Reign of the Vampires (5 page)

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Authors: Rebekah R. Ganiere

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #General, #Suspense, #Action & Adventure, #978-1-61650-659-9, #Vampires, #Dystopian, #Paranormal, #Rebekah, #Ganiere, #The, #Society

BOOK: Reign of the Vampires
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“This is your last warning and then I’ll send a shock through your body the likes of which you’ve never felt!” Clive lifted the remote and pointed it into the cell.

“Wait.” Danika put her hand on Clive’s arm. “Open the cell.”

“I must object this time. He hasn’t done anything that we’ve asked from the moment he was brought in. I don’t think this one will go easy into bondage.”

“Open the cell.” She tried to keep the edge out of her voice. “Please,” she added as an afterthought. There was something about him. She needed to get closer to him, no matter the cost.

Clive was about to protest. She let the weight of her stare rest on him as she flashed her fangs. Danika’s pure blood placed her higher on the food chain in Vampire society than Clive, much higher. Which meant whatever Danika wanted, he was bound to oblige, if he wanted to stay in good graces. But this was his house and his business. So her influence was limited when it came to those two things.

Clive bowed and Danika refocused her attention on the enticement sitting on the floor. She was losing control; of that much, it was clear. She needed to be careful.

* * * *

Mason hadn’t taken a breath in at least a minute. Not since he’d smelled her coming. Before he laid eyes on her, he knew she was a queen among commoners when it came to Vampires. No more than five foot six without the boots, her body was shaped to make every male sit up and pay attention. Curvy and strong with knockout hips and a bosom meant for pleasure. Her waist was so small that he knew just by looking at it that his hands would wrap full around. Her red hair was pulled up in a tight hairstyle that accentuated her high cheekbones and lush red lips. But he’d seen eyes and skin like hers before. She hadn’t been feeding, and she’d been spending too much time awake during the light hours. The makeup she used to hide how much she was hurting did little to cover the evidence.

As the door swung open and she stepped inside, he took a breath. She smelled sweet and musky at the same time. Her scent swirled in his brain, making his blood heat and his skin tingle. His temperature rose several degrees and he tried to keep calm. She strode to the center of the cell and stared at him with her bright, glowing blue eyes. Every muscle in his body tensed with anticipation.

“Will you stand up for me, please?” Her voice was husky, thick.

The tips of her fangs peaked out from under her upper lip. A wave of desire shook his core.
Keep it together.
He couldn’t afford for his adrenaline to start pumping any harder.

She waited in the center of the cell. He didn’t want to stand, he didn’t want to move, but something inside him was bound to obey her. He put his feet under himself and pushed his way off the floor.

When he stood up at his full height, her eyes widened ever so slightly. He clasped his hands in front of his groin to cover his arousal.

She didn’t look at him like a piece of meat, the way most Vampires did. She studied him.

“Your name is Mason, correct?”


“How old are you?”

“Thirty-two,” he lied.

Her eyes flickered at his answer. “What did you do in your encampment?”

“I was in charge of recon missions.”

“Is that how you were caught?”

He gritted his teeth. “Yes.” The thoughts of how they’d been captured were still painful.

Clive raised the hand holding the remote. Mason tensed and the female Vampire turned.

“That won’t be necessary, Clive. I believe we’re getting on fine, thank you,” she said. His heart shuddered as she gazed at him again. The smile she’d given Clive remained planted on her face for a split second before falling. It was so flawless and natural looking, a falsehood hiding the immeasurable pain written in her eyes. Those beautiful, too-bright eyes that he wished he could gaze into forever.

She swallowed hard and her hand quavered when she touched her hair. She was afraid, but of what?

“Thank you for your time, Mason,” she finally said.

“You’re welcome.” He inclined his head in respect. She studied him again for a moment while chewing her lip. The way her fangs grazed her lower lip made his arousal grow stronger. She gave him a tight smile.

He took a last long draw of her scent as she walked into the cement courtyard. His need rose as he watched her hips sway out of view. Instincts he’d never felt were now awakened. His inner beast howled in rage, clawing to get free as Mason let her walk away. The need to rip down the barrier separating them was enough to launch Mason out of his own skin. Turning to the rear cement wall, he laid his hands on the cold surface. His nails lengthened and dug deep into the blocks. Dust fell to the ground. His back stretched against his T-shirt as his skin darkened.

