Read Red Hot Obsessions Online

Authors: Blair Babylon

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Collections & Anthologies, #Contemporary, #Literary Collections, #General, #Erotica, #New Adult

Red Hot Obsessions (221 page)

BOOK: Red Hot Obsessions
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When he hit me again after making me wait, I came so ferociously, I tweaked my back with all my restricted writhing. “Ah aahhhh. Ohmygod. Oh god. Ah, aaah, aaaahhhh.”

He let me come, oh, thank God, he let me come, come, come, and without reprimand. Even though my eyes were blocked, I closed them and sank down onto the black satin pillow waiting for me. I saw fireworks in my world of black and screamed out for him to grab me, hard.

Sir did me that favor, cupping all his fingers over my sex with a hearty slap that made me jerk and moan. The heel of his hand mashed deliciously into my hypersensitive clit and two of his fingers slid into my core that was still squeezing, squeezing, squeezing like never before and dripping a new layer of slickness. He wasn’t even playing with my vulva when that climax happened.

After I rested on the pillow a while, the sky opened up above me and light spilled down, piercing through the darkness. I reached up and levitated and climbed and climbed and climbed. As the light pulled me up into its embrace, I felt so delirious and effervescent and floaty, like I’d gulped down Fizzy Lifting Drink. I didn’t know how long I laid here, floating around. But it was nice, so nice, until I got very sad when I remembered how naughty I was in the comedy club. The disappointment in myself tossed me out of my heaven. What if I’d waited to come like he asked? What if I’d been patient just a little while longer? This could have been even more explosive, more mind-blowing, more beautiful. I’d thought he was just being mean and torturing me for his twisted pleasure. Maybe he was, in part, but he was, moreover, aiming to rock my world, and I’d robbed my own stupid self. It was like chocolate. The longer you’re deprived, the more delicious it is when it’s finally melting on your tongue and flooding your senses with silky sweetness.

When he pulled his hands off me, sobs spilled out of me.

“What’s wrong, Princess? Did I not shift pain for you?”

“Yes, you did, Sir? With amazing skill. You made it feel so good. I’m just sorry for being naughty.”

He stripped off my blindfold. “Though your sobs and tears are treasures to me, there’s no need to cry or feel guilty. You are no longer naughty. You’ve been punished enough. The deliverance of any pain from here on out will be for my pleasure.”

pleasure. Oh, how that made my stomach drop delightfully like the giant hill on the Superman coaster at Six Flags New England that dives underground. Anything, anything, anything for his pleasure. I am not
there yet. I’m still too self-absorbed. But I will be. I am determined to be his perfect sub.

His mouth claimed mine and pulled me into a wild rave. “How about some treats for you now? And for me.”

I nodded. “I’d like that. Very much.”

After keeping me waiting for several minutes, his knees pressed into my side when he knelt, and I arched deeply when a warm-hot streak of lava, followed by a spattering of dots, suddenly dripped on the piqued skin under my boobs and ran down my stomach and pooled in my navel.

“Aaaaahh,” I groaned. “What is that?”

He didn’t reply and repeated the drizzle, letting it drip down my inner thigh that time. It gathered along my labia and stiffened up at little. I realized then that it was candle wax. He ran more and more down my thighs, letting it harden and converge on my bits. My vagina started clenching at the foreign, hot touch that just stayed there. More streams of heat fell across my breasts as he drew figure eights in the air. I gasped and tugged at my restraints when he started mauling my boobs and working his way down. He didn’t leave an inch of my front untouched, unmauled. The things he was doing with his teeth and tongue made me quiver, especially the lower he went.

“Are you eating candle wax?”

“No. Homemade chocolate crackle, my lady. It did congeal somewhat but not as much as I’d hoped. Maybe you need to be colder.” And with that, freezing cold dripped on my already perked nipple.

I screeched.

He ran wet ice along my breast, making me shiver and squeal. Ah, hi, old friend. I trembled as chills coursed through me. He did the same with the other breast, first letting cold, drip, drip, drip and run down my flesh, then turning it into a drawing tool of torture. I shivered and screamed when he slid the cube across my bellybutton and drew a line down. He quickly switched to the hot, sticky stuff again, running lines and circles on my body. I felt it stiffen up in those colder places and I moaned at the contrast in temps. I don’t even know where he got it. He whipped it out of thin air. Or maybe he had stuff hidden behind hay bales. What else was he hiding?

