Reclaim Me (The Jaded Series Book 2) (32 page)

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Authors: Alex Grayson,Karen McAndrews,Toj Publishing

BOOK: Reclaim Me (The Jaded Series Book 2)
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The relief I feel from knowing that Tessa and I never had sex is over shadowed by the fact that T isn’t mine. Or, at least that’s what Tessa is implying. The pain I feel from that revelation rips at my heart. No matter what the outcome is, T will always be my son. He’s been mine for the past ten, years and he’ll continue to be mine until the day I die. Nothing and no one changes that.

“How is that possible, Tessa, when the paternity test came back with a ninety-nine percent positive result of T being my son?”

Instead of answering me, she looks back over to Shady.

“While we wait for our little concoction to take effect, why don’t I tell you both a little story?” Shady says, going back to Mia and stepping behind her, putting his hands on her shoulders.

“Hey, fucker, I downed the drink. Take your dirty fucking hands off her.”

Just the thought of his hands on her freezes my blood.

Mia’s gaze is locked on mine, watching me with concern and worry. She heard what Tessa just revealed and knows how much I must be hurting. She’s sitting there tied to a chair half naked with a sick bastard at her back, and she’s more concerned about how I’m doing. The fear and anger are still there, but overshadowing them is distress.

Shady looks at me with such malicious intent in his eyes before he brutally yanks Mia’s head back by her hair. Her cry of pain has me going wild in my chair. I yank, pull, twist, and turn as hard as I can, but the fucking rope it too damn tight. I can feel my arms straining in their sockets, threatening to pop loose. Even with the blood still seeping down my hands, coating them and making them slippery, I can’t get free.

I roar out with frustration. Beyond enraged that I can’t get to Shady and snap every bone in his body.

“You hurt her again, and I’ll cut off your fucking dick and feed it down your throat, you bastard,” I tell him through a raw throat from screaming so much. I’m panting from all the strain I’ve put on my body, and I try to calm it. I’ve got to stay calm and figure out a way to get Mia out of here.

Shady reaches around Mia with one hand and places it on her throat. “Don’t think for one second that you have the upper hand here.” I watch as he applies pressure, Mia’s face turning red. “Now, are you ready to hear my story?”

Gritting my teeth, I give him a nod.

He instantly releases Mia’s neck and puts his hands back on her shoulders. She slumps forward trying to catch her breath.

“Hmm…where to begin?” Shady’s says thoughtfully. “How about…there once was a little boy. A little boy from a family that used to enjoy beating the shit out of him, using the little boy for their own enjoyment. Everyone picked on him at school, because he always wore clothes that were too big for him and smelled like trash. He was a scared and lonely little boy, with no one to talk to. Even the teachers avoided him, not wanting to be around the smelly little kid.”

Shady stops for a few seconds before continuing, this time in first person. “One day, when I was thirteen, I was playing in my parent’s room when I stumbled across a pretty box underneath the bed. Although it often caused me pain, I was a curious little boy, and decided to pull the box out and peek inside.”

The more Shady talks, the harder his eyes become. Bitterness seeps from his voice. I keep an eye on his hands, which are still on Mia, and getting tighter by the second. Mia sits quietly still, but I see her flinch every few seconds. Tessa is by my side, running her hand up and down my back and into my hair. I continuously work my hands behind my back.

I’m starting to feel the effects of the drugs I was forced to drink down. My head is getting that all too familiar hazy feeling and my limbs are going weak. It’s different this time though. Something feels off.

Shady interrupts my thoughts when he continues with his fucked up story.

“What I found inside turned my world upside down. Inside were papers saying that my parents were not really my parents. It was a birth certificate with my name on it. Can you guess who was listed as my mother?”

I can guess, but I’m not going to. I narrow my eyes at him and hope he’s not going in the direction I think he is. I knew about the baby my mom gave up, but the chance of Shady being that baby is pretty slim. But then again, it would explain why Shady hates me so much.

