Reunion (Hunter's Ridge Book 3) (4 page)

BOOK: Reunion (Hunter's Ridge Book 3)
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Tearing her eyes away, she looked up to see the Nanny looking down at her. "Those are punishment ponies, Louisa. Naughty little ones ride them as their backsides are reddened. Though not anywhere near as fun as riding a horse on a carousel, I promise the lesson learned is not soon forgotten."

Louisa could think of nothing to say and was grateful no response was expected or allowed. She was led to one of the changing tables.

Minnie turned Louisa around to untie the bow of her pinafore. "The nursery is for those who have been very naughty and who have forgotten to be thankful for the privileges their Papas have allowed them." She set the pinafore aside and worked on the tiny buttons at the back of the yellow dress. In a matter of moments Louisa stood only in her drawers, which were swiftly pulled down and removed. Her hands itched to cover her breasts and sex, although she had grown accustomed to being stark naked in front of her own nanny. The urge to cover herself grew when the door opened and another woman in a nanny uniform entered, holding the hand of a young woman.

"A new student?" the Nanny asked, even as she began undressing her charge.

"No, Suzanna, just a guest," Minnie answered as she patted the top of the changing table. "Unless, of course, Louisa's Papa decides she'd benefit from a longer stay. Right up now, little one. Let's get that naughty bottom diapered."

Louisa trembled but obeyed, new fears invading her thoughts. Would her Papa truly leave her here? She knew that he and Eleanor were great friends, knew that Eleanor ran a special school for the training of women who chose to lead their lives as she did—in dual roles. Had her choice to attempt to deceive her Papa and to lie about that choice made him decide his little lady needed another's training? Feeling tears prickling her eyes, she clenched them tightly closed.

"Claudia's Papa has enrolled her for the weekend," Suzanna said, helping the young woman onto the table. "Seems that she has yet to believe that whining and fussing will do nothing but get her tushie repeatedly reddened."

The nannies chuckled as thermometers were shaken down and dabs of lubricant applied to small puckers. Both girls moaned at the insertion of cold glass rods, but neither spoke.

Louisa was very embarrassed that this woman would be able to see that her bottom had recently been punished. She gave a soft whimper as Nanny Minnie patted her buttocks, very grateful the condition of her backside remained unmentioned. A generous amount of cream and powder was applied before not one, but two thick nappies were pinned in place, and a diaper cover pulled on. Instead of having her own clothing replaced, she was put into a white nightgown that was tied with pink ribbons down the front. Her legs and feet were left bare as she was helped from the table.

Upon standing, Louisa gasped. Not only was the bulk of the nappies twice what she was accustomed to; they forced her thighs apart. The diaper cover made embarrassing crackling sounds every time she moved her legs, and the gown—oh, Lord, it came down only the barest inch beneath her diapered bottom. Her embarrassment only grew as a frilly white bonnet was put on her head and tied beneath her chin with a large, silk bow. Anyone who saw her would know the grown woman was being treated as a baby. Seeing Claudia dressed identically didn't do a thing to assuage her feelings of embarrassment. In fact, the opposite was true. With another there dressed as she, there was no need for a mirror. All Louisa need do was watch the other girl walk, see Claudia's flushed face, and know that she looked the same. Closing her eyes, she prayed that Nanny Minnie was about to put her into one of the cribs. The thought of leaving the room dressed as an infant had her trembling.


The instruction had her eyes flying open to see a huge dummy.

"Oh, please—ow!" Louisa yelped as a hand slapped her thigh before she was led to a rocking chair. Her diaper cover and nappies were pulled off to bare her bottom. She was pulled across the woman's lap in less time than it took her to manage a single thought of what she had done.

"You were instructed to remain absolutely silent. Infants may not use words, but I admit they do cry quite lustily." Minnie began to spank her hard and fast.

Louisa shrieked as her bottom bounced beneath the nanny's palm, the spanking quickly done, though its short duration did not speak of its ease. Her bottom had already been quite tender and now every inch of it was red and aching. She fought back tears, blinking rapidly as she was set onto her feet.

Minnie led her back to the changing table, ignoring Louisa's hiss when her freshly spanked bottom took her weight.

