Rebound (3 page)

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Authors: Nikki Mathis Thompson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction, #Humor, #Romantic Comedy

BOOK: Rebound
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After using several cleansers and numerous creams, she got into bed. It took a lot longer to get ready for bed these days. But no crow’s feet yet.

She lay on her back and watched the fan slowly rotate. Nerves and excitement mingled in her body. Katrine knew she was on the precipice of her new life, all she had to do was have the courage to jump. Luckily she was feeling very brave…

Chapter 3

It was a good thing Katrine started to get ready three hours before her interview, because she wasn’t getting very far. Her bed looked like a department store dressing room on ‘Black Friday’ and she had yet to take a shower.

What to wear, what to wear?

She finally decided to go with a dark grey pinstripe pencil skirt and matching fitted jacket with a white silk camisole underneath. Simple jewelry and grey peep toe pumps. No hose though. She hated wearing pantyhose and avoided them at all costs. The skirt was restrictive enough without further asphyxiating her legs and stomach. 

Hair up or hair down?

God, it is a pain in the ass to be a woman sometimes.

“Hair up definitely. Looking the part is half the battle.” She would throw on her designer reading glasses as well. Whoa, if this ensemble didn’t scream “you need to hire me or you are an idiot”, she didn’t know what would. 

Now let the long grooming process commence. 

Usually she was pretty low maintenance and could throw herself together rather quickly, but today was different. 

“I will get this job, and start my new life.” 

Without David.

 Don’t think about him right now.

“I need to be upbeat and positive. Confident and eloquent.”

While in the shower Katrine continued to plan and think, and think and plan some more. She had a tendency to overanalyze. She was doing her best to keep a cool head, but she was really nervous.

She finished applying her makeup, put the final touches on her hair, and slid on her earrings. 

The diamond earrings that David had given her for their anniversary. Hey, there was no way she was going to divorce the jewelry too. She had earned every diamond! Katrine checked out the finished product, turning from side to side. Getting a view from each possible angle. Suck in a little, shoulders back and voilà.  

She hadn’t eaten much, her stomach was too uneasy. She prayed her stomach wouldn’t growl. That would be mortifying. With that thought she forced down a protein shake. She hoped that would keep her gastric acrobatics under wraps. She went to grab her purse as her cell phone rang.

“Hey Mads.”

“How do you feel Trine? I wanted to wish you luck.” 

“I feel pretty good and look even better.” Katrine joked. “Thank you for the good luck call. I’ll give you a shout when I’m done.”

“Love you, knock 'em dead!” Maddie yelled before she hung up the phone.


The office building was in the heart of uptown and was actually not far from where Katrine and Teddy now lived. The commute would be minimal. Another check in the “pros” column.

She parked and got out of the car. It was a beautiful black convertible and she absolutely loved it. There was no way she would have given up her car either. It was paid for and it was given to her for her birthday several years ago. She would take over the insurance payments when she could. Her financial independence would be achieved eventually, one step at a time.

Okay, so there’s the jewelry, the clothes, the car, and the child support, but besides that totally independent. 

She rolled her eyes and shook her head.
She considered it a severance package.

Katrine gripped her shaky hands. They always got that way when she was nervous. 

“Please eloquence, do not escape me. Keep it together, for Christ’s sake, keep it together.” 

The lobby of the building was very posh, complete with black marble floors and a sleek reception desk made of dark wood in the far right corner. The elevators were in the center of the lobby. There were two sets of doors, one on each side. As she waited for the doors to open she continued the pep talk, and it continued on the way up. She needed to go up to the top floor, 15th in this building. 

 When the elevator opened she stepped out onto a beautifully patterned marble, surrounded by walls made of glass. The left side was dedicated to a consulting firm and to the right was suite 1502, where she was expected in ten minutes. Good, she was a little early. She could sit and gather her thoughts, steel her nerves a bit. And try not to vomit. 

Would it be obvious if I put my head between my knees?