Shady laughs, a maniacal sound. “I see you’ve figured it out, little brother. Maryann Williams is our shared mother. My father wasn’t listed on the birth certificate, but I later found out who he was through old newspaper clippings. He raped her, got her pregnant, and then was sent to prison. Our bitch of a mother deserved it for giving me up for adoption while giving you the perfect life.”

I don’t say anything. I’m not really sure I can. The thought that Shady is my brother doesn’t really register through the thick fog in my head, but I know later the ramifications of his words will hit me hard. My mouth is getting dry, and the longer I sit here, the dizzier I get. I want to slump forward, but I need to keep my eye on Mia. She’s still watching me while silent tears slip down her face. She knows what’s going on and feels just as helpless as me. I know what Tessa and Shady are planning, and there’s not a damn thing I can do about it with the drugs coursing through my body. I try to fight it, but I don’t know how much longer I can hold on. The thought of Mia witnessing what Tessa is bound and determined to do makes me want to throw up. The thought of what Shady will do to Mia makes me want to rip my arms off by the sockets and beat the bastard until he’s no longer breathing. But there’s nothing I can do. The drugs they doped me up with are working too fast.

“Trent…” the word barely rolls off my tongue. It’s all I can manage to say, but it’s enough for Shady to know what I’m asking.

“The rat bastard boy is mine. I didn’t want him, but Tessa insisted. Said he would be a good bargaining chip to get you where she wanted you. Once Mia saw you with her, it was my job to deflower the bitch. Tessa knew that you both were saving yourselves for each other. Tessa freaked the fuck out when you demanded a paternity test. She was scared shitless that it would come back negative, but with the blood of dear old mama running through us and divine intervention, the test came back with a false positive. Guess our DNA is pretty close to matching or some shit.” The sound of Shady’s laugh says he’s close to losing it. “Little did she know that you would be so hooked on Mia that even having your son wouldn’t keep you with her. She knew her chance was nonexistent once you divorced her, but when she saw that you and Mia were talking again, she wanted something done to keep you both away from each other. Her way of thinking was, if she couldn’t have you then neither could Mia.”

My eyes are almost drooping closed by the time Shady is done talking. I heard what he said, but not much of it catalogs in my fuzzy brain. I feel hands running up and down my chest, and I somehow look to the side to see Tessa standing there in nothing but her panties, bare breasts swaying. The sight of her near naked body sends revulsive shivers through me. Her body isn’t bad, but does nothing to mine. Mia is the only one I want.

I snake my eyes back to Mia and see pain reflected in hers. She tries closing her eyes, but Shady smacks the back of her head and snarls, “Watch them.”

“Leave her alone,” I growl, barely able to form the words.

Shady ignores me and instead reaches down and starts fondling Mia’s breast. I watch helplessly as he tweaks her nipple. Mia recoils and tries to pull her body away from him, screaming into the tape on her mouth. He follows her movements and pinches her even harder, causing her to cry out.

Tessa takes her hand and moves it down to my cock. Once there, she opens the fly of my boxers and pulls out my limp dick. She gets down on her knees in between mine and puts her mouth on me. I try to scoot back, but my body is so fucking weak that I don’t move at all. To my utter surprise and mortification, my dick starts to get hard. What’s fucking funny is that what Tessa is doing doesn’t feel good at all.
Why in the hell am I getting hard?

I slowly bring my gaze back up to Mia, slow because I can’t get them to move faster. She sees the effects my body is having. The hurt and betrayal I see there has me wanting to cry like a damn baby.

Shady chuckles while still brutally playing with Mia. I hear him say to her, “Don’t worry, baby, he’s only getting hard because of a little something extra we put in his cocktail.”

Son of a bitch!
My mind screams. They put Viagra or some shit in the water. That explains why I’m hard as a fucking rock while Tessa manipulates my body and Shady violates Mia. Sure as shit not because I’m turned on.

“Sit on his dick, Tessa. I want Mia to see you fuck him.”

