Rebound (17 page)

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Authors: Nikki Mathis Thompson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction, #Humor, #Romantic Comedy

BOOK: Rebound
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“That is one of my favorite things about you, Katrine. Now put on your helmet and let’s go for that ride.”

She didn’t ask why he had a second helmet and just put in on. He helped make sure it was secure. He got on first. 

He looks so freaking hot on that thing!

 She climbed on behind him, straddling the soft, black leather seat and held onto his waist. This was a fantasy come true. Wrapped around a sexy guy, his bike vibrating between her legs. God she could have an orgasm right now. 

Could I just dry hump him for a minute without him noticing? 

Probably not. 

She only wished she could feel the wind in her face, but safety first. 

They took off into the night. Her adrenaline was surging and it was making her heart pound. Lights, buildings and cars whipped past her as she snuggled into his back. Xander took the bike onto the highway and he really let it go. Her thighs squeezed into him and her grip around his waist tightened. She knew they were going extremely fast only because her surroundings had morphed into streaks of white and colored light. Inside it felt like time stood still. The faster he went, the tighter she held on, not from fright but from exhilaration..pure and unadulterated. So seldom in life did things exceed her expectations, but this was everything she hoped it would be and more. It was one of the most thrilling moments Katrine had ever experienced. They looped around downtown and she soaked in the sights of the city. She could ride with him like this forever. But, unfortunately, it did come to an end, and he pulled back into the garage. Xander helped Katrine off of the bike and took her helmet off. If she grinned any bigger, her face would have cracked in half.

“So I take it you enjoyed yourself?” he teased, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

She jumped up and down a few times and grab at his arm while she said, “That was so amazing! It was even better than I ever imagined! I have to get one of those!”

He just laughed and picked her off of the ground.

“I know, I know. I am so adorable,” she said as her feet dangled.

By the time they got back up to the room it was after one in the morning, but they had time for one more round. Katrine was way too turned on from all the vibrating to go to bed without some sort of release. And Xander was more than happy to oblige...



Chapter 21

The room was engulfed in sunlight by the time Katrine started to awaken. 

She blinked her eyes a few times in an attempt to get them to open fully. They wouldn’t cooperate right away. She slowly became aware that she was very naked and even more startling was the fact that she was not alone. There was a very handsome and equally naked man beside her. Katrine watched him sleep for a few minutes. She could not believe that she was here, in his apartment. And she had slept with him, twice! 

Holy shit, I had sex!! And it was awesome!

She rolled over onto her back and threw her arm over her eyes. She was celebrating inside and the smile plastered onto her face was ear to ear. Then she realized that this was her chance to sneak into the bathroom and freshen up. It always bugged her in books and movies when a couple would wake up, turn to each other and start making out. 

Gross. Morning breath anyone?

 She preferred to give the old teeth a little scrub down before the mug down. Maybe that was just her, she hoped it wasn’t. It defeated the purpose if one person subscribed to the belief, but the other participant did not. Now that she looked a little more presentable, she could get back into bed. But before she could slip back into the covers, her phone rang.

 She scrambled to find her purse, she didn’t want the phone to wake Xander. She finally found her purse as the phone stopped ringing. 

“Damn it.” 

She hated when that happened. 

She grabbed a shirt from one of his drawers and went out into the living room to return Maddie’s call. She looked down and saw the shirt she had grabbed said Yale. She imagined Xander walking across campus and the thought made her smile. She wondered what that young man must have been like. 

Probably totally full of himself.

She padded out into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water.

“Hey sis, sorry I missed your call. The black hole I call a purse swallowed my phone again.” 

“No worries. I hoped I wasn’t waking you up. Are you at home or are you at tall dark and do-able’s?”

“I’m at his place. And before you ask, yes we did, and yes it was.”

“I want to know everything!” Maddie screamed into the phone.

“Simmer, Mads. I’ll tell you later.”

“Are we still getting our nails done or are you going to be trapped under something handsome all day?” she giggled.

