Read Restrained and Willing Online

Authors: Tiffany Bryan

Restrained and Willing (24 page)

BOOK: Restrained and Willing
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Her whimpers, screeches and screams were interspersed with
inarticulate clipped sentences and nonsensical contradicting commands she
barely understood. But somehow Pierce did.

He worked her hard. Never letting up until she sobbed. She
didn’t know whether to love or hate him. Hate him for withholding her orgasm.
Love him for knowing how to give her the most unbearable excruciating pleasure
of her life.

“No!” She screamed in frustration, the piercing sound
ringing in her ears. “I don’t want…” Heart pounding, limbs boneless and trembling,
she panted, shook her head. “Take it out. Not…what I want. I want—”

“My cock,” he finished for her. The dildo disappeared to be
replaced by hot inflexible flesh, delivered in a single forceful surge into her
aching pussy. Her scream of surprise at being filled and stretched to the brink
was cut short by the hard demanding slam of Pierce’s lips against hers.

Not that it mattered, since words became a minor commodity
when weighed against the inconceivably incredible feelings she was

His entries were hard, demanding and steady as he continued
to work the butt plug with expertise, occasionally adding a grinding swivel
that seemed to touch every sensitive nerve ending with expert accuracy.

She’d probably be sore as hell tomorrow, but it would be
totally worth it.

When his lips left hers, their combined gasping breaths

He cradled her chin in the curve of his thumb and
forefinger, giving her no choice but to focus directly on his face. “You are so
amazing. So fucking hot.”

Beyond words as her orgasm neared, she tried to nod, but his
firm hold on her face made movement impossible.

“I could stay buried in you for hours. Days. Goddam forever.
Driving in and out of your pussy, your creamy juices coating my dick.”

Her body jerked with each forceful penetration of his hefty
cock. She tried to follow his conversation, but she was driven by pure need, so
only snippets of what he said registered. It didn’t matter, though. Whatever he
said, whatever he wanted, she’d gladly agree to. Anything. Everything. She was
his to use. His to command. Top to her bottom. She’d grant his every request as
long as he gave her the orgasm she frantically hungered for.

She closed her eyes.

The fingers cupping her face tightened. “Open.”

Had it been any other man, she doubted she could’ve obeyed.
Or would have wanted to. But the firm, softly spoken command compelled her to
fight the strong pull of her natural urges. She forced her eyes to open. She
was so damn close. The glorious friction, the fullness of the dual penetration
pulling her toward the climax that gnawed at the fringes of her coherent
thought with the savagery of a voracious wolf.

“You will not close your eyes. Rob me of a single second of
seeing, enjoying every facet of your pleasure. Ever.”

“Yes, Pierce.” The response rolled off her tongue without
thought or the slightest hesitation. At that moment, she knew that whatever he
asked of her, she’d do no matter how difficult the task because not only didn’t
she want to disappoint him, she belonged to him. Always would. Loved him with
every miniscule cell of her being.

“That’s my girl.”

His strokes slowed, but the intensity didn’t lessen as he
nipped her lip, dropped his hand down between their bodies and pinched her
aching clit.

“Now, my beautiful Heather. Come for me.” He pinched harder.
Pulled the butt plug from her body in one swift yank.

“Mother fu—” She compressed her lips together, struggling to
cope with the scalding intensity of the climax that erupted. Cataclysmic,
almost too much to bear, the steady rhythmic strokes of his surging cock
daunting as his innate skill at controlling pleasure kept her dangling at the
pinnacle until reality faded and nothing existed for her except Pierce. His
authoritative presence. His quietly murmured commands and loving reassurances.

At the precise moment she feared losing complete touch with
reality from the catastrophic pleasure holding her in its tight-fisted grip, he
murmured, “Again. Come for me again.”

And miraculously, she did.

His mouth covered hers, effectively muting the series of
screams and moans that followed as if he’d released her from some kind of
invisible restraints. Unseen, but no less incarcerating than the ones
physically imprisoning her to the St. Andrew’s Cross. Swamped by overpowering
pleasure, she fought her manacles as her pussy pulsed, flooded, easing the way
for Pierce’s fierce possession until his body seized and his cock pulsed,
filling her with his hot seed.


