Resistance (12 page)

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Authors: Jan Springer

BOOK: Resistance
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“Since you’re already wet for me, sir, I’ll skip the

She hissed as he impaled her in one quick thrust. The warmth
of her ultra-tight pussy grabbed hold of his engorged shaft like a vise, making
him groan at the wicked pleasure jolting through him.

Cripes, if someone had told him early this morning he was
going to be inducted into some black ops assassin group and taking his boss on
her desk within minutes of meeting her, he would’ve said they were crazy.

He withdrew and thrust into her again, loving the meek
little hiss of pleasure she made as he impaled her to the hilt. Her velvety
heat snapped around his cock like blades of lightning.

He withdrew and thrust harder, watching those curled fingers
tighten even more over the edge of her desk. Her eyes closed and she whimpered
as her vaginal muscles spasmed like crazy around his erection.

Oh man. He couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t so much as think as pleasure
wrapped around him. He exploded on a gut-wrenching shout and awoke with his
body twisting in both pain and pleasure.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

It took him several precious seconds to orient himself. To
rip himself free from the cobwebs of the past. For a split second, sadness
wrapped around him. Bev was dead now. Blown up in an explosion a few weeks ago.
Yeah, he had regrets. He’d never told her he’d grown to care for her.

Suddenly, a unique pressure wrapped around his cock. The pleasure
seemed to be alive, following him out of his dream.

He blinked in disbelief and through heavy-lidded eyes stared
down to find Red sitting on the side of his bed. Her gaze was fixed on his
midsection where her hands were wrapped snugly around his swollen erection.

She lapped at his cock head, the bristle of her tongue
sending shivers of ecstasy shooting into his solid shaft.

He had to be dreaming. He had to be.

His balls tightened and his cock head disappeared into her

Oh yeah. Hot heaven.

He stifled a groan, knowing instinctively she would stop if
she discovered he was awake and watching. She pulled her head back, cutting his
cock loose, and then wrapped her luscious mouth around his throbbing flesh

Oh man. Why was she doing this? He’d been sent to kill her
yet she’d saved his life and was pleasuring him? He must have done something
right in his life to deserve this slice of heaven.

He lay quietly, damned hard under the circumstances. His
teeth clenched as she increased her sucking on his cock. When he swore he
couldn’t take the pain of his hardness anymore, she stopped playing with him.

Foil ripped.


Oh man.

Between slitted eyes, he saw her lift off her top and toss
it to the ground. Yeah, he remembered how perfectly her breasts had fit into
his hands. He ached to palm them and have her silky skin press against his

She climbed onto the bed. Climbed onto

Wow! Some magnificent dream!

No, not a dream. Reality.

He gritted his teeth to keep from crying out as she impaled
herself on him. Her snug vagina clenched his throbbing, overheated flesh,
sucking him into her.

His hands tangled in the sheets beneath the blankets. He
kept his eyes scrunched closed while he rode the waves of pleasure her sweet
gyrations created. Her tight muscles milked his cock. Magnificent spasms
powered around his erection, gripping him so tightly euphoria slammed into him.

Within seconds, he exploded on a strangled groan. Her body
tensed and she climaxed right along with him. Her soft, barely controlled cries
whispered through the quiet air. The violence of his orgasm was just as strong
as his first time with her—if not stronger.

All too quickly, the pleasure faded and she climbed off him.
The blankets were tucked in and around his naked body as she whispered
goodnight. Then she was gone.

Blade sighed with immense frustration as his wounds began to
throb. Damn her. Why was she reminding him of how great sex could be between
them? Why hadn’t he just reached out, grabbed her by the waist, rolled them
over and started taking her again? But he was so tired. He couldn’t move a
muscle. It felt so good lying here and enjoying the sex and just being alive.

Blade sighed deeply and drifted off into peaceful sleep.

* * * * *

Oh wow.

What she’d done with an unconscious Blade had been intense.
Guilt was the least of her emotions, though. Exhilaration, satisfaction and
happiness wafted through her in waves as she tenderly washed her sensitive
pussy, taking care not to pull on her labia rings.

How in the world could she live with herself? Fucking an
unconscious man wasn’t something she did every day. She prided herself in
pursuing the rights of other people and she’d infringed on his right to consensual
sex. She’d taken away his decision by feeding him some extra medicine, knowing
its sedative effects would make him defenseless against her.

But she’d needed to come so badly. Masturbating outside with
her vibrator had worked late last night, but this morning she awoke with the
familiar craving for sex. The insane need to orgasm.