"Warnings are not given in the nursery, Louisa. You were sent here because you've obviously failed to heed the warnings and rules of your Papa. Every misbehavior is instantly attended to and will only serve to redden your hiney." She wiped a cool cloth across Louisa's face. "Lie back, now."

Louisa did so, sniffling, the back of her hand running across her cheek where a tear had slid free.

"Shh, your spanking is over now. No need to cry." The Nanny used another cloth to clean between her legs.

Louisa's face burned at the knowledge of what the woman found; her body betraying her once more, creaming even as her bottom was set aflame.

"Now, now, this sweet little quim is nothing to fret about," Minnie said, as she calmly worked to rediaper her charge. "You can't help how your body reacts, but what you can help is your behavior. If you must fret, I suggest you think about going for a ride on one of our ponies. Is that what you need to learn I mean business?"

Shaking her head vigorously, Louisa opened her mouth wide, accepting the dummy.

Claudia, who also had a dummy in her mouth, was standing beside the door, her hand in her Nanny's, waiting for the punishment to be done. As Louisa was helped from the table, she saw the other woman give her a sympathetic look and, for some reason, it made Louisa feel slightly better—as if Claudia were Lucy; the sisters giving each other support in all things.

The four left the nursery. Louisa kept her eyes lowered as they passed several young women dressed in frilly dresses far beneath what was appropriate for their chronological age, wishing she was still wearing her pretty yellow dress. These were the students of the school, their chatter and giggles filling the halls as they all moved down the stairs, across the foyer and into the dining room. Lifting her eyes, Louisa watched as the young women moved around the table to stand behind chairs, none yet taking a seat.

Nanny Minnie led her to the end of the table and, to Louisa's horror, removed the tray from an adult-sized high chair and patted the seat. "Right up now, little Louisa. Let's get you all secured so you can't fall out and hurt yourself." Louisa moaned as a strap was placed around her waist and tightened, and the tray replaced. A frilly baby bib was tied around her neck. Claudia was seated in an identical chair next to her.

"Good evening, Miss Summers," rang out as the students all spoke together. Looking up, Louisa saw the woman entering and gasped. She recognized the man walking beside her own Papa. It was Professor—no,
Charles Lloyds—the same man who had wished to marry her sister.

After her Papa pulled out Miss Summers's chair and she sat down, the students all took their seats and Edward and Charles walked to the end of the table. It was only when she saw Charles bend to kiss the top of Claudia's bonnet that she realized Lucy's old beau had obviously found another to love. Despite her situation, she was very pleased to see Charles smile.

"Good evening, Louisa," he said.

All she could do was nod, the dummy reminding her that speech was prohibited. Dinner was brought in; small empty plates placed on the trays of the high chairs, along with large baby bottles full of milk. Just seeing a bottle instead of a glass had Louisa's face flaming. She watched as her Papa cut up some of his serving of chicken and transferred the bites to her plate, followed by small pieces of vegetables and a portion of mashed potatoes. She looked for an additional set of silverware but saw none. Instead, her Papa speared a bite of chicken on his fork and looked at her.

"You may have your dummy back in a bit, baby girl, but for now, it's time to eat your dinner. Open wide for Papa."

She felt him tug the handle of the dummy and released it to him. As the fork was presented, she had to bend forward to accept the bite.

"That's my good girl," Edward praised, lifting his napkin and dabbing it against her lips though there was no need. "Let's have a bite of peas, shall we?"

Louisa felt horrible, the lesson being taught quite clear. Her eyes filled as her Papa continued to feed her small bites, praising her for being such a good 'baby girl' and not using the name she adored: 'little lady'. He picked up the bottle and placed it at her lips.

"Careful now, Papa doesn't want you to choke, sweetie."

She suckled for a few moments and continued to accept small mouthfuls of food offered as he and Charles fed their naughty babies. She listened to the other girls chatting, and realized that not a single one appeared surprised to have women of their own age sitting in high chairs and being fed like infants. A tear slid down her cheek, only to be wiped away by her Papa's napkin. He bent close and kissed her cheek, the look in his eyes making her feel infinitely sorry that she had brought them to this. Desperately wishing she could make her apology, she could only accept every bite, every dab of the napkin, and suckle when given her bottle.

