Quiet Country (Satan's Sinners M.C. Book 2) (2 page)

Read Quiet Country (Satan's Sinners M.C. Book 2) Online

Authors: Colbie Kay

Tags: #Satan's Sinners M.C.

BOOK: Quiet Country (Satan's Sinners M.C. Book 2)
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I'll let it all go until my baby is born. "I'm done with the games, Jacey. I'm done with your fuckin' lies. Why the fuck did you keep it from me?"

"Because I'm fucking scared, Bear."

She starts sobbing even harder, her body shaking. I take the steps to get next to her, watching out so I don't step in the mess on the floor. I can feel her walls breaking, and I wrap her up in my arms.

"Hell, Lil Mama. What are you so scared of? Don't you know I would’ve been there with you through this?" She puts her head against my chest, holding her stomach.

"I'm scared of what I feel for you and all this shit." She moves a hand around the club and all of us.

"I've seen what people go through, and with everything I've been told…”

"I don’t know what that has to do with us or any of this. But, Lil Mama, you think this doesn’t scare the fuck outta me too? I’ve never had feelings for a woman before, this shit's all new to me. I'm still fuckin' furious with you for keepin’ this from me. We have a lot of talkin' to do, but right now you gotta have my baby. Let's get you to the hospital."

"I'm not gonna make it to the goddamn hospital now! I gotta have this baby here,” she informs everyone.

Well hell. Shocked, and sure my eyes are about to pop outta my fucking head, "What?"

She looks around and asks, "Doc, can you deliver the baby? I need you to do it. The contractions are really close and I feel like I need to push!”

He walks up. "Alright, Jacey, let's get you to Bear's room."

He goes to take her hand, but I slap his away. Grabbing it myself, we head to my room. Just then, I realize he is gonna have to be between her legs, and that's not happening.

“Doc, you are NOT puttin’ your head anywhere near my woman's pussy!” I can hear all the guys laughing, but fuck them, they wouldn't like that shit either. She glares and points her finger at me.

"First of all, I'm not your fucking woman! And second, yes he is! You don’t know how to fucking deliver a baby! He's getting it outta me NOW!" Okay, she may have a point.

"Fuck, your still tryin' to be fuckin' difficult about this?"

Once we’re in my room with the door shut, Doc looks at me.

"I need you to get a bowl of warm water, some towels, and a trash bag."

I get all the towels in my room, but it's not enough, so I collect more from the other guys’ rooms. I run into the kitchen, searching for a trash bag. I find one and shove it in my pocket as I open up the cabinets. I grab the biggest bowl I can find and fill it up with warm water. After I get everything together, I rush back to my room, trying not to spill the water or drop the towels. I can hear her screaming in pain. I wanna take it from her, but I can't.

I'm still trying to wrap my head around everything that’s fucking happened in the last hour. I'm going to be a father, what do I do with that? Fuck, I didn't even have time to prepare for this shit. I never wanted kids. Adjusting the bowl and towels in one arm, I open my door with my free hand. I walk in, shut the door with my foot, and see Jacey on my bed with her pants off. I sit all the stuff by Doc, then take a seat next to her on the bed, holding her hand in mine.

"Okay, Bear, I waited until you got back for this. I gotta look and see if she’s ready to push,” he informs me. I give him a tight nod and look at her. She’s squeezing my hand so hard I think she might break it. Labor must give women super strength.

He lifts up my shirt, spreads her legs wide, looks down at her pussy and then looks up to me. "Okay, Jacey. I see the head. On your next contraction, I want you to push with everything you've got. I'll count to ten then take a breather. Then you do it again."

"I know what to do! I'm a goddamn doctor!" she screams. I suppress the laugh that wants to come out because even in so much pain, she still has her attitude.

"Sorry, let's do this,” he tells her. During her first push, she informed me of how much she hates me and wants to kill me.

During the second push, she blamed me for getting her into this situation and swore she was never going to fuck me again.

During the third push, she said she was going to cut my dick off and shove it down my throat. Then my baby boy was out.

He was silent and for the first time in my life, I was scared. A few seconds later, he let out the loudest high pitched squeal I've ever heard and it was fucking music to my ears. I released the breath I didn't know I was holding, while tears fall from my eyes. I look down and see Jacey crying as well. I brush away the hair plastered to her forehead and give her a kiss. It took forty-five minutes to change my entire outlook on life. I now have this little person that comes before anything and everything else.