Pierce tenderly brushed the damp strands of hair away from
Heather’s face and pressed a gentle kiss to her temple. God, she was so
beautiful in her submission. Hell, she was beautiful all the time. His chest
ached with the fierce feelings swelling inside him, clamoring to get out. And
he wasn’t blind to her feelings. Her love for him shone in her dark eyes for
him to easily see. Not just a teenager’s infatuation like he’d imagined when
she was younger, but a grown woman’s love.

He had a hell of a lot of thinking to do and he just hoped
to hell he made the right decision, because the last thing he wanted to do was
fuck this up.

Conscious of her need for support, he hunkered down in front
of her limp form and released her ankles with great care, checking the areas
for any damage. Satisfied to see nothing unusual, just a bit of normal redness
from her tugging against the restraints, he rubbed both areas not only to
soothe the redness, but calm her as well. He worked his way up, giving her a
light rubdown. He’d give her a more thorough one later and apply some ointment
to her ass to help lessen the effects of the abuse he’d dealt it after a good
soak in the oversized tub in the master bathroom. It would easily accommodate
the two of them and they’d both benefit from a nice long soak.

He glanced up to see her watching him through drowsy eyes.

“Doing okay?”

A smile flirted with the corners of her soft, full-lipped
mouth. “Mmmm. A lot satisfied. A little sore.”

“Only a little?” He raised an eyebrow as he worked his way
up her legs with light rubbing strokes, stopping at the full roundness of her
curvy hips and slipped his hands between her ass cheeks and the cushion he’d
affixed to the cross. Squeezed. Not enough to hurt, just a gentle reminder.

She sucked a quick breath through gritted teeth and thrust
her hips forward until her sweat-slick body was plastered to his. Right where
he wanted her. He loved the feel of her soft, pliant body pressed against him.

“Maybe more than a little. I’d nearly forgotten how sore my
butt is.” She pouted.

Understandable in light of her pursuit of pleasure. He’d
worked her fairly hard. He almost regretted it since she was so new to this
kind of sex, but he knew he’d do it again, just to see her like this. Sweetly
complacent, looking at him through the slumberous eyes of a well-loved woman.

Had he not been so relaxed in the aftermath of his own
volcanic climax, he’d have resisted his need to kiss her, knowing the
frustrating female had the power to excite him with no more than a look. It
wouldn’t be prudent to take her again so soon. He’d never been a selfish lover.
Never let his lust overrule common sense, but Heather sorely tested those
self-imposed restraints. So when he took her soft lips, he kept the kiss
gentle, sweet. When even that tender contact caused his cock to stir, he pulled
back and removed his hands from her ass.

It nearly killed him not to cave under her soft hum of
protest. As a Dom, good judgment and the responsibility for her well-being fell
squarely on his shoulders. He shook his head to clear it. Silently swore when
he noted the yearning in her soft brown eyes.
He’d lay big money
on the odds she could tempt Satan to install water sprinklers in hell.

Thankfully, the amusing thought helped take some of the edge
off his rising desire. Ignoring his steadily stiffening dick, he kept his touch
as nonsexual as possible when he started at her waist and massaged his way up
to her restrained wrists. He stretched to snag a soft blanket from the stack on
the bottom shelf and wrapped it around her before he snaked an arm around her
waist and released her from the wrist cuffs.

She wilted against him, a puppet whose strings had been
sliced, her soft sigh flowing seductively over his neck. He repressed a
shudder, scooped her into his arms and headed for the stairs.

“Pierce?” She snuggled deeper.


“There’s something I wanted to tell you.”

“Shhh. Save it for tomorrow, brat. When we’re both more
coherent and less exhausted. It’s been an exceptionally long night.”

“Mmmm. All right.” The words came out on a tired sigh.

* * * * *

An hour later, propped up on his elbow, his energy waning,
Pierce stared down at Heather’s lush, naked form. She’d been half asleep
through the entire bathing process. She’d drifted off facedown on the bed
midway through his applying an ointment to the vibrant deep-pink globes of her
ass. She’d still be sore for a couple of days, a lingering reminder of her
mistakes, but not as bad as she would be without the cream’s soothing

Her face was turned toward him and he took the advantage to
assess her beauty one tiny feature at a time. She wasn’t perfect cover model
material. Hell, who was? They airbrushed the hell out of those pictures.
Nonetheless, she was perfect to him, right down to the scar under her stubborn
chin. He traced its short length with a light fingertip. That was what the little
brat got for playing roller derby on the frozen pond behind the family’s house
and talking a reluctant friend into whipping her out in front of the imaginary

Fuck! He hadn’t realized a chin could bleed so damn much. He
and her brothers had gotten their fair share of cuts and bruises growing up,
but seeing her with blood dripping down the front of her quilted white winter
jacket had nearly buckled his knees.

