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Authors: Tiffany Bryan

Restrained and Willing (23 page)

BOOK: Restrained and Willing
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When she took several steps back and turned, he rose to his
feet, but didn’t immediately follow, hanging back to enjoy the view of her
beautifully pinked backside. Felt a surge of pride that he was the one who’d
marked her, caused that rosy glow that nearly matched the base of the butt plug
visible between her pert cheeks. An effect he looked forward to repeating again
and again throughout their stay as he carefully built her endurance.

She’d handled what he’d dealt her well. Was probably feeling
pretty proud of herself. What she didn’t know was that he’d held back. Hadn’t
put full force behind his swings. Like a new car, you didn’t break it in doing
zero to one-twenty the minute you drove off the lot. You cruised around town
first, got the feel of how it handled. But once you’d mastered the vehicle and
got it out on the open road, no cops in sight, you put the pedal to the metal.

“Face me,” he instructed when she reached her destination.
“Back up to the cross, arms up and stretched out, legs spread as far as they’ll

When she moved back to position her body and her ass hit the
smooth wood, an almost inaudible hiss left her lips.

“Step up a second.” He reached into the shelved wall panel
and withdrew a thin black-velvet pillow, slid it behind her ass and ran the
long silk ribbons around the back of the cross and tied it off. Through the
entire process, he took every opportunity to make contact with her lush body.
Press his chest against hers. Brush his arms and hands over any part of her
tempting body within reach.

Her sigh of contentment let him know she was enjoying it as
much as him.

“A little consideration for your first time. New to the
cross and the abuse dealt your back end, I don’t want to rub you raw. The
cushion is thin. Enough to protect, but still let you feel most of the intended
burn. Wouldn’t want to douse the fire completely.”

“Thank you, Pierce.” Her expressive eyes registered both
relief and skepticism.

“You’re welcome. Don’t expect the same consideration the
next time.” He pulled a cushioned cuff attached to a short chain from the shelf
and Velcro-ed it to her wrist. After testing the fit so her circulation
wouldn’t suffer or the leather leave unnecessary deep grooves in her tender flesh,
he pegged the appropriate chain link in one of a series of holes drilled in the
cross’ side. Repeated the process on her opposite hand and again on both her
ankles. By the time he was done there was a discernible quiver in her legs.
Pierce knew it didn’t have anything to do with extreme strain, since he hadn’t
restrained her legs as tight as he usually would an experienced sub. That too
would be a gradual process.

He glanced up from where he squatted at her feet, her
partially glazed eyes confirmed his suspicion that the quiver was due partially
to the unknown and anticipation of what he was going to do. He’d like to keep
her guessing, but hell, if he held off much longer, his dick would be in danger
of exploding. And not in a good way.

“We’re going to take this slow, babe.” Keeping eye contact
to evaluate her every emotion, he traced his hands from her inner ankles, up
her legs, past her knees to the junction of her thighs, stopping a hairsbreadth
from her gaping pussy. “Doesn’t mean I won’t do everything I wanted to do. Use
the few toys I intended.”

Her eyes flared, her chest rose and fell a bit faster.
Definitely excited.
Not a fleck of trepidation in those beautiful chocolate
orbs. Only unconditional trust. His heart constricted as it did every time a
woman graced him with that look. But not with the strangling intensity it did
when directed at him through this particular woman’s eyes. “No more talking.”

She nodded, the soft long strands of her hair that had
slipped over her shoulders caressing the creamy slopes of her plump breasts,
momentarily diverting his attention.

How was it possible to be jealous of hair? Christ, he was
really losing it.
Get it together, asshole.
Although his first
inclination was to brush her hair back when he got up that far, he decided
against it. The silky strands, feathered over her nipples after they’d been
sufficiently sensitized would make an excellent torture device.

He glanced back down to where he was tracing the top of her
inner thighs, the flat surface of his thumbnails making the barest contact with
her already engorged outer lips. He blew a stream of warm air in a circular
pattern around her pubic area, through her dewy opening directly on her clit.
Moved in for a lighter-than-air lick on the tip of her clit.

Her entire body clenched. The groan that drifted down to him
nothing short of sweet music to his ears.

He kept outward tension on her thighs. Used his thumbs to
spread her open wider, giving him an excellent view of her pink center, the way
it glistened. In the room’s subdued lighting it reminded him of early morning
dew on deeply hued rose petals.

“Woman, your beautiful pussy, gaping, waiting for me to fill
it, is a sight created to drive an ordinary man to his knees.” He huffed a
clipped chuckle. “Good thing I’m made of sterner stuff.”

What drifted to his ears was that little sound, something
like a strangled squeak. Less high pitched, more husky. A little shock. More
than a little escalating need. Additional notes for the music to his ears. By
the time he was done with her, he intended for her to deliver enough melodic
sounds to play a whole goddamn symphony.

