Rebound (19 page)

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Authors: Nikki Mathis Thompson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction, #Humor, #Romantic Comedy

BOOK: Rebound
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“How about you let me be the one to decide if I hurt her or not, which I have no intention of doing. So Ian, you see, there is nothing left to discuss. Take your hands off of her, now,” Xander said, having joined them on the sidewalk. He pulled Katrine out of Ian’s embrace.

“You smug piece of shit. I know your type. You think you can just come in, take what you want and leave. No matter the consequences. Well if you hurt her, I will kill you. She is not just some piece of ass. This person standing right here, is one of the most amazing women on the planet. And you, you do not deserve her,” he said as he poked his finger in Xander’s chest.

“You don’t get to say what I deserve. And for your information jackass, I happen to agree, she is amazing and I care about her too. So back the fuck off!”

“Please Xander, give us a minute.” Katrine asked softly and put her hand on his arm. He just looked at her and then walked far enough away to give them some privacy.

“Look Ian... I do care about you. I really do. I think you’re amazing too. I was being honest when I said I wasn’t ready to be in a serious relationship yet, I’m not. Xander and I just kind of happened. He is leaving soon, that is true, but I want to spend time with him until then. That doesn’t mean I am choosing him over you. I just need to get this out of my system, before I can think about anything long term with you. Does that make sense?”

“Oh sure, perfect sense. You are using this guy to get over your divorce. I’m too nice and you care about me too much to use me? Is that about right? Give me a fucking break.” he said, voice dripping with anger and sarcasm. He actually hit the nail on the head, but he did not seem pleased about it. 

“You are lying to yourself if you think you can just do this and walk away. You’re going to get hurt. I can already see it. You
fallen for him. I’m just sorry you thought I wasn’t mature enough to be the one, instead of him. You could have used me Katrine, and it could have still become more... Now, I don’t think I want anything from you.” 

He walked away.

“Ian, please, wait!!” He didn’t wait. He didn’t even slow down.

Katrine let him go even though it broke her heart a little to see him leave. Xander came up behind her and pulled her into his arms. “It’s okay. Please don’t be sad. It kills me to see you upset.”

She turned towards him and hugged him back. She wanted the man in her arms, but still she felt tormented. Part of her yearned for Ian too. Ian said he could tell she was falling for Xander. Was it that obvious? That embarrassed her. She thought she had been playing it so cool. But screw it, she was just going to play it true, and worry about the consequences later. She wasn’t playing games or getting caught up in some energy sapping power play. Katrine couldn’t help but worry that she might have ruined her chances with Ian forever. That did not sit well with her. She was going to have to fix this, but she didn’t have the energy to think about that right now. Deep down, she had a feeling that everyone might get hurt before this was all finished.  


He walked her up to her door. “Sorry if I acted like a jealous asshole tonight. I’m not really sure what came over me. All I know is that I wanted to beat the hell out of that Ian guy. The thought of him touching you or kissing you makes me absolutely crazy. I would have never thought of myself as the jealous type, but I guess I have never been properly motivated before.” He grinned, trying to lighten the mood. 

Xander looked down at the ground, because really he was having a hard time with all of this too. He was feeling angry and embarrassed. That guy had told her she was going to get hurt. He felt guilty because he knew it was probably true, but he was too selfish to back away now. He wanted her and he was going to keep her, as long as he could.

“I’ve always thought that having two men fight over me would be romantic in some way. But I was very wrong. There was nothing romantic about what just happened. It was upsetting and sad. I never wanted to hurt Ian and I don’t want to hurt you. But I can’t shake the feeling that no one in this scenario is going to come out unscathed.” She sighed. “Well, except you. You’re going to go back to your exciting, glamorous life in New York and this place… and me, will be nothing but a blip on your radar. Goodnight, Xander. I’ll see you on Monday.” She hated the deflated sound of her voice.

Katrine didn’t have to tell him that she didn’t want company tonight. He figured that out on his own. But he didn’t want to end the night this way. She started to walk into her building and he grabbed her arm.

“I don’t know how many ways I have to say this Katrine. I do not want to hurt you. I didn’t plan any of this. It just happened. Please believe me.”