His dad in another country on business, he’d spent the week
with her brothers. They’d just gotten back from a hockey game at the Mentor
Civic Center and were raiding the fridge when they’d heard a bloodcurdling
scream. Closest to the back door, he’d been the first one out of the house.
When they’d arrived, Heather had one bare little palm under her profusely
bleeding chin, the other mittened hand jammed on her hip, demanding her
hysterical friend stop her wailing before someone found out they’d gone ice
skating without proper supervision. A hard-and-fast rule of her father’s.

Defiant little hellion.

He softly stroked the back of one finger over her soft

Funny how he remembered just about everything that involved
her, even from years ago, but sometimes couldn’t even remember more recent
facts about the women he’d spent time with.

Which brought him back full circle to his feelings and the
sudden epiphany that maybe he wasn’t commitment phobic after all. And maybe,
just maybe, Heather was the reason he’d never found a woman he could love.
Because maybe she’d been right under his nose for years.

Were he not worried about waking her up and thinking him a
lunatic, he would have had himself a good gut-splitting laugh.

He settled down next to her and carefully positioned her
inert warm body into the crook of his own. She didn’t even stir. Not that he
expected her to. He’d worn her out. Smiling, he slipped his arm over her waist,
cupped her breast in his hand and kissed her shoulder, taking in the scent of
sweet familiar woman and a hint of the honeysuckle soap he’d used to bath her.
With a smile on his face and the intention of sitting down with her tomorrow
for a serious talk, he drifted off.

* * * * *

He was pulled from deep sleep and it took Pierce several
moments to clear the fog from his mind and realize the notes from the old Hank
Williams song with the lyrics
Hey, good lookin’
wasn’t a figment of some
distorted dream. Rubbing eyes that felt as if sandpaper had been scraped over
them with one hand, he reached for his cell on the nightstand with the other.
Through blurred vision, he made note of the caller and the time. Whatever it
was that Doris, the longtime family cook, was calling about at three o’clock in
the morning, the news couldn’t possibly be good.

Chapter Fifteen


Heather walked up behind the lone broad-shouldered figure
standing stoically at the open gravesite and slipped her hand into his.
Pierce’s only acknowledgement of her presence was a light constriction of his
hand before it went lax again. His halfhearted response crushed her, but she
tried not to show it. He had enough on his plate.

He’d been unusually withdrawn when he’d awakened her after
the call informing him of his father’s fatal heart attack. They’d packed in
relative silence and left in the predawn light, the drive home seemed to take
forever due to his refusal to be pulled into any sort of conversation, giving a
minimum-word response to anything she’d asked.

Since he refused to share what he was feeling, she’d had no
idea how to help him. And it frustrated the hell out of her.

Never close with his father, the news of his death probably
wouldn’t have hit Pierce that hard if not for the fact the old man had died in
the bed of his business partner and supposed longtime friend while fucking the
man’s wife. When Pierce had found out the details, Heather had expected him to
explode, seeing as his father had done nothing but continually malign the
memory of his mother with her infidelity.
Supposed infidelity
Heather’s mind.

An accusation Heather had some serious doubts about, but no
solid proof to share with Pierce.

She’d never liked Pierce’s dad. She couldn’t quite explain
why when she was younger, other than a deep-rooted gut feeling. But as she
matured, she’d pegged him for a malicious manipulator who’d do anything to get
his way.

“Time to go.”

Heather looked up to find Pierce looking down on her. “I’ll
have to ride with you, since my dad and brothers already left for your house.”
Of course, she’d told them to go ahead without her to the after-funeral
gathering and now she was almost sorry she had. Maybe she should give Pierce the
space he seemed to want. But God help her, she couldn’t understand why he was
treating her like a distant friend after all they’d shared.

“That’s fine,” he said dully, taking a firmer grip on her
hand to lead her to the family’s personal limo without once looking back at the

Thinking back, Heather figured it was probably a good thing
she hadn’t had the chance to tell him she loved him the night before they’d
left the country house. How much more would his distancing himself from her
have hurt if she had? More than she cared to think about.