Time to add a few throaty low notes.
He pushed a
thumb up inside her. Not fast. Torturously slow.

She groaned. Several times between soft pants as he worked
the full length of his digit in, adding a few idle partial rotations while he
savored every delightful moist inch and the way she clenched down when he
paused. An appeal for him not to retreat. Not that he’d any intention of doing
so. He loved playing with wet pussy. Ramping a female up until her creamy
residue coated his fingers, oozed down his wrist and the inside of her tender,
straining thighs. Warm honeyed rivulets he’d enjoy lapping up later when he was
finished playing.

He took his time, allowing the pleasure to build for them
both, and when he replaced his thumb with two fingers, she was more than ready,
canting her hips out, squirming, whimpering. He could’ve used a waist strap,
but this time he wanted to enjoy every aspect of her growing need for more,
which her compressed lips revealed so nicely as she attempted to hold back any
verbal request.

“I’ve changed my mind,” he said before he thought better of
it, and waited a couple of seconds for her sex-clouded eyes to clear. “You can
talk. But only to express emotions. An occasional—
Oh God
along those lines. No demands. And I swear, if you curse
let’s just say you’ll regret it. Understood?”

“Yes, Pierce.”

“Okay then.” He wasn’t sure why he’d granted her the privilege
to speak. He just knew he wanted to hear her husky pleas, enjoy the rich sound
of her delightful, sensual voice. She didn’t have one of those high-pitched
scratchy, feminine voices that grated on a man’s ears. Most women had a bedroom
voice when in the throes of passion. Heather sounded that way all the time.
Even deeper when in a sexual fervor. A pleasing sound he was beginning to think
he wouldn’t mind hearing for the rest of his life.
Okay, dumbass, get your
mind back to the task at hand.
Speaking of which…he tore his gaze from hers
to discover his hand had stopped moving.

As a well-known chef was famed for saying,
Time to kick
it up a notch

Her moan echoed disappointment when he withdrew, rose and
stepped away.

He wasn’t gone long, didn’t go far. Only a short length of
time to retrieve several toys from one of the recessed compartments in the wall
and place them within hand’s reach.

The first one he grabbed was a nice hefty dildo.

Chapter Fourteen


Heather eyed the dildo Pierce held up with some trepidation.
A little smaller than the real thing jutting up from the dark nest of dark
curly hair between his thighs, but nonetheless intimidating. Equipped with a
wicked-looking hooked tip to torment her G-spot and blanketed with hundreds of
tiny nubs to stimulate already sensitive tissue, in the right hands, the fake
cock would become a torture device she wasn’t sure she could handle. Especially
with the butt plug already snug in her backside.

On reflex, she canted her knees inward. A wasted effort due
to the ankle restraints.

“None of that.” Pierce’s reminder was followed by a sound
rap to the inside of one thigh that had her parting her legs with a soft

“Keep those pretty thighs apart. Another attempt to close
them will only earn you thigh straps.”

She’d seen pictures on the internet. There were straps for
nearly every movable part of the body, but she preferred to have a little
freedom. At least this first time. Hopefully for the next few as well.
Restrained to the cross was one thing, helplessly immobile another. Not that
she hadn’t fantasized about being that way with Pierce. But she preferred
working up to it. She shook her head. “No more straps. Please. I’ll keep them

“Relax, brat. You’re so juicy it’ll be in before you realize
it. But just to be on the safe side…” He squirted some lubricant in his hand
and began slathering it all over the dildo in a fashion that could only be
termed as masturbation. And damn if it didn’t make her hornier than she already

His soft smile, the reassuring stroke of his warm hand on
her lower leg, went a long way to setting her at ease.

He reached up, anchored a fist in the hair at her nape and
firmly planted his lips on hers. Distracted by his uncompromising domination,
the space he left between their bodies barely registered until cool silicone
met the heated tip of her breast.

She squealed. A short-lived muffled sound that flowed from
her mouth into his, eventually extinguished by his sensual tongue and hot
possession. Her natural inclination to retreat was curbed by the hard wood at
her back and the unyielding hand around her neck.

The smooth tip of the fake cock circled her hard nipple in
ever-widening maddening circles of sumptuous agony until it encompassed the
entire circumference of her now-aching breast. When the opposite breast was
likewise primed, he broke the kiss.

Eyes slumberous, wallowing in bliss, she attempted to follow
his retreating mouth, craving the warmth of his lips, only to be brought up
short by the tight grip he maintained on her hair.

She strangled a yelp, ground her teeth in frustration.

“Oh, I plan on giving you plenty more. After I’ve had a
little fun first.”

Her sex clenched at the husky threat.

He released her hair to squeeze her breast and bent to worry
her nipple with his teeth. He teased without mercy, without acknowledgement of
her pleading moans. Just sawing that damn thick dildo between her swollen
breasts. She forced her herself to swallow, take several calming breaths.

