Read Red Hot Obsessions Online

Authors: Blair Babylon

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Collections & Anthologies, #Contemporary, #Literary Collections, #General, #Erotica, #New Adult

Red Hot Obsessions (222 page)

BOOK: Red Hot Obsessions
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As the weight of his torso fell harder and heavier on me, he bit my neck and stroked my hair back. His traveling grip grew more virulent. “Aw, baby...God, I feel like I’m slowly dying inside without your touch. I can’t wait to make love to you. I’ve never hungered for anything more in my life.”

wait. Go to town, Logan,” I said, stealing his phrase.

He let out another laugh, then hiked the skirt of my dress and ravished the exposed parts of me. His mouth claimed my pussy more roughly and insistently then before. His biting, sucking and licking was spinning me in circles.

I arched again and again into his climbing brutality and fisted his wet hair. “Aahhh, Logan!”

Leaving another orgasm wound up tight, he journeyed back up to my mouth. When we converged once again, wolverine desire blazed up within us, and we mauled each other to the point of pain, growling, grunting and groaning into the night. Even though we were out of the BDSM box, there was no breaking free from our cores. We were both junkies for roughness, ingrained for innate, unbridled ferocity. And I loved that about us. We weren’t just posers trying to run with the cool, whip-it-good kids.

Grinding into my arousal, he ripped my dress more and dug into my flesh, his fingers like searing claws. I loved the way he munched on my frigid flesh like I was his long-awaited prey, like he couldn’t get enough, like he wanted to pierce my soul so he could fill it with his essence.

Even though I was freezing, I was so, so hot and boiling with need. He got up, kneeling over me, and wrenched out of his vest. I jerked his shirt out of his brown pants and tore it, already V’d at the neck, asunder. Fully open under my assault, I raked fingernails down his lovely pecs and abs, framed in white. I gasped at how beautiful he looked, that naked chest, rain spilling down his manly curves and the look of raw desire in his eye. I quickly stripped off his belt, chucking it into the mud, and undid his pants so I could yank them down his thighs and see his hardness before he stuck me with it.

I didn’t care that my teeth clacked like maracas or that my whole body wobbled in never-ending chills. I had to have him. Right now.

We were breathing like winded beasts on this rainy fall night. The twitching and throbbing in my pussy and the sweet anticipation for his deep, hard thrusts totally overrode any and all discomfort with our present environment.

We were doing this. Actually doing this.

Logan Thorndike, the man I loved more than anything, was going to pop my cherry. I didn’t even care about that, about the whole losing my virginity thing, like I thought I would be in this moment. I was just so eager to have Logan. To have all of him. Finally.


I stroked Logan’s balls with delicacy as he rolled up a condom and settled between my bent-up legs. While planting sweet kisses on my face, he lined the tip up with my sex and swirled my hot fluid around.

“You promise you’re not teasing me.”

He pushed into my untapped flower in an instant, breaching me finally, but stopping when he got about halfway in. “How’s that for a promise?”

My eyes rolled back, and I gasped and cried out in surprise and started breathing even more crazy in his ear. I ground my jaw and moaned.

Still embedded, he put more weight on me. He was so filling and warm and hard, stuffed into my walls. It was his girth that I had to get used to. I could feel my tight grip on his cock. I squeezed at him on purpose, and he growled and said dirty things in my ear. I did it again and again.

He just stayed there embedded halfway, while kissing my face and lips. “Are you okay?”


“Are you hurting?”

We were drenched and shivering, still getting pelted with rain. “A little, but it feels like a painful stretch, but I’m fine, I’m fine, don’t stop. Go.”

He inched in a little more and pulled back, his butt rising in the air. I clenched his cheek with my greedy left hand. “You are so delightfully tight. That squeeze of yours, mmm, baby, it’s heaven, heaven.” He inched out all but his tip and slid back in with ease. He serenaded me with a sweet, sweet rhythm, sawing in and out more consistently, rocking me slowly and gently, still just half way though, not giving it all to me like I wanted. He felt firm and totally amazing.