This couldn’t be happening. Not with a Vampire. It wasn’t possible. They were monsters. Monsters that he’d spent centuries avoiding since being pulled into this plane. He wouldn’t be taken in by one, no matter how beautiful. His heart thudded in his chest as he fought to gain control of himself. Images of her naked body underneath his own clouded his vision. Her mouth locked with his, her hands roaming his skin. Mason hummed an ancient chant in an effort to push down the monster struggling to be unleashed. His inner beast had never awakened for a female before. Not a human, not one of his kind, no one. The sensation left him confused and shaken.

“No!” he yelled, pounding the wall with his fists.

Minutes passed and he continued to hum. Eventually his hands normalized. His nails shortened as his skin tone lightened to his natural tan. The beast was lulled to its slumber. He had to get out of here before he lost control. His beast had been caged for too long. Mason’s struggles to keep the beast at bay were weakening.

His thoughts returned to the red-haired beauty, Danika. Part of him prayed that for her sake, she wouldn’t bid on him. But the beast inside sure hoped she would.





“My opening bid for Mason is two million dollars. And I open the bidding as a non-private sale.” Danika walked to her car with Clive in tow.

Clive’s jaw dropped. “But my lord, that means—”

“It means that everyone will see who I am and what I’ve bid.” It also meant that anyone who bid against her would have to show who they were. It was risky showing her face as the buyer, but in doing so, there were those who would bow out because of who she was. And those who had the money to bid against her would think twice. The bid was a message.
This one is mine.

“Very good.” Clive had his businessman smile on his face again. “Two million, that’ll be the opening bid when the auction begins tomorrow at seven PM. You may watch the progression of the auction, live, on our website.” He handed her a card.

“Clive, it’s been a pleasure.”

“It’s been my pleasure and honor, Lord Danika. The auction ends at midnight sharp. And of course, should you win we’ll deliver your slaves at your earliest convenience.”

“I look forward to it.”

Clive bowed low to her. She sucked in a deep breath, anxiety and tension slipping away with every inhale. It was a crisp spring night. Danika wanted nothing more than to go home, throw open her bedroom windows, and let the cool breeze rush over her naked flesh. But sunrise was still more than three hours away and she had many things to arrange before midnight tomorrow.

As soon as she reached home, Danika transferred the deposit money into an escrow account, and then started making calls. Spreading around a little money and calling in a large favor, she got what she wanted.

The idea had come to her after she’d seen the size of Mason. She’d been so stressed by the hassle of finding a new slave that she hadn’t even read his file. They said a picture was worth a thousand words. Seeing him in person was worth two million. Whitey would obviously not work as a blood slave, but Mason… He could be both blood slave and guardian. Maybe more.

Lying in the king-sized four-poster bed that had belonged to her parents, she thought about Mason. Heat had radiated off him from three feet away. His eyes had glowed bright amber when she’d approached. It’d sent shivers down her spine. Mason’s scent had almost sent her over the edge, right there. The way he’d looked at her had made her knees want to buckle. But it’d been the fear she’d seen, and the lie he told about his age, that had intrigued her more.

His scent lingered in her mouth, making her gums tingle with anticipation. The desire to be near him had not diminished since she’d left his presence. She was drawn to him. A part of her wanted his fingers on her flesh. She mused about what she’d find under his tight T-shirt and dark jeans. Images flashed through her mind.

She shook her head at the thought. Bidding on Mason was inviting disaster into her life...again. Had she learned nothing from her problem with Xenock?
. She had learned from her time with Xenock, which was why she would make Mason her slave. He was human, not vamp, and as a slave, he’d be bonded to her and unable to disobey her commands. She’d drink from him at will with no repercussions. There would be no room for error this time. She’d make sure Mason knew his place under her boot heel.

The wind from the open French doors tickled her naked skin. She lay, taking in the smells of the grounds and the lake beyond her property. As she drifted off to sleep for the first time in months, the sight of those amber eyes burned behind her eyelids. She hoped that when she bonded him as her slave, it would slake her thirst, and she wouldn’t drink him dry. If not, he’d be a very expensive meal.

