Rebound (8 page)

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Authors: Nikki Mathis Thompson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction, #Humor, #Romantic Comedy

BOOK: Rebound
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 “Ooo…kay. Drunken Noodles you got it.”

She turned to leave and he stopped her.

“Ms. MacNamara... don’t forget to get me one of those yummy spring rolls as well.”

He was teasing her but for once it was a jest.

“Wouldn’t dare, sir.” 

Katrine left smiling. Well, that was interesting. Maybe he was going to play nice after all. She decided he had a very nice smile and she thought he should bring it out more often. She wasn’t sure what she was expecting after that whole exchange, but what happened was that he acted like his usual chilly self for the rest of the day.

Oh well, it was nice while it lasted....




Chapter 10

The rest of the week flew by. They didn’t have any other friendly exchanges. It was obviously a one time thaw. It was nice to know a thaw was possible. That made her hopeful. She just had to figure out a way to save him money everyday, that was obviously the way to his heart.

 The meeting went perfectly. The presentations looked great, if she did say so herself. She enjoyed meeting all of the associates. She was starting to feel like she was really a part of it all. By Friday she realized she hadn’t given much thought to the black tie charity affair she had to attend the following night. She guessed it was because she already had something to wear. She had bought a dress to wear to a function she was going to attend with David. He had left her a week before she got a chance to wear it. She guessed he took his new fiancé. Out with the old and in with the trollop. She wondered if his colleagues found it strange that at one event David brought his wife and then the next he brought someone else. 

Oh well, not my problem

She wrapped things up and said good evening to her boss and headed for the door.

“See you tomorrow night, Ms. MacNamara. You should plan to arrive around 7:30.”

Katrine nodded and left. She got into her car and noticed he had the motorcycle today, must be a Friday thing. She put on ‘Nocturne No. 1’ by Chopin, she needed to relax. It had been a very taxing week. 

Mr. Abbot had been courteous, but cold. It was strange, but it was harder for her to take since he had given her a glimpse behind the curtain. She decided it would have been better had that never happened. The back and forth annoyed her, and it was disorienting. How hard is it to just be friendly? She just didn’t get it. She could not wait to get home and get into her pajamas, have a glass of wine and relax with a book. Maddie had called and invited her out to dinner, but since she had a big night tomorrow, she decided to stay in. Maddie was going to come over while she got ready so she could “check out the finished product.”

She got into her favorite pjs—over sized t-shirt and yoga pants. She washed her face and secured her hair into a clip. She had a quick bite to eat while standing at her granite island and called Teddy to say goodnight,  poured herself a healthy glass of red zin and got into her favorite reading chair. 

Ahhh, this is heaven. 

Going out was fun, but her idea of a perfect night was this right here. It didn’t take much to make her happy...


The next day she was getting excited to glam it up. She had Maddie and Tristan over to help. He took an hour out of his very busy schedule and did her hair. He was truly talented. Her hair was swept over to the side in a low chignon. It had messy curls, which were deliberate. He made it look effortless, even though it took him a while to accomplish. 

“Oh Tristan it looks amazing! Thank you so much for doing this.”

“It was my pleasure and it does look divine. I am truly a genius.” He grinned.  “I’m just sorry I can’t stay to see you in that dress. Maddie, send me some pics girl.”

“No worries, I’m on it!” Maddie assured him.

“Sugar, knock 'em dead!” he said, as he kissed her on the cheek and gathered his things.

“Thank you again, I love you!”

She did light make-up on the cheeks with dramatic eyes, using dark brown shades to make it more formal. She lined her lips lightly and added a pale color and gloss. It was a perfect contrast to her darker eye make up.