“Yes, that worked indeed.”

I was still quaking and sighing at the way he trimmed me in hints of Heaven and Hell. He took his time eating chocolate off my body, not tiring of the labor, retracing places he’d already tackled because they were re-adorned in chocolate body crackle. I giggled and squirmed at the awful tickling when he got to my navel. He let more watery ice drip there and cold settled into the little dip, which he quickly squelched with the heat of his tongue.

With so many surprising sensations hitting me at once, the flesh there became even more sensitive than usual. I shrieked and thrashed with every tongue stroke and nibble or scratch with his nail, but he pinned me down more and forced me to take it. But after a hearty suck and plunge into my bellybutton with a wily, sharp tongue that managed to find a nerve that twanged like a little vibrating guitar string deep in my pussy, he didn’t keep me in discomfort for very long. His mouth soon claimed my cunt in a quick switch, and he bit and licked and sucked me into paradise indeed. After the temp play, his mouth on me teetered between amazing and almost unbearable. I groaned and wiggled against his ferocious attack. Hot breaths rushing out of his nostrils whisked along my thighs when he suddenly stopped eating me out and pressed his forehead against my pelvis. I think all the chocolate was consumed off me now. He just stayed there, breathing hard between my legs, not moving for several moments.

He pulled off of me and I felt him stand and heard clanks. I think he was jerking the pins out of the ground. Yes. The tension at my legs grew slack and the stakes fell with thuds then clanks into the dirt. I guess this phase was done, and he was moving me onto the flogging, or some other naughty, naughty thing. Yipee. I beamed and my heart filled with warmth. Once freed from the dirt and the chains, he untied and unwound the ribbons around my legs. Sir did the same thing with my hands, setting me free, and chucked my dress in a ball near my undergarments.

Though it wasn’t necessary, he stretched me out slowly with circles, first my arms and then my legs. He was quiet, and I wasn’t sure if it was safe for me to move of my own accord. He soon helped me stand and held me and kissed my face.

When his lips reached mine, tasting of sweet chocolate, he immediately pulled me into a steamy kiss that had our hands roaming and grabbing all over in a frenzy. His hot breaths swooshed down my mouth and chin, and he clutched at my flesh and bit my shoulders so roughly, it jerked out yelps and yowls. “God, baby. Ohmygod.”

Right after I hooked my fingers into his pants and yanked his hard cock in to mash against my torso, he broke off me, seized my hands and said, “Torque.”

I lurched back in annoyance and slid out of his clutch. “What. What are you doing? No, no, no. You can’t safeword on me. That’s mine. That’s for me. I’m fine, I’m fine. I’m not hurt. I want back in. You said you’d flog me.” I was tearing up and my voice, cracking. “Please.”

“Addison. I have to stop.”

“Stop? Do you have to pee or something?”

“No. I just...can’t do this. Not–”

?” Rage flared up. “But we’re having fun. Nothing was too intense for me. And you were enjoying it.”

He shook his head and shrugged.

“Why are you wimping out? You know what?Fuck off, Logan. Call me when you’re ready to man up and be a
Dom, the Dom I know you are. Do you have clothes for me?” I stormed away from him into the carriage house and looked around in the little bit of firelight. It was a nice place, decorated all rustic and cabin-like with a deer head over the fireplace, bear skin rug and plaid furniture. Aside from the chains, there wasn’t a BDSM contraption in sight, from what I could tell.

He seized a clump of his hair. “I have clothes for you in my bedroom. But Addison–”

Fuming mad, I hustled toward the door and backhanded the air. “Forget it. Never mind. I have clothes in my car.”

“Where the hell are you going? Will you stop? You are buck naked, woman. You can’t go out in the rainy, cold night like that.”

“Fine. But I’m leaving. No point in staying if we’re fucking done.” I darted back to wrangle into my tattered dress, gouged open at the top.

wimping out. Will you stop?”

“No. You called ‘torque’ on me. That’s
. Not yours. You can end the scene, but not until we’re
done. In using that, you copped out, and you know it.” I tugged on my shoes but kept them undone and left my undergarments in the dirt. “I don’t want the scene to be over. I don’t. We were just getting started. It’s only what, 9:30? Curfew’s not until 12:30. We were supposed to scene for hours.”

He grabbed my arm, and I jerked out of his hold and ran out the door. When I burst out into cold, it was raining harder than before. Goosebumps perked up from the wet slopes swooshing down my face and body. With my dress torn open at the chest, water nestled there and made me shiver.

