Reunion (Hunter's Ridge Book 3) (3 page)

BOOK: Reunion (Hunter's Ridge Book 3)
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Anna stood up and set aside the sweater she was knitting. Walking to the table, she reached up and palpated the bag to check its contents. "About another third to go," she announced, ignoring the groan of her small charge. She ran her hand underneath Louisa, her palms massaging the girl's distended abdomen to make sure there was enough room for the remainder of the large enema.

"Thank you," Louisa gasped, as another cramp seized her and her Nanny worked her through it.

"Are you remembering why lying isn't a good trait?" Anna asked, her hands continuing to massage.

"Yes, Ma'am," Louisa panted, her skin slick with sweat as she accepted her punishment the best she could.

"I should hope so." Anna reached up to squeeze the remaining liquid from the bag until every single drop had transferred into Louisa's body. "I'm going to remove the nozzle, don't you spill a single drop."

"Ye-yes, Nanny." It took all the strength she had to hold her enema as the nozzle was pulled from her, her teeth biting her lower lip as she clenched her sore pucker. She whimpered when she felt something pressing against her opening.

"Let me in," Anna said. "You need a nice fat plug, since you will hold your water while you repack your bag."

Louisa groaned as a large plug was pushed inside her and twisted until her Nanny was sure it would keep her from expelling before she was allowed.

"Good girl. Sit up now and I'll help you climb down."

Awkwardly, Louisa did as instructed and climbed to the floor, unable to straighten fully. Her hands moved to support her distended belly, her face turning red as she realized she looked as if she could give birth at any moment. Embarrassing gurgles continued to be heard as she was led to the carpet bag.

"Put your stuffies where they belong and return your nappies and night gowns to the bag," Anna instructed, returning to her chair to sit and supervise.

Though Louisa ached to expel, she couldn't move fast. It took her several trips from the bag to her shelves using only one hand, the other remaining as support for her tummy. Once every stuffie was returned to its proper place, she went to the table and began piling stacks of nappies into the bag. Dropping several, she almost cried when told to fold them properly before packing. After the bag was almost full, she gathered several of the short night gowns she wore to nap and placed them into the bag. Anna sent her to the table for powder and diaper cream and then had her add the box containing a spare thermometer and a jar of lubricant. A final jar, which contained the soothing ointment she wished had been applied to her tawsed bottom, was also tucked inside.

"Nanny Bremmer, may I please pack a stuffie?" Louisa asked meekly, knowing she would want one to cuddle for comfort.

"No, little one. Stuffies are a privilege earned by good little girls. However, make sure you pack your pink dummy. You'll need it to suckle during your naps."

Louisa found the dummy and, after placing it on top of the nightgowns, buckled the bag closed. She was directed to carry it and place it beside her trunk. After doing so, she turned to her Nanny. "May I expel, please?"

Anna stood and took her hand, escorting her to the water closet. After removing the plug, she settled Louisa on the potty chair with instructions to call when she was completely empty. It was a good quarter hour before she was called.

After being given a quick sponge bath, Louisa was reminded that it wasn't only little bottoms that were cleansed. Her Nanny soaped her mouth until froths of suds poured from her lips. Once allowed to spit and rinse, Louisa apologized again and swore she'd never ever tell another lie.

Anna dressed the very contrite girl in a ruffled pair of drawers and two stiff petticoats before pulling a pretty yellow dress over her head. A freshly starched white pinafore was tied around her small waist. Yellow ribbons were tied at the ends of her braids and around her knees to secure her white stockings. Her dressing complete after she slipped black flat shoes on her feet, Anna took Louisa by the hand and led her downstairs.

"Though you are definitely not the 'big girl' you claimed to be, I assume you are capable of remaining in the library while I continue my duties?" Anna questioned, and Louisa readily agreed.

"Yes, Ma'am." Louisa found a book and her doll, curling up on the settee. Sighing deeply, she opened her book to lose herself in a fairy tale, trying not to think about what price her Papa would extract later that evening in his bedchambers.





Chapter Two


When Edward returned home an hour later, it was to find his precious little lady curled up on the settee, her doll in her arms, an open book on the floor. She was sound asleep, and looked like the angel she normally was and not the naughty little girl he'd left in the nursery.

