Reunion (Hunter's Ridge Book 3) (5 page)

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Eleanor read down the page. "Excellent choices, Lord Wintercrest. I can see the benefit of each, and believe everything you require is on hand. Why don't you finish with your little one while I gather the items?"

Louisa trembled as her Papa agreed, and listened as Eleanor rose from her chair to come to stand beside him. She gasped as she felt another hand on her bottom, giving it a pat. "Don't you worry about a thing, sweetheart, your Papa is going to take very good care of you."

Louisa had no doubt the woman spoke the truth—the question was exactly what form that care was going to take. Quivering, she blushed at the thought of all the possibilities, and understood that it didn't truly matter as long as it was her Papa doing the caretaking.




Chapter Three


Louisa took the last few ounces of milk as her Papa held her. He removed the nipple and again pressed the dummy between her lips. It didn't take long before she felt her bladder clenching. Though it was very hard for her, she understood without being told that her Papa not only understood her squirming, he fully expected her to make use of the nappy she was wearing. Thinking about the nursery upstairs, the items awaiting a naughty baby, and praying that her Papa's intentions weren't even close to those she imagined, she submitted to his wishes.

Her eyes were closed, her mouth working the dummy as she whimpered softly, her bottom pressing hard against her Papa's hand.

"Good girl," he said as he bent to press a kiss to her forehead. "Are you ready to tell Papa what you've learned?" At her nod, he plucked the dummy from her mouth, his finger hooked into the ring.

Relieved that she would be allowed to speak, she took a deep breath, wanting to get it right. "I learned that you've been giving me gifts for which I've been ungrateful. I learned that you do not treat me like an infant—not in the truest sense. I learned that what I did was not only naughty, it was very disrespectful in that I attempted to deny your desire to take care of me in all ways. Papa, I am so sorry. I want to be your little lady… not your baby girl. I promise, I will never fuss again when you or Nanny Bremmer diaper me. I'll be a good girl and remember that when you change me, it is because you love me, and it is your desire to care for me in the most basic way."

Edward smiled down at her and just seeing that made her smile.

"I'm sorry, Papa," she went on. "I-I won't ever lie again, either."

"Little lady, I'm proud of you. I was prepared to leave you here, overnight at least—"

"Oh, Papa, please don't!"

"Don't interrupt me, little one," he warned, though his tone was soft. "I said I was prepared to, yet I don't believe that will be necessary." Louisa relaxed in relief, her heart returning to its normal rhythm instead of the fast beats the evening's events had caused. "Don't misunderstand, little lady. You are still going to be punished and make your penance, but knowing you understand the lesson, I believe our bedchamber is the place to conclude your lesson."

"Thank you, Papa." Hearing him calling her by her pet name had her concern ebbing just a bit.

"You are welcome. Now, let's see about getting you changed out of your wet nappy, shall we?"

Louisa nodded and, though she steeled herself for a return visit to the nursery, her Papa surprised her by standing and moving to where a bell pull hung by the desk, giving it a tug. He continued to hold her until a knock sounded on the door. Opening it, he asked the servant to bring him Louisa's clothing, some cloth to wash her with, and an ewer of water.

It didn't take long before the servant returned, placed the ewer and basin on a small table, and laid the clothing over the back of the chair. Pulling additional items from her deep pocket, she spoke, laying a bar of soap and a washcloth on the table. "Would you like me to change your little one, Sir?"

"No, I find great pleasure in caring for Louisa myself."

"Very well, just leave her nappy and clothing in the basket by the table. I'll return to take care of them once you are done. If you need anything else, just pull the bell cord."

"I will, thank you." Once the girl had gone, he set Louisa down and removed her diaper cover and her wet nappies, dropping them in the basket. Smiling, he untied the bonnet and bent to kiss the top of her head. "I believe I'll order a few of these as well. You look absolutely adorable in the sweet bonnet." He removed her gown, then dipped the cloth in the water he poured from the pitcher, sudsing it well.

"Open your legs, sweetie. I know this is a strange place to have a quick bath but it will do."

