Rebels at the Gate: Lee and McClellan on the Front Line of a Nation Divided (50 page)

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92. Toney,
, 12–13.

93. Wood,
The War
, 21;
O. R
. vol. 51, pt. 2, 104; Cammack,
Personal Recollections
, 14–15; Adams,
A Post of Honor: The Pryor Letters
, 115; Marion Harding Diary, June 13, 1861 in Thacker,
French Harding: Civil War Memoirs
, 228.

O. R
. vol. 51, pt. 2, 67–68; Wallace,
Guide to Virginia Military Organizations
, 282–40; Clark,
Under the Stars and Bars
, 10–11.

95. Thompson, “Bound For Glory,” 17–18.

O. R
. vol. 51, pt. 2, 97, 100; Robson,
How a One-Legged Rebel Lives
, 8–9; A Member of the Bar,
Cheat Mountain
, 24; Wood,
The War
, 20.

97. Wiley,
Johnny Reb
, 19; Worsham,
One of Jackson's Foot Cavalry
, 1–2.

98. Ibid., 8–9; Robson,
How a One-Legged Rebel Lives
, 9–10.

99. W.B. Tabb to N.S. Bloggs, June 14, 1861, PC;
O. R
. vol. 51, pt. 2, 68, 76.

100. Hermann,
Memoirs of a Veteran
, 13; Poe,
Personal Reminiscences
, 3 ;
O . R
. vol. 51, pt. 2, 99; Freeman,
, vol. 1, 497.

101. A Member of the Bar,
Cheat Mountain
, 16–17, 23–24; Watkins, “
Company Aytch
,” 50; Hull, “Recollections,”
The Pocahontas Times
, March 5, 1908.

O . R
. vol. 51, pt. 2, 112; Wood,
The War
, 18–20; Worsham,
One of Jackson's Foot Cavalry
, 9.

103. Ibid., 2, 4; Watkins, “
Company Aytch
,” 48; Toney,
, 14.

104. Rice, “The Letters of John Barret Pendleton,” 12.

105. Worsham,
One of Jackson's Foot Cavalry
, 9–10.

106. Clayton Wilson to Joe Wyatt, May 29, 1861, PC; Clark,
Under the Stars and Bars
, 13; Hannaford,
The Story of a Regiment
, 43; Toney,
, 14; Rice, “The Letters of John Barret Pendleton,” 12.

107. Worsham,
One of Jackson's Foot Cavalry
, 9,11.

108. Wood,
The War
, 20–21; Ruffner,
Virginia Infantry
, 7.

109. Worsham,
One of Jackson's Foot Cavalry
, 3; Wood,
The War
, 19.

110. Cammack,
Personal Recollections
, 16. Cammack's Confederates became Company C of the Thirty-first Virginia Infantry. The Unionists at Clarksburg joined the Third (U.S.) Virginia Infantry.

111. Wood,
The War
, 18.

112. Worsham,
One of Jackson's Foot Cavalry
, 10; Watkins, “
Company Aytch
,” 48.

113. Rice, “The Letters of John Barret Pendleton,” 19; Toney,
, 15.

114. Wiley,
Billy Yank
, 20–21; Hannaford,
The Story of a Regiment
, 31; Skidmore,
Civil War Journal of Billy Davis
, 2–3, 8–10; Cox,
Military Reminiscences
, vol. 1, 14.

115. Stevenson,
Indiana's Roll of Honor
, 14, 20–21; Kepler,
Fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry
, 15.

116. Wiley,
Billy Yank
, 21, 37–38, 40; Skidmore,
Civil War Journal of Billy Davis
, 2; Kepler,
Fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry
, 13–14; Thomson,
Seventh Indiana Infantry
, 8; Baxter,
Gallant Fourteenth
, 16, 38.

117. Grebner,
We Were The Ninth
, xii, 4–5, 6, 53, 199, 257n; Reid,
Ohio in the War
, vol. 1, 875; Warner,
Generals In Blue
, 294; Cox,
Military Reminiscences
, vol. 1, 36.

118. Skidmore,
Civil War Journal of Billy Davis
, 4, 6; P.R. Galloway to his wife, May 10, 1861, PC; Hannaford,
The Story of a Regiment
, 41; Kepler,
Fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry
, 17.