* * * * *

Two days later, Heather woke to an incessant buzzing.

It took her a minute to clear her sleep-fogged brain and
realize it was the front door intercom buzzer.

She looked at the bedside clock. “Two a.m.! Ya gotta be

With an audible sigh, she rolled out of bed and hurried down
to hit the speaker button.

“Heather. It’s Pierce. Open the door,” he said before she
could even ask who it was.

She buzzed him in. He must’ve flew up the steps because he
was in front of her in seconds, looking like someone who’d been in an
interrogation room for days on end. Rumpled, dazed and desperate with an
adrenaline rush of freedom that needed an outlet. Apparently she was that
outlet. Seconds later, her silk nightgown was ripped from her body and she was
plastered, naked, against the entryway wall.

“I need you.” The statement was muffled in the crook of her
neck. Long-awaited confession or one-night necessity? He gave her no time to
discern which as he fumbled between them to unzip his jeans, grab hold of his
cock, shoved upward and filled her.

“Shit!” The back of her head and ass rode up and down the
wall as he continued to stuff her with fierce strokes. He hadn’t even checked
to see if she was ready. Thankfully, it seemed she was always in a state of
readiness when he was near. Not that she cared he was in such a rush since she
was desperate for him too. It was just that it was so unlike his normal
attentiveness to her body’s needs whenever he’d taken her before.

“I love the way your pussy welcomes me, clutches my cock.”
His hips surged again. Pistoning in and out. His powerful thrusts harder than
she ever remembered. Reckless, dangerous. Like a man deprived of the one thing
he wanted and finally got it.


He groaned. Looked into her eyes. “Don’t ask me to slow
down. Or stop. I can’t.” His breathing was heavy against her heaving breasts,
his rhythm never faltered.

“No… Not that.” She shook her head. “I can’t hold—” She
swallowed, trying to moisten her mouth to get the words past dry lips. “I’m
going…going to come.”

“Fuck, yeah. Come for me, baby. Coat my dick with your hot

His lips slammed down on hers, muffling her scream of
release. By the time he pulled his head back and she managed a breath, all she
could say was, “Oh. My. God.”

A carnal smile on his lips, he pulled out of her, scooped
her up into his arms and carried her up the winding staircase to her room.
Without ceremony, he tossed her onto the bed.

Air burst from her lungs. She levered up onto her forearms
to watch as he hastily stripped off his clothes. When he shucked his jeans and
boxers, her gaze became glued to his massive raging hard-on. “You didn’t come.
Why don’t you bring that luscious bad boy over here and let me take care of
him.” She licked her lips.

“Not yet.”

He fell on top of her and smashed his mouth to hers in a
tongue-mating interlude that left her woozy from lack of air.

“Spread ‘em.” The request was a harsh rush of warm breath
that skimmed over her chest, making her nipples peak as he kneed her thighs
apart. He reached down to stroke his cock a couple of times, and looking
straight into her eyes, he sank his dick into her with little finesse, not
stopping until she swore he was pressing against the entrance to her womb. His
exits were slow, his entries powerful, forcing whimpers and soft screams from
her when he picked up the pace. But he always stopped whenever she was a stroke
away from getting off. How the hell he knew that, she wasn’t sure, because God
knew she tried to outsmart him on several occasions and failed.

“Damn you.” Her head swiveling back and forth on the plush
bedspread neither of them had bothered to toss off, she pushed her hips up off
the bed. He immediately balanced on one palm and slapped the other onto her hip
to still her.

“Not when you’re ready.” He shook his head. “When I’m

She tossed several profanities his way that wouldn’t reserve
her a place in line at the pearly gates. Not that it did any good. The man was
nothing if not stubborn.

He gave her two more orgasms before he flipped her over.

Apparently little about his taking her tonight was going to
be gentle.

He nudged the velvety tip of his cock in the crease of her
ass. “This…” He stroked up and down, slow and light, twice. “This is where I intend
to come tonight, sweetheart. Your tight, sweet ass. You ready for that?”

“Yes. Very.” She looked over her shoulder.

“Okay, then. Let’s get you prepped. You get the lube while I
grab a condom from my jeans,” he said, slipping off the bed.

When he left, she took the opportunity to grab the top of
the bedspread, shove it down, levered up on her toes and kicked it off the rest
of the way with her feet. Rolling to her side, she got the K-Y Jelly from the
nightstand drawer. She was barely back in position when she felt a dip where
Pierce knelt on the bed and grasped her hips.

