Raven Moon (18 page)

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Authors: Eva Gordon

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Science Fiction, #Dystopian, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Romance, #Paranormal, #apocalyptic, #zombie

BOOK: Raven Moon
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“Perhaps you should apply salve to it.”

“Good thinking.” She searched in the cabinet and pulled out a lotion, lifted her gown and presented her bottom. “Spread some.”

He turned his back. “I’d rather not. Reach it yourself.”

“My other arm is still wrapped so…I could definitely use your help.” Her tone sounded genuine, no longer playing the seductress. “We ravens don’t heal as fast.”

“Humph. Very well.” He tamed his wolf and dabbed on the lotion over the crescent moon-like scratch without rubbing it in and losing his mind. “Done.”

“Thanks. I’m sure by tomorrow it’ll be healed.” Her purple eyes sparkled and she smiled. “Now where were we, wolfiegang?”

“Rave, I’m a Benandanti.” He walked toward the window, locked his hands on the windowsill and stared out. “I should turn you in for stealing our last Bloodstone.” He turned to face her. “Must I remind you we are ancestral enemies?”

“That’s why our relationship is so Romeo and Juliet hot.”

Only this Romeo was a beast who wanted to mark her as his. “Sacrilege!”

Rave shrugged. “I’m just sayin’.”

His throat bobbed. “I’m leaving tomorrow.”

Rave raised her brows. “You mean leaving without your captured fugitive?”


“Fine! I’ll permanently borrow a car and head back.” She reached under her pillow and shook a pair of car keys. “Randy’s GMC truck.”

He suppressed a smile. Sneaky raven. “Ask Mama Moxie if you can use their ham radio.”

Rave gave him a doubtful look. “I think she wants to keep me to help re-populate the planet.”

Maddox quipped. “Not if you nest instead. In raven form you can hide in the forest.”

Rave shrugged. “A flightless raven far from her territory might turn a few eyes.”

Maddox rubbed the back of his neck. She was right. A grounded raven would not guarantee her safety. Above all else, he had to make sure she survived. “I’m going to return to my room. In the meantime, think of a clever way to escape.” Now was not the time to tell her, he wasn’t leaving her here, even if it meant tempting the wolf. “Ravens are clever, are they not?”

Rave tilted her head back in raven pride. “More than you think.”


Rave slept past her usual hour, waking well after sunrise. The trials of the last week and her healing fracture had left her exhausted. But that was minor compared to the emotional upheaval of a lust sick pious Benandanti werewolf desiring her one minute and then avoiding her like the plague the next. Would having hot sex have been so bad? Get it out of their system? Okay, so he was a virgin but it’s not like she didn’t know what to do. He knew how to kiss, but a little too heavy with the claws squeezing her. Newbie to sex, he didn’t know to keep his claws and fangs under wraps for his real mate. Hmm. Breaking in a virgin werewolf was not for the faint of heart. However, she was game. Even if he was the enemy, he was the sexiest werewolf ever.

Was it raven foresight or wishful thinking that clouded her mind? Could they be soul mates? Was it more than coincidence they ran into each other far from their territories? He was born of the Arbor Pack. Had her goddess Morrigu ordained such a mating? The thought of Maddox claiming her should have scared the hell out of her, but instead it spiked her hormones with burning desire. Would she be a raven flying above the clouds leading her werewolf warrior to heroic battles?

A soft knock on the door sent a chill of anticipation on seeing Maddox, even if it was for the last time. Yet, her raven foresight hinted he would never leave her. Rave sat and whipped out her compact, and ruffled her hair. “Come in.”

Mama Moxie stepped in. “Good morning, dear.”

Rave sagged back onto her pillow.
Not you
. “Hey.”

She dragged her glance at the disorderly room with the lamp on the floor, and broken glass. “Sleep well?” she asked with a condescending smile.

Rave smirked. “Maddox likes rough play.”

Moxie’s mouth twisted in brief disgust. “Anyway, I thought this would be a good time for a quick pregnancy test.”

Rave tossed her hair back. “I assure you I’m not.”

Mama Moxie took out a pregnancy test strip like the kind from a pharmacy. “Well then, do it to humor me.” She handed her a paper cup and the strip and then sat down.