I was super slippery inside and didn’t need anymore more workup, so I let go of his balls and ass, lifted my pelvis on his next thrust and rammed into him. I took it in up to the hilt like the slut I know I am. Surging in deep, he slammed into my cervix, firing off a million pangs. I shuddered and shrilled at the unexpected jolt of pain. Ohmygod.

“Why’d you do that? Let me control the pace.”

“I wanted all of you. I want to be fucked, and I want to fuck you back. I don’t want any more of that slow and gentle crap. Fuck me, and fuck me good, Logan.”

He laughed and kissed me. “Yes, ma’am.” He bent and raised my legs to my chest and scooped his arms under my shoulders and drove his hard cock into me again and again. He bashed my insides and the repeated impact on my cervix was wracking my jaw, but it was too painful to bear. Um, I think I bit off more than I could chew when I said that.

As I shrilled in discomfort, he covered my mouth with his. I shook my head, and he broke off me.

“Too much?”

I nodded, “Go in between. Faster than at first, but not quite so reckless. I like it deep though. You are hot and sexy, and you feel so good inside me.”

He backed off a bit, but got into a nice, new tempo with his thrusts.

“Ah, yes, like that. Perfect.” I slid my legs to wrap around him and squeezed.

“Aaah, I love that hold, Addison. Hug me tight.”

I did, but I also yanked him down on top of me at each drive inside me and scratched at his back. Okay,
sex with my hot man felt not just good, but pussy-wateringly fantastic. He was yanking the naughtiest-sounding moans out of me and smiling at the results. We moved in beautiful synchronicity like a sexy, swift rumba, while looking into each other’s eyes, shivering and huffing in a mix of coldness and heat. I pictured losing
a million times, but in all those movies, I never ever imagined I’d be freezing
hot, soaking wet, streaked in mud and fucking wildly in the great outdoors where anyone could potentially see it. I never thought my heart would feel so close to bursting or that my pussy would be so ravenous for rapid-fire cock.

Logan dripped a fresh sheet of rain on my forehead as he bent down and reclaimed my mouth in a luscious kiss. I groaned against his roving tongue and suckled it. When our kiss built up to hurricane force, he shifted his mouth to the spot where my neck swoops into shoulder and chomped down. He ravished me with sucking and nibbling as he traveled down to tag-team with the hands that were already groping my breasts in the vicious way I like.

My legs tiring from the koala clutch, I lessened my grip and set my feet beside his hips. Under the onslaught of sensations, especially the rocking punch of meat rushing in and out of me and his nipples flicking against mine, I started arching against his torso and moaning like a cat in heat.

“Aahhh, Logan. You feel so, so good. I can take more force now. I want it...I want it hard and rough and fast. Please.”

He kissed my lips again. “Okay. I love you, Addison. My little pain bad, bad babydoll.” He pulled out of me and pushed off my body, leaving me confused and even more chilled-to-the-bone.

Okay? It’s pretty hard to fuck if we’re apart.
I shook my head and was about to shout, “No, no,” but bit my lip, hard. I didn’t want to make him feel awful or incompetent if he was going soft.

He stood and scooped me up in his arms. I wrapped mine around his neck and assailed a line under his ear with bites and animalistic kisses. He carried me back inside the carriage house and up a wooden staircase and turned the light on as soon as we busted into a bedroom. When he set me down on my feet on a braided rug, we clawed off the remnants of each other’s soaked clothes in a tornado of passion and didn’t stop the attack of roughness, even when we were down to skin.

We were shaking and shivering. His poor lips were purple. Were mine? I was such an idiot. Running out into the cold rain like that. I didn’t know he’d be fucking me though.

