Raven Moon (19 page)

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Authors: Eva Gordon

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Science Fiction, #Dystopian, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Romance, #Paranormal, #apocalyptic, #zombie

BOOK: Raven Moon
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“We still have the females to satisfy them,” blurted the doctor. Hmm. Did he mean the locked up zombie women? Wickedness, equal to the sins found in Sodom and Gomorrah. Randy pitched in. “You’re lucky you’re alive, Doc.” His anger rose. “We haven’t sold a live woman in over four months. And hot damn! She’s a babe! Why hell, she looks like a cover model. It’s like she came from a zombie-free zone.”

Maddox curled his hands into fists. They were going to put Rave on an auction block. Like bloody livestock. His fangs emerged.

Footsteps came around the corner Maddox hastily dashed upstairs and into her room.

Rave sat on the bed. She flipped through a stack of old gossip magazines. She smiled at him. “Back already?” She laughed and lowered her eyes to his groin area. “Man says no, but horny wolf says yes?”

“Pack your things!”

“Wait, don’t tell me you’ve changed your mind about letting me go? Again!”

“They plan to sell you as some sort of sex broodmare to tankers.”

Rave shrugged. “I figured that much. Mad Moxie has
mother mill
written all over her.”

“You did?”

“Duh. How else are they living high on the hog?”

He stroked his throat and grimaced. “Point well taken.”

“I figured it out after I met with the ham radio operator. He claimed the radio was down but would be up in a few days. Like I’d believed such a lame excuse.” Rave’s eyes twinkled in mischief. “Will that drive you crazy, seeing me naked and paraded in front of men bidding on me?”

“Of course it would.” He paced and then whirled around. “Not just you, but any woman.”

“Chill. I’m not your concern anyway. Thanks to you, I’m alive and not being taken to Benandanti headquarters.” Her head dropped slightly. “You can leave with a clear conscious. Just take your car and go. As a raven, I can locate a fueled car at my leisure.”

“Not without you. Now!”

“You leave now. I need another day of rest. Not to mention a long warm bath. Besides, Dr. Larson wants to take one last x-ray in an hour.” Rave smiled. “Imagine the look on his face when I tell him my raven healing repaired the bone.” She raked her hair back. “Maybe I’ll even take down the mommy mill sex trade business.”

“You are mad, I should just…” His wolf wanted to grab her and take her to the safety of his den. Fuck sense into her.

Rave gave him a pointed glare. “Really?” She stepped in front of him and puffed up her chest so her perky breasts presented their ripeness as if on a dinner tray. “How many tanks would you bid for me?” Her nipples stiffened as if to set the price higher.

His jaw dropped and his eyes widened. A low growl escaped his throat. “I’ll be outside.” As he left, he slammed the door.


Rave had gloried in his blazing gaze at her as he watched her girls jiggle beneath her tight t-shirt. Whew, he had control. She’d had fun seeing how long it would take him to dash out of the room like he had the other night. Maybe even leave her, not that she wanted the hot sexual tension to end, but better now than later before her heart grew any more attached to him than she already was. Time to go solo. If he knew she wanted to hunt the chimpanzombies, he’d probably take her

Rave went down to the cafeteria. It was empty. Of course, Maddox had left the building. What did she expect of the virgin Templar? He was probably somewhere self-flagellating, attempting to erase what he imagined her breasts looked like beneath her thin t-shirt. She sat at the table and covered her face with her hands.
Shit, why did I tease him?
Hurting himself because of her was not the reaction she wanted. What she wanted was for the wolf to have his way with her. Unfortunately, he was still despondent about his intended mate, Mariah’s death.

“You need something, dear?” Mad Mama Moxie’s grating voice scraped Rave’s spine with disgust.

Rave turned.
Yes, I want to know if you’ve ever seen a shrink.
“Actually, does Stonefield have bath tubs for patients?”

“Yes, ma’am. Therapeutic pools that work. I’ll unlock the door for you.”

During the past weeks of travel and little bathing, why not overlook the mad woman’s extracurricular activities for a good soak? “Sure.”


Maddox, in partial werewolf-form, rushed into the woods. Far enough away, he controlled his temptation, but not too distant in case she screamed for help. As the moon waxed, his control waned. Let the insolent raven princess have one more day of leisure before he helped her escape Stonefield. His strategy was to hand her the car keys, while he distracted the humans with a monster far deadlier than a swarm of zombies. Since society broke down, he’d killed over one hundred tankers to save innocent survivors.

