Resistance (13 page)

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Authors: Jan Springer

BOOK: Resistance
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A strangled gasp erupted from Blade.

Son of a bitch. He
been awake while Reena rode
him and now he was masturbating.

Cade grinned. He wrapped his good hand around his shaft and
began stroking himself, moaning softly as pleasure quickly curled through him.
He’d have to figure out how to make sure she didn’t get any more drugs into his
system. He’d have to keep an eye on her every move. And he would, of course,
have to plot the perfect sexual punishment for her.

He could hardly wait.

* * * * *

It was so quiet in the cabin. Reena surveyed the several
pairs of panties and one bra she’d washed and hung on a string she’d suspended
across the hot area above the woodstove. She tossed another log into the
fireplace and shoved yet another into the potbelly stove before dropping some
pills into her palm. These meds were meant to prevent infection. So far they
were working. But she would have to stop drugging the men soon with her special
tea. If they lay in bed for too long, they would have health issues like blood
clots or pneumonia from lack of movement.

Maybe one more night. They should be strong enough by tomorrow
to fend for themselves. There was enough food here to feed them until she could
send in some members of the Resistance to rescue them. And then what?

Try to talk some sense into them? Try to get them to join
the Cause?

Yeah, right. Cade’s brother Tyler would spring Cade and Will
the instant he found out her group had them, and then Will would come after her
and maybe kill her, and Cade would try to recapture her and bring her in so he
could collect his bounty to pay his bills. Well, let them try. That’s what she
had bodyguards for.

Reena sighed. She really should leave now. Tonight. She
could use her old snowshoes to get out of this valley and head up to the main
road where there was a cell signal.

Her momentary hope deflated. That is, if she had her cell
phone. Cade had taken it when he’d captured her. She’d gone through his jacket
after she’d rescued him and her cell and weapons hadn’t been there. He’d
probably put them in his knapsack back at his camp—the pack now buried under a
heap of snow and her phone so frozen it wouldn’t work anymore.

No, she would need to rest here tonight and decide what to
do in the morning. An uneasy jittering still haunted her over what had happened
with those hunters. Oddly enough, a sense of security flooded through her at
having Will and Cade here, even if they were unconscious.

Her defenses were down. Despite being out of harm's way,
there was a vulnerable and naughty side to her, wanting both of these men
making love to her at the same time. This was so not good.

She grabbed a glass of water and headed to Blade. He
appeared to still be out of it. Good. She’d forgo his tea tonight and coax him
into taking a traditional antibiotic pill.

She’d have sex with Cade tonight. She’d be careful not to
open his wounds. The anticipation of orgasming with Cade shot quivers of
excitement through her. She blew out a breath and trailed her fingertips along
Will’s jawline. He moaned softly and her lower abdomen fluttered. She loved
that sound.

Primal. Sex-on-a-stick. Man.

Touching the edge of his lips, she spoke softly, asking him
to open his mouth. Thankfully he did.

“Stick out your tongue. I have some more antibiotics for
you,” she said.

His mouth opened partially and he stuck his tongue out.
Reena couldn’t hold back the shiver of heat zipping through her at the memory
of his luscious tongue dabbing into her vagina.

Okay, Reena. Chill.

Her breathing grew faster and raspier and it took her a
moment to steady her breath. She placed the pill on his tongue and he took it
in, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed.

Huh, no need for water tonight. That was easy. He must be
getting better.

She checked the new poultice she’d placed on his chest and
the wound appeared to be healing quite nicely. No sign of infection. The pill
would keep him doped up and drowsy so she could have her way with Cade.

Reluctantly she left Will and moved around the woodstove to
Cade’s cot. His blankets were bunched up low on his abdomen, giving her a nice
view of his tanned muscles and the steady rise and fall of his chest. He was


Licking her dry lips, she gently tugged the blankets down past
his waist, revealing a hard, juicy cock standing at half-mast. Oh boy, he had
to be dreaming about some red-hot sex to be up like that tonight. Well, she’d
get him a little harder in no time flat. She began touching him, the powerful
throb of his penis beneath her fingers making her cream.

