Redeemed Book 2: A Military Stepbrother Romance (2 page)

BOOK: Redeemed Book 2: A Military Stepbrother Romance
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But this, coming in here like this to fool around, like we’d done the night before, this was a little different. This I could get used to.

Especially the fooling around part.

Even though no one was home, I closed the door behind as, almost like a reflex. I never liked random people poking their heads into my room, even if I didn’t have anything to hide. My room was my sanctuary, my haven away from the rest of the world. Even in New York I was willing to spend extra and do a couple fewer fun things every month just to make sure I could afford to have my own bedroom I could relax in, away from the world.

Now, though, relaxing was definitely not on the menu. Not when I had my hot stepbrother in my room and all over me.

Harrison entered my room first and I trailed just after him, one hand on his waist, the other on his huge shoulder right next to his neck. I pinched both spots gently as we entered, almost to prove to myself that this was real, that this was really happening.

Of course, it had already happened before, so what was I worried about? Though it was nice to see how little he reacted to my increasing pressure. I liked that his body was unperturbed by the things I did. Like he was stronger than that, able to resist my charms just for a little while longer. It was super hot.

Harrison paused after stepping into my room, barely giving me enough space to enter after and close the door behind us. It felt almost like we were sealed in, like this had gone from my room to our space. He craned his neck to the left and right, looking around, as if taking it in for the first time. I guess that showed how recently been in here. Last time it happened completely dark, and I’m guessing Harrison had made the bed immediately.

I took the opportunity to wrap my arms around his waist and pull myself into him. All that muscle, all that bulk and size, all for me. As I pressed my head against his back, my hands moved slowly downward over his front, trying to touch his cock, and the smile came over me as this time Harrison let me.

I felt the hardness of his erection, both of my hands around it and still not covering it all the way. I gasped, realizing that that huge thing had been inside me once before already, and probably would be inside me again in the next few minutes. I licked my lips in anticipation, and I felt my panties dampen even further under my clothes. Harrison’s erection pushed upward and outward as I slowly played with it, rubbing my fingers up and down and kneading it gently.

We stood like that in the doorway, my arms around Harrison’s waist, pressed against his back. Despite knowing what was about to come, this felt wonderful, and I was in no rush to move anywhere or do anything else. For the first time in my life, I just liked being close to Harrison. I figured I might as well get used to it, because at this rate, we couldn’t keep our hands off each other. If we didn’t have to sneak around like this, we might even spend more time naked than clothed.

All of a sudden Harrison turned around, separating my arms and pulling my hands away from his gorgeous cock. I almost shrieked in surprise, but soon found Harrison’s right hand behind my head, deep in my thick hair, grabbing a large handful of it by the roots and giving it a slight pull, and I gasped with pleasure as my eyes closed. I loved it when he played with my hair like that.

His lips on mine followed nearly instantaneously after, and Harrison pushed his tongue into my mouth without warning. I pulled my own lips apart and welcomed him openly, feeling him in my mouth as he turned his head and I turned mine to keep him as we kissed like it was the only way to breathe underwater.

Harrison slid his left hand down my back, pressing into my flesh to drive the point home, moving me, pushing me into his body from behind, and I willingly accepted. All around me I felt his heat, his warmth, pressing into me, inviting me in, and I wanted nothing more than to lose myself in him.

Harrison stepped forward, and I couldn’t do anything but take a step back, right into the now-closed door. My butt hit the door first, softly, and I realized that was because Harrison’s hand covered it and took the brunt of the force. My head came next, also covered by Harrison’s hand, and in less than a second he had me pressed against my bedroom door, still kissing him, one of his hands still pulling my hair, the other feeling me up over my clothes, my eyes still closed.

I marveled at how well our bodies moved together. It was almost like instinct, the way we played off the other’s choices and movement. Harrison moved, I responded, and we kept going, building toward something I’d experienced last night and couldn’t wait to get to again. We were doing a kind of sexy dance and I couldn’t wait till we got to the bed portion of the program.