The dress was something special. She was sad when she had to leave it in her closet the first time. So she was more than looking forward to wearing it tonight. It was a beautiful golden yellow, that looked amazing with her tanned skin. The dress was strapless chiffon with ruching in the bodice. There was a thin strip of delicate bead work at the waist and then it fell to the floor. The skirt was more fitted than flowing, but it managed to flutter when she walked.  She had amazing gold, strappy high heeled Jimmy Choos, that no one would see and that would kill after an hour. Another reason why it sucked to be a woman sometimes—gorgeous shoes that murdered your feet. She finished the look with a beautiful pair of earrings which had small yellow gems with gold inlay and a matching bracelet. The earrings were long and delicate, but they were dramatic enough that she felt like she didn’t need a necklace.

“Okay sis, how do I look.” Katrine asked as she walked out of her bathroom.

“OH MY GOD! You look amazing!!”

“I guess that’s good.” Katrine laughed.

“Wow, Trine really, you are hot.”

“Thanks Mads, I needed that. I have a lot of hands to shake and people to impress tonight.”

“Well if that boss of yours doesn’t fall to his knees at the sight of you, then he is totally gay.”

“Mads, I am not trying to impress Mr. Abbot, honestly.” 

She really meant that. She had made an effort to be kind and was rebuffed. His loss.

One last look in the mirror and she was ready to head out the door. 

“Hey, I forgot to ask you how Teddy was doing?” Maddie asked as Katrine was locking her front door.

“He is having the best time. I talk to him at least once a day to check in, but he is almost too busy to talk to me. David has been up there this week. His grandparents are spoiling him rotten and the house next door is being rented by a family with two boys, nine and eleven. So built-in buddies. I might not make it the whole two months though. I may have to go out there for a weekend.”

“It will fly by, I promise you sis. I know you miss him, but try to enjoy being on your own. Now you better get going if you want to make it there on time.” Maddie was practically pushing her towards the car. This from a girl who had never been on time in her life.

“Ok, okay, I’m going. I wish you could go with me. I feel a bit nervous going alone.” Katrine’s stomach was doing its churning thing and if her bladder reared its ugly head she was going to be pissed, no pun intended. Going to the restroom in a formal dress was tricky to say the least.  She and Maddie walked to the car and gave each other a gentle hug. Maddie did not want to wrinkle her sister. After Katrine got in the car, she rolled down her window.

“Thanks for everything Mads, you are the best sister a girl could ask for. Enjoy your date tonight!”

“Right back at ya sis! And oh, I will,” she said in a devious voice giving her that knowing look.

“You’re such a tramp!” Katrine joked.

“What ever dude. You need to rejoin the land of the carnal, sister!”

Maddie waved and walked over to her car. Katrine laughed and took off.

Land of the carnal, what a nut. 

But maybe that wasn’t such a bad idea


When Katrine arrived her stomach was doing flip flops. She was going to make a bee line for the bar when she got inside. She gave her keys to the valet who gave her an approving nod. 

Maybe I do look good.

When she entered the main lobby, her breath stuck in her lungs for just a moment. It had been a long time since she had been here, and she had forgotten how lovely the place was. There were white marble floors as far as the eye could see and a staircase made of glass. When she tilted her head back to glance at the ceiling, she was immediately taken by the most amazing crystal chandelier that glowed softly like star dust. This would have been a very romantic moment had she not been alone and about to pee in her pants—or dress as it where.

Ok, ladies room, then bar...

She surveyed the room once she had her glass of wine. She opted for white tonight, simply for its non-staining qualities. She didn’t see anyone she knew and for once she was wishing Mr. Abbot would get here so she wouldn’t have to stand here alone, like a moron. 

She decided to take a look around just to keep herself busy. She went around the staircase and found a door leading out to a garden. There were tiny golden lights strung across a square of cobblestone where a string quartet was playing. There was a mahogany bar in the corner and small tables covered with white linen. Now this was romantic, if you like that kind of thing. Katrine liked a bit of romance, but not the contrived chocolate, red roses once a year on Valentine’s day type. She noticed that there weren’t any people out here yet, still a little too hot for that. But later tonight she was sure that it would be a favorite spot.

She went back into the main lobby to see if her boss had arrived and to get back into the air conditioning. She was starting to perspire a bit. Another reason it sucks to be a woman, boob sweat.

Why hasn’t anyone invented something for that yet? A cleavage maxi or something?

