Resistance (10 page)

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Authors: Jan Springer

BOOK: Resistance
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For now
. The two words echoed through his splitting skull
like a death chant.

By the time Red had him naked, he was quite aware of his
swollen erection and the erotic way she licked her lips. Licking lips was a sure
sign she wanted to have his cock thrusting into her mouth.

She lifted his legs and maneuvered him onto the bed. His
arousal was quickly forgotten as he lay down and a wave of dizziness swept
through him. He sank onto the warm, cozy mattress, his vision swimming. Despite
the pain, he managed to free himself from it to whip her a teasing grin.

“I guess I’m at your mercy this time around, eh, Red?”

“You better keep that in mind and behave, Will. Because
there really is no reason for me to keep you alive, is there?”

Her words penetrated his foggy brain with an icy fierceness
that made him realize he just might not get out of this alive. With that
knowledge taking hold inside him, her face floated away, fading into the dark
pain until nothing else existed but blackness.

Chapter Six


It was way too warm in the cabin, but she’d forced herself
to eat. Her throbbing headache and the nausea clutching at her belly went away
and, as she resettled the gauze over the tender-looking bullet slash on Will’s
right temple, she said another prayer of thanks. One of many prayers tonight as
she’d patched up the two men.

The wounds on Will weren’t too bad. The one on his temple
wasn’t deep. Just a flesh wound, but he’d still bled like a stuck pig. She
considered him lucky. Extremely lucky.

His chest wound had been more serious. She’d dug out a
bullet, but it hadn’t penetrated more than an inch. Hadn’t hit anything vital.
On his chest, she’d placed a poultice with some herbs she carried with
her—herbs that should attack any infection that might follow her digging

She was glad she’d made alternative medicine a part of
mandatory first-aid training for all Resistance members. Not only did
alternative medicines work, they were easier to obtain than traditional
antibiotics. And in many cases, members were able to grow their own herbs in
the meadows around the areas where they hid.

The sharp snap and crackle of wood brought her attention
back to the high temperature. She couldn’t be sure if the heat was due to the
X-virus kicking in and her need to orgasm or because she’d been stoking too
much wood into the woodstove and the living room fireplace. Or if it was due to
the fact she had two naked men lying on the cots she’d set up on each side of
the stove.

Reena sighed and checked Cade’s forehead again. Hot. He
stirred beneath her touch, mumbled something about a beauty and then smiled in
his sleep, sending a wild fluttering deep inside her heart. She answered his
smile while surveying the damp hair sweeping over his forehead and the long, dark
lashes framing his cheeks, flushed pink with fever.

Luckily she’d been able to get him to sip a few spoonfuls of
a special blend of tea the Resistance’s trusted doctor had given her before she
left to come out here.

Medicine of any kind, whether naturopathic or synthetically
produced, was extremely hard to acquire—not to mention expensive these days
with the bad economy. But she’d vowed to the doctor she wouldn’t take any
unless absolutely necessary. Well, easing the men’s discomfort seemed to be a

The tea was a potent drug. Only a few spoonfuls every four
hours would help fight infection and a fever. Given in larger quantities, it
also acted as a sedative, knocking out the recipients for hours and making them
virtually helpless.

She yawned as she tucked the blankets back in around Cade’s
scar-riddled body. He’d been careless or taken too many risks during the Wars.
He had several bullet scars and healed-over knife wounds where he’d been
stabbed. He also had a bad habit of thrashing around when he slept, and she
certainly didn’t need any more glimpses of his long, thick shaft or those
interesting-looking slash-like scars lacing his lower belly and onto his cock.
She’d seen the scars when she’d gotten him out of his clothing and, oh boy, how
her pussy had clenched at the sight of him. She’d longed to stroke his shaft
and watch it come to life. To touch it. Feel it. Hold it. But she’d been in a
hurry, cleaning his wounds, applying ointment and feeding him tea before
getting back onto the snowmobile to rescue Will.

She’d also had to deal with Will’s wounds. He’d remained
semi-conscious as she’d undressed him. She hadn’t been able to coax too much
tea into him, but he’d taken enough to help with the fever starting inside him.
And his cock…oh my. Just as big and a bit longer than Cade’s.

She blew out a tense breath and came around the stove.
Checking Will’s forehead, she found him hot, but thankfully not as hot as Cade.
A similar, wild stirring snapped through her lower belly—just as it had with
Cade—when she gazed down at Will’s body. His hair spilled over his damp
forehead, giving him an innocent, boyish look. But she knew better.