“Xander, whether you want to hurt me or not has no bearing on whether or not it happens all the same.” She kissed him on the cheek. “Good night.”

“Good night Katrine, sleep well.” And with that he turned and left. 

Katrine got into bed and cried herself to sleep. She hadn’t done that in months and she was embarrassed to be doing it again so soon...



Chapter 23

Monday morning rolled around and Katrine had not spoken to Xander nor Ian. She was in a wretched mood. If she could have called in sick, she would have. But there was too much work to be done and she couldn’t blow off her responsibilities just because she made the bad decision to sleep with her boss.

Only five more weeks…might as well be fifty.

She really wasn’t sure what to expect at the office today. She hoped the aforementioned rule about being professional in the office still stood. That was how she was going to approach it. She sent a text to her buddies the night before calling for an emergency wine night at her place later in the week. She needed reinforcements. The thought of seeing the girls motivated her. She got dressed and headed for the office. She pulled into her spot. Xander wasn’t there yet. 

“Yes! Oh wait, then I can’t sneak in. He’ll see me when he comes in, damn!!”

 Stop being such a little girl. 

What is it about this guy? She was becoming an immature and self-conscious version of herself. That was a step in the wrong direction. She really needed to get a grip. She had the sinking feeling that would not be happening until a certain Xander Abbot was back in NYC. But that thought made her stomach hurt. 

“Ok, so immature and self-conscious it is.”

She was checking email and confirming meeting schedules when Xander finally rolled in around 9:30. When she looked up and saw him, she couldn’t help but smile. She had missed him and didn’t even know it until just that minute. When he saw her smile, he returned it and came around to her chair. He must have been waiting for her to give the cue on how they were going to act around each other.  He grabbed her hands and pulled her into his arms. He hugged her really tightly and inhaled deeply as if he were re-memorizing her smell.

“I missed you, I wasn’t expecting that,” he said.

“You took the words out of my mouth, Mr. Abbot.”

“Can we forget about what happened this weekend? Not the great sex part, but the fighting, jealous jack ass and second thoughts part?”

“I could not agree more. Worrying about things won’t stop what is inevitable... the end.” She sighed. “So, I want to spend time with you and you with me and that is what we’ll do, okay?”

“Okay. Now get to work. I’m not paying you to stand around.” He winked and pinched her on the butt.

The week was going to be very busy. There were several meetings scheduled everyday and Katrine was going to have a full plate. Assisting Alexander Abbot Jr. was no small task. She could not imagine how much work Ellenor must have on a daily basis. This was just one deal. She went into Xander’s office later that afternoon and invited him over to her house that night.

“I wanted to return the favor and cook dinner for you.”

“That sounds perfect. I don’t have any meetings this evening, so it  works out.”

“Great. Come by after you leave the office.”

“I’ll probably go home and get out of these clothes, but I will head over after that.”

Katrine didn’t get out of the office until after 6:00. It had been a very long and very busy day. Around 7:30 he was at her door. Xander had changed his clothes. Tight black t-shirt and jeans with a worn leather backpack slung over one shoulder.

“I brought some clothes. I hope you don’t mind.”

“No, not at all. But just so you know, spooning is a requirement in my bed. Can you handle those parameters?”

“Absolutely.” He gave her his full, dimple-divulging smile.

“Well then, get your fine behind in here. Dinner is getting cold and I am starving!”

Xander walked in and followed her into the dining room. She had set the table. It looked very elegant with candles, crystal… the whole nine. He was wondering what gourmet greatness she had prepared for him when he noticed a large flat cardboard box in the middle of the table.


She smiled and nodded her head. “Sorry, I was just too tired to cook.”

“Most women would have bent over backwards to impress me with their culinary skills.”

“I am not most women.”

“I could not agree more, my sweet girl. Honestly you could have served me crap on a cracker and I would have eaten it. That is how hungry I am and how much I enjoy your company.” He smiled.

“Crap on a cracker, really? That is just gross.”

“Sorry, it just came to me.”

She chuckled, “You could have done better than that. What about pooh on a platter? Or, no I have a better one…shit on a shingle, which I think is a real dish now that I think about it.”