Apparently Harrison had the same idea, because I felt him push upward with the hand on my ass and I knew what he wanted me to do. I took a short jump and wrapped my legs around his powerful waist, knowing that Harrison would support me. He locked his arm under me and as I clenched my legs around him I knew I wouldn’t fall. All the while we kept kissing, our mouths never separating, both of us breathing hard but unwilling to stop even for a second.

Now that I was in Harrison’s arms, legs wrapped around his body, he was in complete control and Harrison took advantage of it, spinning me around slowly so my back now faced the inside of my bedroom. As he took slow steps toward my bed, I opened my eyes and saw him, intent yet unbothered, relaxed yet still exerting himself ever so slightly. I couldn’t believe the great shape he was in, and I loved seeing those muscles in action all around me.

He stopped at the foot of the bed and I clung to him, still kissing him full on the lips, but each of us taking little breaks to trail our lips down the other’s neck and shoulders. I shuddered as his tongue found the perfect spot just where my neck ended and shoulder began, and let out a small moan as Harrison realized the effect it had on me and focused on it. The man certainly knew how to read a woman’s cues…

I had my arms around Harrison’s neck, my fingers spread wide, trying to cover and touch as much of him as I could, despite all the clothing we still had on. “Please,” I murmured, “you’re wearing too much.

“So are you,” Harrison whispered back, squeezing my ass and giving my hair a playful tug to drive the point home. I melted into him, unable to deny the fire he was creating inside me.

“Well,” I breathed, “what’re you gonna do about it?” I let the words hang there in the moment, and went back to kissing Harrison’s neck, tasting and smelling the musky scent of his sweat and arousal all over him. Harrison’s grip on me tightened, and I reveled in the feeling of restraint, the feeling that he was in charge.

“This…” Harrison trailed off and then I was falling, as he let go of me, my head and my ass, at the same time.

“Ooof,” I shouted as I fell to the bed, suddenly enveloped from behind by soft blankets and a mattress rather than from the front by my hardbodied stepbrother. It took me a few seconds to get reoriented, opening my eyes and seeing Harrison staring down at me from above like that. It was a sexy look, seeing him stand there, expectantly, his hands at his side, watching me.

Our eyes locked, I pushed him back a bit in bed, my hands moving back to Harrison’s waist where I swiftly untucked his green shirt from his pants and pushed it upward, revealing inch by inch the taught muscles of his core. I flicked my head upward and Harrison grunted, getting the hint and, grabbing the shirt with his hands on either side, covering mine, he pulled up and lifted the shirt off his body in one sweeping motion.

His tattoos gleamed as Harrison threw the shirt down. I gasped, watching them, tracing paths across his skin with my eyes that made them feel like they moved, like they were alive. Words couldn’t describe just how beautiful his cut body was. And soon that body would be driving me to pleasure I couldn’t even imagine, even though I’d experienced it first hand just hours before.

Funny how doing something like that, experiencing sex like that just once drives you toward wanting more and more of it. Finally able to move my eyes away from admiring the contours of his skin and muscles, watching with glee as they moved, tightening and loosening all the while, I stole a glance at his belt and lower, getting hungrier for his cock still covered by his pants.

I started to move toward it, intending to get it out and into the open as quickly as I could, but Harrison pushed me away. “No, Laurel,” he teased, a half grin covering his gorgeous face. “Now you.”

I got the hint, and stared at him again lifting myself off the bed and sitting up, closing the distance between my face and his cock. I leaned forward, eyes still locked, making it look like I was planning on taking his pants off with my teeth, and certainly wanting to, but at the last moment I pulled back and, hooking my fingers into the bottom of my shirt, pulling it off with the same motion Harrison had used, before throwing it on the floor. I reached my hands back and rearranged my hair, smiling up at him coyly. All I had left on above the waist was my skimpy dark blue bra, contrasting wildly with my definitely-not-dark-blue skin.

I watched Harrison’s eyes glaze over as he took me in, his eyes pushing into me like he was using them to give me a massage. I could feel them on me and I closed my eyes and tried to guess where he was looking from moment to moment. Opening them again, I watched Harrison reach down and brush against the skin of my shoulders with his strong and rough hands, causing me to shake and shudder in anticipation.