Sitting down, he gently pulled her onto his lap, cradling her in his arms. She murmured but he shushed her as he kissed her forehead. He'd awaken her in an hour; until then he was content to simply hold her. Her actions that day had truly surprised him, as she had stopped fussing about being diapered and taking a nap months ago. Perhaps she had truly believed that, since the two would be traveling with only a driver, she was not going to be expected to continue the daily routine required by his special little one.

Stroking his hand down her back, he sighed. No, she had to have known that napping, thermometers and nappies would be part of their trip. Why else would her Nanny have packed a carpet bag full of those specific items? His naughty girl had deliberately unpacked that bag simply because she had decided to dispense with what she didn't particularly care for. Not one to be denied his own pleasures when dealing with the woman he adored, he was very disappointed that she had tried to deny him the pleasure of taking care of her needs. It was clear that his little lady needed a very firm reminder that her vows included submission in all things; especially those she might find the most difficult to accept.

Perhaps it had been he who had become too lenient. If so, that too, would end. Lying was not a trait he would ever condone and his little lady would learn never to forget that fact. He caressed her back again, then slid his hand beneath her dress to pat against the ruffles of her drawers. She gave a soft moan and he had no doubt that her little bottom was still tender from the application of Anna's tawse. That woman was an expert with the implement; able to apply it rapidly without overlapping the marks while ensuring that not a single inch of a naughty bottom escaped feeling its sharp bite. His poor girl would find it difficult to sit for the next few days, especially after he tucked her into bed that evening. Patting her backside, he shook his head. Louisa's lessons obviously still needed to continue, and he had no qualms about taking care of every single need she had.

"Wake up, sleepy head," Edward said, after a servant appeared at the door to announce that the carriage had arrived. He removed his hand from beneath her dress and stroked his fingers down her cheek, watching as her eyes opened. She had the most beautifully colored eyes; a blue-violet that always made his heart quicken.


"Yes, little lady, you fell asleep. I suppose your body needed the rest after your tawsing and your enema. Were you my good girl during your cleansing, or is Nanny Bremmer going to have to report you were a naughty girl?" He adored the flush that appeared on her cheeks as she wiggled on his lap.

"I-I was good, Papa."

"Did you repack your bag?"

"Yes, Papa. It's ready and sitting by my trunk," she said.

"Good. I suggest you don't touch your nappy bag again."

"I won't, Papa."

Edward dropped a kiss on her forehead and set her on her feet. He stood and took her hand. "Do you need to go potty?"

"No, Papa," she said, her eyes flicking to the doorway.

Edward knew she was looking to see if the servant was still there, able to hear what he knew was an embarrassing question. He'd repeatedly told her that she was not to worry what anyone other than he might think, but it was a lesson she still hadn't truly accepted. "Very well, but when you need to potty, you are to inform me immediately. I have no wish for my precious girl to be uncomfortable."

"Yes, Sir," Louisa said as he led her through the house. "Are we not eating dinner?"

"Of course we are, I would never put you to bed on an empty tummy," he assured her, as he accepted her cloak from another servant and tied it around her shoulders. "We are eating elsewhere this evening."

Louisa remained silent, her teeth bothering her bottom lip as they walked down the front steps. It was a very rare occurrence for them to leave Wintercrest for an outing that had not been planned in advance. After she had been lifted into the carriage, Edward drew her onto his lap, adjusting her so that her tender bottom wasn't taking her weight.

"Where are we going, Papa?"

"You'll see. I have yet to acquire all the things for our holiday," he explained, as the carriage began to roll through the streets. "Being gone for an entire month necessitates quite a lot of preparation. The carriage we'll use for travel is still being configured to my specifications so it will be most comfortable for the journey."

"Why can't we go by train like Lucy and Uncle Lucas?" she asked, her head cradled against his chest, her small hand at his heart. "Lucy's letters made it sound like a wonderful way to travel."

Edward thought of his own letter from Lucas and doubted that Louisa's sister had confessed all that she'd experienced on the train. He reminded his wife why they would not be taking the train. "I'm sure it was, but we'll be stopping along the way so I might conduct some business."

"Oh, I'd forgotten you told me. I didn't mean to fuss, Papa. I was just thinking about how Lucy met Emmie on the train and they became good friends."