Deep breaths Katrine, deep breaths. In and out, calm down, you’ve got this. Carpe Diem and all that BS. 

The office was tastefully decorated with black leather furniture and glass tables. The outside walls were glass and it had a nice view of the Dallas skyline. The front reception area was airy and open. She saw a large desk and assumed that would be her spot, but she wouldn’t know until she got the tour.

The reception area was separated from the rest of the office by a stone wall with water cascading down the front façade. It gave the office an element of tranquility. She liked the aesthetics of the place. It did have a some what calming effect on her nerves.

“Ms. Katherine MacNamara?” asked an elegant older woman.

Ok, calm feeling has fled...

“It’s Kah-treene”, she said gently. “And, yes I am.”

“Hello. My name is Ellenor Fletcher. I am Mr. Abbot’s assistant from the New York office. I am helping him get settled until he finalizes some remaining details. If you would, please relax for a few moments, Mr. Abbott will be with you shortly. Can I get you anything to drink while you wait?” she asked kindly.

“Pleased to meet you, and yes, a bottle of water would be wonderful, thank you.” She hoped the water would help her swallow the wad of cotton that had coalesced in her mouth. Katrine tapped her foot nervously and was trying her best to take deep breaths and find her happy place. It was nowhere to be found. 

Could I be more nervous?

“He will be with you shortly, he is running a bit behind,” Ellenor said, as she handed Katrine her water.

“I need to visit the ladies room. Is it out in the hall?” Katrine had a nervous bladder on top of everything else. And it was currently rearing its ugly head.

“Yes, out the main door and the first door on your right.”

She walked out into the hall and did the “which way did she say” thing, then found the restroom. When she finished emptying her traitorous bladder, she washed her hands and touched up her lipstick. She gave herself a final once-over and she approved of her reflection. She had no choice but to head back to the waiting room.

“Mr. Abbot is ready for you now, Ms. MacNamara”. 

Oh right, that’s me.

She was going to have to get used to hearing her maiden name again.

Here goes nothing


Chapter 4

She walked in with more confidence than she felt, shoulders back and head held high. She took in her surroundings. It was a very large office with a fabulous view of the city thanks to the two walls that were floor to ceiling glass. There were beautiful walnut-colored wood floors and built in shelves lining the two remaining walls. She let herself focus on her destination, the large desk ten yards from the door and the man sitting behind it. She faltered a bit, but did not betray her thoughts, managing to keep her composure. 

Where the hell was captain old and stodgy? Am I in the right office?

Um…holy hotness.

The man in front of her was about her age, if not a bit younger.  He seemed to have a lean build, probably tall, from the look of it. Short golden brown hair, with a slight wave to it, a little longer in the front. His eyes might have been hazel. They seemed more green than anything, not that she was looking that hard or anything. Wasn’t she supposed to be assistant to Mr. Alexander Abbot, son of the elderly Abner Abbot? Something must have been apparent on her face because she was pulled from her reverie by, “You were expecting someone older, right? Please have a seat,” the “supposed” Alexander Abbot said with a smirk. “My father, Alexander Abbot Sr., was called away to handle an emergency situation in Geneva. So, I got pulled away from my life in New York to handle business here. I am Alexander Abbot. Jr., Xander Abbot. But as far as you are concerned, Mr. Abbot will suffice. And you are,” —he glanced at the paper in front of him—“Mrs. Katrine MacNamara”.

“Yes, and it’s Ms. MacNamara. Pleased to meet you.”

“I’m sure it is.” he said.

So that is how it’s going to be, arrogant right out of the gate
Hottie status revoked…

“Katrine. That is a unique name.” 

“I’m named after a lake in Scotland. One of my father’s favorite spots in the whole world.”  She smiled fondly when she said this, thinking of her father and his pride for his Scottish heritage. He gave her a strange look, like he was bothered she had shared, then continued without comment.

Oooookay. Awkward...

You don’t have prior experience assisting an executive, so I have to wonder why you are sitting here in my office. But, I also see here that you were recommended to my father by an associate from his fraternity. I guess that holds more weight these days than experience, but it’s who you know, they always say. He was going to hire you sight unseen.”