119. Baxter,
Gallant Fourteenth
, 41; Skidmore,
Civil War Journal of Billy Davis
, 6, 7, 19; Ben May to Brother Will, June 10, 1861, PC; Merrill,
The Soldier of Indiana
, 15–16.

120. Grebner,
We Were The Ninth
, 14, 52.

121. Thomson,
Seventh Indiana Infantry
, 13; Hannaford,
The Story of a Regiment
, 42–43; Ben May to Brother Will, May 8, 1861, PC.

Cincinnati Gazette
, April 23, 1861 in Hannaford,
The Story of a Regiment
, 34; Thomson,
Seventh Indiana Infantry
, 12.

123. Skidmore,
The Alford Brothers
, 30; P.R. Galloway to wife, May 5, 1861, PC; Skidmore, ed.,
The Civil War Journal of Billy Davis
, 26, 28.

124. Ben May to Brother Will, June 10, 1861, PC; Baxter,
Gallant Fourteenth
, 41; Worsham,
One of Jackson's Foot Cavalry
, 5; Rice,
The Letters of John Barret Pendleton
, 12.

125. Wiley,
Billy Yank
, 22; Cox,
Military Reminiscences
, 13; Hannaford,
The Story of a Regiment
, 39; Skidmore,
The Civil War Journal of Billy Davis
, 26.

126. Skidmore,
The Alford Brothers
, 23; Kepler,
Fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry
, 28;
Indianapolis Daily Journal
, July 5, 1861 in Baxter,
Hoosier Farm Boy in Lincoln's Army
, 16.

127. Sears,
George B. McClellan
, 71; Skidmore,
The Civil War Journal of Billy Davis
, 25.

Chapter 5. McClellan Eyes Virginia

128. Rawling,
History of the First Regiment Virginia Volunteers
, 18–22; Lang,
Loyal West Virginia
, 234–35, 320.

129. Frothingham,
Sketch of the Life of Brig. Gen. B.F. Kelley
, 3–4, 6–8; Strother,
Personal Reminiscences
, 347; Lang,
Loyal West Virginia
, 320, 323.

130. Poe,
Personal Reminiscences of the Civil War
, 3 ;
vol. 51, pt. 2, 109; Callahan,
Semi-Centennial History
, 120; Diary of Charles L. Campbell in Price,
On To Grafton
, 50.

131. Cammack,
Personal Recollections
, 19; Price,
On To Grafton
, 11; Reader,
History of the Fifth West Virginia Cavalry
, 27–28.

O. R
. vol. 51, pt. 2, 109; Powell, “Beginning of the Civil War in West Virginia,” 201; Reader,
History of the Fifth West Virginia Cavalry
, 29, 49–50; Cammack,
Personal Recollections
, 18–19; Brinkman, “The War Diary of Fabricus A. Cather,” 94.

133. Reader,
History of the Fifth West Virginia Cavalry
, 50; Powell, “Beginning of the Civil War in West Virginia,” 200; Murray, “First Soldier Killed in the War,” 494; J. Slidell Brown, “Bailey Brown: The First Victim of the Great Rebellion,”
The West Virginia Argus
, vol. 33 (May 5, 1904): 1–6, typescript, Stutler Collection, WVSA; Poe,
Personal Reminiscences of the Civil War
, 4 ; Lang,
Loyal West Virginia
, 211. Bailey Brown was enrolled as a member of the Grafton Guards by May 20, 1861; his comrades were mustered into U.S. service at Wheeling on May 25 as Company B, Second (U.S.) Virginia Infantry. Unlike the Federal troops killed on April 19 by a Baltimore mob, Brown was killed by an officially mustered Confederate—Daniel W.S. Knight of Company A, Twenty-fifth Virginia Infantry. Bailey Brown was buried near Flemington, exhumed in 1903, and reburied at Grafton National Cemetery.

134. Moore,
A Banner in the Hills
, 63; Bird,
Narrative of Two Perilous Adventures
, 9–11; Curry,
A House Divided
, 48, 141–43, 163n. Consensus placed results of the Ordinance of Secession in Western Virginia at 44,000 against to 4,000 in favor. However, scholar Richard Curry has documented that the vote in Western Virginia counties was no greater than 34,000-19,000 against secession. By his tally, some 40 percent of the voters and fully half of the counties later encompassed by the state of West Virginia had supported the Confederacy in 1861.