“You trying to kill me, woman? God, you’re so exposed, your
pussy glistening. If it wasn’t your ass I was so desperate for at the moment,
I’d stand and fuck your beautiful cunt right now.”

“Ow.” A soft protest for the unexpected nip of his teeth on
her right ass cheek.

He grabbed the lube from where she’d placed it by her feet
and laid a solid line between her ass cheeks.

Her sphincter contracted. “
That was cold.” A
shiver danced up her spine.

“Not to worry, sweet stuff. It will be smoking hot in a
moment.” She could hear the light tear of the condom wrapper. “Reach between
your legs and give me your hand.”

When she did, he wrapped his hand around hers and together
they slid the condom down the length of his steely cock.

“See how hard I am for you, babe? I’m going to make this
last as long as I can, but I have a feeling this first time, in your ass, will
be quicker than I’d like. But no matter how fast, I’ll make sure we both enjoy
the hell out it.”

He gripped her hand tight and guided the head of his cock up
and down the crack of her ass several times in slow, sliding moves.

When he released her hand, she re-braced it on the bed. She
was a little anxious, a lot excited to finally be giving that part of her body
to him, wondering how his huge cock would feel in her tight hole.

“Relax. The way you did when I put in the butt plug. I’ll
take it slow. I’m only a little bigger.”

bigger? He either had no concept of size, or
was lying through his teeth to no doubt set her at ease. Probably the latter.
Heather took a deep breath, exhaled slowly and cajoled every muscle in her body
to relax.

“That’s my girl.” He rimmed her anus with the slick supple
tip of his dick, widening the circle in small amounts as he spread her ass
cheeks apart with his hands. Lightly bumped the tight ring of muscle, a little
deeper each time until the tip breached her opening.

She took another deep breath and canted her hips back.

His hands palming her ass, it didn’t take much pressure to
stop the motion. “Let me guide you through this first time. I may have
exaggerated a bit when I said I wasn’t much bigger than the butt plug.”

“Ya think?” she said with a hint of humor.

He chuckled and ran a tiny line of kisses down the middle of
her back, igniting a flood of goose bumps. “Okay, so I fibbed a little. But I
don’t want to hurt you.”

“You would never hurt me,” she said with conviction. At
least not
, she added mentally when there was an obvious

“Never intentionally.”

Then all conversation ceased when Pierce began priming her,
little by little, to take all of him. He fed her bits at a time. The stretch
and strain on her sphincter a pleasurable pain she never anticipated. The butt
plug was nice. This was ohhh sooo much better.

He worked her in easy precise strokes until he filled her
completely, the greased glide of the condom made the entire process a slick
sensual experience.

Once she was accustomed to his length and width, even as she
was learning to love this particular type of sex-play, she couldn’t help but
wonder if something weren’t missing. Mind reader that Pierce was, he let her
know exactly what when he slid two fingers easily into her soaked pussy.

“Too much?”

“No. That feels— Ugh. Absolutely marvelous.”

Both fingers sunk deep at the same time he seated his cock.


He worked her with sure, firm strokes that drove her faster
and faster to orgasm.

This time there was no calculated vault into a starry
stratosphere. Her escalating climax latched on to a shooting star and
catapulted her into a wondrous kaleidoscope environment that no amount of
marijuana could come close to duplicating. Not that she was an expert on
hallucinogenic drugs but, hell, she had gone to college.

His cock pulsed with his ejaculation and the last thing she
remembered was him lovingly turning her over and lowering his head between her
limp thighs to make delicious love to her with his mouth. She vaguely recalled
arching her back to give him better access or how the agonizingly sensual
flicks of his tongue as he toyed with her distended clit made it stiffen and
unbelievably sent her spiraling into yet another orgasm. Soft. Subtle. This
climax allowed her to fall gently into the folds of an exhausted sleep.

Hours later, light streaming into her bedroom through her
massive one-way privacy windows, she woke up alone, the sheets next to her
rumpled and starkly cold.

Pierce was gone and she had the scary feeling that something
other than Pierce’s body was missing.

They’d been closer before they’d started having sex. She
thought they’d be even closer after the intimacy they’d shared. She didn’t know
why he was seemingly distancing himself from her. What had changed? Worse, she
feared there was nothing she could do to fix it.

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