Raven Moon (31 page)

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Authors: Eva Gordon

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Science Fiction, #Dystopian, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Romance, #Paranormal, #apocalyptic, #zombie

BOOK: Raven Moon
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This is what Maddox meant when he said I always found trouble.


“Land there,” barked Maddox. The pilot, Dennis, was still more frightened of Maddox than crashing, but not by much. Last night, the fat kid had walked in on the carnage, holding only a shaky Magnum .45 pistol, his eyes bulging and breath rasping. After Maddox had killed the lights, he’d waited in the shadows. The other men were not pilots. Maybe the kid with the scent of jet fuel and jumpy like a scared rabbit was. Somebody had to be or they wouldn’t have left all the aircraft. Dennis had reached in his pocket and drew out a pencil-sized flashlight and flashed it from intestines splattered on the walls and floor to Savoy’s decapitated head. He screamed, as the cliché goes, like a girl. To avoid giving him a heart attack, Maddox shifted to human form and told him if could fly, he’d live. That is, if he survived his developing diabetes, a scent he’d detected. Maddox demanded they take the Cessna jet rather than the slower twin-engine plane. He’d risk an inexperienced flier to rescue Rave, but Dennis readied the plane and takeoff was smooth and uneventful. No bumps or sudden drops from turbulence. Would he have the skill to land a plane without an airfield runway?

Dennis finished a bag of chips and turned. “Umm one more thing. About the drone.”

“What about it?”

“After watching parts of the video that filmed you and Rave before the drone struck that big mansion, Jaeger suspects she’s your mate.”

He swallowed. “Did Nick know?”

“He fired the missile, but he insisted she was your prisoner.”

“Bloody fuck.” So much for pretending, he’d serve as Lazarus’s second in command when he returned to Benandanti headquarters. Maddox glanced out the window and his hackles rose. Might as well try landing on the North Pole. What did he expect? It was winter in Montana. Dennis had flown to the compound a few weeks ago, but landed on their airfield. “At least it’s daytime.”

Dennis shot him a crazed glance. “This is insane. Ice and snow. It’s too close to the frozen lake. If we spin out, I won’t control the landing and we’re fucked.”

“Do it!” He bore his fangs to emphasize his demand.

He flinched. “Fuck, okay. Just don’t kill me.” He muttered. “That is, if, we survive a fucking crash into the frozen lake.”

“Don’t worry, if we crash beneath the surface, I’ll drag you out. Wolf paw honor.” The sudden descent spiked his pulse and he dug his claws into the armrest.

Dennis blurted, “Shit.” He released the landing gear and the cabin vibrated. “Prepare for a hard landing!”

Maddox braced himself and muttered a prayer in Latin. The plane slid like a roller coaster, hitting uneven ice bumps and swerved before skidding to a hard stop, its right wing paralleled the lake by inches. Maddox eased his claws out from the shredded armrest. “Bloody well done.”

Dennis’s knuckles were white as he gripped the stick. “Fuck.” He sighed. “The compound is three miles that way.” He nodded to the north. His shaky thick fingers reached in his pocket, unconsciously unwrapped a granola bar and stuffed it in his mouth. After quickly swallowing the cereal bar, Dennis wiped crumbs from his lips and shook his head. “I’m not going. Jaeger’s men will kill me for flying you here.”

“I saw crates of food, water and cold weather gear in the back. You can survive here for a month.” Two weeks at the rate the bloke ate. Maddox walked to the back and handed him a machete. Before Maddox had boarded he removed all the guns and silver ammo. This plane was equipped to kill werewolves and yet was to land on Lazarus’s territory with his and Jaeger’s permission. War against the Fenrir Arbor pack or Jaeger’s betrayal? Whatever the plan had been, they kept Dennis out of the loop. “In case the zombies thaw out.”

Wolf howls cut the silence. Dennis’s eyes widened to the whites and his voice grew shaky, “How long are you going to be?”

“Not long, I hope. Just don’t leave. If you do, I’ll hunt you down.” Maddox’s harsh tone left no doubt he’d find him.

“I’m not going anywhere, as long as you rescue the girl and really do have a safe haven in Yosemite.”

Maddox had explained Rave’s compound would welcome a pilot to their ranks. Dennis, sickened by the Kindred’s recruitment of vicious tankers, agreed to switch teams. “Rave will confirm it when we return.”