Still no sign of him. 

Why in the hell did he tell me to be here so early, if he had no plans on showing up on time?

Another power play she assumed or he just enjoyed torturing her. She was attempting to discreetly blow down the front of her dress when a voice startled her out of her internal bitch session.


She turned to see a face she hadn’t seen in probably a decade.

“Ian, oh my gosh, it has been forever!” she said and gave him a huge hug. 

Ian Radcliffe had been a friend of hers for years. They were introduced by mutual friends the summer after her freshmen year of college. There had always been an undercurrent of sexual attraction between the two of them. They had obvious chemistry, and she knew he always had a little crush on her. They had lost touch after she had gotten married and had Teddy. But bonus…he looked amazing! The last decade had been good to him. He was about 5’10, with a slim, athletic build. She could tell he took care of himself. No pooch in sight. He had dark, wavy hair and blue eyes. Wow, she had forgotten how blue. This night was looking up!

“Katrine, you are even more beautiful than I remembered, how is that possible?”

“Right back atcha, Ian. You look great! It is so nice to see you. I was about to go hide in the women’s restroom and here you are, liberating me from my embarrassing solitude.” He gave her a huge smile.

Um, survey says…yummy!

“As witty as I remember. Brains and beauty my favorite combination... Sorry, I am blatantly flirting, and you are a married woman.”

Oh right, she was available now and he didn’t know. This night was looking up alright. Hot damn!

“Well, as of a few months ago, I am now very unmarried.” She glanced down for a second, feeling a little shy all of the sudden.

“I’m sorry to hear that,” he said.

“God Ian, could you smile a little bigger when you say that!”

“Let me rephrase that. I am sorry if you were hurt in anyway, but I am not sorry you are currently unattached.”

“Oh, okay. I forgive you then,” Katrine said and shot him a huge smile of her own. “What brings you to this fancy shindig?”

“Well, my architecture firm designed the new rehabilitation center at the children’s hospital. I helped with the design.”

An architect, this guy just keeps getting better.

“Uh, there is a guy over there shooting daggers at me with his eyes. Is that your date or your boyfriend?” Ian asked, a little amused.

Katrine turned around and saw the guy in question. She rolled her eyes. “Neither. That is my boss and he’s probably angry that I’m actually enjoying myself. He isn’t the most pleasant person.”

“How could anyone not be pleasant to you? Maybe he needs a good ass kicking...Well if that means you are currently single, I would like to take you out. And I will not take no for an answer by the way, just so you know.”

“Probably about the ass kicking, but I should pass on the offer. As to the other, I would love to.”

His face lit up.

“You would? That’s great! How about tomorrow? I want to strike while the iron is hot, so you don’t have a chance to change your mind.” 

She gave him her number and told him to call her in the morning. He was eager, but it did not come off as desperate, it came off adorable. They gave each other a nice long hug then pulled away reluctantly.

“I will talk to you tomorrow,” he said and it was a promise.

She smiled the whole time he walked away, the goofy “shit eating grin” kind. Then she turned her attention to a very angry-faced Alexander Abbot.

What the hell is his problem?

He strode up to her with purpose and determination.“I have been looking for you everywhere!”

“Well you found me. I have been here the whole time, not to mention well before you arrived.”

“We are here on business, not for you to pick up men,” he spat at her, with some serious venom.

“Not that it is any of your business, but he is a very old and dear friend. Who, unlike some people, was being a gentleman and keeping me company. I have been standing alone here for over an hour.” Katrine spat back, but less viciously.

He stopped and seemed to calm down and actually see her for the first time. His features softened ever so slightly. “My driver ran into some traffic or I would have been here much earlier. You look very nice, Ms. McNamara. Thank you for dressing appropriately.”

Dressing appropriately?

Like she was going to wear spandex and a tube top, this guy had some serious issues. She always looked impeccable when she came into the office.

“Um, thank you, I think. So who do we need to meet, greet and mingle with? I am here to work. I will make every effort not to enjoy myself, sir.” 

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