135. Reader,
History of the Fifth West Virginia Cavalry
, 29, 50;
O. R
. vol. 51, pt. 2, 109. The Confederates occupied Grafton on May 25, 1861, not on May 26 as reported by Lt. Colonel Jonathan Heck in
O. R
. vol. 2, 254.
See also O . R
. vol. 51, pt. 2, 109, and Price,
On To Grafton,

136. Ambler,
Francis H. Pierpont
, 410–12; Siviter,
Recollections of War and Peace
, 52–53; Reader,
History of the Fifth West Virginia Cavalry
, 13–14.

O. R
. vol. 2, 648; Sears,
The Civil War Papers of George B. McClellan
, 24. In his memoirs, General McClellan insisted: “My movements in West Virginia were, from first to last, undertaken upon my own authority and of my own volition, and without any advice, orders, or instructions from Washington or elsewhere.” Delay in his receipt of orders from the War Department may have prompted that assessment
. See also
McClellan's Own Story,
50, and Sears,
The Civil War Papers of George B. McClellan
, 19.

138. Reid,
Ohio in the War
, vol. 1, 49;
O. R
. vol. 2, 51–52;
Richmond Daily Examiner
, June 11, 1861 in Summers,
The Baltimore and Ohio
, 242.

O. R
. vol. 2, 44–47; McClellan,
Report on the Organization and Campaigns
, 14–15.

140. McClellan,
McClellan's Own Story
, 50; Cox, “McClellan in West Virginia,” 135.

141. McClellan,
Report on the Organization and Campaigns
, 16–17.

142. Ibid., 15–16.

143. Ibid., 16–17; Sears,
George B. McClellan
, 79–80.

O. R
. ser. 1, vol. 2, 45;
Wheeling Daily Intelligencer
, May 28, 1861; Rawling,
History of the First Regiment Virginia Infantry
, 22–23; Carnes,
The Tygarts Valley Line
, 45; Leib,
Nine Months in the Quartermaster's Department
, 9.

Wheeling Daily Intelligencer
, May 29, 1861 in Moore,
The Rebellion Record
, vol. 1, 296–298; Summers,
The Baltimore and Ohio
, 73;
O. R
. vol. 2, 45, 49; Lieb,
Nine Months in the Quartermaster's Department
, 10.

vol. 2, 49, 51–52; McClellan,
Report on the Organization
, 17. On the morning of May 28, 1861, members of the Second (U.S.) Virginia Infantry under Lieutenant Oliver West clashed with Confederate militia under Captain Christian Roberts at a point midway between Wheeling and Grafton known as Glovers Gap. Fellow Virginians killed Captain Roberts—reputedly the first armed Confederate officer to fall in action. However, Roberts may not have been formally enrolled. See Reader,
History of the Fifth West Virginia Cavalry
, 42; Leib,
Nine Months in the Quartermaster's Department
, 10–11;
Wheeling Daily Intelligencer
, May 30, 1861 in Fansler,
History of Tucker County, West Virginia
, 141.

O. R
. vol. 2, 47; Summers,
The Baltimore and Ohio
, 74–76; J.B. Steedman to F. W. Lander, Lander Papers, LC; F. W. Lander to G.B. McClellan, June 8, 1861, McClellan Papers, LC.

O. R
. vol. 2, 50, 655–56.

Chapter 6. The Philippi Races

149. Reid, “
Agate” Dispatches
, 19; Dayton, “The Beginning—Philippi, 1861,” 254–56; Woods, “The First Inland Battle of the Civil War,” 7. Philippi (pronounced Fill'-li-pee) was originally named “Philippa.” Due to misspellings and confusion with the ancient Macedonian city of “Philippi,” the later name has taken hold. See Maxwell,
History of Barbour County
, 279.

150. Maxwell,
History of Barbour County
, 277–78; Carnes
, Centennial History of the Philippi Covered Bridge
, 36–38; Dayton, “The Beginning—Philippi, 1861,” 256.

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