Pull Me Closer (Suits in Pursuit) (7 page)

BOOK: Pull Me Closer (Suits in Pursuit)
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The sting of
tears burned behind Kerrigan’s eyes. Others in the office thought she didn’t deserve the account manager position—that Axel’s infatuation with her had led to her promotion. On some level, she knew they shared a strong mutual attraction. Although she did everything to ignore her desire, he made her skittish whenever he was near. Why couldn’t she shake this feeling, shake this man out of her brain?

Pushing thoughts about Axel aside, she
became more determined than ever to prove to herself that she deserved her new job. She had spent the past year busting her ass, and she was infuriated that others thought she was promoted for reasons other than her hard work and skill. Maybe if she helped land the McBride account she’d earn the respect of her co-workers.

About to leave for the day, her mouse
hovered over the exit button on her email application when an incoming email caught her eye. It was from Axel himself, not Brenda his assistant. She could count on one hand how many email messages had come directly from him to her in the past year–this one. The subject was short and to the point. She opened the message with nervous anticipation.

Monday, August 20

To: Kerrigan Mulls

From: Axel Christensen

Subject: Lunch Tomorrow


I hope you had a productive day. I know you’ve been working hard on the McBride presentation, but not too hard, I hope. I’m eager to see it tomorrow. It will be good for us to spend time together to get acquainted. We need to have good chemistry as we pitch. I’ll stop by your office around Noon. I should have you back by 2:00 p.m. I’m looking forward to seeing you.

Axel Christensen

President and Chief Executive Officer

A.C. Advertising

The thought of a two-hour lunch with Axel Christensen made her stomach twist.
What can we possibly discuss for two hours?
Taking a deep breath, she shut down her computer. These problems could wait for the next day and it would be best to leave them for tomorrow.

The office was empty
now. Nearly seven thirty in the evening, everyone else in the department had gone home. Grabbing her handbag, Kerrigan headed toward the door and turned out the light. She spun around and took a step back to look at her desk one last time making sure she had remembered her cell phone. It wasn’t on her desk, which meant she had already put in her handbag. Whirling around to make her way out, she slammed straight into a solid brick mass, colliding into him.

must have been standing at her door silently observing her. He had removed his jacket and the top two buttons of his white dress shirt were undone. The palms of her hands landed squarely onto his rock-hard pecks and she tried to steady herself. She could feel the peaks and valleys of his well-defined chest through the thin material of his shirt.

stepped back abruptly, nearly stumbling to a fall. He caught her by the small of her waist and pulled her closer to him to prevent her inevitable backwards tumble. Their bodies were flush, her breasts pressed firmly against his chest. Holding her in a tight, protective embrace, his strong arms locked her in place against him. She was dizzy and breathless. He looked down at her with impassioned eyes.

“Ah! Mr. Christensen, I mean Axel.
I am sorry. I … I didn’t see you, standing there.” She lowered her head down, unable to meet his eyes.

A warm sensation
swept over her when she realized that he was still holding her close and hadn’t made a motion to release her. She startled when she felt Axel’s growing bulge press firmly against her stomach. He didn’t attempt to push her away. Breaking his grip, she pulled out of his clutch.

He looked down at her with hooded eyes and spoke softly,
almost seductively. “It’s okay. No harm was done. I didn’t mean to startle you. I was leaving, saw your light on, and I thought I’d escort you out. That’s the least I can do since I’m going to work you so hard over the next few weeks.”

His words were
unnerving. She blushed at the thought. She was clearly out of line and apparently, her mind wandered straight to the gutter whenever he was near.

“That’s kind of you. Thank you. Again, I apologize.”

“Forget it. Your bumping into me isn’t the worst thing that could happen. Let’s go.”

analyzed his word choice again. Was it a compliment or something more? She dismissed the latter.

were walking out of the building when he paused. “I’ve got to lock up since we’re the last ones here. Where’s your car?”

“It’s on the bottom level. Really, I’ll be
fine. You don’t have to escort me the whole way.”

Of course I do. You aren’t walking to your car alone on other evenings when you work late, are you? I don’t want anything happening to you. I want you safe.” He said and continued locking the door to the office suite.

She shifted on her feet and stepped back, putting
some distance between them. “Usually, Kevin, one of the security officers, offers to walk with me.”

He frowned.
“Oh, I’ll bet he does,” he muttered under his breath.

