Remember This (21 page)

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Authors: Shae Buggs

BOOK: Remember This
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“Lucy, what are you-?” Eli starts but while his mouth is open, I fling the handful of dirt right at his face. The look of horror on his face is exactly what I hoped for.

“So, I hear you have been talking to Mason,” I say now that I have his attention. The dirt on my wet hands has turned to mud and I smear the mud across the refrigerator doors without breaking eye contact with him.

“That’s what this is about? Look, I was just trying to do you a favor. Hey don’t do-“ But he is too late. I open the fridge and freezer doors and throw handfuls of dirt in. I reach over to the sink and grab the spray nozzle and spray water all around the inside.

“That should be a fun mess,” I say with a sweet smile as the dirt turns to mud, dripping onto the half eaten pumpkin pie. You weren’t planning on eating anything in here were you?”

“Why are you doing this?” I can tell he is getting pissed. Dirt flies out of his nostrils. I put the spray nozzle down and walk so I am standing right in front of him.

“Why did you tell my husband that he wasn’t good enough and that he should back off?” He doesn’t answer. “Don’t worry you don’t have to answer that. I know why you did it. You thought if Mason left me then you could have me all to yourself. But wait, you had a girlfriend so what was your plan there? Oh yeah, to have two women groveling at your feet. One at work and one at home. Well, when I am done with your house you will have to explain to your girlfriend what happened and I have a feeling that she won’t be living here anymore. Then you will have no one,” I finish. I turn around and grab more dirt. I throw my hands up in the air and watch as the dirt scatters across the floor. I have emptied enough of the planter now that I can carry it around with me. I take it over to the sink, add some water, and watch the mud form.

Eli starts to walk towards me and I know he is going to try to stop me so I have to think quickly. I grab the spray nozzle on the sink and start spraying him as he reaches for my hand. The cold water blasts his face and he stumbles back a little. I throw some more dirt on him adding to the mess and he slips on the mud and collapses to the floor. I shimmy past him trying not to slip myself and for once in my life, I gracefully slide past him. I throw some mud on the couch and sling it across the curtains. As I run past the fireplace mantel, struggling with the planter a little, I see a picture of Eli and his girlfriend, Erika in a frame. I set the planter down and look at the picture. Eli has gotten up and is walking towards me again.

“Cute couple,” I say in a beyond friendly voice and I throw a big handful of mud on the photo and then set it back on the mantel in its upright position. “Not anymore,” I grin. He makes a grab for me but I pick up the planter and dash down the hallway. I throw a handful of mud into the hallway bathroom on my way to his bedroom. Eli tries to grab me again but I have made it to the place I wanted to get to all this time.

“What do you want?” he throws his hands up in defeat.

“What thread count sheets are these?” I say running my dirty hand along the folded down sheet. He has told me several times how weird he is about his bedding. He insists that the thread count always be higher than 600 and he has to be absolutely clean before he gets into bed.

“Please don’t, Lucy. Look, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have intervened.”

“No, you shouldn’t have,” I grin. I feel like I look like one of those women in the movies who goes bat shit crazy on their cheating husbands. It feels good to let loose and he hasn’t seen crazy yet. I pull back the comforter and the sheets.

He flinches. “No-“

I jump into the bed with the planter in my lap. He surrenders and stands looking at me. I dig both my hands in the planter and squish my fingers into the mud. As I smile at him, I let the mud drip off of my hands onto the bed. He cringes. I rub my hands all over the comforter and the sheets. I grab another handful and spread the mud all over the pillows. I pause for a second enjoying his expression.

“You know what, why waste time?” I say and dump the planter upside down and the mud pours onto the bed and in my lap. I lie back on the bed and roll around taking the mud with me.

“This is so much fun. I should do this more often,” I say thrashing around. I peak up at Eli and his head is in his hands. I roll around a little more and then climb out of bed.

“Sorry for the mess,” I say brushing past him. I turn around and smack him hard on the butt with my muddy hand and leave a handprint. I hear him inhale sharply but I don’t turn around to see his expression. I admire my handy work as I make my way to the front door. Eli is right behind me as I step onto the porch.