“Don’t stop, babe. I love all those sweet, sexy sounds you
make. Turns my dick so goddamn hard they could swap it for one of the girders
in the Detroit-Superior Bridge.” He trailed the fat head of the toy down the
center of her chest, paused to make lazy loops around her navel.

Heather couldn’t have held back her groan if her life was in
jeopardy. But Pierce’s existence may very well be in danger if he didn’t give
her some relief pretty damn soon. An empty threat emphasized a moment later by
her needy whimper when he slid the toy lower and it stopped short of her
throbbing clit. She forced out a screech through clenched teeth.

“That’s it, love. Make me believe you

Really want it? Was he fucking joking? If her hands were
free, she’d more than likely snatch that damn dildo out of his hand and shove
it so far up her aching pussy it wouldn’t see the light of day for a week. She
writhed in hope. Her abused ass protested with a flare of heat that fanned out,
crawled around her hips and centered between her legs. Were it a living entity,
she would’ve cursed it. As she wanted to curse Pierce, but didn’t dare for fear
of being gagged. Her restraint was rewarded when he squatted down, braced his
forearm on her pelvis, pinched back the hood of her clit and sucked the hard
point into his mouth as he dipped and swirled the fat head of the dildo in the
seeping juices of her pussy.

“God, yes. Please. Deeper. I need it deeper.”

Breaking off the suction, he flat-tongued her clit. “Not

Fuck that.

Her entire focus centered between her legs and the relief
she so desperately yearned for. If only she could force the dildo inside her.
She wiggled as much as his thickly muscled forearm would allow. Finally, in
desperation, she willed her body to go limp.

All to no avail. Silently cursing him, her wrist restraints
and every male Dom on the planet, she whispered, “Why? Why won’t you?”

“You know why.”

She shook her head. Blinked back tears of frustration.

“Yes. You do,” he insisted, coming to his feet in a lithe,
steady move.

He towered over her, requiring she stretch her neck to meet
his penetrating gaze. Like everything else about him, his size radiated power,
dominance. Dominance.
She drew a deep breath. She was doing it
again. Fighting his authority. Overthinking instead of feeling. Not giving
herself over to him on every level.

He smiled as if he’d gleaned her epiphany from her eyes as
clearly as if she’d spoken the words aloud.

“Yes, Pierce.”

His kiss this time was slow, minty sweet, deliriously
drugging. “Let’s try this again. Shall we?” The words were whispered across her
lips, starting a chain reaction of tingles that rippled down her entire body.

When he brought the dildo up to swipe her own fragrant
juices across her slightly parted lips, she didn’t even consider objecting,
hoping to orchestrate a faster payoff as she consciously shut down her brain
and concentrated only on
and the great pleasure she knew the man
she loved could give her.

“Close your eyes.” She obeyed the soft command, allowing her
other senses to take over. To sense the intensified feel of the dildo as it
followed the same path it had the last time, only considerably more amplified.
As was every little nuance of Pierce’s touch. His large powerful hands wrapped
around the pliable flesh of her breasts, followed by the sharp nip of his teeth
and swipe of his tongue on her nipples.

She drew a shaky breath at the feel of the now-warm toy,
slick with her juices, as it skated over and around highly sensitive flesh.

The air in front of her subtly stirred as she sensed Pierce
squat, felt the glorious heat of his breath along the length of her quivering
stomach, followed by the light graze of the phallus. The light feathering brush
of his exaltations over her naked mound, the warm stream of air he blew over
her clit that softly curled around her engorged nub.

All combined, everything seemed enhanced…too much…not

“Beautiful.” His tongue lapped through her swollen folds,
his saliva mingling with her own flowing juices.

God, how she wanted to kiss him. Taste their combined
flavors. Her mouth watered, even knowing she’d have to wait for the experience
as he made her wait for everything else. His terms.
body. She
belonged to him. Heart and soul.

“Now. Now you’re mine. Mine to tease. Mine to please.” He
rimmed her gaping opening with the tip of his finger. “Whose pussy is this?”

“Yours. Your pussy, Pierce.” Her heart fluttered at the

“Very good.” He painted her labia with her slick fluids, up
and over her clit. “Whose tits? Ass? Whose body?”

“Yours,” she said on a near sob. “All of it, yours.”

“Good girl.” He fit the head of the thick dildo to her
opening. Rubbed a soothing hand over the outside of one quivering thigh. “Do
you want this now? Should I make you come?”

“Yes.” She caught her lower lip between her teeth. “If it
pleases you.”

“It does please me. You please me. More than any other woman
ever has.”