They walked to the parking deck elevator and waited for
the doors to open. Once they were inside, she squirmed as his eyes roamed up and down her body. After what felt like an eternity, the elevator came to a halt, the doors opened slowly, and as though she was a caged bird freed, she nearly flew out.

“Thanks for seeing me off safely Mr. Christensen
… Axel. My car is right there.” She pointed toward her vehicle.

“Any time Kerrigan. I’m looking forward to lunch tomorrow.”

Holding the elevator doors open, he watched until she was safely inside her car.

At home, Kerrigan sat at her dining room table, toying with the food on her plate and replaying the events of
their latest encounter in her head. There was no mistaking Axel’s raging erection, the scintillating magnetism between them when they touched as he held her close in the office, or the lusty gaze in his eyes as they raked up and down her body in the elevator. She was torn and confused, harrowed by the thought that Axel found her attractive, yet he excited her, and she felt alive.

Tuesday, August 21

Kerrigan arrived at the office early the next morning to put final touches on the McBride presentation. The office buzzed with news that she was working directly with Mr. Christensen on the McBride account. Rich poked his head into her office. He was one of the account reps on her team who had hit on her a few times only to be rejected because she wasn’t interested. She was done dating jerks and losers just because she had nothing planned, on a lonely Friday evening.

The slight lisp of his nasally voice assaulted her eardrums like nails on a chalkboard.
“I heard you’re working solo with Christensen on the McBride project. He’s a sly one. If only I had more clout and a hefty bank account.” His clammy skin, crooked nose and long skinny body reminded her of the snake that he was, and her stomach churned. He winked, and then slithered off.

She didn’t like what Rich was insinuating. She ignored him and returned to her work.
Soon, it would be time for lunch with Axel and the minutes were slipping away. Another co-worker came into her office at eleven thirty. It seemed that everyone had inappropriate remarks to share today. This time it was Megan’s turn.

Megan hustled in
uninvited, leaning against her desk. “It must be nice to be the boss’ favorite. I’d give anything to work directly with Mr. Christensen one-on-one. You’re a lucky girl. It must be tempting being that close to him.”

“Megan, I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’m nobody’s
favorite. Mr. Christensen likes how I handle our difficult clients. That’s not luck, that’s a skill. He’s the boss, and I’m simply doing my job, nothing more. I have a few more minutes before my lunch meeting, and I need to finish my presentation.”

Megan huffed,
jerked her shoulders back and scampered out.

Precisely at Noon, Axel appeared in her doorway
, watching her furtively. He thought about how easily he could rip open her snug blue blouse and free her breasts. He would knead her perfect mounds in his hands before taking one into his mouth to lick and suck, and drive her insane.

Mmm.” He let out a small groan as his thoughts ran wild.

Swiveling around in her office chair with her hand to her chest, “Ah!” she gasped


“Oh! Hello Mr. Christensen, I didn’t see you, standing there. I’m ready. I just printed copies for us to review.”

“Good. I figured both of us could use some fresh air. Care to

“Sure. That sounds great.”

She stood and made her way toward the doorway, her hair cascading over one shoulder. Today, she had worn it straight. He stood steadfast. His heart nearly stopped. Even with the slightest movement, her breasts bounced. Wrapped in the tight black skirt she wore, her hips swayed rhythmically. Full delicious lips and big round hazel eyes stared widely back at him. He didn’t hide his appreciation. Around her, he didn’t feel like the cold, young successful CEO that everyone had pegged him to be. He was a wanton man full of carnal need entranced by the object of his desire. Leaning against the doorframe, heavy lids covering his eyes and his bottom lip tucked beneath his top row of teeth, he drank in every inch of her sexy curvaceous frame with his eyes.

hunger in her eyes could not be mistaken—this was no one-sided attraction. Her round eyes scaled the length of his body and then she bit down on her bottom lip, mimicking him. Her lips parted, and her breathing quickened into a quiet pant. He had never seen her react that way to him before. Their eyes locked in the heated exchange that lasted far longer than was appropriate and no words were spoken between them. Axel raised his brow, slowly pursed his lips and gave a slight nod, an expression and gesture evincing his recognition of her attraction to him and a silent challenge daring her to explore it. She swallowed hard and looked away, breaking their trance. Game on.

meet you in the lobby in ten minutes.”

“Sure, okay,” She murmured back,
keeping her gaze locked on a folder on her desk.

Axel entered the executive suite like a bolt of lightning
, and flashed pass Brenda. “I don’t want to be disturbed under any circumstances.”

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