When her plate was empty, he ate his own meal, talking with Charles while she and Claudia sat quietly. Being relegated to silence made Louisa realize the joy of speaking, the comfort of discussion. Her Papa and she had many lively discussions, often disagreeing and yet enjoying the discourse. She remembered giggling when he'd pull her onto his lap and tickle her until she was screeching and conceding him some point. He'd then cuddle her close, his fingers stroking through her hair or patting the ruffles of her drawers before taking her to his bed to make love to his little lady. Wanting nothing more than to crawl onto his lap and beg him to forgive her, she didn't even realize she had whimpered until her Papa picked up the discarded dummy and pressed it back into her mouth.

Eleanor dismissed her students to go read in the library or play games until it was time for bed. Standing, she came to the end of the table where the two couples sat.

"Claudia, your Papa will take you upstairs, feed you the rest of your bottle, and allow you to ride a pony as he tends to your bottom," she said. "You will be restricted to the nursery until Sunday evening, at which time your Papa will make the decision if you are ready to return home."

When Charles released the tray and lifted his wife into his arms, Eleanor patted her on her diapered bottom. "Until your Papa takes you home, this little backside will be reddened nightly during your pony rides. I suggest you consider exactly how long you wish to test your Papa's resolve."

Louisa's eyes flew to her Papa, her mouth opening, the dummy falling to the tray. She was about to speak when he shook his head, picked up the dummy and returned it to her mouth.

"Thank you, Eleanor. Dinner was delicious," Charles said, his wife on his hip, her baby bottle in his hand. "I'm sure little Claudia will take your advice to heart." He patted the woman's bottom. "Or wish she had, by the time she leaves the nursery."

Louisa watched as Claudia laid her head on her Papa's shoulder. It was truly amazing to see another young woman, one bound by matrimony, choosing to live as his treasured little one even knowing what was awaiting her only a few floors away. She was so focused on watching the couple leaving, she didn't realize her own tray had been removed until the strap was unbuckled from her waist and her Papa lifted her from the high chair.

"Shall we speak in my office?" Eleanor suggested.

"That would be fine," Edward agreed, picking up Louisa's bottle. "I can finish feeding Louisa and we can discuss her future."

Future? God, did that mean she was to be taken upstairs? Was Mr. Lloyds being given time to tend to his naughty little one before it was her turn? Would her Papa bare her bottom and place her on the punishment pony? Did he plan on strapping or caning her backside before accepting her apology? Was she going to have to offer her body for penance while another chastised little one lay in her own crib?

Burying her face in his neck, she struggled not to fuss, to remember her vows and the fact that, if she found herself over those pillows, she had only one person to blame.

Miss Summers's office was large and comfortable. Two armchairs sat before a desk, a settee to one side. After once glance, Louisa refused to look again at a large urn that contained several canes. She thought there must be urns or hooks or cupboards in every room, implements instantly available to tend to a naughty student—maybe even a visitor.

Edward popped her dummy from her mouth and slid the nipple of her bottle between her lips. He adjusted her in his arms until she was lying comfortably, curled in his lap, one hand on the bottle and her other on his chest. There was no need for his hand to slide under her gown, it was far too short to cover her bottom. She felt her Papa patting her backside, the crackling of the diaper cover embarrassingly loud.

"As we discussed, I've arranged for the items Lucas requested, and have them ready to go. I also have your order prepared. I know you are going to have such a lovely holiday. Please give them both my love. I've tucked some additional gifts into the trunk—I'm leaving it up to you to keep the little ones from sneaking a peek before Christmas morning," Miss Summers said.

"That's generous of you, Eleanor, I'm sure the girls will appreciate the gifts. I would also like to ask if you have additional items available now. I know I should have placed an order earlier but, well, I admit I wasn't quite sure of their need."

"I'd be glad to provide anything I can, Edward. Did you bring a list?"

He plucked a folded piece of paper from the pocket in his vest, bending forward to pass it to Eleanor. Louisa didn't know whether to hide her face again or try to ascertain what might be on a list that was to be filled by this woman. Seeing the woman smile, she made her decision, turning her face back to her Papa's chest. Something about the smile had her tummy fluttering, her quim tingling, and her bottom crawling—all at the same time.

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