Her breath stalled at his admission. Restarted on a loud
gasp when the wide head of the phallus breached her opening, the toy’s curved
tip riding over her G-spot, the tiny nubs on its long shaft scraping over
tissue already vulnerable from his previous loving. She felt stretched to
capacity. With the larger butt plug in her ass, there was no way the monstrous
dildo was going to fit. She swiveled her head side to side. No movement of the
damp hair plastered to her face. “No.”

“What, love? Too much?”

“Yes.” She nodded, even as her hips gyrated.

“Your mouth says it’s too much. Yet your body tells a
different story.” With a half twist, he worked the sex toy into her slippery depths.

“Nooo. Yes. Oh God.” She collected a deep breath. Sighed. “I
don’t know.” She wanted him to stop. Wanted him to continue. She felt full, yet
had this burning desire for more. A desire to grind down on the long stiff
object in his capable hand and ride it to a completion that was building hard
and fast, nevertheless still lurked in the shadows.

His tongue rode over her tight, aching clit.

“Pierce.” Half scream, half moan, his name tore its way from
the back of her throat.

“Want me to stop?” The pressure inside her eased.

“No!” Frantic, her eyes flew open. Each strained breath
scraping through her lungs.

He nipped and gently sucked the inside of her thigh, then
looked up. “You’re so damn wet. Tight. You think you’re full? Can’t take any
more? I had some doubts about sharing you, but your ass and snug little pussy
were made to be taken this way. Jesus. Just the thought of you taking two big
cocks at the same time makes my dick throb.”

She squashed any thoughts of being judged. “Earlier when you
mentioned a threesome with your friend, we delegated it to
but to be openly honest, it’s always been one of my deepest, darkest fantasies.
Knowing you would be one of the men makes me hotter than…well, damn hot. My
only fear is being able to handle both of you. You’re so big and if Gerard

The heat that flared in his eyes mirrored the flare of heat
between her legs. “You can take us both, love. I wouldn’t have mentioned it if
I’d thought you couldn’t. But don’t expect it any time soon. I want you all to
myself for a good long while.” The husky possessiveness in his voice made her
heart trip.

He easily advanced the dildo another inch, then two.
Clearly, even talking about being the center of two men’s carnal desires made
even her wetter.

She barely had time to process the feeling of being
stretched to capacity before he pinched her clit. A sharp attention-getting
tweak that pulled a drugged groan from her and momentarily shifted her focus
long enough for him to smoothly seat the toy all the way in.

She gasped. Gritted her teeth against a swell of discomfort
from being so full and the friction of the tiny nubs on the dildo raking along
her overstimulated tissues. Her squirming bid for freedom only managed to wedge
the toy more firmly. She wanted it out. “No. No. Take it out.” Her eyes

“Use your safe word.”

That sobered her. “Demoli—” She looked directly into his
eyes. “No.”

He studied her face a few seconds before reaching between
her legs to grasp the base of the butt plug and pumped. Not enough to pull it
out. Gentle pulsing pulls and thrusts that narrowed her attention to between
her legs.

She opened her mouth to protest. Snapped her lips closed at
the surprising feel of tiny nerves blazing to life, telegraphing a sizzle of
sensation across her entire body. She trembled. Groaned. If he took it out now,
she might very well strangle him.

His soft chuckle plucked her from a thickening fog of

“It feels…” She licked her lips. “Feels…”

“Fucking fantastic?”

Blunt, but accurate. “Exactly,” she admitted unashamedly.

“Think how much better it will feel when I slide my stiff
cock deep inside this sweet slippery pussy. Fuck you until you scream.”

The screaming part didn’t bother her as much as the thought
of how much more his dick would fill her. She was tempted to say she couldn’t
take more, but every time she thought that, he proved her wrong. Even as her
mind protested her ability to accommodate his big cock, her body quivered with

He pulled the dildo halfway out.

She whined. Clenched hard with her inner muscles to prevent
its loss.

“Not to worry, love. I’ve no intention of stopping.” One
easy push had her full again. The plunging of the butt plug became more
distinct, so near extraction that, like her vaginal muscles earlier, the tight
puckered ring of her anus contracted in protest.

Then Pierce set a tandem push-pull rhythm between the dildo
and toy in her ass, which made it impossible to think of anything but the
sensation of the toys sliding against each other. Separated only by a thin
membrane that did little to dull the heightened friction, the pressure was
nearly unbearable. She tried to split her attention between the sensations
building in her pussy and those in her ass, but soon that became futile as
individual sensation rose and the lines blurred into one massive buildup of
pleasure between her legs when Pierce’s strokes became faster, harder, deeper.

It wasn’t long before her body not only accepted, but began
craving the stretch. The incredible burn. The sinfully erotic fiery sting when
the wide base of the ass toy fought against hyper-sensitized straining anal
muscles, slipped out and was quickly shoved back in, the hard bump and firm
press of the dildo’s wide head knocking against her cervix.

BOOK: Restrained and Willing
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