She’d tried to masturbate, but the pleasure hadn’t appeared.
That had never happened to her before. Frustration plagued her all day as she
tended to the two unconscious men, and then finally late this afternoon, she’d
given into doing what she’d done to Will.

She gazed over at him. He lay quietly, his chest rising and
falling slowly. He was still fast asleep. Thankfully he wouldn’t know she’d
taken advantage of him. She would never tell him how deceitful she had been.

An icy blast of air slapped against her near-nude body as
she opened the cabin door and ducked into the wind. She tossed the used wash
water over the railing and gazed off into the late afternoon sunshine.

Nearby, the pine branches creaked beneath the heavy weight
of snow and it was beginning to snow again. She’d hoped the storm was over. A
couple of hours ago the sun had come out, bright and cheerful, its warm yellow
glow dancing off the snowdrifts. Unfortunately, large, lacy snowflakes began drifting
lazily from dark, heavy clouds that had quickly chased away the sunshine. She
estimated about two feet of snow had fallen last night and today.

Additional snow would only make it that much
harder for her to get out of here…or for people to get to her. She was
surprised some of her crew hadn’t come to her rescue already. Due to the
satellite phone being damaged, she’d passed the allotted time she should have
called the Resistance last night.

Maybe they weren’t coming. Maybe her bitchiness had
encouraged them to vote in a new leader during her absence. She’d be left out
here in this desolation to fuck her brains out with two sleeping men.

Reena smiled as she dashed back into the warm cabin. Fucking
them wasn’t a bad idea, actually. But what would happen when the medicine ran
out and they woke? She shivered. She’d have two virile men on her hands. That’s
what would happen.

And then her troubles would really start.

Chapter Seven


Cade was floating in a dark place. He didn’t like it. Evil
lurked here. Evil and emotional devastation. A sob bubbled up from somewhere
deep inside him and he tried to stop it, but it came up and wrapped itself
around him like a blanket of depression. He knew the feeling well.

He’d lived with it for many years, honing the raw emotion
until it was razor sharp, just like the knives he carried to torture terrorists
or those people he suspected of harboring them.

He remembered when the dark, evil depression had started,
along with the scorching need for revenge. The day had begun innocently, the
cheerful early-morning sunshine streaming through his bedroom windows at his
parents’ farmhouse. It heated his skin, baking him, but he didn’t toss aside
the warm comforters. He just lay there, cherishing this time of the morning.

His parents spoke in hushed voices in the kitchen down the
hall. They did that every morning, talked intimately about their kids, their
plans and what they were going to do that day. Then they roused their six sons
and one daughter and got on with their chores.

He didn’t think it the least bit funny that he, a
twenty-five-year-old man, still lived with his parents. He had a girlfriend he
fully intended on marrying. He slept over at her place a lot. They had
magnificent sex. But for now, he was perfectly content helping his dad out on the
farm and saving money for the land he planned on buying so he could farm too.

He and his sister Melanie were the only ones staying here at
the moment. Their brothers were either in college, university or living at
their own places.

Just thinking about his only sister made him smile. She was
the youngest of the Outlaws. Being Tyler’s twin she’d been born five minutes
later. After the twins, his parents had two more daughters but they’d both been

Needless to say, Melanie was the most precious Outlaw of
them all. And she certainly used her leverage to the full extent. Wrapping them
all around her little finger, getting anything she wanted. All the brothers
caved when she asked them for a favor. Whether it was getting them to try out
her latest cooking creations for the catering business she ran or setting them
up on a blind date. That’s how Cade had met Sue. Melanie had set them up and
he’d fallen for Sue’s gentle ways hook, line and sinker.

He held so much love for his sister and mother it had been
perfectly natural for his feelings to overflow toward Sue. With her, though, he
experienced a different kind of love…but it was just as fierce.

Strong, tart-scented coffee made him gaze at the clock. Time
to get his ass in gear, shower, grab breakfast and head out to the fields with
dad. He was just about ready when a light rap came at his door. Before waiting
for an answer, which everyone did out of respect for one another’s privacy, the
door was flung inward.

His sister stood in the doorway in her nightgown. She was beautiful.
Too pretty and nice for that preacher’s son who’d come sniffing around lately.
Anger burst inside of him. He didn’t like Rafe. The kid was too polite. He was
only after one thing—getting Melanie into bed with him. Cade’s anger vanished
when he saw his sister’s fever-bright eyes.

He knew that look. His world collapsed and so did Melanie.
Right on his bedroom floor. The X-virus had come calling.

They spent the next couple of days trying to save her life.
The brothers all came home and tried to keep Mom away from Mel, but she
wouldn’t hear of it. Then his mother fell ill. Then he got word Sue was gravely
ill too.