With every bit of strength left in my body, which isn’t much, I buck, jerk, and struggle with the ropes at my wrist and legs. Again, nothing works. I’m left helpless as Tessa stands, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, takes off her panties, and prepares to straddle me with a ravenous smile. All the while Mia sits there and watches with a pain so deep in her eyes that I know will never go away again, and Shady’s hand moving closer and closer to her pussy.

Chapter Thirty


Her bravery…


The grip of Shady’s fingers on my shoulders hurt, but it’s nothing compared to the pain I feel as I listen to him tell Mac that Trent’s not his son. That, in fact, Trent is Shady’s son. I can’t imagine the pain Mac is going to feel later, once the drugs wear off. To top it all off, is the knowledge that Shady is Mac’s older brother. Mac and Shady have never gotten along. To know that a man such as Shady, a man that shows no remorse in hurting women, or has no conscience when it comes to fucking people over, is your brother, is bound to be something that is hard to get over.

Mac and I are in the same fucked up boat. Mac is numb from the drugs, which are obviously preventing him from feeling the devastation of what Shady revealed.  It’s a temporary blessing in disguise really. The pain of what Shady is doing to me is overshadowed by the pain I feel for what Mac will go through once the drugs wear off. It’s a nice reprieve. I just wish it was due from different circumstances and wasn’t at the cost of Mac losing his son.

I sit helplessly watching as Tessa takes all of her clothes off except her panties. She stands by Mac running her greedy hands up and down his chest. I want to scream and rage at her to take her nasty hands off my man. The agony of watching it is almost unbearable. I try to close my eyes to block it out, but Shady slaps the back of my head snarling, “Watch them!”

I snap my eyes quickly open and see Mac’s hold pure rage in their depths. When he says, “Leave her alone.” I can tell it takes a lot for him to form the words. He’s barely able to hold his body up. If it wasn’t for the ropes keeping him in place, I have no doubt that he’d be a limp body on the floor.

Shady takes his hand and palms my breast. I try to dislodge his hand by jerking and pulling in my seat, but it just eggs him on, and he plays harder with my nipple. I scream out in outrage and pain, way beyond pissed. I fucking hate this. I hate that Shady and Tessa think they can do what they want. I hate that there are people out in the world like them. I hate that Mac and I are both helpless and at the mercy of two raving lunatics.

When Tessa moves her hand to Mac’s dick and then squats in front of him, I want to throw up in my mouth. I force the bile back down because there’s nowhere for it to go, and I would just choke on it. My heart plummets into my queasy stomach when I see Mac getting hard from Tessa’s efforts with her mouth. I know he doesn’t want Tessa, but the fact that he can still get hard from her mouth on him feels like someone just plucked my heart out and stomped on it.

“Don’t worry, baby, he’s only getting hard because of a little something extra we put in his cocktail,” Shady says in my ear.

Realization dawns on me that they must have slipped something else in his drink along with the Rohypnol. It lessens the pain of betrayal, but it still lingers. I don’t blame Mac. I know he’s under some fucked up influence, but it’s still hard to witness.

So many emotions swirl within me that it’s hard to decipher them. However, one stands out the most. Hatred.  When I get my hands on the bitch that’s currently sucking off Mac, not one person on this earth will be able to recognize her from the beating I’m going to give her.

“Sit on his dick, Tessa. I want Mia to see you fuck him.” As Shady says this, his hands start traveling down my stomach at a slow pace, aiming for my panties.

Tessa releases Mac’s hard dick and stands up to remove her panties. Mac looks to me and sees where Shady’s hand is and starts to fruitlessly and weakly fight against the ropes holding him in place. I’ve tried loosening my ropes as well, and it’s useless. The knots are too tight.

Mac slumps back in his chair exhausted from his attempts, and I watch with devastation as Tessa straddles his lap. From my position, I can see that she’s not put Mac in her yet. She’s just sliding herself over him.