Louisa didn't fuss as she spread her feet apart to allow her Papa to wash between her legs. He rinsed out the cloth and applied more soap, scrubbing her quite thoroughly, his fingers spreading open the lips of her labia and then the cheeks of her buttocks to make sure every inch of her was clean. Patting her dry with a towel, he helped her into her clothing, pausing to drop a kiss on her nipples before pulling her dress up. She trembled as her nipples pressed against the bodice of her dress, wishing he'd lower it again and suckle them as she'd suckled the dummy and the bottle. When he pulled her between his legs to button the dress, she felt his erection against her back. Though freshly cleansed, her quim began to fill, and her heart again began to pound. Her tongue licked across her bottom lip and her face heated as she imagined her Papa's cock moving in and out of her mouth as she made a proper penance.

Edward's grin when he turned her around had her wondering if he was truly able to read her mind. He said nothing, just bent forward and kissed her until her knees were shaking. He only ended the kiss when a knock sounded right as the door opened and Eleanor returned.

"I see you will not be staying the night, Louisa," Eleanor said.

"No, Ma'am, Papa is taking me home," Louisa said softly. "Thank you for the lesson, and I promise to remember it as Papa punishes me tonight."

"I hope you do, little one, but there is always a place under my roof for another little one who needs a reminder."

"Yes, Ma'am."

Louisa was guided to sit on the settee as Eleanor handed Edward a large box. "I've placed everything on your list inside and took the opportunity to include duplicates of a few things for Lucas and Stefan Northbridge. I'll be glad to take back anything they might not decide to keep." She smiled as she looked at the beautiful blonde woman sitting at her Papa's side. "However, I'm willing to bet that, considering the other items he requested, our little Lucy and her friend Emmie are still undergoing much needed lessons themselves."

Edward chuckled and thanked her. "You have very good business acumen, Eleanor. I'm willing to wager that, once Lord Northbridge discovers the excellent quality of your items, he'll not only become a frequent customer, he'll also share knowledge of your inventory with acquaintances who share in this desire to care for our special little ones."

Louisa's curiosity was piqued but she knew she'd not so much as touch the box, sure it contained items that she couldn't even imagine. Her face flushed as she thought of some of the things her Papa used on her in their bedchamber and her drawers moistened wondering what awaited her during their journey. She was brought out of her thoughts as her Papa stood and gave Eleanor a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"I wish you a safe journey," Eleanor said, bending to kiss Louisa's cheek. "Tell Lucy I miss her. You will both always have a very special place in my heart. Be a good girl for your Papa and Uncle Lucas."

"Yes, Ma'am. We'll come back and tell you all about our trip when we return… oh, I mean, if Papa says we may."

"We definitely will do exactly that," Edward agreed. "You'd better prepare for quite the story. With four women under his roof, I'm sure Lucas has stories upon stories."

Eleanor's laugh was delightful as the three walked back through the house. She helped Louisa into her cloak. "You forget, I have up to a dozen little ones under my roof at any given time. But I'll admit, I look forward to hearing about your holiday. Merry Christmas, and I'll see in you in the new year."

"Merry Christmas, Miss Summers," Louisa called out, as she practically skipped down the sidewalk to the waiting carriage. She knew she was going to have her backside thrashed once they returned home, but was far more grateful than worried. Yes, her bottom would burn, but when her punishment was done, she'd fall asleep securely wrapped in her Papa's arms in his big bed in her home at Wintercrest Manor.

Her hand gripped her Papa's as he led her upstairs and into his room. It was a place she loved being in; the large, masculine furniture suiting her Papa and offering yet another level of feeling protected. She loved nothing more than to be in his huge bed, her body quivering as she awaited his hands, his lips, his breath on her body, and his cock buried deep inside.

Edward undressed her. Naked, she shivered, submission flowing through her as she stood before her large husband, watching as he removed his coat. The deliberate way in which he slowly rolled up his shirt sleeves had her trembling, her hands aching to move back and protect her bare buttocks. Her heart and soul might understand that she was willing to submit to his discipline, but that did not negate the fact that the discipline was going to be painful and leave her in tears. Swallowing hard, she awaited his instructions.