He was no innocent and no boy.

Yep, definitely getting too hot in here.

Despite the horrors of what had happened today and her mind
wanting to shut down, the X-virus wasn’t going to give her body a break. She
needed to orgasm and she needed to get outside and cool herself down. She
headed over to the sofa bed, pulled it open and grabbed the thick vibrator
wrapped in a clean towel she’d hidden under the blankets. The vandals hadn’t
discovered her vibe and she cursed the bastards as she walked past the damaged
satellite radio they’d left strewn on the floor. Those hunters hadn’t wanted
her to call for help, but by tomorrow night the Resistance would know there was
a problem because she’d have missed the scheduled check-in time. Unless, of
course, they tried to contact her before then.

She doubted that scenario, though. Lately, from the way
she’d been biting off people’s heads and being such a bitch, they were probably
glad to be rid of her.

Oh well, at least she had her vibe for companionship. It was
the only toy she’d allowed herself to buy. Because sex toys were forbidden for
women to use, she could only secure one through the black market. Talk about
expensive. Guilt assailed her when she thought how the money could have been
spent in better ways, like on medicine or milk for the few babies the
Resistance now took care of. But she’d needed something powerful and safe to give
her some relief and this handy, big gadget did the trick most of the time.

The vibe was lifelike and she couldn’t wait to use it as she
rushed toward the door. Molded in a black jelly with raised veins, it measured
a good eight inches long with a two-inch girth and was the most powerful vibe
on the market. Past experience taught her it would help bring the orgasm she
needed so badly to survive.

An icy sweep of winter air greeted her as she stepped onto
the screened porch. It had grown dark outside, but not dark enough she couldn’t
see the silhouette of the snowmobile and attached trailer she’d used to bring
Cade and Blade here. Grandad had loved his snowmobile and it was the first
thing Reena had thought about when she’d stopped screaming and pulled herself
together in the hunters’ camp. She really should get the machinery into the
shed and out of the elements. But it was cold out and she just wanted to forget
the awful day, do what needed doing and get some rest.

Ever since returning to the cabin with Cade and then Will,
the insistent, warning throbs of craving an orgasm had plagued her. She needed
release and she needed it bad.

She moaned as she pulled down her panties, turned on the
vibe and began to massage her clit. The cock head pulsed and pounded and she
moaned louder as the electric pleasure mounted. She moved the cock head between
her labia and plunged into her creaming vagina, crying out as the orgasm
quickly rocked through her.

She withdrew and thrust it in again, imagining the vibrator
was Blade fucking her up against the door of that bedroom. Then, to her
surprise, thoughts of Cade fucking her burst to the forefront.

Confusion pummeled her as her thoughts whipped back to Blade
again. Then Cade.

Both men fucking her? The devilish idea made her explode on
a strangled cry. The orgasm tore into her like a tornado and Reena went with

Breathing deeply and thrusting her vibe in and out, she
bucked her hips and with her free hand tugged on her nipple rings. Quickly, she
became lost inside the magnificent spasms as they rocked through her at
lightning speed. Too soon the orgasm ebbed, leaving Reena unfulfilled, knowing
the momentary fantasy of Cade and Will making love to her would never come

The idea was crazy. She’d only just met Cade and she’d only
been with Will that one time, but that didn’t stop her from smiling at the idea
of having the Resistance keep the two men as captives purely to pleasure her.

Sighing, Reena withdrew her vibe, pulled up her panties,
closed her eyes and rested. Her vaginal muscles spasmed softly and the blood
pounded through her ears. Somewhere far off in the woods, an owl screeched, its
echo sending chills down her spine. A moment later, its mate answered from
close by.

Desolation crowded in around her. There were no neighbors to
run to for help. She was alone and on her own to deal with what had happened to

After a few minutes of silence, the cold seeped into her. It
didn’t frighten her as it had when she’d been handed back and forth between
those men. Here, she could step into a building to warm herself.

Her feet were almost back to normal, nestled in a couple of
pairs of wool socks and dry shoes. Tenderness still lingered though, and if
Cade and Blade hadn’t shown up when they had, she wouldn’t be walking. She
would have been those hunters’ slave.

Uneasiness zipped through her. She should have made sure all
those men were dead. Some of them could still be alive, maybe even heading back
here. Back to her.