“You know, you really should put some flowers out here. It might brighten the place up,” I say pointing to the spot where the planter was. As I climb into my car, full of mud, I see Eli slam the door and I know that I proved my point.

“Lucy, what did you do?” Mason asks as I walk into the living room covered in mud, my hair still a mess, mud added to the chaos.

“I paid a little visit to Eli like I said,” I say a little smugly.

“Oh Luce, that is awesome,” Mason says giving me a high five. Before I can pull my hand away he grabs it and pulls me close to him.

“Don’t do that, I am covered in mud,” I protest trying to pull away.

“I don’t care,” he says as he stares into my eyes. I stop breathing and Henry is going bonkers. “I really want this to work. I think we can figure things out. Lucy, I love you,” he says and he leans a little closer so he is an inch from my face.

I don’t know how he always catches me off guard. I am covered in mud, I haven’t brushed my hair and I just had a crazy moment but I say the only thing on my mind. The only thing I feel. “I love you, too.” Mason leans in and kisses me. It’s the sweetest kiss I can remember and my knees buckle.


Mason and I have been working things out for a little over a week now. He moved back in and we sleep in our bed together. Well, we actually do a lot together in our bed…and other places around the house. We have been getting along famously and last night we had our second date this week. I’ve let my work slip a little again and I have been focusing my time on our relationship. Man, this sounds like déjà vu.

Eli avoided me at work this week and I heard him on the phone with Erika. It didn’t sound like a pleasant conversation.

Kara and Scott decided to throw a Christmas party and a ‘glad you have your memory back’ celebration for all our family. We pull into their driveway and I can tell Scott spent hours putting up all these Christmas lights. There is a giant bow hanging on the front door and each small, white pillar out front is decorated like a candy cane. We grab the cheesecake that Mason insisted on making and head inside. It smells like cinnamon, peppermint, and pine in the house full of people.

“Do you remember me?” my mom says as she comes barreling around the corner with my dad, both carrying what looks like peppermint schnapps. She gives Mason a big hug.

“Mom,” I say a little annoyed but I’m glad they are here. She looks so cute in her red and white striped sweater covered in reindeer. The reindeer noses are bells that jingle whenever she moves. My dad has on the same sweater in blue and white. They are so bizarre sometimes.

“Good to have you back,” my dad says shaking Mason’s hand. I glance at Mason because I know he has been with us for awhile but that is our little secret.

“Uncle Mason!” Piper screams as she flies into his arms. “Thank you so much for the snowball thrower.”

“You are very welcome. We can use it today,” he says as he sets her on the ground.

“Hi, Mason,” Liam says in a tone that is way too cheerful to be my nephew. Mason pats him on the back.

“Well, I see you are back to normal,” Dr. Carter says walking up to the two of us. My family has disappeared into the buzzing crowd.

“Yes, thanks for your help, Karl,” Mason says shaking his hand.

“It didn’t take you this long to get your memory back did it?”

Mason snorts. “Not quite.” I roll my eyes.

“I’m just glad I didn’t have to report you two for spousal abuse. Merry Christmas,” he smiles and walks away.

“I never did get to apologize for hitting you like that. I promise I will never do that again,” I grovel.

“I deserved it for being such a shitty husband. I promise I will never do that again.” We both laugh at our ridiculous past.

We mingle in the crowd. Everyone wants to talk to Mason so I sneak away to get some alone time with Kara and Drey. I told them I did something crazy to Eli but I never got to tell them the full story. We grab mugs of apple cider and I tell them everything not leaving out any details.

“You didn’t?!” Drey screams and she practically spits cider everywhere. “You are crazier than me. I never want to be on your bad side.”

“I don’t know what came over me but it felt good. And you should have seen his face.”

“That is the most amazing thing I have heard,” Kara chimes in. She is really smiley today. Must be the Christmas spirit.

“Dinner is ready!” Scott calls from the kitchen. We all line up and load our plates up with a traditional turkey dinner. My sister is chatting with Mason’s parents and my parents are dancing in the corner without any music playing at all. We finish eating and then I see Scott and Kara stand by the fire place.