Wrapping his arms around me, he hoisted me up and rushed me into the bathroom that was just off the rustic boudoir. He turned the stand-up shower on. We screeched in our ball of never-ending amorousness as we tumbled in before he fully tested the temp. It was cool for several moments before rising up to comfortably hot. I knew the water didn’t get too hot, but my toes and fingers were burning from the opposite extreme. We were still groping in a melee of wildness as he soaped me up coarsely and cleaned off my body. I did the same for him, enjoying the feel of his muscular pathways and slick skin while being hasty about the task.

As soon as I was rinsed off, he pulled my hair in a gathered clutch and ate up my neck and breasts. I hooked one leg around his ass, and we ground together and cried out at the spike of desire. His hands were all over my body and his index finger kept dipping and twisting delightfully into my ass.

I loosened my leg clamp so I could grab and stroke his sheathed cock, still rod-stiff, and I wanted it impaling me with the same ferocity. “Logan. I love you too. So much. Thank you for finally giving me that hot cock where you know I want it most. I want more.”

He laughed. “Good, ’cause we’re not done. Turn around, Peach.”

Mmm. I smiled wide and did as he said, thinking he was going to shove me over and take me from behind right in the shower, but I heard a squirt and his fingers were soon massaging into my scalp and running through my hair. I closed my eyes, tilted my chin up and leaned back into his loving touch. He lathered me up with gentleness and care. When he spun me around to rinse the shampoo out, he streaked water through my locks with sweetness and kissed my mouth with dozens of slow, sexy smooches. His touch trailed down my back, eliciting a shiver, and then dug wonderfully into my ass cheeks. He lifted me up, the hearty grind in my cheeks never ceasing, and I wrapped around him. Again, no slam against the wall like I expected and craved.

I clamped around his back, hard, and went back to kissing, sucking and nibbling his sexy lips.

Logan carried me back into the bedroom with two massive towels against my back. He chucked me backwards on the bed and outstretched a towel as he looked down on me all lusty. He came at me with the soft, fluffy wrap and dried off my whole body and hair roughly and quickly. I laughed as it tickled, and I did the same with him and jerked back the covers for us. Logan scampered into the bed with me, and we threaded legs together and writhed bodies as I cocooned us in the layers of flannel, velveteen and downy-filled microfiber. We rubbed together, shivering anew and making one another red from rough and hearty grabs in our explosive thirst for more sex.

Once we were good and toasty and adjusted to the room temp, he whipped the blankets off, flipped me over onto my knees and shoved my shoulders to the mattress. He bent over me and pulled out another condom from the nightstand drawer, which I noticed had toys galore, lotions and lube. The condom was there in the shower, so it must’ve stripped off during my rough towel dry.

I tucked my head to the side and watched as he slid it on his sweet candy then bent to lick and suck my pussy from behind. He ate me out with abandon, making me moan in heat, and he smacked my ass and thighs, but very gently compared to our norm.

He straightened and ran his hard cock between my legs. “Hard and fast and rough, you said?”

“Mmm hmm. Screw me like you mean it.”

He burst through the entrance, breaching my tight, hugging walls swiftly, pressing in balls-deep. He stayed still for a few seconds, then pulled back slowly down to the tip. Now knowing that, yes, I was still wet enough for a good pounding, he dug sharply into my hips with his fingertips and banged me hard, surging into my cervix like he was trying to punch holes in my lungs.

“Ah, yes.” My teeth rattled and my toes tingled.

Sexy grunts and moans pulsed out of lips.

“Still okay?”

“Fuck, yes. Don’t stop.” I laughed and squealed and crashed myself back into his lovely thrusts so he wouldn’t dare stop to question me again. His balls smacked blissfully into my pussy lips and his abdomen smacked my ass. “Ah, yes, that’s so hot, Logan. Give it to me. Fuck me, fuck me.” I groaned and rolled my hips against him, as our rhythm and intensity flared up to scorching.

“Mmm. I love it when you talk like that when we’re being wild.” He rocketed into my pussy with the force of a battering ram and kept going and going for several minutes.