Rave rolled her eyes. “Sure, why not.” Curious about how humans found out they were pregnant, she entered the bathroom and followed the instructions. She returned with the strip and waited for the negative results. Hmm? What would it be like having Maddox’s child? The thought made her feel happy instead of disturbed.
Yep, I’m suffering from Stockholm syndrome
. Why else would she even contemplate having a child with the enemy, no matter how hot he was? It wasn’t going to happen. Yet, he said he would not deliver her to his pack, so he might consider joining her team. That’s what her raven foresight had cawed about when she saw him swagger in to the consortium meeting last year. After thirty seconds, Rave held the strip up. “See one bar only. Not pregnant.”

The overzealous mid-wife released a huge breath. “Good. I mean at least until your arm mends.”

“I should let Maddox know we’re not in the market for cribs.”

“He and the boys headed out to the creek to get rid of a nearby swarm. The zombies got riled up by that strange explosion. Not many but enough to cause a nuisance if they come any closer.”

“Really?” How nice of Maddox to help when he could have left and gone after Jaeger. Rave quietly exhaled and felt giddy.
He’s still here.

“Yep. Your fiancé said he wanted you to borrow our ham radio to see if you can get a hold of your folks.”

Rave swallowed. “He did?”
How touching of him to think of that
. Werewolves never left their lovers in danger, even if he thought she was a succubus.

“Yes, ma’am. He said something about leaving tomorrow but I told him for your sake you should both rest for as long as you want. Hell, why not stay permanently?”

Umm. Cuz you’re psycho
. “So can I borrow your radio?”

Mama Moxie got up and fingered Rave’s satchel. “Sure, dear, but our operator went on the zombie hunt. I’ll let him know as soon as he returns.” She lowered her voice, “I did notice that scratch on your bottom.”

Rave scoffed. “Busted. We like kink.”

Mama Moxie suddenly grabbed and dumped the contents of her satchel on a silver tray.

Rave’s eyes widened and she leapt off the bed. “Hey, that’s my stuff.”

“You carry a lot of makeup.”

Mama Moxie didn’t seem to have noticed the pain meds and the blue vial and syringe. Why should she? Not so unusual for someone to have meds after breaking their arm. But she must have thought applying makeup during the zombie apocalypse was absurd. As did her friend Dora. Rave gave her a guarded look, and gathered her contents. She grabbed a pale pink-colored lipstick. “I think you would look good in this. Keep it.”

“I use lip-gloss, but don’t mind if I do.” She raised her brows. “What’s that blue vial?”

“Ah, just some men’s cologne.”
Try to take it away and I’m going to go badass raven of the Alfred Hitchcock variety on you and peck you to death.

Mama Moxie tested the lipstick on her wrist and shrugged. “Get dressed and have some breakfast.”

Ted burst in.

Moxie glared at him and snapped, “I’ve been looking for you.”

The doc winced on seeing his leader and looked as if he wanted to see Rave, alone. Ted twisted a nervous smile. “How’s my patient?”

“I’m feeling much better.”

Mama Moxie narrowed her eyes at Ted. “Meet me in my office. Rave should dress and get breakfast.”

The doctor opened his mouth as if to argue then threw his arms up and left in a huff. So, Mama Moxie ruled his medical practice, too. Definitely no love there.

The cafeteria smelled of fresh waffles and bacon, as if the zombie apocalypse never happened and she had just woken up from a bad hangover. Rave chewed pensively. “Yum.” She wondered why Mama Moxie needed to talk to the doctor. Maddox along with a half dozen men walked in and like a songbird, her heart sputtered.

Mama Moxie entered and waved them over. “Y’all come have breakfast.” She grabbed a mug of coffee and left.

Maddox raised a brow at Rave and picked up his plate, piling on bacon and very little else. He walked over and sat across from her. “Sleep well?”

Fortunately, the others let them have their own table. Rave frowned at him. “Better than ever.” Should she tell him of her a wet dream about him? Nah, why make their heated sexual tension burn the horny-testing thermometer? She also wasn’t in the mood to tell him she’d been coerced into taking a pregnancy test.

“Good.” He stared at his plate as he chewed.

“So how many zombies did you guys kill?”

“Twenty-six.” He lowered his voice. “We took them to a place they call the mash pit. Their bodies are covered with industrial lye.”

“Yuck.” She stared at the food on her fork. So much for a tasty breakfast.

“Apparently survivors come out from their bunkers and help run the mash pit facility. There is definitely an infrastructure.”

“Hmm. Maybe that’s how civilization will spring back. One bit at a time.” She sipped her fresh coffee. “Were any of the zombies the new chimp speed variety?”

“No.” Maddox leaned in and whispered. “And no other sign of the Kindred.”