“For the record, I hated bringing those innocent girls to Lazarus’s compound.” He turned to Maddox. “You will rescue them, right?”

Dennis had been in the business of flying nice families over the Grand Canyon but to deal with evil men to survive the zombies must have shattered his faith in men. He had talked to Maddox for a long time about his beloved older sister and the horrific decision to end her zombie life. Maddox smiled. “Knowing Rave, she’ll only leave if they are freed and their tormentors brought down. If we don’t return in a week, feel free to go.” If he wasn’t back in a few days, they likely would be dead.

Maddox stepped out and disrobed. He turned and Dennis looked away. “And if it’s just Rave, tell her the satchel is in the last compartment on the right.” He’d decided not to take the silver anecdote. Better to keep Lazarus and the Kindred in the dark about the cure.

Chapter 21

Rave sensed death everywhere as she followed Sloane to the impressive lodge hotel, guarded by armed Kindred men. Alongside, the main hotel was a good-sized grocery store and gas station. Men worked diligently building a brick-wall barrier against the zombies, no doubt completing it before the spring thaw. They did not give her notice.

A single large female raven glided above the tree line. Not a shifter, but the bird recognized Rave’s raven spirit as she swooped closer. The raven cawed a welcome, and then flew deep into the forest. Soon the entire raven community would know of her presence. Would they come to her aid?

Loud hoots, familiar apish ones emanated from a separate building. Shit. The chimpanzombies. She stopped. “Don’t tell me you guys are filming ‘A Planet of the Zombie Apes’ movie? No offense but I’m not taking any film extra jobs.” Especially the role of the idiot who goes into the dark building to see what’s inside, only to get killed within the first three minutes of the movie.

“Don’t worry. You are werewolf lover bait rather than food for the experimentals.” Sloane added with a menacing tone, “For now.”

“Experimentals?” Is that what they were using them for
“I prefer to call them eat-anything-that moves chimpanzombies.” If she could get a hold of a weapon or even explosives, it wouldn’t be hard blowing up their brains. That is after she figured out how to escape. Without flight, she’d have to rely on fight. Rave walked fast to keep up with Sloane’s long strides. The woman was at least six feet, tall like her dad. “Wait, you guys feed them?”

“It keeps them quiet. Or rather busy until their simple brains rage for more living flesh.”

They went after all animals so maybe they were given cattle or…? “What do they eat?”

“Not your problem, raven!”

She winced and then narrowed her eyes.
You better believe it is my problem, especially for my mate.

“Shut up.”

Two Kindred guards opened the lodge doors. Sloane escorted Rave through the lobby and into a cozy classic Western-style lodge area with brown leather and wood furniture. Complete with a crackling stone fireplace, and a liquor bar. The décor theme was Western with old saddles, hats and ropes in the corners and portraits of Native American chiefs adorning the walls. The type of place she and her parents would have vacationed. A sense of injustice heated her cold body. This place should belong to the local native shifters.

Jaeger stood beneath a large mounted stag’s head and gestured Sloane to bring her closer. He was tall and bulky with a baldhead and a face scarred from werewolf encounters. Centuries of werewolf killing in his blood and his harsh weathered face spoke of a life focused on killing. He wore a white wolf fur coat over his leather attire. Hard to say if it was the fur of a natural wolf or a werewolf, but feeling her stomach quill, it was most likely the latter. To think the white fur could have been Maddox disconcerted her.

Rave pushed away from Sloane’s hold and approached. “I’m Princess Ravenna Corax of the North American Murder.”

Jaeger gave her the once over. “Well, well, I can see why Maddox risked burning in hell to claim such a ravishing mate. And a titled one as well.”

“Yes, Raven Royalty. Release me now!”

Jaeger laughed and so did Sloane and the two guards. “And why would I release Maddox’s mate?”

“You have your facts wrong. What you saw on the tape was my ill attempt to seduce him. Besides, he’s dead. The werewolf you viewed later was probably a Vircolac.”

“No, it was him. I know my enemy. But do enlighten me on how he faked his death. Was he wearing some shield against silver bullets?”

“How would I know?” She glanced at one of his guards, moved closer and whispered, “Some advice. You might consider having your men practice target shooting.”

Jaeger dragged down the back of her coat and moved aside her hair. He traced a thick finger over her bite mark. She shuddered from the touch of his rough hands that smelled of blood and wolf urine. He stepped in front of her with a wicked grin. “Did you really think you could hide his mark from us?”