“Yes let’s still go, but later this afternoon. I will call you when I get back to my place.”

“Sounds good. Talk to ya later.” They hung up and Katrine laughed to herself. She was going to have to give up the goods when she saw Maddie later. 

Xander had silently entered the kitchen. He loved to watch her when she thought she was unobserved.

“Something funny?” said a soft voice in her ear while fingers were skimming lightly over the skin on her outer thighs. She jumped a bit and shivered as he kissed her on the neck.

“Nice shirt,” he said as he twirled her to face him.

“I just grabbed one out of your drawer. Sorry, I hope you don’t mind.”

“It looks much better on you. You are so short it looks like a dress. But...I think I’d like it better off of you, though,” he said as he started to lift the shirt up her body.

“Whoa! Can I eat please. Sorry, but I am starving and nothing else works if my stomach is this empty. How about I make you breakfast.” Katrine offered moving to the refrigerator, finding it rather empty. “Um, we can have pickles or beer.”

“Sorry, I bought the things I needed for last night, but didn’t think about the morning after. How about we order room service,” Xander said apologetically. The thought of him grocery shopping made her grin.

“You get room service here? Man, I would get very spoiled and very fluffy if I had that in my building.”

“Well I do live in the hotel and that gives me access to all their amenities. Pool, spa, room service, you name it. I even get maid service.”

“Ok, now I’m really jealous. I would never have to cook or clean again! Damn it, I moved to the wrong place,” Katrine said, shaking her head.

“Well, you can come over and have room service anytime you want.” 

“That sounds great. What do they have? I’m starving!”

They looked at the menu and placed their orders. She chose eggs benedict and he chose waffles with bacon.

“Do you mind if I grab a shower while we are waiting for the food?” Katrine asked.

“On one condition....” he said with a naughty look on his face.

“Didn’t I tell you I needed food before I could do that again? I mean really, Xander! Give a girl a breather.” she said with mild chastisement.

“I will not apologize for something I can’t control. And I cannot control myself when you are around,” he said as he came towards her, giving her an extremely passionate kiss.

YES! He totally brushed!!

 She pulled back long enough to say, “Ok, you can scrub my back, but then food!!!”


They had a very hot and steamy shower together. He scrubbed her back and many other places. She may have scrubbed him a bit too. Now she had completely and thoroughly worked up an appetite. And when the food arrived she almost tackled the guy that delivered their breakfast. Xander just laughed. Apparently she was being adorable again.

She ate every bite and would have eaten his waffles too, but she didn’t want to scare him.


“Well, I guess I will let you get on with whatever you had planned for the weekend. I should head home,” Katrine said coming out of his bedroom with her things.

He gently grabbed her arm.

“You are all I have planned for this weekend, Katrine.”

How did he make her name sound like one of the most seductive words she had ever heard? One word and she got hot in all of the right places. She had to get out of here or she would never leave.

“I promised my sister I would meet her this afternoon, but I would be happy to meet up with you later if you would like.”

“There is nothing I would like more.”

After she left he was thinking about their night together. He knew it would be hot, but it was even better than he had anticipated. Her body, being deep inside her, the sounds she made. Just thinking about it got him hard again. He found it ironic that after all of his protests, this summer was shaping up to be quite enjoyable after all...


Katrine went to meet her sister at their favorite nail salon. It was a small place, next to Maddie’s favorite coffee shop, Bean Buzz. She was looking forward to getting a pedicure, one of her favorite things and definitely on the smile list.

“Hey, Maddie!” she called when she saw her sister outside the salon.

“Ok, tell me everything.” Maddie blurted as she grabbed her sister’s arms. Katrine laughed, she was not getting out of this one.

They were soaking their feet in the warm swirling water as Katrine recapped the previous night. She didn’t go into every delightful detail, but she didn’t leave much out either.