People always said things happened in threes
and they surely did. The three women he loved died within hours of one another.

The brothers buried them all on the same day. The coldness
in his heart as the three caskets were lowered into their respective graves,
one by one, had made him numb. None of the brothers had gone to the viewing.
Not that anyone had shown up. Except Luke’s wife Callie, the woman he and his
brothers had years later Claimed after her request to make the union legal in
the eyes of the law so she couldn’t be touched by strange men.

Callie, who’d taken care of the women while they lay dying.
Callie, bless her, hadn’t been touched by the virus.

But virtually every other woman he knew had either died or
survived the X-virus. Survivors were left with various side effects and many
times he gave thanks the three most important women in his life had died
because the world, as it was now, sucked.

Ah shit, this depression was threatening to take a firm hold.
He didn’t want that to happen. It was a frightening place, a desolation where
he couldn’t control his emotions and his mind threatened to drown him in the
same despair he’d lived through immediately following their deaths. He
concentrated on shrugging it off by thinking about Reena and, to his amazement,
the crappiness hugging him vanished.

Thankfully despair hadn’t been present when he’d sniffed
around Reena. Despite not wanting to put his heart out there again, he’d
physically fallen for her. The instant he frisked her warm, curvy body, ran his
fingers through that gorgeous cloud of red hair and saw defiance in her eyes,
he’d been hooked.

Despite the cold darkness, the snow flailing around them,
he’d been on fire for her. It had been a long time since he’d been with a woman—Callie
being the last. But she’d moved with his brother to Monaco where the Claiming
Law didn’t exist.

“Hey. How do you feel, Cade?”

Reena’s feminine voice curled out of the evil darkness and
she leaned over him. He caught her fresh gentle-soap scent which twisted
through him like a teasing ribbon of lust.

He loved her delicate features. High cheekbones, skin that
flushed so easily when a sexual remark was mentioned. Her cute button nose. Sparkling
eyes framed by long, black lashes. Yet it was her dewy mouth that drew his

Warmly curved, her lips would be full, cushiony and so sweet
wrapped around his cock.

“Cade? Can you hear me?” she asked. Concern flooded her
features and a cool hand whispered across his hot forehead. This was nice.

“You still have a fever. But it hasn’t gotten worse.”

“Hot,” he muttered as the heat of pain rushed up and wrapped
itself firmly around him.

“Yes, that’s right. Because of the fever.”

What he actually meant to say was she looked hot. Fantastic.
Sexy. Beautiful.

The tinkle of falling water split the air and then a cool,
wet cloth danced over his fevered chest, just around the area where the pain
throbbed. It hurt with such magnificence he wondered if something vital had
been pierced by the bullet. He’d had his share of bullet holes, knife slashes
and bayonet stabs, along with being tortured. He’d experienced various levels
of pain with each wound. This was one of the worst. Right up there with his own
knife being carved into him.

Through the haze of pain, he determined he was in a room.
Dark-brown stained board and batten-style wood flanked the walls, and thin
strips of pine board made up the ceiling. The walls and ceiling were clearly
handmade, but very good craftsmanship. Whoever built this place had known what
they were doing.

Beside him, about four feet away, the silhouette of a potbelly
cast-iron stove stood in the middle of the room. Shoved against a far wall was
a couch draped with blankets.

He inhaled her enticing scent as she caressed his chest with
the cool, wet cloth.

“We’ll have you feeling better soon. I have medicine,” she
said. Tenderness laced the pretty features of her face and her soft words
spread wonderful warmth into him, pushing aside the fever.

He sighed in relief. After all these years, the scorching
warmth for a woman was back and the cold anger he’d been harboring was gone.

“I love you,” he said. His voice sounded strangled, unused.
He hadn’t said those three words in one hell of a long time and it just seemed
appropriate he should say them now. To her. Before he died.

“I know,” she said. She may have figured what he said had
something to do with the fever. Well, it probably did.

Just before he drifted away again, he vowed he would show
her how much he truly did love her. He closed his eyes and slept.

* * * * *

Cade had been watching Red for hours. At least, it seemed
like hours. He awoke to find her feeding the woodstove. Then, while humming a
soft tune he didn’t recognize, she prepared a meal in the adjoining kitchen.
She cooked something on a portable camping stove and, every once in a while, the
rich scent of frying beef—the kind in those store-bought cans—taunted his
nostrils. His stomach growled in appreciation.