"You did great, Lil Mama," I praised her, with my forehead against hers.

"I'm so goddamn proud of you."

Looking in my eyes, she responds, "Thank you and I'm sorry for the shit I said. I didn't mean it." I smile at her.

"I would hope you didn't mean it. I like my cock."

My comment makes all of us laugh. Shit, I forgot Doc was in here, he was so quiet while cleaning the baby and wrapping him up in some towels.

"Here is your son," he says proudly, holding his arms out and handing the baby to Lil Mama.

"Thank you so much Doc. I don't know what I would have done if you wouldn't have been here,” she states, while putting the baby against her chest.

"I'm glad I was here too. This’ll be one experience I'll never forget." He looks at me. "Congratulations brother."

"Thanks Doc, for everything,” I tell him, having a new kind of respect for my brother.

"We need to get her to the hospital now,” he says as he puts the afterbirth in the trash bag.

"Will you go tell the guys, so we can get them loaded in a cage?” I ask. He nods, while standing to leave the room.

Once he's gone, I look at my son. "Jacey, he is beautiful. Fuckin' perfect."

She smiles at me and replies, "We did good making this one, didn't we?"

"Yeah, we did." I give her a tender kiss on the lips and kiss my boy on the forehead. When Doc returns, he helps me get her out with the trash bag, while she carries the baby. Once we’re all loaded up, we head to the hospital. When we get on the highway I call, letting the emergency staff know we’re on the way, so they're ready for us.

I start thinking back to the first day we met and all that has happened over the last nine months.



It's Saturday afternoon when Hanger calls me into his office.

“What's up, Prez?"

"What you got going on tonight?" he asks.

"Nothin’, why? You need somethin'?" I'm curious as to why he would wanna know.

"Yeah, Crazy Girl is wanting to go clubbin’ tonight with her friend, and with everything that's going on with her ex, I need you there. I want one of us with each girl at all times. Writer will be on Ever, and Chatty and Ripper’ll be there too."

"Yeah, okay. I can do that,” I reply.

Ever is Crazy Girl's twin sister. One look from her and Writer was in love. He's still a prospect, but a damn good brother all the same. He’s deaf and didn't even know sign language until Crazy Girl came here. We all just wrote shit down for him and he'd write back, that's how he got his name. It just so happens that Ever is deaf as well. She’s a fucking sweet as hell girl, a little shyer than her sister, but perfect for Writer. Before her, he just kinda stuck to himself, but she pulled him out of his shell.

My other brother going with us, Ripper, I've know for a long time. He’s treasurer for the Sinners. His ol’ lady, Chatty, came along about five years ago and my god, the woman can talk. She took on the mother role of the club, taking care of all us guys, giving her opinion when she thinks you need it.

"Alright, meet us here tonight,” Hanger instructs. I give him a nod before turning to walk out. Crazy Girl's only been here for about a month, but from day one she did something to Hanger. He quit fucking with the whores as soon as he brought her back. In fact, he hasn't even looked at other chicks since she's been here. It doesn't make much sense to me how he could be a one woman man, just like that.

I've got a few hours to kill, so I go behind the bar counter to the bin we collect empty bottles and cans for target practice in. I grab armfuls of the sticky containers and head out back to set them up, each at a different distances.

I pull out my 1911 glock and start shooting until I've busted every bottle and demolished every can. After I'm tired of shooting, I clean up my mess and decide to go for a ride. I can't help but wonder what Crazy Girl's friend is gonna be like.

Is she gonna be like Crazy Girl, sweet as fuck with a laid back personality, or will she be a raging bitch and ugly as shit? Hanger got fucking lucky with her, this life isn't for everyone. It takes a special kinda woman to stand by a man who lives a life like ours.

Living in the MC world isn’t the same as living a normal, civilian life. They're sitting pretty compared to us. Our members follow a specific set of rules, and when shit needs to be settled, we handle it ourselves instead of calling the cops. Things get crazy and dangerous, so my brothers and I live it up day to day, our futures aren't guaranteed. I couldn't even imagine being with the same girl all the fucking time. I like a different girl every night, and I like a few different girls at the same time even fucking better.