“Errr. Get back here, Addison.”

“No! We’re out, and I’m done. I wanted to be flogged dammit! I just need to cool off. Text me or whatever. I’ll email you my journal entry.”

I took off in the direction of my car.

I heard his breaths and splatty footsteps behind me. “Addison. Stop!”

I don’t know if he heard me, with my voice carrying the opposite way, but I cried. “God, you suck balls, Logan. Seriously. You totally fucked up our scene.” More cloudy now, it was much darker than earlier and I tripped on something sticking out of the ground and smashed mud on my calves and knees when I hit the dirt.

Logan caught up with me and pulled me back up with tight clutches on my upper arms. “Stop. Will you fucking stop?”

“No. You’re such a coward, Logan. Such a fucking wimp. I could feel the boiling lust inside you. I could feel it. You were so
the scene in the beginning, you freaking cut me, you made me bleed, and then you zapped out. I’m crushed you don’t trust me to take it, to take what you crave to give. You have control of me, idiot. I am yours, all yours.”

, Addison.”

“Yeah, obviously.” I couldn’t contain the sobs scratching at my throat anymore, and with me trying to break free from his hold, we slipped and ended up wrestling in the wet grass and dirt. I yowled and groaned. “We’re supposed to be in this, Logan, all the way, and you’re holding back. I don’t want to sob in front of you or say more things that I’ll regret. Please let me up.”

“No. Not until you listen to me. I
to hold back.” He pinned me onto my back with a thud, his hands on my shoulder blades, pelvis straddling mine. Cold drops were running down his face and streaming down to mine.

I was a hot mess, tripping out, “Why’d you break out? You were supposed to flog me. You have a closet full of them, and you’ve flogged freaking girls in the store! But
your sub.
should get to experience your skill. It’s all I’ve been thinking about the whole damn day. I’m so pissed and hurt. And I could tell how much you wanted me. Take me, fucking take me, dammit. Just do what you want.” In tears, I bucked up against his hard cock.

“No. I’m not taking you. That’s what I’m fucking trying to avoid. I’m so hot and hungry, I’m about to rip you apart. Maybe I will, in some other scene,” he wiped his face, “but I’m not doing it now, not the first time, not without clearing it with you first. This is important to you, to both of us. I
to stop. Please try and understand that.” His mouth possessed mine hungrily and heat streamed out of his nostrils as his feral, pinching hands traveled down. He followed their path with his devouring, and bit and sucked at my naked breasts, now heaving and rising into his lust. “Addison,” he growled.

“Get the fuck off me, Logan.” I bashed his shoulders and tried to shove him off me but he was not going nowhere. “Get off me! What are you doing? Why are you teasing me again? Please stop. We’re out. Let me go home.”

“Not until you hear me out. I said I don’t want to
you.” I fumed that he lifted my lungs up to match his crazy, heated respiration. His octave dropped when he uttered, “But I don’t want to wait.”

“What the hell do you want then, Logan! Make up your mind.”

He ran his hands all over my body. “Uh, I can’t. I can’t wait. It’s driving me nuts. I have to have you.” He kissed me and I pushed him off my face.

“You’re confusing the hell out of me and pissing me off. You want me. You don’t. Stop jerking me around!”

“I’m not. Not this time.” He sat up astride me and looked down on my wrecked presentation. I was muddy and soaked, and now, in torn rags. I must look like a drowned rat. He looked sexy as fuck. Rain poured off of him and dripped on my cold breasts, melding with the sky’s outpouring. “Addison. I wanted to take you, I did. You know that, like an unbridled savage on a rampage. But Logan knocked that idiot out. I want out of the Dom box. I have to get out, just long enough to fuck my girlfriend senseless. We can go back in scene, and I’ll flog you, I swear, but right now, I don’t want to be your Sir or some freaky rogue with a knife. As much as that tickles my nuts, I’m not mock-raping you, not now. I want you as you, and I need you, sweet Addison, as ME. Please. And Sunday is like five freaking years away. I want you now.” He shook his head and shrugged. “If you don’t want to, I’ll–”

“Oh, shut the hell up, Logan and fuck me!” Teeth chattering, I yanked him back down to my lips and kissed him like his hungry, well-versed slut. We huffed out laughter, and I tugged his hands down my trembling body.

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