"Fetch your strap, your box of naughty plugs, and the pot of lubricant. You will start with the first, receive six strokes of the strap, and move up in size until you are holding the largest in your flower."

"Yes, Papa." Louisa had her answer as to what implement he would use to punish her. She also understood that her penance would not be given kneeling before him—it would be given with her well-thrashed posterior lifted for his intimate punishment.

Turning, she walked to the large armoire. Her Papa no longer kept it locked. He'd told her that he felt it a great lesson to have her bring the items for her punishment to him, stressing that having to do so focused her mind on the fact that it had been her choices that led to the necessity of the lesson. Opening the door, she removed the thick leather strap from its hook and looped it over her arm. She had to stand on her tiptoes to reach the wooden box that contained her set of plugs. Getting the jar of lubricant, she returned to where her Papa was standing, passing the items to him.

"Bring the nettle oil as well."

"Ye-yes, Papa," she said, the small green jar being one that was seldom required. She returned with it and, at his nod, climbed the steps at the foot of the bed and moved to lie on her back, her bottom at the edge of the mattress.

"Present your quim."

Swallowing hard, she drew her legs up, placing the soles of her feet together and then allowing her knees to drop to the mattress. In this splayed position, her quim was presented, already glistening.

Opening the nettle oil, he reached between her legs and used his fingers to open the pink lips of her labia. A finger slid over her clitoris until she was moaning, the small bud swelling and throbbing at his tender touch. Once it was standing tall and proud, he used the small dropper in the bottom to apply several drops of the oil. By the time he capped the jar, she was already feeling the burn, the oil heating not only her pleasure nub but sliding down to burn between her inner lips.

He placed the open box next to her and removed the first of the plugs. She obediently lifted her knees to her chest, moving her hands to pull apart the globes of her bottom. Sucking in her breath, she tried to be still as he applied a dollop of lubricant to her pucker.

"Don't clench, Louisa, we've only just begun."

With the oil burning between her legs, it was very difficult to relax, especially when his finger pushed into her back passage. Despite his frequent use of her small pucker, it was still very difficult for her to submit. He was very well endowed, his cock long and extremely thick. Even her largest punishment plug was smaller than his cock, which made this ritual necessary whenever he was going to accept penance given with her bottom-flower.

He removed his finger and applied a thin layer of lubricant to the very tip of the first plug. "Insert it now."

He'd begun insisting that she impale herself with her own plugs during punishment. He'd often insert one when he simply wished to know she was holding one inside her beneath her clothing, or he'd even spend an hour or so with her over his lap, playing with various plugs as he brought her to culmination time and time again. But on nights such as these, he preferred watching her do the honors.

Taking the plug in one hand, she kept herself open with the other. She moaned as she began to seat the smallest of the plugs, keeping her eyes on his as required.

"That's my good girl, give it a push," he said. She obeyed, her body jerking as her sphincter opened. "Come now, Louisa, it is but the smallest. Push it all the way inside." Once it was in place, he picked up the strap. "Hands on your ankles, lift that naughty bottom well up for Papa."

Grabbing her ankles, she pulled her legs over her head until she was bent almost in two. If she'd thought having her legs lifted so that a nappy could be slid under her bottom was embarrassing, this diaper position was far worse—being made to hold her own legs up so that her bottom could receive her Papa's chastisement. It had taken repeated practice to be able to assume and maintain the position until she was allowed to lower her legs. With her toes touching the mattress over her head, her bottom was lifted off the mattress and presented for his strap. It was horrid being able to see his arm lift, and watch the leather moving through the air to crack against her lifted rear.

Biting back her cries, she gripped her ankles tighter, her legs trembling as another five strokes were delivered. Whimpering, she accepted the second plug after he'd removed the first. She managed not to begin sobbing until she'd placed the third plug into her bottom and taken the six strokes.

"Papa, please… it hurts."

"Shh, naughty little ones get their bottoms strapped and their little flowers stretched." He ran his finger between her legs, finding her quim flooded with her cream despite her welted backside. "Here you go, last one," he said, as he pressed the largest plug into her small hand.

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