Rave would drive away from their nefarious plans toward the nearest raven shifter rookery. With her arm nearly mended, he’d no doubt she would make it back alive to her home in Yosemite. Maybe she’d run into her kin sooner and he’d be free to hunt and kill Jaeger.

He must also help Ted escape. The doctor obviously did not want to be part of the sex slave business. He’d invite him to meet the helicopter back in San Antonio but not until after he explained what being a member of the Benandanti Holy Pack entailed. Give him a choice. A choice he and Mariah never had. Not that he didn’t love God, but was the Benandanti way the only path to righteousness? With Lazarus in power? Unlikely. Should the doctor escape with Rave? Regardless, he must stop the Kindred from unleashing the new rage ape zombies.

Maddox caught the scent of a deer and shifted into bipedal werewolf form. In alpha werewolf speed, he killed it instantly with a swipe of his razor sharp claws. His inner beast was already taking over him. For Rave’s safety and his, she should be as far from him as possible on the full moon.

Sated from fresh venison, Maddox shifted back to human form and grabbed his clothing he’d left hanging on a tree. He dressed and returned to the hospital. Dusk had fallen. Alarm spiked his adrenalin. What if while he was gone something happened to Rave? Maddox rushed back at breakneck speed. He sighed in relief as he arrived and sniffed the air. No others had been here. His panic was not over. She could have been moved.

Randy put his rifle down. “Where have you’ve been?”

“I was scouting for zombies.”

“Where’s your katana?”

“I left it in my room.”

“And no guns.”

Maddox glowered at him. “I’m actually quite good at bashing heads in with thick branches.”

“Up to five undead, maybe, but you get yourself trapped by of a bunch and you wouldn’t stand a chance.”

Maddox looked down at the weak human. “I’ll remember that.” He entered and rushed to her room. “Rave?”

No answer. Maddox sniffed for her scent. He followed her aroma out of her room and up the stairs toward an area labeled water therapy. He cracked open the door.

Rave. She was naked. Her skin glimmered above the jetting pools.

“Come on in, it’s heated.” She skimmed her bare right arm along the surface of the bubbly water.

Maddox rocked slightly and his inner wolf broke from its tether. Fangs emerged and thick saliva pooled in his gaping jaw as his gaze fixed on her shapely form. He swallowed and suppressed his wolf’s desire to howl.

He twisted around and tightened his fists; the tips of his claws pressed into his wrists. His tone deep as he spoke to the wall. “I see your cast is off. Feeling better?”

“Still sore, but not bad. Before the doc removed it, he asked me a million questions about my background.”

Maddox stared at the tile floor. “Did you tell him your true nature?”

“I planned to but he was accompanied by two armed men.”

“They must know he wants to warn us.”

Rave perked up. “Oh?”

“When I overheard their plans to sell you, he vehemently protested.”

“Well then, we should bring him along.” Her bare damp foot slapped as she stepped from the tub to the floor.

Maddox dared not turn. “I agree.” If only he could shut off her sweet aroma that wafted from her heated skin and into his nose, alerting his cock.

“Can you hand me the robe?”

“Humph.” He grabbed the terry cloth robe and without turning handed it to her.

Rave tugged it from him. “No offence, wolfiegang, but I don’t think going back with you is such a good idea, at least not for the doc. Out of the frying pan and into the Benandanti fire.”

Maddox closed his eyes. “He’ll leave with you.”

“You can look. I’m decent now.” Rave stepped in front of him wearing the terry cloth robe. Her wet hair smelled of sweet lilacs, the color of her eyes.

He grabbed her and her lips parted, in raw anticipation of the wolf finally ravishing her. But the Lord kept his wolf in check. “Get dressed. We leave after midnight.”

“What about sleep?”

“Take a short nap and I’ll wake you.”

“But what about shutting down the mommy mill?”

“I’ll come back and put an end to whatever they’re running, after you are safe.” He bore his dominant glare at her to the point where she, an alpha raven, flinched. “I’d rather not risk you getting shot.”

Rave nodded and bit her lip, making his wolf mad with hunger to taste her mouth again. “Don’t forget the doctor.”

He wanted to growl, fuck the doctor. Only she mattered. He chuckled, “You mean unintentional bird veterinarian?”

Rave relaxed and smiled at him. “And a good one at that.”

He returned her smile. “Precisely.” His mood darkened. “About us…”

Rave batted her eyes; her heart drummed hard against her chest. “Yes.”