* * * *

Danika slept through the day and didn’t awaken until her alarm went off the next evening. She felt more rested than she had in weeks, but also hungrier. Her legs now weighed her down and she was almost unable to make it to her bathroom. When you were a Vampire, taking care of yourself was the number one rule. It was the very first things she was taught as a newborn. You slept when the sun was up, you fed at least once a week, and you made sure that the blood was pure. If you didn’t live by those three rules, you died by them.

When Danika finally reach the bathroom, she took a lengthy, hot shower and then wrapped herself in her jade green silk bathrobe, and sat on her bed. The old-fashioned phone on her nightstand was beautiful antique brass and Bakelite with a rotary dial. She lifted the receiver.

“Yes, Lord Danika, what may I do for you?” asked Siad.

“Siad, are any of our house-feeding slaves healthy and full right now?”

“I believe that Matthew has been reserved for you.”

“Since when, and by whom?”

“Master Chase, Lord. He reserved Matthew for you soon after Xenock...left us.”

She rubbed her forehead. Why hadn’t Chase said anything? “Of course he did,” she said almost to herself. “Would you please send him up for me?”

“Right away, my lord.”

Movement by the window caught her eye. Xenock’s image leaned against the glass, staring at her. Danika shifted on her bed, smoothing the rumpled covers. She didn’t have to wait long. Within minutes, there was a light knock.

“Enter, Matthew,” she called, lounging on her bed. In walked a handsome young human with dark brown hair and large green eyes. His skin had the warm pink tone of vitality, which his strictly nutritious diet and healthy living provided. Danika’s coven had twenty blood slaves for close to fifty coven members. Matthew had been with them for almost seven years. “Have you been well?”

“Yes thank you. I’ve been hoping you’d call for me every day. I’ve felt quite useless not having a job to do.” A boyish grin crossed his face, revealing a dimple on his left cheek.

“I was unaware that you had been set aside for me. Unfortunately, I’ve been very busy and have neglected to take care of myself as I should.” Why had she offered him that piece of information?

“No disrespect intended, Lord, but you look as if you could use several feedings.”

“I appreciate your concern. Why don’t you come and make yourself comfortable.” She patted the bed where she’d curled up. Something about the way he moved reminded her of the slave Jax. She took the towel from her hair, letting the chilly wet tresses fall down past her shoulders to the small of her back. Her skin broke out in goose bumps. Matthew moved forward, unbuttoning his red silk shirt and dropping it to the floor.

His body was tanned and cut. He’d been working out and eating quite well. It was important to feed humans properly, not only to ensure that their blood was clean and pure, but also to extend their years. Blood slaves were retired around fifty. However, males had lasted as old as sixty-five before being retired. And it was all due to their exercise regime and specialized diets.

Matthew sat down, and she smelled his anticipation. She hadn’t been with a male sexually since she’d broken it off with Xenock a year ago. And before Xenock, she’d had one long-term sexual relationship. Smelling Matthew’s scent made her gums ache and her body tingle with desire. She lifted a gentle hand and brushed a lock of hair from his face, then ran her long thin fingers across his cheek, down his chin, to his neck. His eyes closed in pleasure. The Vampire pheromones she threw off were beyond her control. Everything was heightened because she hadn’t been living by the three rules. She was lucky she hadn’t gone into bloodlust and killed someone already.

The pheromones were an initial sedative to humans, relaxing them to give in to a Vampire’s needs. When Matthew opened his eyes again, they were glassy. He lifted his hand and ran his fingers through her hair. The sensation tickled her spine. Her mating instincts had been getting stronger with each passing moon. Her biological clock was ticking, and her hormones were listening. As she gazed at Matthew with his finely chiseled features and strong body, she saw a different face. The face of the slave Mason.

Suddenly she was on top of him, her mouth on his. Matthew’s lips were warm and inviting as he tangled his fingers into her long hair. He encircled her and pulled her close, his mouth hot with passion. He slid his hands up and down her body, smashing her against him. Her breasts brushed against his hard chest, and she lost all control. Her fangs burst from her gums, nicking Matthew’s lip. His blood dripped onto her tongue. She ripped her mouth away from his, and sunk her fangs deep into his awaiting neck. He let out a quick gasp and hugged her tighter as she took her first draw of his blood.

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