That was news to her. Must have been one hell of a recommendation.

Did he want her to say something? She wasn’t sure so she decided to keep her mouth shut until she was asked a direct question. This guy was on the irritable side, not to mention slightly intimidating. Maybe slightly was putting it mildly.

He continued, “I see you have a business degree from a decent school, although it isn’t ivy league by any means. Major was Marketing, with a minor in Finance. You graduated magna cum laude, so you can’t be a total loss. I presume you have been out of the job market to pursue familial objectives. But I guess it didn’t pan out, or you wouldn’t be here.”

Didn’t pan out? 

That sounded vaguely insulting. Where was human resources when you needed them? 

Is this an interview or does he just like to hear himself talk?  

She wasn’t sure about the interview part, but survey says yes on the latter...

“You haven’t worked in over ten years. What am I supposed to do with you?” he said almost to himself. “Well I guess there is one consolation, it is only for two months so I won’t have to suffer you for long.”

Normally this is where she would have told him to put his dick in the doorway, so she could slam the door shut on her way out. But she needed this job and the reference that went along with it. And he was right about one thing, it was only two months. But could she suffer him?

She was stock still for a brief moment and then cooly said, “Thank you for being so magnanimous about my potential incompetence, Mr. Abbot.”

Take those multi-syllable words buddy! Not ivy league educated, at least I got into my school on my own merit. Your school probably had to take you.... Focus….

He cocked his head to one side and raised one eyebrow in response to her statement.

 Way to go Katrine! Sarcasm will certainly get you the job.

Was he trying not to grin? Maybe he has a sense of humor after all, but then again probably not. She decided to try an ice breaking tactic.

“So you live in New York. Are you a baseball fan? My son is obsessed with the Yankees. He gets heat for that down here. But he doesn’t care.” she said smiling, trying to get him to warm up a little. 

He stared at her, but didn’t comment. 

Oh well, have it your way Frosty…

“My father says to give you a shot, so whether I like it or not, I guess you can start next week. Ellenor will be here until then. Thank God. You can shadow her this week and learn the ropes, that way the transition will go smoothly. Report to her at 8:00 sharp tomorrow. That will be all.” He might have been young and good looking, but he certainly had the stodgy part down pat. 

“Oh and one last thing, Ms. MacNamara. I make it a point never to fraternize with employees, just so we are clear on the matter.” 

What the hell? He did not mean what I think he meant.... 

The man’s gaul was staggering to say the least. It was Katrine’s turn to tilt her head and consider her response. She decided on, “Frankly Mr. Abbot, you are not at all my type. But it is crystal clear all the same. See you tomorrow, sir.”

Okay, that was her cue to get the hell out of there with her dignity intact. 

Good lord, that man is insufferable. 

Fraternize indeed, as if I would want anything to do with that arrogant elitist jerk off.

Oh god, it was going to be the longest two months of her life...


“So Mr. Abbot, what did you think of Ms. MacNamara? She seemed very affable.” Ellenor asked after Katrine had left the office.

Xander had his back to her, as he gazed out the window. He didn’t speak for a minute. Without turning around, he simply said, “I think I am going to have my hands full with that one.” And that was all he said about it. He turned his chair around to face her.

“Ellenor, please have the quarterly financial reports on my desk by the end of the day. And I will be having lunch in the office, the usual will be fine. That is all for now.”

“Yes, Mr. Abbot.” 


“Katrine MacNamara,” he said to himself as he tapped his pen on the desk. 

He wondered if she would be capable of handling this job. What did he care that his father owed a favor to an old fraternity brother. Now he was the one having to pay up. And that really pissed him off. He was not here to make nice, and he was sure he’d made that apparent. The sooner he was done with this deal the better. Sure she was attractive, but he was used to that. He was surrounded by a constant swarm of beautiful women. The trappings of being rich and single. Thankfully he would be back to his normal life soon.

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