“Laurel,” Harrison moaned, “you are so beautiful. Do you know the effect you have on me? Do you know how much I want you?”

I broke eye contact and looked back down at Harrison’s pants, seeing the outline of his huge hard cock straining against the fabric. I licked my lips, nodding back up at him. “I think I have some idea,” I whispered, winking back.

In response, Harrison grabbed a handful of my hair by the roots again and pulled downward, making me automatically raise my chin up and show him more of my face. He leaned over quick and whispered in my ear, “you have no idea, Laurel, but I’m going to show you.”

“Please do,” was all I could say in reply, reveling in his touch, his closeness. I couldn’t wait for what would happen next, but clearly Harrison wanted to draw things out as long as possible, and I was powerless in the moment to stop him.

Harrison traced the outlines of my bra against my skin with his fingers, running over my shoulders, one hand along my back and the other over my chest. I sat up, thrusting my breasts outward toward him, trying to get him to touch my aching hard nipples, even through the lace fabric, but Harrison just smiled and kept on moving, denying me even that little bit of pleasure.

I moaned, so frustrated at his teasing, yet loving the effect it had on me. I loved being this turned on, this excited. It was like all my senses were heightened at the time, and all focused toward two things - pleasuring Harrison and experiencing the pleasure he was giving me.


Harrison’s hands moved lower, away from my breasts. I started to move my hands around my back to unclasp my bra, but with a look he stopped me, focusing on my belt. I smiled, stopping him with a hand. “No, Harrison.” To his questioning look I replied, “now it’s your turn.”

He smiled and let his hands fall as he stood back up, planting his fingers in his belt at his waist. “By all means, Laurel. Have at it.”

I tried to put on as sexy a look as I could and raised a hand to grab his belt and pull him toward me. Harrison grinned and leaned over, his hands raised, planting them to either side of my head as he held himself above me. I felt his hot breath on my bare skin.

It took both hands, but I undid his belt and unbuttoned and zipped his pants, salivating all the while. Harrison helped me out and I pushed his pants to the floor so he could step out of them and kick them away. His cock, still shielded from me by his tight boxer briefs, pressed against the fabric like it needed to get out. The feeling was mutual.

Keeping with our trading off, Harrison moved his hands down to my waist and undid my pants, exposing my damp matching dark blue panties. I raised my ass off the bed, allowing Harrison to pull my pants down around me and slide them off each leg, free to dispose of at the floor.

I lay back on the bed, trying to look sexy, one hand near my forehead, the other brushing against my waist just above where the fabric of my panties ended. Harrison took me in, his eyes getting even wider in wonder. It was a wonderful feeling, to be looked at like that, to be devoured visually by such a gorgeous man. It made me feel like the sexiest woman on the planet.

That was Harrison’s gift. In that moment I think I finally fully understood the appeal he had over women. When he gave me that look I was sure he thought I was the only woman he’d ever seen before.

“Oh, Laurel, you are magnificent.” My cheeks burned, I honestly didn’t know how to take a compliment like that. My body had filled out in the last few years, and despite getting more and more comfortable with my curves, it still felt strange for someone to admire them the way Harrison unapologetically did. I could get used to this kind of worship.

“You’re pretty great yourself,” I came back, lamely, feeling how awkward I was in the moment. “Come here, Harrison. Don’t stay so far away.”

“I was just thinking the same thing.” Suddenly he held himself above me like before, only now neither of us was wearing much clothing and our skin could touch and trade heat like we were meant to. I pushed my body away from the bed toward him as much as I could, needing to feel his touch all over me, covering me up like a warm blanket on a cold night.

Harrison obliged, and I felt my nipples thrust outward him under my bra, trying to get out. Harrison took notice and started playing with them through the fabric, alternating between each one and giving them little bites here and there. Each bite sent a jolt of electricity coursing through my body, straight to my pussy, and I knew I was getting even wetter by the second.

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