I check my watch and see that it's time to head back. Once I’m inside the clubhouse, I head straight for my room to get ready for tonight when I see Morgan, twirling a curly lock of red head around her little finger. "Hey, Bear. What’re you doing?" She uses that voice she thinks is sexy, her green eyes turned up to me.

Growing impatient, I snap, "I gotta get ready."

"Ready for what?" Now she's just being a nosy little bitch.

"Why you questionin' me? It ain't none of your fuckin' business." I continue to walk by her when she grabs my arm. She just made a big mistake. I turn back to her, gripping her wrist tightly in my hand. I raise an eyebrow at her in question.

"I just thought we could have some fun,” she pouts, pushing her huge fake tits together. They're too big for her tiny body, but God, my cock loves to fuck them. I don't have time for this, looks like it's time for me to shut this shit down.

"Some fun, huh?" I chuckle. “You like havin' my cock down your throat, do you?" I run a finger down her cheek.

"You know I do,” she replies, as I throw her hand off me.

"Listen up. I come to you when I want it, not the other way around. You’re the whore here, not me. You service me when I want it. Now move along, I don't have time for your shit. Got me?"

I hear her apologizing as I make my way to my room. I shut the door behind me, and head to the shower. As the warm water runs down my body, I find myself still thinking about how this night’s gonna go. When I get out, I dry off and put on my usual black jeans, white beater, cut, and black boots. Shutting the door behind me, I make my way to the bar, and see the other guys are already here waiting.

"They here yet?" I ask, looking around.

Hanger replies, "Yeah, they’re in my room gettin' ready. I want you to be prepared. You’re gonna like this one, Brother."

I give him a curious look. What the fuck is that supposed to mean? Before I get a chance to ask, the girls walk out from the hallway. Hanger and Ripper look over. I tap Writer on his shoulder to let him know they came out. My gaze instantly goes to the sexy little brunette, and I can't take my eyes off her. I've never seen a woman as sexy as she is in my entire fucking life. This can't be the friend, because if it is, I'm in so much fucking trouble.

This isn't gonna turn out well for me at all. I can already feel it. I start at her feet and move my way up. She's wearing silver heels with a dress so tight, it could be a second skin. It doesn't cover much, ending just below her sexy round ass and leaving one shoulder bare. My cock twitches at seeing her smooth, tan skin. She's naturally fucking beautiful, so she's not wearing a lot of makeup, unlike the whores around here who paint layers of the shit on.

Those fucking eyes, goddamn, she has them outlined in bold black, making them stand out. Her long brown hair's pulled back into a tight ponytail, showing off her huge hoop earrings. She seems to be about the same height as Crazy Girl, so I'm guessing without the fuck-me-heels she would be about 5'4". She has nicely toned legs, which tells me she works out to keep that hot little body in shape. I’d like to give her a fucking work out. Damn, I can't help but to think how good it would feel to have those legs wrapped around me. Or twist that ponytail around my hand, pulling her head back, as I pound into her from behind.

Crazy Girl introduces us, bringing me back from the thoughts I'm having. She's looking at me just as intensely when I walk up to her.

"Hi Jacey, it's nice to meet you."

I give her a sexy grin, putting on the polite act. I'll do whatever it takes to get what I want, which means her underneath me, taking my cock by the end of the night.

"It's nice to meet you too, Bear,” she says, smiling back at me. Her cheeks turn a beautiful light shade of pink. Is she blushing?

"No need to blush, Lil Mama. You ready to go? Have you ever ridden on a bike before?" I give her a genuine smile this time.

"Yes, I'm ready and no, I haven't been on the back of a bike.” A strange look crosses her face and in an instant it’s gone and replaced with the sexiest grin I've ever seen. Goddamn this woman.

"You look really nice,” I observe, while having not-so-nice thoughts.

"Thanks, you too,” she responds, working those eyes over my body.

After the girls get their jeans on, I lead her outside to my bike, and hand her a helmet to put on. I help her with it, then get on my bike while instructing her how to hold onto me. When she’s situated and ready to go, I straddle my bike and feel her arms reach around me. She’s sitting too far back. I need to feel her right up against me, so I reach behind me and hook both hands under her knees, pulling her as close to my back as I can before we take off. Her grip tightens a little when I speed up, just the way I want it to.