Edward smiled, she was being very polite and proper. He wondered if his well-behaved little lady was truly back or if she was attempting to have him reconsider the upcoming punishment he had promised before bed. He bent to kiss her gently. "I hope you are not too disappointed to be traveling with only your Papa."

"No, Papa, I don't really care about the train. I just want to spend time with you."

"Ah, we shall have plenty of time." He pulled her tight against him. "I promise our journey will be an adventure. I might not be a new friend but I'm quite certain we'll have time to play, as well." His hand patted her bottom.

They played together quite often, but most often their play was not that of little friends giggling, having tea parties, or dressing their dolls. He much preferred the kind that involved his naked little one draped across his lap or snuggled against him in their bed. He adored her giggles but also adored the moans, begging, and squeals she made when he drove her to the pinnacle of pleasure. Bending to place a quick kiss on her cheek, he saw that her face was flushed, and as she squirmed a bit on his lap, he wondered if her thoughts were on dolls or her Papa. It wasn't long before the carriage turned onto a familiar street and he felt her stiffen in his arms. Their destination was no longer in question. As the carriage pulled to a stop, he reached down and tilted her chin up with his fingertip.

"I expect you to be my good girl, Louisa. Do not think for a single moment that just because you are not enrolled here, any naughtiness will go unpunished. If you think your Nanny wields a mean tawse, I promise, Miss Summers is far harsher. You were a very naughty little girl and I will not be tolerant of bad behavior. Is that crystal clear?"

"Yes, Papa. Please, may I apologize to you now?"

Any thoughts of play disappeared as he looked into her eyes. Edward knew his little one still had a guilty conscience. Louisa might scream and fuss and thrash about when she was getting her bottom blistered, but that was only temporary pain. She would not feel cleansed nor forgiven fully until allowed to make both her apology and penance. Having an aching heart made for a far more enduring lesson.

"I don't believe you are yet fully ready to make that apology, little one," he said. "It is my hope that you will be soon, at which time I will gladly listen and allow you to make your proper penance. For now, I suggest you do nothing that will make that apology or your penance even more difficult."

"Yes, Sir."

Edward rapped on the roof of the carriage to inform the driver he was ready to disembark. He climbed from the carriage and turned and lifted his wife out. Instead of setting her on her feet, he placed her on his hip, and felt her obediently wrap her arms and legs around him. Patting her bottom, he carried her down the brick walkway and up the steps where the large etched glass door opened to reveal their hostess.

"Welcome, Edward," Eleanor Summers said, then bent to place a kiss on Louisa's cheek. "Hello, Louisa. It's been too long." She smiled even as she shook her head. "I suppose that is part of the problem, as I heard you've been a very naughty girl. Never you mind, I'm sure that you will be back to your sweet self soon enough." Another women entered the wide foyer. "Louisa, this is Nanny Minnie. Minnie, please take Louisa to the nursery and change her. Dinner will be served soon."

"Yes, Miss Summers." Minnie took Louisa's hand, looking down to make sure the woman's attention was on her before giving her first instruction. "You are not to speak, as babies have no need to voice their thoughts. You are to remain completely silent until given permission to grow up. Is that understood?"


Louisa wanted to pull away but, remembering her Papa's words, she nodded, falling into step beside the woman. She glanced back over her shoulder to see him offering his arm to Eleanor. A quiver ran through her body as she tried to determine what reason her Papa had for bringing her here. She was still trying to ascertain his purpose when they arrived in front of a set of double doors after climbing three flights of stairs. It was all she could do not to bolt when the woman opened the door and pulled her inside.

They were in a huge room. Sconces along the walls had been lit against the encroaching twilight, and yet every detail of the room was visible. Several cribs were against the walls as well as several changing tables. Rockers stood beside each crib, small stools in front of each one. All these things were familiar to Louisa, as she had a version of each in her own nursery. What wasn't familiar were the two tall items in the corner of the room, with thick pillows lying along the lengths, and leather straps at each of the four legs. On the wall over the furniture hung a variety of implements that had her skin crawling. Thick paddles, several straps and rattan canes hung on hooks, and an urn held several birch rods, made up of several switches tied together with red ribbons.

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