“Oh, that. I mated with a werewolf back home. FYI. The Benandanti are our enemies, remember?”

His tone grew sinister. “Templar Maddox’s two loyal companions, Diego and Mariah confessed you were the reason he left for England.”

A cadaverous chill trickled down her spine. “Really?” Likely after being collared, they’d been tortured, until they would confess anything and everything. Once Jaeger got his truth, he would have thrown them to the zombies. Their death brought memories of her own loyal companions and her anger heated her initial chill.
Maddox and I are going to rip you apart for killing his friends.

“Yes, really. I was thrilled when I captured them. I thought Mariah was his mate. Her beta companion begged me to spare her if he told me who his real mate was. I was floored. The great Templar Maddox had chosen forbidden fruit, none other than you, the thieving trouble making sworn enemy of the Benandanti, Princess Ravenna.”

Her heart fluttered. Since the moment Maddox saw her, he knew the truth. She was his mate. But to hear it from his nastiest enemy really brought his repressed love for her home. How different things would be had he approached her a year ago. Would they survive long enough to live sexily ever after? No alpha werewolf could resist coming to the aid of his mate. She scoffed, “Says you.”

He drew out his dagger and cut the duct tape from her bound wrists. “More comfortable?”

Rave rubbed her sore wrists and glared at him. “I’d be more comfortable if I was leaving, especially on account of our terrible misunderstanding.”

He pointed his dagger to a chair. “Ravenna, sit and warm yourself by the fire.”

Sloane turned to one of the men. “Bring Father and me a brandy.” She narrowed her glance at Rave and sat on the other chair. “What do you want to drink?”

“Got any hot cocoa?”

Sloane nodded and pointed her chin to the man taking their order.

Rave turned to the waiter. “Soy milk, organic of course. Oh and don’t forget the marshmallows and whipped cream.”

He tilted his head and pursed his lips as if her beverage request did not register.
Something tells me making s’mores is out of the question.

Sloane snapped, “This is the fucking zombie apocalypse not a posh barista café!”

Rave folded her arms. “Fine, I’ll take non-organic soy.”

Sloane scowled and an artery popped out of her temple.

“If you keep making angry faces all the time you might develop frown lines. In my opinion.”

Sloane fingered her bloodied dagger.

Jaeger planted his bulk on the sofa and rested his black boots on the hearth of the fireplace. “This is one of the only rooms that fanatical Lazarus did not have razed.”

Rave patted the chair’s hand rests. “Nice digs.”

His server brought their beverages. Sloane drank her shot in one swallow. Girl would be fun in Vegas. Although, her daddy issues might stem her party game-on. Rave sipped the hot cocoa minus her requested toppings. Surprisingly good, better if her enjoyment wasn’t curtailed by her current company.

“Operation Playboy Bunny began several months ago. Two days ago we turned the tables.”

Rave chuckled. “Playboy Bunny does not sound badass werewolf hunter cool.”

Jaeger turned to his daughter. “Sloane thought of the name.”

Rave glanced at Sloane’s big breasts. She smirked. “Really, why such an outdated name?”

Sloane threw her a hard look. “Because Lazarus objectified women, I thought it was a fitting code name. He claimed he wanted to breed and increase our numbers but trust me, he turned this place into his private sex resort.”

“Talk about being hypocritical. You guys signed a treaty to kill the Arbor pack with Lazarus.”

Jaeger released a heavy sigh. “When we found out Lazarus and his pack forced women to mate, we decided to infiltrate. Sloane came in and ran the operation from within while I signed a treaty with Lazarus to destroy the witch’s pack. We never intended to team up but Lazarus thought we too were threatened by a witch.”

Hmm. Was he threatened by Dora’s powers? “Did you kill the entire pack?”

“Most and even several dozen human devotees, the hybrid children and the pregnant women bearing their cubs.”

Her heart constricted. “Children and pregnant women?”

Sloane licked the edge of her glass. “I made it a quick death for them. The humans who sided with us were grateful for their freedom from their fanatical masters. I ordered the freed women flown south to my headquarters. They are welcome to stay with us or search for their relatives. And the men gladly contribute to fortifying our new post.”

Like that made it better. Rave bristled in disgust
. Baby killer. Nope, we are definitely not hanging out. Ever.
Her hands shaky, she set her mug down on a side table. The milk soured against her taste buds. So much for enjoying her hot chocolate.

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