“Thank you everyone for coming,” Scott booms and everyone quiets down. “It’s great to have my friend Mason back and I know you all missed him as well. Lucy, you are a good woman for putting up with all of this,” he smiles and winks at me. I raise my mug of cider. Mason squeezes his arm tighter around my waist. Scott looks at Kara and she beams. “We also have an announcement,” Scott says not taking his adoring eyes off of his wife. “We are going to have a baby!” he shouts. The room is silent for a split second and then everyone claps and hollers. I am at a loss for words. I make eye contact with Drey across the living room giving her my ‘did you know about this’ look and she gives me the same look back. Tears spring up in my eyes. Kara’s and Scott’s moms are crying and I think my mom is too. All the girls rush to give Kara a hug and the guys congratulate Scott.

Drey and I reach Kara at the same time. “How long have you known?” I ask.

“Yeah, how did you keep this a secret from us?” Drey chimes in.

“We just found out a little over week ago and I had a doctor’s appointment yesterday. I think it happened that night after we went out. I guess tequila isn’t so bad after all,” she whispers. We all laugh. Everyone gushes over the parents to be and I go and grab some cheesecake.

“You guys are next,” my mom screeches as she pinches the back of my leg.

“Mom, please!”

“Do you want to go for a walk?” Mason cuts in.

“Sure,” I say and finish my cheesecake and put the plate in the sink. “That was amazing by the way.”

“Thanks.” I put on my red knit hat and matching mittens. My mom bought me a beautiful purple scarf for Christmas last year that I wrap around my neck. I should be ok in this and my sweater. Mason has on a green plaid button down with a red sweater over the top. He looks very Christmasy.

“Do you want some gloves?” I ask.

“No, I will be fine.” He opens the door and we head out in the brisk afternoon air. I can tell the street out front didn’t get plowed this morning because it is packed with snow. There is no grass showing in any lawn. I think this is the most snow we have seen here in a while. I like how bright it makes everything.

“I can’t believe they are having a baby. Well, I guess I can. It’s about time, it just seems so sureal,” I say, the snow crunching under our feet as we walk down the middle of the road. There doesn’t seem to be any traffic.

“Yeah, I’m happy for them,” Mason says and then he gets quiet.

“What’s wrong?”

“I wanted to talk to you about something.” He pauses for a few seconds and I wait patiently. His forehead scrunches. “I am thinking about quitting my job with my dad. I want to open a restaurant.” I am appalled.

“Mason, that is great!” I exclaim. “You have always talked about it but I didn’t know if you would go through with it.”

“I am going to talk to my dad about it. I know he won’t take it well but it’s what I want to do. So do you really think it’s a good idea?”

“Yes, you are always so happy when you are cooking.”

“I’m always happy when I’m with you,” he says in an over the top cheesy voice.

“Ha ha very funny,” I say.

“But seriously, I am very happy right now.” Mason grabs my hand and we stop in the middle of the street. “I know our family is pressuring us for kids but I am happy with us right now. I love you, Lucy and I am excited for our future.” Mason’s baby blues are piercing me and they sing with sincerity.

“I love you, too. And I am happy with us for right now, too. In the future I want kids but I don’t think we are even close to that yet.”

“Good. I’m glad we are on the same page. Your clumsy crazy ways are more than enough to deal with right now,” he says smiling at me. All I can do is smile back.

As we stand in the middle of the street smiling like fools at each other, I realize that we can make this work. We are going to fight and scream at each other but I will not let us grow apart again. And I will never throw a wine bottle at his head again. Although, that seemed to be what fixed our relationship. I hate to think of what would have happened to us if he hadn’t lost his memory.

“What are you thinking about?” Mason asks brushing my hair out of my face.

“Just that I may not always like you but I will always love you. I never stopped loving you even when we were apart. I want you to know that.” Mason smiles and pulls me close to him. He shifts me to the side and dips me low into one of his famous dramatic kisses. He smiles down at my shocked expression and I start to giggle. As I am laughing, my foot slips on the packed now and I slide right out of Mason’s arms onto the ground.

“Oh shit, are you ok, Lucy?” I can’t help but laugh more. Mason is now on the ground with me touching his cold hands to my face making sure I am ok.

“I’m fine. I didn’t hit my head or anything. The snow created a nice cushion.”

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