“He is amazing! And he was amazing, the best sexual experience I have had, hands down, no contest. I cannot believe I get to spend the summer having sex with this gorgeous man. And not only is he gorgeous, he is really fun to be around. We have the best conversations.”

“Wow, Trine. Good in bed, good conversation, and good looking. Seems too good to be true...” 

“I know you have reservations about all of this, but I’m really having fun. He almost makes me glad to be divorced. He is helping me, really. Please trust me and don’t worry. I will be fine.”

“I have to worry, sis. I saw what you went through this past year, and it scares me to think of you putting yourself in a potentially hurtful situation. I just think it’s reckless.” 

“Ok, this coming from a girl who met a guy in yoga class and moved in with him two weeks later. He ended up being gay. Or how about the time you spent a month in Peru with a guy you met in the coffee shop, because you liked his smile. Wasn’t he a bipolar kleptomaniac?”

“Okay, okay, point taken.” 

“And by the way, Trey wasn’t gay, he just liked being nailed in the ass. I don’t think Michael was bipolar, he was just a raging a-hole. And he wasn’t a klepto, he just stole all of my shit.” Maddie grinned and continued, “You know what I mean. I make bad choices when it comes to men, so can you for once learn from
mistakes. He is wonderful and he is gorgeous, but he is leaving and I think he is going to take your heart with him. That’s all I’m saying.”

“I can’t explain it Mads. I just feel like this is the right thing to do right now. I want to do this. I need to do this.” 

Maddie just nodded and turned forward. Katrine hated the fact that Maddie was worried about her. She had worried enough this past year. Maybe, with a little time, she would become more comfortable with the whole situation.

“You want eye brow waux?” the girl rubbing her feet asked, as she did the finger sweeping motion from one eyebrow to the other.

“No thank you, not today.” Katrine answered.

“You want special scrub? You feet dry. Boyfriend no like.” she said.

“No thank you,  just the regular pedicure will be fine.” Katrine answered, knowing that her feet were far from dry. 

The girl doing her nails gave her a ‘you cheapskate’ dirty look and then said something she couldn’t understand to the technician next to her, and they both laughed. She hated when they did that. But every time without fail she always left a good tip, no matter what. Why? Who knows. Maybe she felt bad that they had to spend their day using that cheese grater thing to get the barnacles off of women’s crusty feet. 

It was just one of those things.

Katrine whispered over to her sister, “Why do I always feel like a scaly troll with a unibrow, when I come to this place?”

Maddie laughed. “They are just preying on your insecurities to up-sell. It’s genius actually. And don’t worry. My girl mentioned something to me about getting a wax downtown and I know that chick can’t see my muff through these shorts. ” They both laughed. 

They relaxed into their comfortable massage chairs and enjoyed the rest of their pedi’s.


When Katrine was heading home, she thought about what her sister had said to her. 

Am I making a huge mistake? Am I putting sex before sense? Am I in over her head? 

What bothered her is that she could have answered yes to any of those questions. But the real question was, did she care?

Why do I always have to analyze things to death? I had such a great time...damn it!

But it was too late. The second guessing part of the program had started. 

She got home and called Teddy. Maybe feeling like a mom again and not a sex-crazed strumpet would put things into perspective.

“Hey momma!”

“Hi sweet baby! I miss you so much!! Are you still having a great time?”

“This is like the best summer ever! I miss you and all but I really do like it here. Thanks for letting me spend my summer at the beach. It’s been awesome!”

“I am so glad. It makes it easier on me to know you are having so much fun. Maybe I can come out one weekend.”

“Could you come out during the week? Dad is coming up every weekend until I come back home.”

David, you soul sucking scrotum!!

Whoa where did that come from?

“Oh, he is? That’s great you are getting to spend so much time with him. I’m lucky, I get to see you a ton since you live with me. He’s making up for lost time, I guess. But sorry, I have to work during the week, but if your dad cancels one of the weekends, you let me know!”

“I will and I love you mom!”

“ I love you, more than anything!” She hung up feeling sad. She really missed her kid. 

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