We find a parking spot and climb off my bike. She takes off her jeans before we meet up with everyone else. Making our way inside, I can see why the place is called Insanity. We barely find a table, the place is so fucking packed, and as the girls sit down, I ask Jacey what she wants to drink.

"I want a Rum and Coke with two slices of lime. And can you make sure it's coconut rum, please,” she tells me in a prim tone. She knows exactly what she wants.

“I'll be right back.”

Being a big fucking dude pays off when you're in a club or a bar. People tend to move the fuck outta my way when they see me coming, so I'm back with our drinks in no time flat.

“How'd you like the ride?” I ask her, practically yelling to be heard over the music.

"It was fun!” she exclaims, a big smile covering her gorgeous face. "It felt so freeing, being out in the open, the wind hitting you. God, I love the speed and adrenaline. I love it!”

Fuck, that's exactly what it feels like for me. I try to ignore the semi-hard on I've had since I laid eyes on this woman. I've never let a chick on my bike before and I never would've thought she'd feel that way about the ride.

"What kind of bike is it?" she asks, surprising the fuck outta me. I swear this girl keeps getting sexier by the second. Never has a chick wanted to know about my bike.

“She’s a 2011 Victory Judge,” I answer, and she gives a small nod.

“You've got a really pretty name, Jacey. What's your last name, if you don't mind me asking?”

"It’s Thomas, and thank you, Bear. I would ask what your real name is, but something tells me you won't tell,” she says, looking at me. She's right, and it makes me laugh because who the fuck is this chick?

"You're right, I wouldn't,” I tell her, seeing that blush taking over again. She looks so fucking cute when the pink shows on her cheeks.

"How old are you, Jacey Thomas?" I ask, her first and last name rolling off my tongue.

"I'm twenty-six. What about you, Bear?”

"Well I'm thirty, a little bit older than you. What do you do for a living?"

Usually, I don't give a fuck about the chick I'm gonna be with for the night, but this one I want to get to know, and whether that's because of Crazy Girl or the fact I find her intriguing, I'm not quite sure.

"I'm a doctor. I own the clinic that Zoey works at. I'd ask you, but I think I know the answer,” she chuckles, and I give her a curious look.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I ask, feeling a little defensive. Her eyes grow large.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you," she counters. "I just…well, you're big and have all that muscle. I just figured you did something for the club."

"It's fine, and yea, I do do something for the club," I tell her.

"I run a garage in town, although it's owned by the club. I'm a mechanic." There’s that blush again and I crack a smile at her.

The girls decide to go out on the dance floor, so us guys stay at the table, being mindful that we can still see them. Ripper looks over at me with a smile on his face. "So what’d you think about that one?"

"Brother, I have no fuckin' idea yet, but she’s sexy as hell."

We both start laughing.
Sam Hunt's Take Your Time
comes on, and Hanger gets up to dance with Crazy Girl. The other girls come back to the table and sit down.

"What kind of music you like, Lil Mama?"

"I love all kinds, I have a passion for it, actually. I didn't have much to do growing up, so I turned to music." I bust out laughing. She glares at me and asks, "What's so funny?"

"I wasn’t expecting you to say that, at all." We smile at each other.

"Try me. Name a song,” she dares, looking sure of herself.

Thinking hard, I say, "Alright.
The Wrong Side of Heaven.

"Come on, you can do better than that!
Five Finger Death Punch
. It's on the album The Wrong Side of Heaven and the Righteous Side of Hell Volume One, which was released July 30th, 2013."

"Holy shit!” I exclaim, shocked as shit that she would know all of that. I give her another song.
"Free Fallin'?”

"Tom Petty, of course, from the album
Full Moon Fever
, released October 27, 1989. It's one of the greatest songs he ever did." She looks at me with the biggest smile on her face.

"That's fuckin' amazing. Why are you a doctor?" The smile falls from her pretty face and she doesn’t answer, just gets a faraway look in her eyes for a moment before she shakes it away. Trying to lighten the mood, I ask “You got any more talents?" Her lips twitch, the corners turning upward. The smile returns like nothing ever happened.

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