He hoped she didn’t hear. He didn’t want her to know he was
awake and spying on her. He enjoyed watching her. She seemed so free. Like a
graceful butterfly, flitting from the camp stove set on the table to the
kitchen sink to wash something in a bucket, and then back to the kitchen table
to cut vegetables before returning to the camp stove.

She lifted the pot and headed toward the potbelly stove beside
him. He closed his eyes and feigned sleep. A couple of unidentifiable clanks split
the air. His curiosity got the better of him and, through lowered lashes, he
dared a peek.

The pot sat on the woodstove but Reena was nowhere in sight.
Disappointment spilled through him. The soft hiss of the glowing gas lamp on
the kitchen table was his only companion.

Where had she gone?

He tried hard to push back a surge of panic. Had she left
the pot of food on the stove because she had every intention of clearing out
and leaving Blade and him to fend for themselves? But then she coughed and the
rustle of clothing followed. She was undressing.

His cock reacted, pulsed and began to tremble. He envisioned
her creamy, full breasts pillowed in his palms. Nipples engorged and red from
his sucks, her face flushed as she erotically gasped.

Cade inhaled and tried to shift his body as his cock
continued to harden and his balls swelled in a burst of arousal. In order to
focus on something other than his discomfort, he thought of Blade.

Just before losing consciousness in that camp, he had seen
Blade take down the man who’d shot him. And for his troubles, Blade had taken a
bullet from another man who’d been covering the guy who’d shot Cade.

He owed Blade for saving his life. He owed him big-time.

An odd clank made him peer to his right. Reena was shoving
more wood into the potbelly stove. He lowered his lids to half-mast so she
hopefully wouldn’t see he was awake and watching her. She’d changed out of her
day clothes and wore a loose-fitting, white, very short t-shirt. The sensual
curves of her breasts were outlined beneath the shirt, her nipples stabbing boldly
at the material. Gold glinted in the lamplight, illuminating a belly ring, and
when she moved past the potbellied stove, the luscious round curves of her
bottom came into view.

Oh shit.

No pants. No panties. Just the prettiest, curviest ass he’d
ever seen. He almost groaned out loud at the sexy sight, but managed to catch
himself as she lifted her top and tossed it to the floor.

What the hell was she doing?

Oh man. Oh man. Was he dreaming?

Cade clenched his fists in frustration as she quietly
climbed onto Blade’s cot.

No fucking way.

She had long legs for a petite woman. Nice wide hips. She
swung a leg over Blade’s body and a glimpse of gold gleamed on her pussy lips. Labia


She crouched over Blade’s lower belly. In the lamplight,
wetness shimmered between her thighs.

Wake up, man! Wake up and see the present she’s giving you!

Blade didn’t wake. Didn’t so much as flinch or groan as she
sheathed herself on him.

Good Lord!
The man must be dead not to realize what
she was doing. Cade forced his breathing to slow.

Strangely enough, jealousy or possessiveness didn’t
entertain his thoughts as Reena played with her breasts, tugged her nipple
rings and gyrated upon Blade. Her pretty lips parted as she cried out quietly.

Cade tensed at her strangled outburst, his cock and balls swelling
like a son of a bitch. Gritting his teeth against the awesome pressure, he continued
to lie perfectly still. Man! This was hard.

He didn’t want her to know he was watching. Didn’t want her
to know he was aroused while she pleasured herself with Blade. She seemed
pretty confident Blade wouldn’t wake up as she let out another cry, this time a
little louder. She wiggled her hips faster, grinding into Blade’s prone figure.

Cade almost swore out loud at the realization that Blade
must have been drugged. He couldn’t be that far into a fever he didn’t know a
woman was riding him. Reena was fucking Blade while he was unconscious. Was she
drugging him as well?

Shortly after drinking the tea she continued pouring into
him, an odd dopiness would hit. His gut twisted with awareness. She must be
putting something in the drink. That would explain Blade lying there and her
confidence in using his body for her sexual satisfaction.

Cade held back a moan as Reena gyrated harder and faster.
Suddenly she stopped and her mouth went slack, the tension eased from her body.
Slowly, she climbed off Blade. Cade didn’t miss Blade’s swollen shaft, hard as
a pole and glistening with her juices as she wiped him with a cloth.

Afterward, she grabbed her top, her perky breasts jiggling
as she padded over to the gas lamp on the table. She turned off the lamp and
the room plunged into darkness. A couple of moments later, his eyes adjusted to
the new lighting as the moon’s glow drifted against the curtained windows.

Movement at Blade’s cot had Cade’s breath backing up in his

“Little bitch,” Cade said softly as he kept his eyes glued in
Blade’s direction, cursing the bastard for being asleep through the whole

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