He groaned softly, animalistic and primal. Rena stopped, her
tummy hollowing out with anxiety. She snapped her gaze to his face, but his
eyes were closed. She breathed in relief.

Asleep. Perhaps she hadn’t given him enough tea earlier to
put him fully under? Maybe she should give him some more, just to make sure he
didn’t catch her. For a few seconds indecision raged, but the solid heat
seeping into her fingers from his long, swollen cock encouraged her to continue
with her agenda.

“You are so nice and big,” she whispered, excitement and
need firing through her bloodstream.

Gently, she twisted her hands around his scarred shaft. He grew
bigger, his cock slowly turning an angry, demanding red.

“Almost, there,” she said quietly as he blossomed bigger and
bigger. “Nice and big and juicy for me.”

Lust and curiosity at having him in her mouth wrapped around
her. Holding his shaft steady at the base with one hand, she reached down with the
other and stroked her sensitive pussy. Lowering her head toward his hard shaft,
she moaned into the pleasure from her massages upon her clit.

Just one taste of him, that’s all she craved. Just one taste
while she stoked her fires and then she’d mount him. Licking her lips, she
opened her mouth. As she sucked his big cock head, her lips stretched until
they burned in a nice way. The velvety hard bulge of him in her mouth had her
vagina clenching as she imagined him slipping into her pussy. She tightened her
lips around his cock head, stopping when he groaned.

Oh shit.

Her eyes snapped back to his face. His lids remained closed.

But what else did she expect? She was arousing him. He was a
man with sexual needs and he would react—even if he was asleep. He would think
the pleasure was coming from a dream…that she was a dream. At least, she hoped that’s
what he would think.

She really should stop. This was a dangerous game. At least
Blade quietly endured her needs while he slept and there weren’t any sexy,
aroused groans like from Cade.

Oh hell!
Fire licked through her with an intensity
she couldn’t push away. She needed to satiate herself on him…tonight. Just him.

Using her tongue, she slurped around his big cock head,
exploring the curves and ridges and the pulsing, elevated veins. She loved the
bigness of him, the heat and the potential risk of him waking up while she was
licking his shaft.

The thought of him fighting the sedative effects of the tea,
of overpowering her, tying her down to the bed and fucking her senseless for
hours, had her whimpering with need.

She released his cock.

Quietly and quickly, she sheathed his erect cock with a
condom. Panting with impatience, she climbed over him. Squatting, she sucked in
a hot breath as his wet cock head slipped between her labia and into her cunt.
He slid into her, deep and powerful. Her sensitized vaginal muscles quickly
accepted him, clenching his massive shaft, sucking and spasming. She rocked her
hips, melted against him and rode him, all the while watching his face.

He was breathing harshly but his eyes remained closed. If he
hadn’t woken up by now, he would just think of this as a dream. But gosh, his
lips looked so yummy. They were curled upward slightly at the edges, as if he
were secretly smiling. Yes, he was in dreamland.

One kiss wouldn’t hurt, would it?

Leaning over, she touched her lips to his and reveled in the
soft push of his mouth against hers. Surprise zipped through her as he parted
his lips, his tongue pressing into her mouth, mating with her tongue.

He was demanding, his tongue stroking hers, pistoning inside
her like a miniature cock. Pleasure splashed around her and she moaned as she
climaxed. The orgasm rocked her right down to her toes and she struggled for
breath as tremors embraced her straining body. She ground herself senselessly
against his strong body, her mouth fused against his.

Vibrations whipped against her, over her, all around her. She
cried into his succulent mouth as the pleasure sent her into a mindless vortex
where nothing existed except stars, streaks of color and helpless excitement.
She could barely catch her breath as the orgasm ebbed and she awkwardly climbed
off Cade. Wiping her fingers over her sensitized lips, she gazed down at his
sweat-sheened body.

If she didn’t know any better, she’d swear he was awake. How
else could she explain the raw and desperate way he’d kissed her back?

And how did she explain her reaction to him? Like a wild,
out-of-control animal high on lust, that’s how.

