enthusiasm in your voice. A long time has passed since … the incident.”

stilled. His fingers curled tightly around the phone until his hand cramped. “I don’t want to rehash the past.” Kerrigan’s lingering scent teased his nostrils. Inhaling the remnant vapors, the aroma sedated his mood and his grip loosened. “I have a feeling about this woman. She’s going to turn my world right side up.”

A jolt of excitement and apprehension hit Axel square in the gut, and
then pulsed through every nerve giving him prickly stings over his entire body.

“Just be careful, son

that evening, Kerrigan curled up on her sofa with a celebratory glass of wine. Laura Stephens would be proud. Taking the first step on her next journey, eager expectation about her new job and the possibilities that awaited her gave her hope for a new life filled with much joy and happiness. She reached for the remote, turned off the television and headed to her bedroom.

As she lay in bed, she pondered the strange and intense meeting with Axel Christensen and his unusual offer. The man, so attractive and commanding, just remembering the force of his brilliant blue eyes staring into her and feel of his leg rubbing against hers, made her heart race.
Keeping her composure during the interview had been a deliberate act of self-control. His offer to escort her on an apartment search and show her the city had been a strange proposition. Perhaps he had been flirting with her and tried to find a way to spend more time with her. She laughed at her wayward thoughts. Of course, this handsome executive didn’t have any interest in an average woman like her.

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