A scream slips out, and there’s a sting on my lips as Shady rips the tape from them. I lick my lips trying to relieve some of the pain.

“How do you like watching Tessa all over Mac’s dick? It’s a sight to see, isn’t it?” Shady asks, as his hands glide over my panties.

“Fuck you, Shady,” I grit out, still watching Tessa move her body on Mac. It’s sick, but I can’t take my eyes off them. I need to know when Tessa slips Mac inside her. As fucked up as it is, I need to know.

Mac has his head tipped forward. It’s just lying there. I can’t tell if he’s passed out or if the drugs have made his body so weak that he can’t lift his head.

Shady slaps his hand against my mound, and I flinch.
That hurt.
The only saving grace is that he hasn’t put his hand inside my panties yet.

“Oh, I plan on fucking you just as soon as Tessa starts fucking Mac. I’ll give her a few more minutes to play with him first, though. She’s waited a long fucking time to have him, and I plan on enjoying watching her take him.” Shady uses his nasty tongue and licks up my neck, causing my body to shudder in revulsion.

“I love knowing that Tessa is taking something from him he doesn’t want to give. He’s had such a perfect life up until now, while I lived in a dump and had shit for parents. It’s about time Mac be brought down a peg or two.”

“How in the hell is it Mac’s fault that he grew up better than you?” I ask him.

He chuckles. “Well, I guess technically it’s not, but it still feels so damn good to punish him. He had everything, and I had nothing.”

Shady thankfully removes his hand and takes a step back. He walks over to Mac and grips his hair and yanks his head up. Mac’s eyes are half closed and red rimmed. Although he’s pretty much out of it, I still see the venom in them. Tessa is still moving her body back and forth on top of him. She’s moaning now, and my body starts to shake from anger running through my blood.

Seeming satisfied that Mac is still awake, Shady drops his head and walks back towards me. Mac lifts his head just enough to look me in the eye. The remorse I see there brings tears to my eyes. He loathes this just as much as me.

As Shady takes steps toward me, he removes his shirt. He’s built, but there is still extra weight there. I narrow my eyes at him, hating the very sight of him.

He comes to stand behind me again, and I feel his hands slide the straps of my bra down. The cups are still in place, but they’re sagging. Just as Shady places his hands on my shoulders and starts guiding them down towards my breasts, there’s a loud crash behind us.

I frantically try to twist around to get a look at what the noise is, but being strapped to the chair limits my movements. I hear a scuffle behind me and grunts and groans, but I can’t see what’s going on.

Tessa starts screaming, and I look over to see her scramble off Mac’s lap. The fucking bitch backs into a corner and watches whatever is going on behind me.

All of a sudden, there’s a loud crash to my left. I look over and see two forms rolling on the floor. The small dresser is on its side. Looking more closely, I see that it’s Jaxon and Shady tangled together. Shady is currently on top of him slamming his fist into Jaxon’s face. I scream out as I watch Shady land another hard punch. Jaxon uses his body weight and lifts himself, forcing Shady to fall to the side. Jaxon immediately rolls over on top of him and starts wailing punch after punch into Shady’s face.

I feel hands at my back, tugging at the ropes.

“Are you okay, Mia?” Nick’s voice says from behind me. Immediate relief sweeps through me at the wonderful sound.

“You need to get Jaxon off Shady, or he’s going to kill him,” I tell Nick as he works on the ropes.

“The bastard deserves to die,” he says harshly.

“Yes, he does, but I don’t want my brother to go to jail because of it.”

I look back over to Jaxon and Shady. Jaxon is still on top of Shady, trying his damndest to make Shady’s head part of the floor. He’s gripping his hair and continuously slamming his head onto the floor. I start getting impatient when Shady is no longer moving. Fear starts forcing it’s way in.

“Please, Nick, you’ve got to go stop him,” I beg him.

My wrists are free, and I yank them to my front, rubbing at them.

“Undo you’re legs. I’ll go take care of Jaxon,” Nick says as he stands up and quickly makes his way over to Jaxon and Shady.