She wished Granddad were here. Being with him and Grandmom
had given her the safety and stability she’d always craved, even if it had only
been for short bursts of time.

She’d loved her stays here.

Granddad had even shown her how to take his snowmobile in
and out of storage. That’s how the vehicle had been in working condition,
because she’d known exactly what to do to get it started.

Reena bit back a swell of nostalgia as she visualized her
grandfather out in front of the cabin, sitting on the snowmobile, revving it
up, waving to her and shouting for her to get a move on if she wanted to go out
for a midnight run across the frozen lake.

Oh man!
The icy wind blowing against her face as they
raced the snowmobile back and forth across the flat of the lake had exhilarated
her. The unleashed speed created a freedom that melted right into her soul.
Grandpa had been such a sweet old man and her heart broke when she got the call
from Grandmom, saying he’d died in his sleep up here in the cabin not too long
before the X-virus had taken hold around the world.

Her grandmother died only weeks later after she herself had
succumbed to the virus. Her mother had died shortly after that, leaving Reena
with her cold, emotionless father. She tossed aside the sadness of her past and
gazed around the picturesque scenery, smiling at the quietness. Yeah, this is
why she’d come here alone in the first place. To get some solitude and figure
out which direction she wanted to take the Resistance. She truly had no idea.

Wiping away a stray tear, she inhaled a cold breath as she
tried to collect her jumbled emotions. It might have been easier to leave the
two men back there to die. That would have solved her problem of taking care of
them. But hell, she’d never been a woman who took the easy way out. And they’d
saved her life so she owed them big-time.

While they were here, she’d have to make the best of the
situation. Forcing away the memories of the violence she’d experienced earlier in
the day, she inhaled and exhaled slowly until a peaceful calm entered her
system. After a long while, she headed back inside.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“Now you know how it feels, don’t you, torturer?” the woman
whispered in a low, deadly voice. Cade clenched his teeth and pulled at his
binds as she sliced into his flesh. Pain burned unlike anything he’d ever
experienced before.

This cut was the deepest and too damned low on his belly. If
she kept going in the general direction she was headed…

Cade breathed deep and fought the urge to scream as she cut
again into his flesh. This time way too close to his cock.

“I have no wish to kill you, torturer,” she taunted.

He tensed as she lapped at the blood that spilled from the
latest slash. Her long black hair tickled his left hip and made him cringe. He
didn’t like any part of her touching him. At least not anymore.

Lifting her head, she gazed at him and he jolted at the
sight of his blood dripping from her lips and down her chin. There was a mad
glaze in her eyes. One he’d never noticed before, not even while he’d carved
into her over the past several days. Was his torture of her responsible for
that look? Or had she always been mad and just waiting for the right time to

She held the knife close to her mouth. The blade gleamed
beneath the light, flashing off the lone bare bulb hanging from the prison
interrogation room ceiling. She licked the blood-soaked blade and he swallowed
the sickness gushing up the back of his throat.

Jesus. He must have driven her insane. But he’d gone easy on
her the last few days—after he’d developed feelings for her. Caring for a
“client” was something he’d never done before.

It hadn’t been the first time he’d driven one of them off
the deep end with his handy knife. Until this woman he’d enjoyed his job,
carving into a terrorist’s flesh carefully and slowly, relishing his or her
screams and begging. Appreciating their confessions as they spilled secrets the
US Army wanted to know.

He tortured them because of what had happened to his sister.
These sons of bitches had killed her by unleashing the X-virus, and he would
continue to make them pay for as long as the Terrorist Wars continued. But with
this prisoner, the process had been different right from the start.

She was a Saudi. A beautiful woman who, according to the
reports of why she’d been captured, knew the whereabouts of three of the top
ten terrorists on the US Most Wanted List.

But her beauty had blinded him. He could see that now. It
had unleashed his long-suppressed lust for a woman and brought out his buried
protective instincts. He should have known the moment he’d accepted her offer
to open her legs for him. Should have walked away right then. Should have
called in someone else to torture her.

He’d ignored the number-one rule of a torturer.
Never experience empathy for the “client”. But he’d folded. Accepted her
propositions. Had come to her prison cell and, instead of torturing her,
instead of permanently marring her soft velvety skin, he’d fucked her and
enjoyed the way her beautiful face twisted with the pleasure he gave her. But
he’d also cut her flawless flesh after each visit. Not too deep. Just enough to
avoid suspicion until he could find a way to break her out of here.

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