“Are you finished?” he laughed.

 “Yes. I’m done. Well, one more… turd in a tortilla. Ok now I’m done for real, I promise.”

“You’re still thinking about other ones right now aren’t you?” 

“No. Well okay, maybe. I will stop right this minute and start acting like an adult, I promise,” she said putting on her serious face, but not really succeeding.

“Oh, god no. Don’t do that.”

She smiled. “I know you New Yorkers have a thing for pizza, but trust me when I say this stuff is off the charts good.”

He gave her a doubtful look.

“Doubt all you want, buddy. The owner of this little joint happens to be from Brooklyn, so there. I didn’t know what you liked, so I ordered one with the works.”

They sat down and had their off the charts pizza on fancy plates and drank wine out of crystal glasses. It would go down as one of his favorite meals to date and one he would most definitely never forget.


“That was really good. I am so glad you didn’t cook.” She threw her napkin at his head.

“Hey, I was just kidding.” He laughed.

“Just for that,
don’t get dessert.” 

“You made dessert?” he said, getting excited. He had a serious sweet tooth.

“No. But if I had, you wouldn’t get any.”

She smiled at him and cleared the table. He helped and she appreciated that. She washed and he dried. They must have made quite the domestic picture. She laughed at the thought. 

Multi-millionaire, and I just fed him pizza and made him dry the dishes.

“What’s so funny?” he asked as they walked into the living room.

“Oh nothing. I was just wondering if you had dish dryer listed on your resume, because you are quite skilled.”

“As a matter of fact I do, just between expert juggler and whittling champion.”

She shook her head. “I think my smart-assitude is rubbing off on you, Xander.”

“Oh. I hope so. That is one of my favorite things about you, that and your unparalleled ability to order pizza.”

“I can cook, I promise,” she said, trying not to sound whiny.

“Someone who has such a thing for food has
to be able to cook, even a little.” he said, teasing her. “And hey, I believe you. But so far it is me, 1, and you, ZERO!” He made an extra huge zero with both hands. 

“Okay, okay. I owe you a real meal sometime. I don’t take defeat lying down.”

“Hey, if lying down with you is involved, I will relinquish my cooking title any day.”

“Very cute.” She grinned.

They drank a little more wine while watching
No Reservations
on the Travel Channel. Katrine’s head was on Xander’s shoulder and her legs were stretched across the couch. He had his arm draped lightly across her shoulder and his legs were in front of him on top of an ottoman. He could tell she had fallen asleep because her body had suddenly become heavy and her breathing had slowed down a bit. He looked down at her and saw that she was indeed sleeping. He chuckled.

“No sex for me tonight,” he said quietly to himself.

That was one of the main reasons he had come over, but not the only one.  He thought the not getting laid part would have upset him more, but he had enjoyed himself. He put on the game and enjoyed the feel of her beside him. She warmed the side of his body. When he was having a hard time keeping his own eyes open, he gently got off of the couch. 

Now what? Should I leave or should I stay over?

He looked down at her and then glanced toward the door. He knew it would look bad if he left her here on the couch and took off. Well, he could put her in bed, then leave. He really didn’t want to piss her off or hurt her feelings. He found that interesting. He actually cared about her feelings, but that wasn’t surprising. He had felt that way for a while. If he was being honest with himself, he should also admit that he didn’t want to leave. He would rather stay here with her and get no action, then go back to his lonely bed and rub one out.

Xander made his way into the bedroom and pulled back the covers. He went back out into the living room and watched her sleep for a few minutes. She seemed so small curled up like that. She looked like an angel.

Oh for fuck sake, why don’t you put on one of her bra’s while your at it, you girl! 

Shaking his head, he lifted her and carried her to the bed. He gently laid her down, pulled the covers over her legs and he gave her a soft kiss on the forehead. He pulled out the clothes he had brought to sleep in and brushed his teeth. When he was ready for bed, he got in beside her. This would be the first time he got into bed with a woman without having sex. He hoped this wasn’t going to become a pattern. He kept to his side. No way in hell was he going to spoon her. He had to keep some of his manly dignity in tact.

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