I bend down and work at the ropes on my ankles. I look over to Mac and see him still slumped forward. Even through all the noise, he’s still out of it. They must have put more drugs in the water than usual. Anxiety and fear start to set in as I work faster on the ropes. What if they put too much in there and he overdoses?

Shit! I’ve got to hurry!

Once the ropes are free, I quickly stand on shaky legs. The blood rushes back to my legs, and they start tingling. Forcing my trembling legs forward, I rush as fast as I can to Mac’s side.

“Mac?” I ask and gently tip his head back. His eyes are mere slits, but he’s still awake. Barely.

“Mia,” he croaks out.

I lean forward and land a quick kiss on his lips before I carefully lay his head back down.

“I’m going to untie you,” I tell him. When I move behind him, a loud cry leaves my lips at the damage I see on his wrists. He’s pulled on the ropes so much that there’s flesh and bone showing. I take a step toward him, and my foot lands on something wet. I look down, and there’s a big puddle of blood on the carpet.

“Oh, Mac. What have you done?” I whisper, more to myself than to him.

Worried that I’ll hurt him even more, I look around to see if there’s something I can use to cut the ropes loose. My eyes briefly land on Tessa, who’s quietly trying to make her way towards the door. I take a step towards her, pinning her with my gaze.

“Stay right fucking there, bitch!” I growl at her.

She narrows her eyes at me and looks like she’s going to say something, but then Nick steps up to her, and I watch in satisfaction as she shrinks away from his angry gaze.

Jaxon steps up to me holding a pocketknife in his hand. I grab a hold of his wrist before he can start on the ropes.

“Please be careful.”

His concerned gaze clashes with mine, and he crushes me into his arms. “Jesus, you both scared the shit out of us.” I wrap my arms around him, never so happy to have my brother. Tears gather in my eyes, but I force them back. I pull back from him, and he kisses the top of my head before turning to Mac.

“Fuck,” he hisses when he sees the condition of Mac’s wrists.

“Back the fuck up, cunt,” I hear Nick say. When I look over to him and Tessa, I see she’s made it closer to the door. The thought of her escaping brings all the anger back full force. Before Jaxon or Nick can stop me, I’m on her.

I come up behind her and yank the bitch’s hair back until my lips are at her ear. “I’m going to fuck you up so bad that you’ll never think about fucking someone else’s man again.”

She screams, her voice grating on my nerves, and tries to yank away, but my grip on her hair is too tight. Still holding onto her hair, I walk around until I’m standing in front of her. I take my other hand and grab another handful of hair and pull her head down at the same time I bring my knee up. Blood immediately gushes from her face, I’m not sure from where, and I feel a rush of pleasure. Hurting someone shouldn’t feel this good, but this sure the fuck does.

Tessa’s legs give out, and I release her hair so she falls to the floor. I get on top of her and pin her arms down by her sides with my legs. I bring my hand back and land another punch to her face. Blood, tears, and snot mix together on her face. She looks pathetic, but I feel nothing but contempt for her. I get another handful of her hair and slam the back of her head on the floor, just as Jaxon did to Shady. The thump of her head hitting the floor feels good. Call me sadistic all you want, but the woman deserves everything she gets.

I get three more punches in before I feel arms wrap around my waist, pulling me back. I’m not nearly done with her, and I fight the hold, but it’s too strong. I do, however, manage to get in a couple of good kicks to her ribs.

“Calm down, Mia,” Jaxon says at my ear.

“Let me the fuck go. I’m not done with her,” I scream at Jaxon, struggling to get free.

“No. I don’t want my sister going to prison either. I’m going to let you go, and you’re going to go see Mac.”

At his words, I immediately try to turn so I can see Mac. Jaxon releases me, and I rush over to his form leaning up against the wall. His head is leaning back, and he’s looking at me when I get down on my knees next to him. His arms are at his sides, wrapped in some type of material. Blood is already seeping through.

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