“Everything will sort out and you will be back with your family.” He left. His wolf pushed him to the edge.



Sirens blared. Maddox had taken a nap and fallen into a deep fantasy dream. He and Rave beneath the light of the full moon as he drove deep into her. She called his name as he bit into her neck, marking her forever his. He jolted awake and sprung out of bed. His watch read, 11: 15 pm. “What the bloody hell?” He switched the light on and put his boots on then dashed to her room.

Rave was dressed and lacing her boots. “Are we under attack?”

Maddox glanced at her neck. No mark. It had been only a dream. Ravenna was not his mate. He flared his nostrils. “Not zombies.” After a few seconds, the roar of trucks surrounding the hospital, honking and hooting raised his hackles. “Tankers.”

Rave shuddered. “I guess the bidding will start earlier than planned.”

Maddox growled. “Time to close this operation.”

She draped her satchel around her neck and shoulders. “My thoughts exactly.”

“No, Rave. Slip away and take the car to the back entry. I’ll get Ted and then take down the tankers.”

“How am I supposed to get to our truck without being seen?”

“As a raven, you should blend in with the darkness. I’ll bring the doc to you. Just don’t let them grab your pretty little neck.”

Rave pressed her palms on his face. “Maybe I should stay and help.” She slipped the sling back on. “They think I’m still helpless.”

His heartbeat quickened, the feel of her soft hands on his new beard growth soothed his beast and fur prickled each nerve along his spine. He was lost in her purple eyes.

The door banged open. Randy and two other men entered and aimed their machine guns at Maddox and Rave. Only she was in front of him and so damn vulnerable. Bloody hell! How had he been caught off guard? Damn his wolf; too enthralled with Rave.

“Don’t move or we’ll blast your heads open.”

How was he going to protect Rave? Their machine guns would spray the room and Ravenna would be shot and killed. Point in fact, if his body was riddled with bullets, it could slow him down until they figured out beheading him was the only way besides silver to kill a werewolf. Knowing Rave’s bloody confidence, she would defend him and end up shot.

Mama Moxie wore army camouflage fatigues and sported a holster, joined them, and glared at Maddox. She pulled out her 9mm. “Arms up.”

Rave smirked at her. “Actually the doctor just released me, so…”

Mama Moxie snapped. “Shut up!”

Rave rolled her eyes. “If you knew me better, you wouldn’t be so rude.”

The mad woman stepped closer to Rave. “How about I gag that pretty little mouth of yours?”

Maddox suppressed his desire to shift and tear them up for threatening his mate. “You will not touch her!”

Moxie pointed her 9mm at Rave’s leg. “How about I shoot her knee? I can still get a good price for a crippled woman, especially with her looks. And mister, I never miss.”

Rave blanched and remained silent. He was grateful she didn’t take this opportunity to taunt the mad woman.

Maddox nodded. “I’ll do whatever you say, just don’t hurt her.”

Moxie turned to Randy. “Cuff him to the bed and guard the door. He tries anything, shoot to kill.” Randy handcuffed Maddox’s wrist to the bed post and threw the key out the window.

Rave glared at Moxie. “Before the zombie apocalypse did you run puppy mills?”

Maddox shook his head at Rave, willing her to read his mind.
Don’t joke with them
I’ll get us out before you lose one feather!

“Didn’t I just tell you to shut your smart mouth?” Moxie grabbed Rave by her sling. “Let’s go.”

Rave shot Maddox a fleeting look and smiled. “Don’t worry, wolfiegang. Men prefer meat to poultry.” She muttered under her breath, so only he could hear, “Three caws, means the bird is safe.”

Mama Moxie frowned. “What the hell are you two gabbing about?”

Maddox winked at Rave. “Birds of a feather always flock together.” She would find the right moment to shift. He would give her maybe five minutes or less before he too shifted into fierce bipedal werewolf form. His guard stepped out and shuffled in front of the door. How easy, he wouldn’t even need to shift. Still, he’d wait until he heard her signal. He couldn’t risk her being in the line of bullets. He listened to the men outside. They were auctioning off medical supplies. Rave would probably be the last good sold, after the pathetic zombie women. Like hell, it would ever get that far.

A single shot rang out and a body slumped against the door. He smiled. Rave was quick. He partially shifted until the handcuff snapped off from the werewolf’s thick rock hard wrist. He returned to human form and opened the door. He growled in disappointment. No one but the guard shot execution style lay sprawled at his feet.

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