Sweet heavens
. Had her X-virus mutated to another,
wilder level? All she wanted to do was rub herself, like a cat in heat, all
over these two men. Her fingers trembled as she slipped the condom from Cade’s
semi-erect cock. Tying off the condom, she tossed it into the wastebasket in
the kitchen. After making sure his wounds hadn’t reopened, she hurriedly mixed
a fresh poultice. Relief splashed through her after packing his wounds.

Rest. She needed rest. But first she had to wash the insides
of her thighs.

A few minutes later, a wonderful freshness clung to her skin
as she climbed beneath the blankets on the couch. Boy, she was tired from all
that gyrating on Cade. She should have been more careful with him, but she had lost

Reena closed her eyes and blew out a breath. Boy, had she
ever lost control.

Hopefully the snow would stop by morning and she could get
out of here. Hopefully…

She slept.

* * * * *

“Was it as good as it sounded?” Blade’s chuckle snapped
through Cade, making him jolt from where he stood at the front porch railing.
He’d waited until Reena fell asleep before getting out of bed.

To his surprise, he wasn’t that tired or wobbly. His chest
and shoulder barely hurt, compliments of her good nursing skills. Except his
wounds got quite sore when he moved his right arm, so he kept his motions to a
minimum and used his left. He’d tiptoed around the kitchen, grabbed some bread
and cheese and gulped it down while finding the matches she used to light the
camp stove as well as some candles on a kitchen shelf.

Via candlelight, he’d quietly grabbed the weapons and
stashed them in a back room out of sight, because when Reena discovered they
were awake and not drugged anymore, she just might decide to do something
stupid…like shoot them. He’d found his pants and cleaned shirt and sweater, the
bullet holes sewn up quite professionally.

Donning his jacket and boots, he’d come outside to grab some
fresh air.

Blade had also waited to make sure Reena was asleep before
getting out of bed. The man grinned happily as he tossed a pill out into the
snow. He’d apparently discovered his cleaned clothing as well and, aside from a
few little grimaces as he slipped into his coat—also cleaned of blood—he
appeared pale but strong.

It seemed not only was Reena a good Florence Nightingale,
she was also a good laundress and seamstress.

“Better than good,” Cade admitted, trying not to act
surprised that Blade had witnessed Reena ride him into orgasm. All her gyrating
had made him hotter than hell and he was thankful the cold winter air was doing
a good job of cooling him down.

“So, what’s on our agenda?” Will asked. “Not that I’m
complaining. I rather enjoyed it, but she needs some kind of punishment for
drugging us and taking advantage of us like she did.” Humor laced Blade’s

Amusement sifted through Cade at the thought of getting back
at her and giving her a taste of her own medicine. It would be more than
enjoyable. He hadn’t been this keyed up in one hell of a long time.

Snowflakes swirled out of the dark night sky and, having lived
on a farm since he was born, he was a pretty good reader of the weather…and the
sky was spelling trouble.

“Looks like another blizzard.” Cade nodded at the sky. “We
won’t be going anywhere at least for a couple of days. I, for one, don’t expect
to be lying around anymore pretending I’m sick.”

“I’ll second that,” Blade agreed. “I take it you’ve got
something in mind?”

“Damn right I do,” Cade admitted.

The camaraderie with Blade was rare. They’d worked together
before, along with his brothers, in serious situations. And teaching Reena a
lesson was a serious situation as far as he was concerned.

“So do I,” Blade said. “How about we put our two ideas together
and see what we come up with? I mean, I can’t very well kill a woman who saved
my life. How about a truce?”

Cade blinked in stunned disbelief as Blade stretched out his
hand. After a slight hesitation, he shook hands with the man who—had Cade not
stopped him—would have killed Reena twice by now. Now that he knew Reena and
Blade shared a past, Cade’s defenses dissolved. Blade was a man of his word. If
he wanted a truce, then he would stick to it. Cade had no doubt about that.

“Truce,” he agreed.

“One problem,” Blade moaned.



Cade grinned. “I just happen to know where she keeps them.”

“Fuck, yeah!”

Cade grimaced when Blade slapped him hard on the back.

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