Reason to Breathe (56 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Donovan

Tags: #teen abuse, #teenager romance, #teen fiction young adult fiction romance, #suspense drama, #teen drama, #teen novel

BOOK: Reason to Breathe
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I continued throwing things in my bags,
ignoring him when he walked into my room. He took in the bags on my
bed with confusion.

“What do you think you’re doing?! I received
a call from the school saying you left upset and that they wanted
us to come in to talk with them. What did you say?!”

“Don’t worry, George,” I turned to face him,
raising my voice, “I didn’t say anything to them! But I can’t stay
here and live like this anymore! I can’t live with

He flinched at the anger in my voice. The
alien tone was as difficult for him to hear as it was for me to

“You’re not leaving here,” he stated sternly,
between clenched teeth. “Listen, we will straighten this whole
thing out, but you are not leaving this house. Do you understand

The underlying threat in his voice knocked me
back. Could I walk past him? Would he let me? Should I sneak out
the window after he leaves me alone?

I watched his posture soften and sadness wash
over his face. I silently took notice of the resigned

“I understand you’re upset. And I promise
you, we’ll figure out a way to work this out. None of us can live
like this anymore. But leaving right now is not going to help
anything. Carol’s staying with her mother tonight.

“We’ll go to the school together tomorrow and
straighten everything out. There’s no need for anyone to get hurt
by this. Just stay until tomorrow, and if you still want to leave
after the meeting, we’ll make arrangements. Okay?”

My mind raced. Did he mean it? Would he let
me leave tomorrow? I wouldn’t have to fly off to wherever Evan had
planned to take me - I could stay here? Just one more night.

“Okay,” I whispered.

“Why don’t you go tell Sara that you’ll see
her tomorrow.”

I slowly walked to Sara’s car, still trying
to decide if I was making the right decision. Something in the
depths of my stomach was begging for me to leave.

“I’m going to stay,” I told Sara quietly.

“What do you mean?” Sara questioned in a

“She’s not staying here tonight. We’re going
in to the school tomorrow morning to clear everything up, and he
said that I could leave if I still wanted to after the

“You believe him?” she asked, still

“I have to,” I whispered, my eyes filling
with tears. “He’s giving me an out without having to hurt anyone or
run away.”

Sara got out of her car and hugged me. We
wiped the tears from our eyes when we finally let go.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?” my voice

“Okay,” she whispered, sniffling. “What do I
tell Evan? He’s not going to be happy when I show up without you.
He’s probably going to want to come here to get you.”

“Sara, he can’t,” I pleaded. “Convince him
that everything will be okay and I’ll see him tomorrow. Please, can
you do that?”

“I’ll try.”

“Make him listen. I promise everything will
be okay.”






I tried to
move, but there was resistance. Confused, I tugged at my arms -
they wouldn’t follow. I started to breathe quickly, through my nose
– my mouth wouldn’t open. I frantically looked around in the dark.
Where was I?

Then I couldn’t see at all. There was
something over my face. My heart beat hysterically, like it was
going to explode in my chest. I pulled harder at my arms which were
strung above my head. I heard the jangling of metal as the sharp
edges of the restraints dug into my wrists.

“I am not losing my family because of you,”
she seethed.

Panic consumed me. I started squirming,
screaming as loud as the restricted covering would allow. The
pillow pressed against my face. I shook my head back and forth
vigorously, trying to remove it. It wouldn’t shift enough to
provide me air.

There was pressure on my chest. I tried to
twist to get her off. That’s when her cold hands gripped around my
neck. I screamed louder, but my frantic pleas were muffled by the
tape. I flipped my body back and forth - the restraints on my
wrists and the weight on my chest wouldn’t allow me to escape her
strangling grasp.

This couldn’t be happening.
Please someone
hear me.

I pulled at the restraints - the edges
scraped away my flesh. I strained to pull harder, needing to be
free of their hold. I couldn’t find my breath as her grip
tightened. I needed to cough, but the air wouldn’t escape.

I pushed against the bed with my feet,
arching my back. The strain of our weight pulled at my shoulders,
and heard something pop; then a searing pain catapulted through my

One of her hands released its hold. I sucked
in a breath full of air, the effort burning my throat. I shrieked
in agony when the bones of my ankle crunched with the impact of
something she swung into it. I collapsed onto my back, my breath
faltering. The darkness swirled as the torturous pain overtook me.
I fought the pull taking me under.

The cold clutches returned to my throat,
squeezing harder. I choked, trying desperately to breathe in. The
air didn’t come.

I needed someone to hear me. I swung my left
leg toward the wall with all my force, pounding against it. The
adrenaline and panic shrouded the pain.

The pressure in my head continued to build.
My lungs burned. The claws around my neck crushed in deeper.

I pounded on the wall one more time.
Please someone hear me.

I could feel it pulling me under. I couldn’t
struggle anymore. The burning was too much. I gave in, collapsing
beneath the hands, and succumbing to the darkness.






In the
uneven balance of my life, I experienced love and loss, more loss
than I thought I could handle. But the love was unexpected. I
almost missed out on it, too afraid and uncertain to give it a

Love helped me live life instead of just
survive it. It challenged my resolve, proving I was stronger than I
ever thought possible. The comfort of it healed my wounds and
caressed my scars. It gave me the confidence to stand taller than
the inches within my body. In the dark, I searched for it, yearning
for its reprieve, only finding that I was alone.

I couldn’t feel the pain of my broken body. I
couldn’t hear the beats of my heart fading within my chest. I
couldn’t listen to the agonizing pleas as he clutched me against
him. It was silent. All that was left was… me.

In the silence, there was peace. A peace that
came too soon, but I sought refuge in its release. Release from the
pain, the chaos and the fear. Being comforted by the unfamiliar
calm would require a sacrifice I didn’t want to make; but I didn’t
know if I had the strength to fight.

I knew time was slipping. I could no longer
ignore the dwindling pulse. The thumping struggled to keep pace.
The darkness pushed in around me. There was an ease to slipping
away - giving in to the quiet and finding the resolution of
nothingness. I was drawn to the resignation. I tried to hold on to
the memories of my sacrifice - the warmth, the flutters, the truth
in his eyes. Was life a choice?

In the balance of love and loss, it was love
that made me struggle to…

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