“Good to know.” Crazy or not, she’d grown hopelessly, no actually freakishly attached to Maddox and dared not think how she would feel if he was killed. Rave wiped her mouth. “By the way, they are going to let me use the ham radio. I’m not sure how far the range goes but it couldn’t hurt to try, unless you’ve changed your mind about letting me go.”

Maddox sighed. “No. I assure you, my focus is hunting Jaeger before he releases those chimpanzombies on my pack. We’ll leave tomorrow and I’ll drive you close to the border. I’ll let you have our car if you decide not to borrow Randy’s.”

“Ah. Does that mean we’re breaking up?” She tilted her head and pouted. “But last night we had so much fun.”

“What happened last night was because of the pull of the full moon.”

“Yeah, right.” She stabbed a pancake and took a bite. “Actually, there is raven rookery in Colorado.”

“Vircolac territory?”

His intense eyes made her melt. Rave shrugged. “Hey, they don’t have issues with raven shifters, just humans and Benandanti religious nuts.” She pointed her fork at him as if pecking him with her beak. “Anyway, what happens to me will no longer be your concern once we part ways.”

Maddox tightened his jaw as he sank a tea bag of Earl Grey into hot water. “Tell me the truth. Are you really going to make an effort to return home?”

“Why do you ask?” He must have sensed her pulse rate and her lie. Damn werewolf.

“Humor me.”

“Sorry, top secret. Once we split, I’m only responsible to me.” The one thing she could do to honor her dead brethren was to find the last remaining chimpanzombies and blast their brains open. Knowing the alpha werewolf, he would not allow her to come along, since he was so anxious to run away from her before his wolf took control of his desires. Besides, the Kindred may not notice a raven. If the creatures were caged, they would be easy targets. Who cared if Maddox headed in the same direction? She could do as she well damn pleased. Her duty was to protect survivors, whether humans or shifters.

“As long as we leave together.”

“Not necessary.” Rave stood. “Later.” She noisily put away her plates and left the ornery werewolf to finish by himself.

Mama Moxie joined her as she walked out into the lobby. “Everything okay?”

“Actually we’re postponing our marriage.” She scowled. “Anyway, it’s none of your business.”

“I know dear, but if you need a shoulder to cry on, I’m here.”

Her inner raven cawed. “Lady, you come near me again and I’m going to poke your eyes out.” Ravens were skilled in eye poking.

Moxie blanched as the threat must have been disquieting. Maybe Rave should have said break her neck. She forced a smile. “Sorry, maybe it’s my time of the month.”

Chapter 12

After Rave left Maddox alone in the cafeteria, he felt empty. Rave’s arm was mending and though she didn’t need to, she kept it in the cast and sling. Once he left her, he trusted she could handle a bunch of crazy humans. He slurped the last of his tea, put his dishes away and left for his room. He’d agreed to patrol the hospital grounds as payment for the doctor setting Rave’s arm and hospitality. He had to stay away from her until he left tomorrow.
But how do I stay away from a drug I’m hopelessly addicted to?

Did she know how close his wolf had come to springing on her delicious throat and fucking her wolf style? He leaned against the wall. Leave now. Forget her. Yet, how could he forget her? Since he saw her last year at the Consortium, all sassy and flirtatious, she’d haunted his dreams. If only it was lust. He could walk away, lash his back in penitence and pray hard. But it was more. She too went moist for him when they were together, which meant it was not a one sided problem. Although, her arousal was due to lust and not love. How could she love her sworn enemy?
I must be practical for the both of us.
A Benandanti warrior couldn’t mate with an enemy shifter. The risk would be not only excommunication, but a heretic’s death. He could accept his death but not hers. He wanted to protect her and the thought of not having her by his side punched his gut with abysmal loneliness.

Maddox finished his patrol. He ate a quick dinner and then returned to his room.

Quiet voices drew him from his tormented thoughts. Maddox moved closer to Mama Moxie’s office and honed in on their conversation with his wolf ears. He scented at least five men inside with her.

“I don’t give a hoot,” Moxie hissed.

One of the men asked, “What about her fiancé?”

Maddox cocked his head and his hackles rose.
Yes, what about me?

“We have no choice,” she said.

“Don’t!” The doctor said. “I can’t do this anymore. Just let them go.”

“Let them go? Do you realize she will get bids as high as one thousand tanks and maybe a year supply of fresh meat and or canned goods? Not to mention another year of protection from the zombies thrown in. God knows, when we’ll have another valuable woman of childbearing age.”

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