I snapped my jaw shut. Man, this fuck was so delicious. I reached back and clawed into his hips to show him my appreciation and encourage more “us” roughness over this vanilla normalcy. It was fun, but it could be even
fun with some blissful pain laced in.

My walls fluttered and squeezed when he pulled a fistful of my hair and smacked at my thigh, hard. “Oh, yes.” Reading my mind to be rightly grabbed like his filthy whore, he hooked his hand around my leg and seized my labia and clitoral hood while never losing pace in his rapid nailing of my sex. “Aahhh, yes, Logan. Ohmygod! Aaaahh. I’m so close.”

He kept going and going, building up to ransack mode, but he fell out twice on his drawback. He growled. He had trouble sliding back in deep and cried, “Fuck! Fuck it.” He set all his weight on me, knocking my knees out from under me and pushing me to lie flat on the bed under his body. He groaned angrily into my neck, staying on me for about five seconds then the yanked the softer tip out entirely. He beat the mattress with three pounds of his fist and I turned over underneath him.

I rubbed his back with a flutter. “Are you losing it, Logan?”

“Yes. Shit. I’m sorry.” He cradled my head and kissed my lips sweetly. “I’m so sorry, baby.”

“What the hell are you apologizing for? You just rocked my world, Logan. That was amazing. And no way are we fucking done.”

He propped up at an angle, stripped off the droopy condom and chucked the wadded up thing onto the floor. “We are. I can’t...”

I switched positions, shoving him onto his back with a hard slam, hands on his shoulders, and straddled him with a rolling pelvis. He was flaccid and shifting like wet sand beneath me as I gently ground against him. “No! We’re not done. No freaking way! Get over yourself. Hard or not, you are mine. And we’re going to play in this goddamn box until we’re both satiated and aching for more. Got it?”

His brow rose and his eyes gleamed. I could tell he loved my persistence and assertiveness. But I was fucking for real! He shook his head. “Um, I don’t think–”

“Shut it. We’re not vanilla, Logan. We are leather-whip freaks. We like much more than sex. So no way are we done.” I pushed his legs up so they were bent up, feet flat on the bed, and pinched at his inner thighs and ass cheeks. I twisted hard and dug deep into his flesh, which will certainly have him marked up with nasty purple splotches tomorrow. He grunted and lifted up into my vicing grip, loving it entirely. His face, god, his face was all elation.

“Uh, Addison.”

He was not exactly maso like me. He just got hotter from rough play when he was already jacked up with arousal, and I
to give it to him, good and raunchy and unhindered. I loved being a wild wolf for him, always testing the power and strength of my alpha. I doubt there are many Doms, if any, who allow their subs to get rough and nasty in return, unless they’re naturally switches. It’s usually all receive, receive. That’s the point of being a sub. To be the recipient of the Dom’s whims, to take, to obey, to serve. But Logan and I, we just exploded and went wherever we fucking cared to go. Our boxes were ours, undefinable by anyone else. For us, they were open and crazed, random and haphazardly adorned in our own twisted trimmings. The explosive passion and chemistry between us turned us into ferocious barbarians, and I loved every bit of it.

I adored my Dom with all my heart, my Logan,
man. I loved him fiercely, and I let his balls know it, taking them into my own personal suck and lick show. I drew moist O’s all over his sack, nibbled at the loose skin and tugged the whole gem bag down with my hand.

Logan moaned and pulled my hair with painful squeezes as I got more voracious and took each nut in, one at a time, and rolled my frisky tongue around them.

I sucked them and made sure to give each matched lovin’.

“Uh, Addison.” He jerked me up by the shoulders and nestled me on top of him. We rubbed genitals together as we flew back into the makeout session of famished fiends. Though still pretty mushy in the goods, he breathed hard against my lips as though he were stiffer than iron.

BOOK: Red Hot Obsessions
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